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Duralumin + mists


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When Vin was fighting the Inquisitors and taking in all the mists as they were all returning to Luthadel, she made a comment to the effect of she didn’t need to burn duralumin because her Allomancy was so strong being fueled by the mists. But what would have happened if she had applied the effect of duralumin while using the mists? The entire power of a crippled god or Shard in one big flash? Pointless? Not allowed by governing physics? I guess there’s really no reason to my question except before Marsh removed her earring and the mists returned to her, she was desperate and burning duralumin like crazy. And then she didn’t even need it.


edit: I should add this is the first time I’ve reread the Mistborn series in probably eight years or so and I have neglected this part of the forums for a good while now.

Edited by RazeU
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Drawing on the mists, the very body of Preservation, to fuel Allomancy was a special, near-unto-and-chosen-by-Preservation thing with Vin, being a proto-Vessel if you will, and not something your general Allomancer could do. Not even another full or lerasium Mistborn like Elend was.

So it's a bit like asking what it would be like to use duralumin while holding the power of the Well of Ascension. The answer is, well, I guess it'd get burned up, sure, but otherwise it'd be like continuing to paddle a canoe after you've already gone over the edge of Niagara Falls in it. (And her actually fully Ascending by the end of that battle - and disappearing entirely from the Physical Realm just before offing Marsh - would be hitting the bottom of the Falls.)

Edited by robardin
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Duralumin wouldn’t have had an effect. The powers she had were already so strong, that anything else would have made her a literal god, and that wasn’t possible until she had all of preservation within her.

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On 8/17/2020 at 5:40 PM, robardin said:

but otherwise it'd be like continuing to paddle a canoe after you've already gone over the edge of Niagara Falls in it. (And her actually fully Ascending by the end of that battle - and disappearing entirely from the Physical Realm just before offing Marsh - would be hitting the bottom of the Falls.)

Or attaching a model rocket to the back of a jet fighter.

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