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Tinfoil Hats and Ironsight in the Belly


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Allomantic iron and Allomantic steel work directly from the center of mass

Aluminum foil hats protect against Soothing and Rioting

This suggests that these forces originate from specific points, and target specific points. The hats make sense on the receiving end, as the allomancy is working on your brain - except, they aren't working on your brain. They're working on your cognitive aspect, which is held in a different dimension, and Stamps don't need to affect the head. Wait, what?

So yeah. Why do hats work? Is it because you believe they should work? Would a glove or pair of underpants work? (Cold metal undies would keep SOMETHING from rioting, that's for sure)

How about the Iron and Steel? Where would that originate from if you were weightless? What about Bronzepulses? What part of you picks them up? Does Pewter make you strong all at once or does it start somewhere and flow out? What point on you do Bendalloy and Cadmium bubbles originate from? Your center of mass? Your heart? The most temporally stable bit of you?

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Brass doesn't affect the brain? What is your Source?

As for Iron and Steel, you ALWAYS have weight. Even in space, 10,000 miles away from Earth you DO have weight. Granted, it is near zero but still there. This is because weight is actually a measurement of the amount of force GRAVITY is exerting on you at any given time. And because it is provisionally impossible to escape our universe at this time, you will always be affected by gravity. The idea of weightlessness is actually just your body and mind trying to understand the severe reduction of force on your being.

Your questions on points of origin for time bubbles are interesting, but essentially pointless since bubbles affect the area around you, rather than a specific point on your person.

Pewter on the other hand I am rather interested in. My gut says it effects everything at once..but I'd actually like to be proven wrong here. If there is a singular point on the body that is nearest to the Investiture you have...this would be MUCH food for thought. Unfortunately every Pewter user seems to feel a sudden increase in power across all aspects of its properties instead of a gradual increase.

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An interesting thought Swimmingly.


We cannot be 100% certain that brass/zinc directly affect your cognitive aspect but given our current understanding of realmatics I think it is a reasonable guess that it might do so. That said, this too is pure speculation but I would hazard a guess that your cognitive aspect might be linked to your body mainly through your brain. That isn't to say it isn't connected to the other parts but just suggesting that the main link is to the brain. If that was the case then alfoil hats would make perfect sense for blocking zinc and brass. /blatant speculation

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