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F-Duralumin and the Nahel Bond


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Okay, I know I've been making a fair few forum topics today/recently, but blame RoW and the preview chapters and stuff. My mind is abuzz with new information and trying to fit it into place with what I already know about the cosmere.

That being said, here's another idea that I've had bouncing around in my cranial region for the past couple hours.

Can F-Duralumin push the Nahel Bond beyond it's standard limits?

I think so. For one, it's a hack that would require some pretty rare prerequisites. For one, a Connector Ferring, and one that can Worldhop to Roshar, and also be broken enough to become a Radiant. So it's not like this will become anywhere close to common anytime soon (perhaps by era 4 mistborn, but... I feel like that sort of power level is going to be needed at that point. I don't know why, it's just a gut feeling). Anyway, the actual realmatics behind it (besides the obvious of "nahel bond = connection = F-duralumin") is dependent on F-Duralumin being able to selectively store different Connections. If a Connector ferring can do that, then this is pretty much possible. As to what would actually happen, well, when storing, it's probable that the Radiant and Spren would both suffer losses due to it; the Spren becoming less sapient in the physical realm, and the Radiant's surgebinding weakening. Not really great, but it's something that can be hacked around with Compounding, so... Eh. Give a Duralumin Gnat a connector medallion and send em to Roshar; they'll be able to speak the local languages with the Connection anyway.

As for tapping, well... I have no storming clue. Possibly more power with the surges? More efficient stormlight holding? A full merge of the two spiritwebs into one being (which may be what happens at the 5th Ideal anyway)? Pseudo-Heraldry??

...You know, looking back at this I really feel like I should've had a more concrete theory on the consequences of tapping F-Duralumin with a Nahel bond... Oh well! You guys can have fun theorizing the effects too.

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