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So, once upon a time, I got some dice, set out some rules, and started to play a little game. It went like this:

Roll a ten-sided die: If first half (Smaller numbers), Allomancer, if second, (Larger,) Feruchemist.

Roll a twenty-sided die. Each number 1-16 corresponds to a metal and power. if one of these, write down either the Magic-metal abreviation, (Ex: A-gold, F-iron).

If 20, write down either Allomancer or Feruchemist, depending on the First roll. If 17-19, Twinborn: roll an eight-sided die for allomancy and feruchemy. First half (Smaller numbers), first eight powers, second half (Larger numbers), second eight powers, roll again for specific metal of each.


This part sounds more complicated than it is.

Repeat this process 16 times. After this, comes the part I like to call: Budget cuts: Spikeage edition.

Allomancers and Feruchemists can have their powers spiked into someone else, killing them, (And opening that slot,) and giving that power to someone else. I like to mark someone who's been spiked with either a simple spike drawing or an X. Each person can only have three spikes, and each slot can only be spiked four times.

In the end, there will be 16 far more powerful Allomancers and Feruchemists.

I'm still currently figuring out a part of the game in which these people are used. Perhaps something akin to DnD, but on a larger scale.


There is also a Full-Cosmere version of this that I may add into a spoiler box here later.


I'm not sure whether people will draw as much entertainment as I do from this little thing, but I find it to be fun.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask them (I mean, the dice-rolling might get a little complicated, but once you get into a rhythm, it's pretty easy.)

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