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When endowment and harmony meet


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If there was a theoretical planet that would have both endowment and harmony, with their respective magic systems, what would happen?

would endowment get ticked off and attack harmony and how would the magic systems interact?

i would imagine that Nicrosil Ferrings could have breathminds and such, but how else would the magic system function?

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I think Allomancy and Feruchemy would work as normal because Allomancy is similar to Breath in how people receive power from the Shard and Feruchemy is giving to your future self, but Hemalurgy as it exists now would not work because Endowment's magic focuses on willing sacrifice. The system would probably be altered to work with willing sacrifice, like the giving of Breath. Breath would still work as normal because it is like Allomancy.

EDIT because the site posted it early: Spiking Breath would be the equivalent of mugging. Unsealed Nicrosilminds would be a new way to sell Breath since you wouldn't have to give all of it anymore. The real question is what Edglium and its alloys would do. If Edglium was condensed Breath, an Edglium Misting would be very wealthy especially in tandem with Nicrosilminds. 


Edited by Coda
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Magic systems are a function of the Shard(s) and the planet interacting, so if the two uprooted themselves and then took up residence on another planet, you wouldn't get 'Harmony and Endowment's current magic systems with influences from the other' but something new shaped by the way their powers interacted with the planet they Invested. Here's a couple of relevant WoBs:


The powers of Ruin and Preservation are Shards of Adonalsium, pieces of the power of creation itself. Allomancy, Hemalurgy, Feruchemy are manifestations of this power in mortal form, the ability to touch the powers of creation and use them. These metallic powers are how people's physical forms interpret the use of the Shard, though it's not the only possible way they could be interpreted or used. It's what the genetics and Realmatic interactions of Scadrial allow for, and has to do with the Spiritual, the Cognitive, and the Physical Realms.

Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide (Oct. 15, 2008)


From what I understand, Ruin and Preservation create the world together, and they created humanity as copies of the original humankind. So how did they give Allomancy to Scadrial?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. So the magic systems are kind of built into the setting and the world. And there are certain natural pathways that exist, in the same way there are certain natural pathways for them to create life. Which is my explanation for why life is so similar on all the different planets, is that they're following natural pathways, and these magics are kind of the same way. For instance, Lightweaving predates the Shattering of Adonalsium. A lot of these other things are suggestive of magics that existed before that were built around Adonalsium. They weren't 100% created by the Shards, but they also do have the Shards' influence on them.

Skyward San Diego signing (Nov. 7, 2018)

Given the example of Roshar where there was a pre-existing manifestation of Investiture that Adonalsium had put in place and what the Shards did was put their own touches on it without changing the underlying mechanisms, it's likely that any Shards settling on a new world would find similar 'pathways' in place and any magic system(s) they manifested would go through those and also be filtered by the sDNA of whoever or whatever actually manifested the magic.

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13 minutes ago, Weltall said:

Magic systems are a function of the Shard(s) and the planet interacting, so if the two uprooted themselves and then took up residence on another planet, you wouldn't get 'Harmony and Endowment's current magic systems with influences from the other' but something new shaped by the way their powers interacted with the planet they Invested. Here's a couple of relevant WoBs:

Given the example of Roshar where there was a pre-existing manifestation of Investiture that Adonalsium had put in place and what the Shards did was put their own touches on it without changing the underlying mechanisms, it's likely that any Shards settling on a new world would find similar 'pathways' in place and any magic system(s) they manifested would go through those and also be filtered by the sDNA of whoever or whatever actually manifested the magic.

I like what you’re going for, but I must say that that was not quiiiiiite my intention. I just kinda want to know how the two magic systems would interact with one another in a hypothetical so I can use it as a potential game for my brother.

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What form the magic takes would depend on the world, assuming a blank state where they both influence it, it would depend on how they "code" their newly created Shardworld, let's call it Scathis. So, on Scathis magic would take a form that had equivalent exchange, in my opinion. Something akin to Feruchemy might exist, though it might not be keyed to metal, it would also probably be usable by anyone, like an unkeyed metalmind. It might not necessarily require something external to be exchanged like a metalmind, just people exchanging attributes perhaps. For eg: one person is having trouble sleeping, the other needs to stay awake to study, they just exchange wakefulness. This would be the middle magic, of both Harmony and Endowment. As for their own magics, I imagine they would be somewhat similar to what we see in canon. Endowment's system would probably involve the giving of Investiture to someone or something, creation of automata perhaps. For Harmony, it's more difficult to imagine...

If both Shards were on Scadrial, Endowment would have her own godmetal.

If both were on Nalthis, Harmony could also create Returned. It fits both Ruin and Preservation's Intent.


He did offer to resurrect both Vin & Elend.

Beyond that I hesitate to make any guesses but if you want to create a mix of BioChroma and the Metallic Arts for an RPG, go for it! 

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