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Mraize is Kelsier??!!!


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I saw an interesting vlog, can’t remember the vlogger’s name, but he put out the thought that Mraize might be Kelsier of Mistborn...blew my mind. It’s probably way off, but interesting nonetheless. Gave a couple of reasons by tying Kelsier to Hoid our favorite world hopper. What do you think?

By the way I’m new here and to the Cosmere. I came here through Sanderson’s contributions to the Wheel of Time series and now I’m hooked.

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Welcome to the Shard! This post actually should go in the Cosmere Discussion forum, since it contains spoilers for multiple book series.

To answer your question though, Mraize would not be Kelsier, because Kelsier is still bound to Scadrial, and hasn't yet found a way off world.



Have we seen Kelsier outside of Mistborn yet, and will we see him outside of Mistborn?

Brandon Sanderson

No you have not. And RAFO, but realize, he is-- The way Investiture works, you would consider him similar to how you would consider a spren. It's gonna be hard for him to get off-world.


It also means that he can still-- He gets kind of close, he gets really close--

Brandon Sanderson

I considered him still--


Still on this side.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, but he got close to the line. But I would say he did not get off [Scadrial].


So it's gonna be hard.

Brandon Sanderson


Skyward San Francisco signing (Nov. 8, 2018)


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Welp you got movedederededereded to a more appropriate section (and an answer to your question :D) but figured you should get one more welcome anyway.

So happy to have you come join us! Glad you decided to check Sanderson out, and to be hooked nonetheless! (Now here's just hoping you don't happen to be hooked and a fish, then you might just be dinner :P).

Hope you enjoy getting more immersed into the Cosmere and chatting around! If you have any questions don't be afraid to reach out to anyone. Welcome to the Shard!


Edit: To answer the question directly lol you can't move your topics around but mods can and they already took care of it for you!

Edited by Scout_Fox
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We haven’t seen Kell off world, but there’s another WoB that having a body helps. And it’s been 300 years; I’d be surprised if he hadn’t figured it out. But he’s not Mraize, even without the WoB. If he’s part of the Ghostbloods, he’s Thaidakar.


Kell is not the sort to let others order him about. He likes to be in charge. And if he isn’t, he quickly becomes it. Kell is not going to play a subservient role. Not for long, anyway.

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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Welcome, welcome

Also here's a surprise (at least, it was for me) Mraize is a Rosharan native and, is in fact Thaylen, like he said



So, I was hoping to get a confirmation on Mraize's age?

Brandon Sanderson

I'd probably-- Well, what did I say before?


Not sure, I was just asking the question.

Brandon Sanderson

Okay good, I didn't think that I had confirmed this. I'm going to RAFO it.


Like, is he older than a normal person?

Brandon Sanderson

I will RAFO it, yeah. Let's say though, that, though he has been off-world, he himself is a Rosharan.


A Roshar native?

Brandon Sanderson


Skyward Seattle signing (Nov. 10, 2018)

Peter Ahlstrom

I think it's pretty clear in the book that Mraize is from Thaylenah.

Peter Ahlstrom

And I wasn't being sarcastic or joking when I said I thought it was obvious from the text that Mraize was a Thaylen from Thaylenah.

Miscellaneous 2014 (Aug. 12, 2014)


Mraize is said to come from Thaylenah. If it is true, then what about his eyebrows? 'Cause we didn't see any related descriptions from Shallan's PoVs. Did he cut/shave/dye his eyebrows?

Brandon Sanderson

Mraize...well, let's just say that much about him is mysterious. But no, you would not place him as Thaylen by his eyebrows.

Stormlight Three Update #4 (Oct. 11, 2016)


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