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Long time podcast listener, first time forumer

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Welcome to the Shard! So happy you decided to join up here after Shardcast! That means our plans are working! Otherwise we wouldn't get to hear any of your amazing ideas! :P

How did you first hear of Brandon’s books? (and if it was a person have they been properly praised?? Although, idk if you even can properly thank someone for that!)

Super happy to have you around! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask, everyone here is super amazing and we would love to help get you settled in!

Edited by Scout_Fox
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18 hours ago, Experience said:

Welcome to the Shard! Which Sanderson books have you read? 

All the Cosmere and some other odds and ends! Can’t wait for RoW!

18 hours ago, Scout_Fox said:

Welcome to the Shard! So happy you decided to join up here after Shardcast! That means our plans are working! Otherwise we wouldn't get to hear any of your amazing ideas! :P

How did you first hear of Brandon’s books? (and if it was a person have they been properly praised?? Although, idk if you even can properly thank someone for that!)

Super happy to have you around! If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask, everyone here is super amazing and we would love to help get you settled in!

Thanks! Heard about him after I finally finished Wheel of Time and a friend told me if I liked hard magic systems I’d like the rest of his work!


10 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

Hello, and Welcome to the Shard!

Who's your favorite Sanderson character?

Right now I am thinking Adolin actually after finishing my third read/listen through but I change my mind every book I read.


8 hours ago, Mist said:

Welcome to the Shard! What's the best plot twist, in your opinion? Maybe put it in a spoiler box. 

I’ll be vague and say Warbreaker ;)

7 hours ago, Hentient said:

Hello! Id say the others have covered the welcome interview pretty well, though I have to ask, are there any other podcasts you like to listen to? Anyway, welcome! 

Other fun one I’ve been listening to is Duke and Dutchess Stormlight episodes!


6 hours ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

Hey! If you could be a surge binder, what would you choose?

I want to say stoneward to be cool but probably honestly a Truthwatcher.


also I hope I’m doing this right with the reply and quotes.... first forum and apparently I’m old now!

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1 minute ago, Much-ado-about-Misram said:

All the Cosmere and some other odds and ends! Can’t wait for RoW!

Thanks! Heard about him after I finally finished Wheel of Time and a friend told me if I liked hard magic systems I’d like the rest of his work!


Right now I am thinking Adolin actually after finishing my third read/listen through but I change my mind every book I read.


I’ll be vague and say Warbreaker ;)

Other fun one I’ve been listening to is Duke and Dutchess Stormlight episodes!


I want to say stoneward to be cool but probably honestly a Truthwatcher.


also I hope I’m doing this right with the reply and quotes.... first forum and apparently I’m old now!


Your actually one of the only new sharders who doesn't answer all the questions in separate posts. :P 

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1 minute ago, Much-ado-about-Misram said:

Ah crap! I misspelt my user name (I’ll blame autocorrect)!! hahaha! Can I change it or am I stuck forever...

Ya, you can change it. If you click on your username in the top right, then click Account Settings. Then go and click on Display Name, and you can change it there.

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34 minutes ago, Much-ado-about-Mishram said:

Thanks! Heard about him after I finally finished Wheel of Time and a friend told me if I liked hard magic systems I’d like the rest of his work!

Well I'ma say that friend is a keeper for life! Maybe even throw in some frequent cookies or something too! :P Awesome that you took them up on it too tho!

32 minutes ago, Experience said:

Your actually one of the only new sharders who doesn't answer all the questions in separate posts. :P 

Lol, so true! It is a little counterintuitive when used to texting and stuff tho so that's where we come in! The Force is strong with this one... :ph34r:

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