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Forged copies


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I just read Emperor’s Soul for the second time and I still don’t quite understand Forgery, so I thought I’d ask here. How, exactly, does being able to change an object’s past correlate to making copies objects like the Moon Scepter or even the emperor’s soul? 

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It's been a bit since I've read the Emperor's Soul and I'm not the most knowledgeable on Forgery in the first place, so I hope someone can step in to fill any gaps here. I would compare Forgery the Selish art to forgery in real life. If I wanted to make a replica of the Mona Lisa how would I do that? Well, I would try to get the same canvas and the same paints and then make as close of a brush stroke by brush stroke replica as possible, it's not the original, but it's a "copy".

Shai likely did something similar for the Moon Scepter or the piece of art she swapped (soulstamping for the emperors soul is more complex, so we'll get to that). She makes a forgery of the physical object in a traditional sense, and then stamps it to change the objects Identity so that it believes it is the original. So she's first making a pretty good replica and then turning it into a "copy". It still isn't the original, but it is much closer than would be possible with traditional forgery on Earth.

Making a copy of the emperor's soul is a different beast altogether. If you could imagine the entirety of the emperor as a string of code that will explain everything they've experienced, how they think, etc. then you could feasibly make a "copy" of that code. So that is what Shai is doing, she's creating a stamp or essentially code that contains the "Platonic Essence" of the emperor.

The Selish magic hooks into the Identity of the physical thing and tricks it into believing whatever the stamp tells it (stamps can fail for a variety of reasons that Shai discusses), but creating a copy is really about making the stamped object malleable enough to take the stamp. 

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Alright, so, by making the copy similar to the object, she makes the soulstamp convincing the copy that it is the object plausible enough to take. That’s more or less what I thought, but I figured I’d better make sure. Thanks!

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