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Book error, clubs burning bronze, & DND


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So I’m doing a relisten of the well of ascension audiobook, and in chapter 24, it says “she[Vin] had asked Clubs to burn bronze, and he had claimed to hear nothing from the north. Either he was the Kandra, lying to her about his ability to burn bronze, or Vin could hear a rhythm that nobody else could.”

clubs is a smoker, and burns copper, so this is an error obviously, (and I’ve never found an error like this before, so I’m pretty excited).

(It made me think of the DND 5e magic system where you pick which spells you want prepared every day, and how it would be cool if mistings could change their ability every morning, but could never have more than one).

Anyways, anyone else find any interesting errors like this in the books?


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Wow that's a doozy. I just checked the text in my Kindle version of Mistborn Era 1 (my HB books being at home), and it reads: "She had asked one of Elend's seekers to burn bronze, and he had claimed to hear nothing from the north." So it was detected and fixed later, but after the audiobook was recorded, and I suspect my HB book might have the error as well (depending on what print run it had).

I have noticed a few other "wrong metal burned" types of errors in Mistborn in previous read-throughs. Most memorably, in my version of Alloy of Law, both my print and Kindle copies actually (I just checked the latter one on my phone), cadmium got mixed up with chromium in a key place: Marasi mentions how chromium burned much more slowly than bendalloy in comparing her Allomantic ability with Wayne's, who also says she could "burn some chromium and poof!" skip over some boring time.

Since both chromium and cadmium are "new" Allomantic metals in Alloy of Law (we never saw them used in the original Misborn trilogy), and because this was literally the first time in AoL that she mentions what metal it is she burns to be a Pulser (in Chapter 12), it confused me a ton later when I kept reading - in later books, years later, not even in Alloy of Law - about how chromium Allomancers were Leechers, and Marasi talking about having cadmium around to burn. ("But, but, but dosn't Marasi burn chromium? --  *flip flip* Yeah, she totally does! And Wayne says it too! I guess that was a typo?!")

The only clues that something was amiss was (a) the notes in the back, in the Ars Arcana, have it right, and (b) Wayne commenting how "bismuth and cadmium aren't the kinds of metals you find in a corner store" out in the Roughs, and of course if I looked up bendalloy IRL I'd find it was an alloy including cadmium, not chromium.



Edited by robardin
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