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Adventures of Daniel and Marisa-Ch1

Aspiring Writer

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Yes! I have made my first fanfic! Welcome to the first Chapter of Daniel and Marisa. Tell me what you think of it and follow me if you want to know any updates on its progress (I will be probably releasing these far slower than my Sources of the Universe chapters.)


            “My life to yours; My breath become yours.” The man’s Breath flooded into him. Daniel closed his eyes, expecting another feeling like the kind he felt when he first reached the First Heightning; waves of pleasure so powerful that he spasmed on the floor.

            Nothing like that happened. He felt no change, no pleasure, not even a slight feeling of strength. Still, he could feel what he had become; he was a person of the Fifth Heightening, ageless and immortal.

            It had taken him months to ‘accumulate’ the funds needed for this, not to mention another two thousand Breaths for Marisa. However, he was eventually able to get enough to not just get both Marisa and him to the Fifth Heightening, but he was able to purchase a few extra Breaths for himself; two hundred if he remembered correctly.

            He thanked the Awakener who had sold him his Breath and left; he overheard the Awakener taking some Breath he had left in a piece of cloth as he closed the door. Daniel inhaled deeply, enjoying the warmth of the sun. For the first time since he set foot on Nathlis, he let himself relax. The race to gain agelessness was over, and he had all the time in the world.

            Now if only he can find out where that rusting woman ran off to.

            He tugged his Mistcloak around him as he made his way toward the Court of the Gods. Compared to the bright clothes often worn in Hallandren, his cloak looked downright dull. It was one of the few cloaks that survived the fall of the Final Empire. He could’ve made his own, but having a cloak that was actually worn by a Mistborn made him feel more powerful. Not to mention that Mistcloaks were better for Awakening, in his opinion.

            Nobody gave him a glance at his odd choice of clothing. They had long sense accepted his odd sense of style, and who cared what he wore? With two thousand breaths, he could probably strip naked and nobody would care. Even the steel bracers on his arms didn’t catch anyone’s attention.

            He reached the entrance of the Court of the Gods. Knowing Marisa, if she was anywhere, she’d be here. He walked past the guards; they didn’t stop him. He relaxed; he had been unaware of how tense he was. The first time he’d tried that, he ended up getting thrown in jail. It wasn’t his fault. How was he supposed to know punching a guard who had his weapon drawn would get him trouble?

            He searched the area for Marisa, watching for a tall figure in a long black coat. Then he facepalmed himself. He had forgotten she wasn’t wearing her coat here. She had decided to try out the local fashion, which made finding her all the more difficult.

            The sun started to set, and Daniel still had no idea where Marisa was. He sighed and reluctantly approached one of the guards. “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know where my companion is, would you?” The guards were well familiar that he and Marisa travelled together at that point.

            “Yeah, she is at Blushweaver’s place. Been there for the past two days.”

            Daniel let out a sigh of relief. He’d been afraid she had gotten herself thrown in jail. But as he made his way toward the direction the guards pointed- he still wasn’t familiar with the area- he found himself getting confused. Blushweaver’s place? Why there?

            As he drew close to Blushweaver’s place, he saw Marisa, strolling toward him lazily. She wore red and green robes, and was smiling goofily for some reason. “Hey, how was the purchase.”

            “Fine. I got two thousand Breaths, plus the two hundred extra. You?”

            She spread her hands and almost fell. He took a quick whiff of her breath and realized she was slightly intoxicated. “Two thousand! We are now both immortal. Now let’s celebrate!”

            “I think you’ve had enough celebrating for today.” Daniel took out a glass dagger, checking around to make sure nobody was looking, and stabbed Marisa in the gut.

            Marisa grunted, backing away. He watched as her wound closed in the matter of a few seconds. Her eyes focused, as he’d hoped. Tapping health had the odd benefit of removing the effects of intoxication.

            “You could’ve just told me to tap health. Rusts, that hurt.”

            “It takes forever to convince you. Now where the hell were you these past few days?” he hissed.

            Marisa smiled again. “Oh, nothing. I got my Breath, stole some food from some random Returned, and slept with Blushweaver.”

            Daniel’s eyes bulged. “You slept with Blushweaver?”

            Marisa chuckled. “Yep. Jealous?”

            “Rusts, no. I prefer Mercystar. Blushweaver unnerves me. How did even convince her?”

            “Didn’t. Pretty sure she was looking for someone when I passed by, and I was more than happy to oblige. Not everyday you get to sleep with some who is considered the goddess of beauty.” She let out a hearty laugh.

            “Great. So, what exactly did you steal?” Marisa always liked to take something as a souvenir.

            “Did you not hear what I just said?”

            “Yes, yes, you slept with her, but what did you steal?”

            “Her virginity! That’s what.” She took a fruit out of her pocket and took a bite.

            Daniel waited for the punchline; there wasn’t one. “Marisa, you realize she’s been a Returned for years now, right? She’s probably been in bed with tens of people. She lost her virginity a long time ago.”

            “You can have more than one virginity.”

            “No, you can’t.”

            Marisa paused. “Really?”

            “Yes! Didn’t you go to school?”

            Marisa took another bite of her fruit. “I was somewhat distracted during those lessons.”

            “Distracted?” he said flatly.

            “The teacher was cute. Wonderful beard. You know you’re a man when you have a beard.”

            Daniel felt his naked face blush. “Gee, thanks.”

            Marisa’s face turned red. “You know what I mean. So now that we’re immortal, where we going?”

            “For tonight, we rest. Tomorrow, we stock up on supplies and make our way to the Perpendicularity. I have enough to get us two horses and a few weeks’ worth of food and water.”

            “And the what?”

            “Then we go back to Scadrial. I have been on this planet for far too long. I want to go somewhere where my eyes don’t hurt. Besides, we can stock up on metals there.”

            Marisa shrugged. “Fine by me as long as you let me get some of those flowers there. Nothing else worth taking here.”

            “We can’t waste water taking care of a plant. It’ll die in a week, maybe less.”

            “We’re taking it,’ she said firmly.

            “Fine, but’s it’s coming out of your water supply.” They left the Court of the Gods as the sky started to go dark, waving to the guards. “By the way, did Blushweaver not notice the spikes?”

            “She did. I just said it’s a thing we do where we come from and they’re like earrings for your body and she left it alone.”

            Daniel scoffed. “Maybe she’s not as smart as I thought. Then again, not much she can do about it.”

            “Yep. So, you’re buying dinner, right?” she asked.

            “We don’t have enough. Everything I have we need for tomorrow.”

            “Then where we eating?”

            “No idea. You have suggestion?”

            “Mercystar’s place?” she suggested.

            Daniel sighed. “Sure. Remember to include me if you get her drunk enough.”



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