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Posts posted by aray171717

  1. nightblood is sentient only with the help of his breaths which are splinters of endowment. when a person takes a shard their body disolves as in mistborn. assuming nightblood would dissapear like in vin or sazed's case then the breaths would no longer be bound to him and he would lose sentience thus rendering him incapable of holding a shard.

    my opinion is that the act of obtaining a shard would kill nightblood thus leaving the shard holderless and able to be picked up by anyone else as if nightblood had never tried to hold it.

  2. personally i think awakening should be classified as both end negative and end neutral. with the case of humans no power is lost because breath can be recalled. excluding of course lifeless. on the other hand in the case of returned they can still use awakening but have to feed off other breaths to sustain themselves.

    there see neutral and negative. but classified differently according to the user.

  3. perhaps i wasnt clear before when i mentioned that hoid could have held adonalsium.

    i thought that since he was there when it shattered it was possible he was holding it at the time and the shattering could have forced him to take on his physical form again. an event similar to when ati and vin died there bodies reformed and dropped to the ground. accept since adonalsium shattered and not his mind like in vin and ati's case he would still be alive.

    this would explain his knowledge of all the shards and their natures because he would have once held them and retained his knowledge of them. it could also explain how he can "planet hop" using the cognitive realm, and everything he apparently knows about all the shard worlds like in mistborn, he always seems to be around important events. he might know when and where these events would take place because he was there before as adonalsium and would have had some ability to see the future.

  4. This may have already been addressed in another entry but i'me to lazy to look for it.

    I have noticed that many people think Hoid might have been or still is a shardholder. however he was also confirmed to be there when Adonalsium shattered.

    Is it possible that Hoid was once the holder of Adonalsium?

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