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What is home to a CS?



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your probably going to be tied to the world from which the investiture came from so in this case scadrial we do know  there is away around this the prime example being vasher but its the same reason a spren has trouble moving of world they same woud apply to seons and skaze as well 

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12 minutes ago, the cardinal of death said:

your probably going to be tied to the world from which the investiture came from so in this case scadrial we do know  there is away around this the prime example being vasher but its the same reason a spren has trouble moving of world they same woud apply to seons and skaze as well 

Agreed, it would depend on the method/nature of becoming a Cognitive shadow.  The most general way to become a Cognitive Shadow is to get an infusion of investiture at the moment of death that extends the period of time that your spirit/soul/shadow (philosophically debatable) lingers before moving Beyond.  That method would generally tie anchor you to the source of the Investiture that did it (Kelsier).  Vasher can pull it off, but I think the critical difference is that he's been "stapled" onto a real physical body, rather than being a pure Investiture entity.  The heralds's method seems like a bit of both, it locks them to the system even though they have bodies, but I think that has more to do with the Oathpact specifically, and since it's whoel point was to trap cognitive entities (Fused) to a particular place it makes sense that they'd be less free to roam.  Especially as compared to Endowment, with philosophically is about /giving/ power that you are free to use, as opposed to Restricting behavior the way Oaths do. 






Have we seen cameos of Heralds on other Shardworlds?

Brandon Sanderson

The Heralds are tied to the system by the magic that permeates them. They could not leave.


I thought I saw someone but I guess not.

Brandon Sanderson

It’s part of the magic. Some would call them Cognitive Shadows, right? Whether they are or not. "Cognitive Shadow" is a very ambiguous term in the cosmere. It means, basically your soul-- It's the same thing with petrification, right? Investiture replaced your soul, and permeated your soul, and your soul continues to exist, but... you are usually Invested with something, that's tied, and you're basically like pure Investiture then. You're tied to the thing you're Connected to. Most of the things that you're gonna see with that, travelling is going to be very difficult, unless you know how to do it. You have seen people do it.



Brandon Sanderson


Brandon Sanderson

Vasher... You have seen people do it. But anyone who's got-- yeah.

Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing (Dec. 6, 2016)







In Secret History, Nazh briefly mentioned that there's requirements or conditions to become a Cognitive Shadow. Can you tell us one of those?

Brandon Sanderson

Uh, lots of Investiture. Is one way. As a certain person discovered.


If that person were to not have entered Preservation's pool, it still would have given the same result?

Brandon Sanderson

If they had not, they would be gone.


I wasn't clear. If they had done a different pool, not Preservation's.

Brandon Sanderson

Oh, if they had been able to Invest themselves heavily, then they could have stuck around, yes. That wasn't Preservation's pool, that was more a function of--dipping themselves, pulling an Achilles inside of a Shardpool when you are dead, turned out to work. It's not the only way, not everyone on... Threnody, for instance, is heavily Invested.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)






I think there's a flaw in my understanding of Cognitive Shadows. I assume that... they would have more visibility into the Cognitive Realm, like a Herald would be able to see spren more easily, that kind of thing. Is that incorrect?

Brandon Sanderson

That is incorrect. A Cognitive Shadow simply means a copy of the Cognitive side made by a deep amount of Investiture. And everybody has a Cognitive side. Basically it's a fake soul. Or, fake is the wrong term. Fake is the wrong term. Even in-world they don't know if it's really them or not. It is Investiture has replaced the Investiture that is fleeing from them as they die, or enhancing it in some way to keep it around. So some Cognitive Shadows trapped on the Cognitive Realm are going to be-- have a lot of Cognitive-- I mean, they're there, right? But some Cognitive Shadows inhabiting a body in the same way that your mind inhabits your body, the way the cosmere works... So a Herald is going to feel like they are alive just like-- but their soul has been somehow transformed. It's not really transformed, it's been reproduced or copied by an injection of Investiture...

And I'll say for the purpose of the recordings, I haven't canonized any of that terminology that I just used about Cognitive Shadows. I'm just talking about it, I'm not necessarily saying that this is how you are supposed to refer to it. You can refer to it however you want. I've often used the metaphor of how fossils get made. When a fossil is made there is a pattern and it is slowly replaced with another substance that is stronger and more endurant, and has the shape of it, but is it still the bone? When you have a fossil bone is it the dinosaur bone? In most cases no, but yes. It's the ship of Theseus sort of thing again. Is this the bone or is it not? Is this the soul? Is this the person or is it not? That's the same sort of thing is happening with Cognitive Shadows. And it's happening on all three Realms to an extent, though of course the body is not. The body stays. It's happening on two Realms. It's happening Spiritually, mostly Cognitively.

Orem signing (March 10, 2018)


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agredd whats going with a returned is likely differrent enough to making such forms of travel less dfficult for a shadow with out a body it woud be like a spren trying to hop over to another world without help wich to some degree has happend because there are some spren on scadrial wether they made it there own their own or through an outside force no clue  a WOB for confirmation on a few spren existing in the scadrial corner of shadesmar 

Alex Hetu

If you went to Shadesmar on Scadrial would there be spren there?

Brandon Sanderson

"Spren" is a term for things on Roshar. So yes, there are a few, but they're from Roshar originally.

General Twitter 2015 (Dec. 11, 2015)
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Based on the WoB quoted above, I would say that you would be tied to Sel.  Brandon notes 'You would be tied to the thing you are Connected to".  While there are ways to change your Connection, it seems to me that being bound to Sel is the most likely outcome.

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