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Highstorm (electronic stormlight music project)


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Hello friends!

Here’s my cosmere artwork.

 I’m new to the 17th shard, hopefully there are others here who can appreciate what I’ve done here. I love TSA, these songs are sort of Pop/electro Music I made while rereading tWoK. All original lyrics and music.  I put a lot of work into them, what’s your favorite of the three? If people like em I wanna do more let me know.



Edited by Trentolio
Added information about the art.
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These are amazing!

I love the rhythm of 'To Kill a King!  The repetitive 'what a terrible thing...' draws me in, and that chorus 'even you have choices' gives me the chills.

I like how 'Us' explains the spren so well.  It sounds simple, but when I listen closer, I can hear a rich, beautiful history.

'Kaladin' is so good!  I love the 'do you fall up', and the 'life before death' sung over and over.  I think it really captures Kaladin's determination.  I think this one's my favorite, especially the part where the Ideals are.  Fantastic job!  I'd definitely love to hear more!

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Have you read the three books that are out? If not don't read furthur I don't want to spoil anything for you.

I think another Szeth one would be cool if you haven't. One that is based aroudn who he is in book two or who he becomes in book three.

One based around Rysn would be really cool.

Something based around Dalinars back story (if you've read Oathbringer).

Something around Adolin, maybe.

When I was reading Kholinar in Oathbringer I felt a bit of a haunted theme mabey that could end up being cool, of the whole Shadesmar thing.

A piece about Kaladins groups (Bridge Four, Wall Guard, and Parshmen group), exploring that a bit ot hwo all three clashed in Kholinar

I don't know if any of these might work around the style you have used for the other three but I sure am interested in seeing how it might come together.


Not going to lie I have upvoted every post you have made on this thread so far, these are great!

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Honestly I can't think of a single person or group you couldn't do music for, even in this style. You could make incredibly warm, vibrant textures or huge icy vistas of sound or furious staccato crashes of minor chords, you could go all over the place.

I love this. I want it on so many of my playlists. I want to sing its praises to the internet. I'm not even exaggerating.

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  • 1 month later...
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@Trentolio had already find your songs on YouTube and instantly fell in love. My favorite one is "To kill a king", I must have heard it like 3 times in a row when I first discovered it and now it's part of my regular playlist. I pretty much forced all my friends to listen to it and most really liked it( even when some of them haven't even read SA). Szeth is actually kind of my favorite charachter and the way the song embodies his moral and honor struggles is incredible. I wish I could've told him "Even you have choices" when he most needed it. Anyway I hope you keep doing amazing job like this cause I have a pretty good feeling that it will be most welcome over here at the Shard.

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@honorless Yeah I've thought about a lot of different ideas haha. Unfortunately I don't have too much time these days and I really like to agonize over these when I do them but I'm gonna try to get some more stuff together.

@Shardsplinter Thank you so much for the compliment! Szeth's one of my favorites as well. It's nice to have someone appreciate something I put a lot of work into. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ooooooooooooh! You gave me chills!! Those are so amazing @Trentolio! It’s super super close, but I think Us is my favorite. Honestly though, it’s just so cool to hear professional songs about my favorite book series. You’ve totally made my day! I look forward to any other songs you may make!

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