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Imperial Nomic: The Shattered Plains


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Welcome to Imperial Nomic! This game is a version of Nomic, a game where the players actively change the rules of the game. Players make Proposals of new laws or propose Amendments of old laws. All of the rules (including these rules here in the introduction) can be changed. All of the players are trying to win, but the requirements for winning and the methods for getting there change throughout the game. In this case, the players win when they get 1,000 spheres. 

What makes Imperial Nomic different from regular Nomic is that in Imperial Nomic the King of Alethkar is the one who approves or rejects all rule changes, so it goes much faster. The King’s power is balanced by the fact that he/she cannot personally make rule changes; only non-King players can do that, although the King can suggest some things that he/she would be likely to approve, and can note in approvals or rejections his/her reasoning. In addition, the King of Alethkar cannot win the game while he/she is the King.

The Game will end in three months on Janurary 28th at 5:00 PM if no players have reached 1,000 spheres. If this happens, the player with the most spheres will win.


0 - Rules about Rules


0-1 The Rule of The Rulebook: The King must keep a King’s Rulebook in the Original Post (OP), with a categorized list of numbered and named rules. Naming the rule is up to the Proposer, numbering and categorizing is the duty of the King.

0-2 The Rule of Proposal Format: All proposals must have a name, and must be entirely bolded. The name must be underlined. The name must have a colon on the end. The colon is not considered a part of the name and must be underlined. The bolded text will be exactly what will appear in the King’s Rulebook. Any proposal formatted incorrectly is automatically rejected and the Proposer is fined accordingly. Clarifications and examples can be added in differently formatted font (including unbolding and recoloring), but those will not be added to the Kings Rulebook. 

0-3 The Rule of 17th Shard Guidelines: All proposals must follow the rules of the 17th Shard.

0-4 The Rule of No Paradoxes: If a Rule is found to contradict another Rule, the Rule that has existed longer is the one who’s effect is taken into account. The other rule is completely disregarded. If the two contradictory rules were placed into effect simultaneously (i.e. approved in the same post) the King decides which one takes effect. The King may not approve a rule that nullifies completely the effect of another approved in the same post. 

0-5 Limited repetition rule: Any proposal that was rejected cannot be proposed again until either 2 days or 3 pages have passed.

0-6 Rule of Proposal Amendment: The King can ask for an amendment on a proposal instead of rejecting it. Said request will not come with any sphere penalty, and the player will be allowed to change the text of their proposal for re-review.

0-7 The Rule of Redaction Formatting: Redaction proposals must be bolded and include the full name of the rule they are repealing.

0-9 The Rule of Amendment Format: An amendment must state the name rule they are amending, then copy the entire rule, with the suggested alterations being either highlighted in red to add a clause or struck-through to remove a clause. Any Examples or explanations must be highlighted in blue. Things highlighted in blue or struckthrough will not be copied into the rule book. Anything highlighted red will be unhighlighted when copied into the rulebook.

1 - The Loss & Gain of Spheres


1-1 Greater reward rule: All future rules will receive a reward of ten spheres and all future sphere losses will be changed to a loss of 9

1-2 Law of Amendment reward/punishment: All future amendments that pass have a reward of 1/2 of the reward of a law that passes. All future amendments that do not pass have a fine of 1/2 of the current punishment. If the fine is odd, after dividing by two you round down.

1-3 The law of title revocation: If at any point a player has less than 0 spheres during a census, they are immediately stripped of all title(s) they posses.

1-4 The Rule of The Joining and the Gaining: If a new player joins they gain a bonus of 18 spheres in order to give them a helping hand. Any players currently playing at the time of the approving of this post and/or the approving of any future amendments to this proposal (and eventually) law gain a bonus of 9 spheres. 

2 - Titles & Affiliation


2-1 Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince.

2-2 Rule of Divison of Labor: Highprinces may request to become highprince of a certain element of infrastructure, including (for the moment) Commerce, Information, War, and Works. The King will then either accept or deny this request. If he accepts, the highprince will gain the title Highprince of <insert element here>.

2-3 Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 10 pages elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per set of ten pages missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres. The penalty for major errors in listing princedoms/titles is five spheres, and the penalty for incorrectly listing # of spheres is ten spheres (unless a correction is posted along with a public apology, in which case the penalty is reduced to two.)

2-4 The Kings Wit:ph34r: At any time the King may elect a player for the position of Kings Wit which comes with a 5 sphere payment per page. The Kings Wit also has the duty of finding and reporting loopholes in laws as well as advising which law takes precedent when they contradict each other and the optional duty of insulting people and proposed laws

2-5 The Highprince of War :angry:The Highprince of War may, once per page, go on a fight and gain a gemheart which would be worth 5 spheres however if a player races you for the gemheart and has less spheres than you they get the 5 spheres. 

2-6 King of Urithiru: The King of Urithiru has control over the Knights Radiant (powers, abilities and duties to be determined in a later proposal or amendment) is a title gained in the same way as the title of Highprince of Enter duty here; by asking for the title and then being approved by the King. The King of Urithiru also has control of the fabrial technologies (also to be determined later).

2-7 The Regent::ph34r: The King must select someone to become a Regent and must always have a Regent at all times. He may change who is Regent whenever he chooses to. If the King is aware he will be unavailable or absent for longer than three days, he must announce and appoint the Regent during his absence, who will take over the duties of the King until they return. If the King is absent for more than five days, the chosen Regent will automatically take over until his return. The King can reject any rules that the Regent approves in his absence upon his return, and vice versa. The Regent has no other powers other than taking over for the King. 

Responsibilities of the Regent will include all of the responsibilities of the King, as well as keeping track of all proposals and amendments and whether or not they approved or rejected them for the king upon their return. Failure to do so will culminate in a fine of five spheres per proposal and amendment not kept track of. The Regent must also announce a replacement in the case he also is made unavailable, where that person will become the Temporary Regent until either the Regent or King has returned. Temporary Regent has all the powers and responsibilities of the Regent upon the Regent's absence. If a Regent and a Temporary Regent are both not chosen or available, the players can vote a Voted-Regent into place. The Voted-Regent will carry all the responsibilities of the Regent and can keep power even if the chosen Temporary Regent returns, though they must give back power once the Regent or King returns.

The Regent, Temporary Regent, and Voted Regent cannot earn spheres in their time in power but will be given ten spheres for each day of keeping track of proposals upon the King's return. Every proposal that Regent, Temporary Regent approves and the King rejects or vice versa will result in a fine of one sphere per proposal. The King can decide to offer more or fewer spheres to the Regents for their time in power and can mitigate the one sphere fine, but cannot increase the fine.

Highprinces of (insert element) cannot be made into Regents, Temporary Regents, or Voted Regents. Failure for a Regent to announce a Temporary Regent will result in a fine of ten spheres.

2-8 Voted Regent: In the case that the King is absent, there is no Regent or the Regent is absent, and there is no Temporary Regent or the Temporary Regent is absent, the remaining players can decide to vote up a Voted Regent. The voting can be started by any player in the case of the absence of all three (King, Regent, and Temporary Regent) for more than four days. The Voting will be handled by Highprince of Information, who will keep track of all the votes. A normal players' vote is worth one, a Highprinces' vote is worth two, and a Highprince of (Insert element) vote is worth three. A Highrpince of (Insert Element) cannot become a Voted Regent. The voting will last three days, where then all votes submitted will be tallied, and the member with the most votes will become Voted Regent. All votes must be Purple to be considered. 

Voted Regent has all the responsibilities of the Regent. The Voted Regent does not have to give power back to the Temporary Regent, but can if they choose to. They must give power back once the Regent or King returns. They lose their title once they forfeit power and the next Voted regent will need to be voted again. There is not a Voted Regent at all times and there is no Voted Regent if the King or Regent is present.

2-9 Law of Job Providers: With permission of their house leader, a member of a house may perform their master's role, such as the census, and will gain 1/4 of what the house's head would gain. The highprince would gain 3/4 of the reward. Permission is granted in thread. If this action is done without permission, the person who performs it is fined 5 spheres and does not get the reward, the highprince however, gets the full reward.  At any time, a highprince may reward anyone working beneath them with any number of spheres. To do this though, a highprince must have a number of spheres removed from himself.

3 - Posting Rules


3-1  Ninja Rule: all posts must contain a ninja emoticon or else any proposals within the same post will be rejected.

3-2 Double post fee law: Any future double post will result in the poster losing 5 spheres. For three or more posts you will be fined for 10 spheres per post.

3-3 The Rule of Amendment Format: An amendment must state the name rule they are amending, then copy the entire rule, with the suggested alterations being either Underlined (for added text) or Struck-Through (for removed text). 

4 - Items


4-1 The Law of Fabrials: A fabrial can be purchased for a price set by the King of Urithiru, as long as the King of Urithriru approves the purchase.

4-2 The Spanreed: The Spanreed will allow for a player to send a law by PM to the King of Alethkar. This proposal can be approved and it will be placed into the rulebook without telling anyone. This will allow secret laws to be approved.


Edited by Experience
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I propose that rules cannot apply retroactively. Time is linear.

I propose that each accepted rule is put into effect the moment it is approved. So if multiple rules are proposed and accepted, they are put into effect individually and in the order they appeared in the post. Not as a whole message. This means that rules can affect other rules in the same message, provided they are accepted and ordered correctly. 

The Rule of The Rulebook: I propose that the King keep a King’s Rulebook in the Original Post (OP), with a categorized list of numbered and named rules. Naming the rule is up to the Proposer, numbering and categorizing is the duty of the King. Older Rules that we’re accepted before this one must be named by the King. 

The Rule of Proposal Format: All proposals must have a name, and must be entirely bolded. The name must be underlined. The name must be on the same line as the rest of the proposal and have a colon on the end. The colon is considered apart of the name and must be underlined. Basically it just has to look exactly like this. The bolded text will be exactly what will appear in the King’s Rulebook. Any proposal formatted incorrectly is automatically rejected and the Proposer is fined accordingly. Clarifications and examples can be added in normal font, but those will not be added to the Kings Rulebook. So be sure to be clear in the actual proposal, as that is what will become law. Clarifications are not canon. 

The Rule of Accepted Proposal Reward Increase: An accepted proposal is rewarded with 10 spheres.

The Rule of 17th Shard Guidelines: All proposals must follow the rules of the 17th Shard.

The Rule of No Paradoxes: If a Rule is found to contradict another Rule, the Rule that has existed longer is the one who’s effect is taken into account. The other rule is completely disregarded. Not Redacted, disregarded. The newer rule still exists, its just that it’s effect doesn’t happen. 

The Rule of Proposal Types: A proposal can be one of three types. A New Rule, an Amendment, and a Redaction. A New Rule is a brand new rule, an Amendment is an alteration to an existing rule, and a Redaction is the complete removal of an existing rule. A proposal may only contain one of these things. A Redaction and an Amendment are not a New Rule, and thus they do not need a Name, and do not go in the Rulebook. Only the alteration goes into the RB. This means that if you’re proposing a New Rule that causes a conflict with an existing rule, you need to also propose that the existing rule be Redacted, otherwise your New Rule won’t do anything. 

The Rule of Rejected Proposal Punishment Increase: A rejected proposal is punished with minus 150% of whatever the current reward for an accepted one is. So in this case it would be 15, until the reward is raised again.


Edited by Danex
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Guest Somebody from Scadrial

I propose The Italics rule 

any clarifications of a rule or amendment if put into italics are considered cannon however will not be added to any log or mention of the rule and will only exist to clear up any issues

I propose the Greater reward rule 

all future rules will receive a reward of ten spheres and all future sphere losses will be changed to a loss of 9 the reason I propose this is because 200 hundred approved rules or amendments or redactions would take a very long time however one hundred should take far less time especially if other ways to gain spheres are added and also they add style (with ten beings Roshar and Honor's number whereas nine is Braize and Odium's numbers)

Also some additional thoughts I do not believe that any limits should be placed on the amount of proposals per page as 100 will take a while (assuming it's 100 and not 200) and I think the titles should be further clarified here are some thoughts

the highprince of Information should tell the king of Alethkar the point scores while the king will still post it and the highprince (of Information) should also decide which member of any houses that might form should represent their house on any voting council we do 

The highprince of War should be able to deflect and change the target of any assassins we might create as well as changing a existing council members vote by threatening them in a pm that must include the King and the threatened council member can say they have been threatened but they then risk an assassin being sent at them 

Highprince of Commerce should be able to change the sphere gain of the page after the next without being approved by the King but if the King decides to cancel the Highprinces title they change will be redacted (to stop them from changing the gain to 1000 and winning instantly) any other thoughts?

Edited by Somebody from Sel
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5 hours ago, Danex said:

I propose that rules cannot apply retroactively. Time is linear.

To clarify, you mean that a new rule cannot effect something that happened in the past?

5 hours ago, Danex said:

I propose that each accepted rule is put into effect the moment it is approved. So if multiple rules are proposed and accepted, they are put into effect individually and in the order they appeared in the post. Not as a whole message. This means that rules can affect other rules in the same message, provided they are accepted and ordered correctly. 

Rejected. This would just be to much of a hassle for me.

5 hours ago, Danex said:

The Rule of The Rulebook: I propose that the King keep a King’s Rulebook in the Original Post (OP), with a categorized list of numbered and named rules. Naming the rule is up to the Proposer, numbering and categorizing is the duty of the King. Older Rules that we’re accepted before this one must be named by the King. 


5 hours ago, Danex said:

The Rule of Proposal Format: All proposals must have a name, and must be entirely bolded. The name must be underlined. The name must be on the same line as the rest of the proposal and have a colon on the end. The colon is considered apart of the name and must be underlined. Basically it just has to look exactly like this. The bolded text will be exactly what will appear in the King’s Rulebook. Any proposal formatted incorrectly is automatically rejected and the Proposer is fined accordingly. Clarifications and examples can be added in normal font, but those will not be added to the Kings Rulebook. So be sure to be clear in the actual proposal, as that is what will become law. Clarifications are not canon. 


5 hours ago, Danex said:

The Rule of Accepted Proposal Reward Increase: An accepted proposal is rewarded with 10 spheres.

Accepted, but this will only apply in the future after this post because it was not yet law.

5 hours ago, Danex said:

The Rule of 17th Shard Guidelines: All proposals must follow the rules of the 17th Shard.


5 hours ago, Danex said:

The Rule of No Paradoxes: If a Rule is found to contradict another Rule, the Rule that has existed longer is the one who’s effect is taken into account. The other rule is completely disregarded. Not Redacted, disregarded. The newer rule still exists, its just that it’s effect doesn’t happen. 


5 hours ago, Danex said:

The Rule of Rejected Proposal Punishment Increase: A rejected proposal is punished with minus 150% of whatever the current reward for an accepted one is. So in this case it would be 15, until the reward is raised again.


4 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

I propose The Italics rule 

any clarifications of a rule or amendment if put into italics are considered cannon however will not be added to any log or mention of the rule and will only exist to clear up any issues

Rejected. I don't see much point in this, and it just makes things harder for rule keeping.

4 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

I propose the Greater reward rule 

all future rules will receive a reward of ten spheres and all future sphere losses will be changed to a loss of 9 the reason I propose this is because 200 hundred approved rules or amendments or redactions would take a very long time however one hundred should take far less time especially if other ways to gain spheres are added and also they add style (with ten beings Roshar and Honor's number whereas nine is Braize and Odium's numbers)

Accepted. Note: This means that rejection loss is now 9, and no longer 15% of acception.

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never done this before so I hope I do it correctly...

I propose the Ninja Rule: all posts must contain a ninja emoticon in it.

I propose the limited repetition rule: any proposal that was rejected cannot be proposed again until either 2 days or 3 pages have passed

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I also propose the Rule of Proposal Amendment: The King can ask for an amendment on a proposal instead of rejecting it. Said request will not come with any sphere penalty, and the player will be allowed to change the text of their proposal for re-review.

I propose the Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince.


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4 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

I propose the Ninja Rule: all posts must contain a ninja emoticon in it.

What would the penalty be for someone who doesn't do it?

5 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

I propose the limited repetition rule: any proposal that was rejected cannot be proposed again until either 2 days or 3 pages have passed


2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I also propose the Rule of Proposal Amendment: The King can ask for an amendment on a proposal instead of rejecting it. Said request will not come with any sphere penalty, and the player will be allowed to change the text of their proposal for re-review.


2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I propose the Rule of Affiliation: Players may affiliate themselves with one of the ten princedoms: Aladar, Bethab, Hatham, Kholin, Roion, Ruthar, Sebarial, Thanadal, and Vamah. Affiliations must be posted in blue. The first player to affiliate with a princedom will be the highprince, and each person affiliating afterwards will be next on the succession list. Should the highprince be removed for any reason, the person at the top of the seniority list will become highprince.


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Just now, Experience said:

What would the penalty be for someone who doesn't do it?

any proposals made in the same post will be forfeit?

Ninja Rule: all posts must contain a ninja emoticon or else any proposals within the same post will be forfeit.

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2 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

any proposals made in the same post will be forfeit?

Ninja Rule: all posts must contain a ninja emoticon or else any proposals within the same post will be forfeit.

I would like to amend this to Ninja Rule: all posts must contain a ninja emoticon or else any proposals within the same post will be rejected.

Are you ok with this?

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Just now, Experience said:

I would like to amend this to Ninja Rule: all posts must contain a ninja emoticon or else any proposals within the same post will be rejected.

Are you ok with this?

yes. I was trying to find the right word and forfeit came up first.

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I will affiliate with the Kholin princedom, becoming the Kholin highprince. :ph34r: 

I would like to propose the Rule of Divison of Labor: Highprinces may request to become highprince of a certain element of infrastructure, including (for the moment) Commerce, Information, War, and Works. The King will then either accept or deny this request. If he accepts, the highprince will gain the title Highprince of <insert element here>.


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12 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

yes. I was trying to find the right word and forfeit came up first.


7 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I would like to propose the Rule of Divison of Labor: Highprinces may request to become highprince of a certain element of infrastructure, including (for the moment) Commerce, Information, War, and Works. The King will then either accept or deny this request. If he accepts, the highprince will gain the title Highprince of <insert element here>.

Accpeted. Note that these titles do not have any effect as of now. 

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I would like to propose the Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 24 hours elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per day missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres.

In addition, I would like to request to become Highprince of Commerce. :ph34r: 

Edited by xinoehp512
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The Official Census of the King of Alethkar:

King of Alethkar: @Experience (0 Spheres)

Highprince Kholin: @xinoehp512 (30 Spheres)

@Danex (25 Spheres)

Highprince Sadeas: @Chasmgoat (20 Spheres)

@Somebody from Sel (0 Spheres)

Pending Proposals:

6 hours ago, Danex said:

I propose that rules cannot apply retroactively. Time is linear.


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3 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I would like to propose the Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 24 hours elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per day missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres.

In addition, I would like to request to become Highprince of Commerce. :ph34r: 

Could you change it from hours to a certain number of pages, because that is easier to track?

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15 minutes ago, Experience said:

Could you change it from hours to a certain number of pages, because that is easier to track?

Alright. Amending to Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 10 pages elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per set of ten pages missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres.


:ph34r:, although this is a amendment and not a proposal, so...?

Edited by xinoehp512
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24 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Alright. Amending to Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 10 pages elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per set of ten pages missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres.


:ph34r:, although this is a amendment and not a proposal, so...?

One more thing. What is the penalty for incorrectly listing princedoms, titles, and # of spheres?

4 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

wait... What do I do as a highprince of war?

Nothing, at least until a rule is made that makes it something

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5 minutes ago, Experience said:

One more thing. What is the penalty for incorrectly listing princedoms, titles, and # of spheres?

Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 10 pages elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per set of ten pages missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres. The penalty for major errors in listing princedoms/titles is five spheres, and the penalty for incorrectly listing # of spheres is ten spheres (unless a correction is posted along with a public apology, in which case the penalty is reduced to two.)


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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

Rule of Commerce: The Highprince of Commerce shall have the responsibility of keeping track of sphere counts for all the players and princedoms in the game. These counts must be posted once per day at least by the Highprince or another member of his princedom. The penalty for 10 pages elapsing between sphere censuses is ten spheres per set of ten pages missed: the reward for each census posted on-time is five spheres. The penalty for major errors in listing princedoms/titles is five spheres, and the penalty for incorrectly listing # of spheres is ten spheres (unless a correction is posted along with a public apology, in which case the penalty is reduced to two.)


Accepted. This means that there needs to be a census within 24 hours of the previous census. 

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Note: what's the call on these two rules under the no paradoxes rule?

7 hours ago, Danex said:

The Rule of Rejected Proposal Punishment Increase: A rejected proposal is punished with minus 150% of whatever the current reward for an accepted one is. So in this case it would be 15, until the reward is raised again.

6 hours ago, Somebody from Sel said:

Greater reward rule 

all future rules will receive a reward of ten spheres and all future sphere losses will be changed to a loss of 9

2 hours ago, Experience said:

Accepted, but this will only apply in the future after this post because it was not yet law.

Danex hasn't had any of his proposals accepted after this post, should he have spheres?


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4 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Note: what's the call on these two rules under the no paradoxes rule?

Danex hasn't had any of his proposals accepted after this post, should he have spheres?

Because they happened in the same post, they happened at the same time. I made the first one into law, then the second one replaced it. It just happened at the same time. 

At the start, the reward was 5 spheres, and rejection was -5 spheres.

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