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a stab in the dark at the ending


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Alright, everyone has different ideas for what will happen at the end.

One I saw that I really liked was Honor and Odium pulling a Harmony.

The first name I saw for that was Justice. I don't think it would be that, it would probably be something more like Punishment or Vengeance, or some cooler way of saying that. The presumption with that is Dalinar would take it. But you know who would fit this harsher version of honor in a really cool way? Taravangian. Taravangian would make an awesome af version of the story.

Anyway, if this was to be the ending, I think it would be awesome. Odium tempered to this form, and with cultivation as a counterbalance to him.

Also, he would murder Moash without a second thought which seems like a huge plus :P

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27 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Alright, everyone has different ideas for what will happen at the end.

One I saw that I really liked was Honor and Odium pulling a Harmony.

The first name I saw for that was Justice. I don't think it would be that, it would probably be something more like Punishment or Vengeance, or some cooler way of saying that. The presumption with that is Dalinar would take it. But you know who would fit this harsher version of honor in a really cool way? Taravangian. Taravangian would make an awesome af version of the story.

Anyway, if this was to be the ending, I think it would be awesome. Odium tempered to this form, and with cultivation as a counterbalance to him.

Also, he would murder Moash without a second thought which seems like a huge plus :P

I doubt that Brandon would resolve an inter-shardic conflict the same way twice.

An alternative that I highly prefer is each of our "flagship radiants" for each order (kaladin for windrunners, szeth for skybreakers, malata for dustbringers, lift for edgedancers, etc) will each become a Vessel of 1/10th the power of Honor, filtered by the Intent of their Order's Ideals (as Shards can be bound by oaths). Perhaps Cultivation also Splinters herself into 10 pieces, perhaps not, perhaps Odium also becomes a non-issue by being split into 10 and distributed among the Superradiants (a mixture of our theories here).

The point of this "coalition of mini-shards" would be, well... Unity. :D 10 different minds bound by different Intents to offer differing opinions on what to do, perhaps enough individual freedom to avoid a Harmony "I can't do much due to the conflict of Intents I hold".

And to an extent, we've seen smaller, less complete versions of this concept before; The Heralds, and the Five of the Listeners on the Plains. Many individuals with different mindsets, working in Unity with one another to achieve complex goals.

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5 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

I doubt that Brandon would resolve an inter-shardic conflict the same way twice.

An alternative that I highly prefer is each of our "flagship radiants" for each order (kaladin for windrunners, szeth for skybreakers, malata for dustbringers, lift for edgedancers, etc) will each become a Vessel of 1/10th the power of Honor, filtered by the Intent of their Order's Ideals (as Shards can be bound by oaths). Perhaps Cultivation also Splinters herself into 10 pieces, perhaps not, perhaps Odium also becomes a non-issue by being split into 10 and distributed among the Superradiants (a mixture of our theories here).

The point of this "coalition of mini-shards" would be, well... Unity. :D 10 different minds bound by different Intents to offer differing opinions on what to do, perhaps enough individual freedom to avoid a Harmony "I can't do much due to the conflict of Intents I hold".

And to an extent, we've seen smaller, less complete versions of this concept before; The Heralds, and the Five of the Listeners on the Plains. Many individuals with different mindsets, working in Unity with one another to achieve complex goals.

That... actually sounds really good. While I feel BS would not be against combing Honor and Odium, this does sound far more unique and interesting. I would certainly be for it, though I feel that some of those character may die, and honestly, while would love seeing some of those characters become immortal incarnatio,s others I would be a little more hesitant. Szeth, Dalinar, Taln, and Lift are some I'd like seeing become splintered, but Jasnah, Shallan, and Kaladin, not as much.  It would also make it feel a bit cheap.

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1 hour ago, Aspiring Writer said:

That... actually sounds really good. While I feel BS would not be against combing Honor and Odium, this does sound far more unique and interesting. I would certainly be for it, though I feel that some of those character may die, and honestly, while would love seeing some of those characters become immortal incarnatio,s others I would be a little more hesitant. Szeth, Dalinar, Taln, and Lift are some I'd like seeing become splintered, but Jasnah, Shallan, and Kaladin, not as much.  It would also make it feel a bit cheap.

Fair enough. Perhaps some of them do die, but in the end I do believe there will be 10 "super radiants" as described prior :P

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Just now, Realmatic Shadow said:

Shalash? I would be partial to Teft being involved, as the Windrunner Super-Radiant. Maybe Nale comes around to Team Radiant in the end and takes part?

I really hope shalash. Not sure about teft (Not against it) and also have no idea about Nale. Szeth already has that position also, so.

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Guest Somebody from Scadrial
1 hour ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Okay, so Dalinar, szeth, Lift, Venli, Taln, who else?

Shalash, Jasnah will I think, Rlain for the Windrunners if he turns out as a Windrunner, some dustbringer but I don't think Malata will make it other than that I don't know

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15 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Okay, so Dalinar, szeth, Lift, Venli, Taln, who else?

I don't think Taln's going to become a splinter of Honor (smiles schemilly)

I think Taln's going to be Odium's Champion. 

Red eyes - result of being Connected to Odium, we've seen it with the Fused and Trell's kandra(entities Connected to Shards Invested offworld)

Golden light - Odium

Nine shadows - the nine other Heralds who broke the Oathpact, the nine Unmade, the nine Void Surges, you name it, there's plenty of nines

Somehow seems familiar to Dalinar - Stonewards and Bondsmiths share a Surge, Taln and Dalinar were(in this theory) both approached by Odium, who offers to take their pain(Taln's got a lot of that), saying it's his fault(Taln would 10/10 agree), Taln and Dalinar both have Connection to a Shard of Adonalsium.(Edited from Honor)

Sorry if this is the wrong spot for this theory, it's just something that I've been kind of obsessed with recently, so I jumped at an opportunity ;) 


15 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Fair enough. Perhaps some of them do die, but in the end I do believe there will be 10 "super radiants" as described prior :P

I definitely agree that there will be a kind of "ten patron Radiants", and that they may or may not become splinters or Heralds(is there a difference, I'm not sure). I'm looking forward to who they'll be. I don't like/trust Malata, though, with being sworn to the Diagram, but maybe her loyalties will be what brings the KR and Diagram together at some point in the future?

Edited by Falkir
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1 hour ago, Falkir said:

I definitely agree that there will be a kind of "ten patron Radiants", and that they may or may not become splinters or Heralds(is there a difference, I'm not sure). I'm looking forward to who they'll be. I don't like/trust Malata, though, with being sworn to the Diagram, but maybe her loyalties will be what brings the KR and Diagram together at some point in the future?

Maybe Malata doesn't become one of the mini-shards, but is instead of other importance to the Dustbringers after all is said and done (after the dust settles, you could say :P). Maybe each of the super-radiants crown a Champion of their own, or a new Herald, or both. Who knows?

...Now I'm picturing a super emotionally positive scene where Kaladin crowns Teft as his Windrunner Champion... Dangit. Now I have feels from something that hasn't happened :(

Edited by Halyo_Alex
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2 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Maybe Malata doesn't become one of the mini-shards, but is instead of other importance to the Dustbringers after all is said and done (after the dust settles, you could say :P). Maybe each of the super-radiants crown a Champion of their own, or a new Herald, or both. Who knows?

...Now I'm picturing a super emotionally positive scene where Kaladin crowns Teft as his Windrunner Champion... Dangit. Now I have feels from something that hasn't happened :(

Hah, gosh that really does give me the feels

That could be really interesting, a kind of nested champions thing for the KR.

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