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Do Shardworlds have minds?


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We know from the Reddit AMA on April 15th that planets in the Cosmere have souls. We also have WoB that Shards had some influence in the worlds that they traveled to, but that they did not have free rein to go wherever they wished.


Does this mean that the Shardworlds in the Cosmere have cognitive aspects that are complex enough to be sentient and aware, and that the Shardworlds influenced the Shards to come to them after the Shattering? I find this to be quite interesting, because I have a persistent headcanon now of Sel's mind waking up and coalescing the Splinters of Devotion and Dominion into a new Shard called Unity; I'm also curious if Scadrial's mind has tried to talk to Harmony...

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Very intriguing!  


Are any objects truly self aware?  The goblet that Shallan soulcasts seems to know what it is, and is able to communicate in Shadesmar.


"I've been as I am for a great long time, the warm voice said.  I sleep so much.  I will change.  Give me what you have"


I'd extrapolate that a rock can have the same conversation given that Jasnah soulcast one on screen.  A planet is merely a much larger rock, with a larger variety of components.  

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Interesting theory and one that im going to say I agree with but, I dont think that they are aware in the physical realm. The glass goblet that Shallan soulcast into blood thinks and has a conversation in the cognitive but I don't think it was very aware of itself in the physical....

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I can see evidence of the worlds being unified enough to have a single cognitive state, one complex enough for something like 'intelligence'; keep in mind though that it would almost certainly be VERY alien. What it wants, how it expresses itself, might be entirely opposed to humankind, not because it is evil or hates us, but just because the rules for how it thinks will be so vastly different from ours.


I do like the idea that Sazed has a peer to talk to.

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We do know that in some ways the planet influences the expression of magic on that planet. Therefore it has had some influence and/or interaction with the shard.


I also think that the planet is part of the fuel for each magic system. Metals come from scadrial. The tears of egli (not necessary, but helpful in awakening) grow from the earth. The geography affects selish magic. We don't know much about the source of the highstorms, but storms are a natural occurrence.


Anyways just something I was thinking about.

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