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Was the OA emissary a kandra?

Necessary Eagle

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The death of the OA emissary has always bothered me. Dusk and Vathi figure out that the machine is a trap, that they were meant to find it. Which means the emmisary's death wasn't an accident, either. The Ones Above must have somehow arranged for him to die. But how would that work?

1. The emmisary knew he was going to die. Which would raise the huge question of what about their mission he found worth choking himself for. I'm having a hard time imagining someone martyr himself for other people's profits.

2. My phone is a complete chull that keeps deleting the detailed paragraphs I've been laboriously tapping out, forcing me to sum things up abruptly instead of making eloquent arguments.

3. The Ones Above are a bunch of cold bastards who killed off a redshirt because they figured it would be easier to get away with one murder than wholesale violation of the Prime Directive.

4. Phone = storming rusting colorless deathant chull that tries to evade responsibility by autocorrecting to "chill" .

5. The emissary faked his death.


Abruptly summed-up version: faking the dead when there's a bunch of people who will be desperately trying to revive you is difficult*. It's also risky because you have to survive whatever the local burial customs might be. Also they might try to cover up their theft by dumping your body overboard and swearing you fell or something. 

I mean, sure, they have sufficiently advanced magic for space travel, they can probably rig up something. But we know that kandra definitely are good at playing corpse. And it's widely thought that the OA are from Scadrial- which, coincidence coincidence, is where kandra are from.

I'm going to cut myself off here before the Chull Phone strikes again, but what do you think?

*I mean, I'm assuming. A bunch of godlike Space Dudes with the power to do Patji-knows-what if they're pissed send you an emissary, you'd probably be doing your best to send the guy back in one piece. 



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That theory does go along with the idea that the Ones Above are at least partially comprised of Scadrians, and I can’t think of any other creatures or magic users that could achieve the same effect. Mainly, I’m thinking about Knights Radiant. I’m not sure how a Radiant could fake their death for a prolonged period of time. Sure, they could heal themselves with stormlight, but any close inspection would reveal that they’re heart is still beating. A Sleepless could fake their death, but since their imitation of humans is so rough, you’d think they’d notice the difference after inspecting the body. 

A mundane option is that the person used drugs that lowered their heartbeat and breathing to basically imperceptible levels, then the Ones Above ensured they got the “body” back intact. However, I think your idea that it’s a kandra is the best bet.

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2 hours ago, Honorless said:

Hmm... I don't recall any mention of them having a heartbeat but they do have blood so they should also have a biologically functioning heart and not just a Gemheart.

I believe one of the Venli chapters mentions having a "second" heart besides her gemheart, but I could just be imagining things.

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5 minutes ago, Lunu’anaki said:

I believe one of the Venli chapters mentions having a "second" heart besides her gemheart, but I could just be imagining things.

I think i remember that too but we are not clear about the location of the heart and therefore, the natives could miss the heartbeat not knowing where to look.. Besides, beneath the Chitin plate attached to the chest, the heartbeat may not be so easily traceable..

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6 hours ago, The traveller said:

I think i remember that too but we are not clear about the location of the heart and therefore, the natives could miss the heartbeat not knowing where to look.. Besides, beneath the Chitin plate attached to the chest, the heartbeat may not be so easily traceable..

pretty sure that the rhythms stop when the singer dies, so maybe that could be checked???

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10 hours ago, The traveller said:

But how will the natives of fots sense the rhythms? It might be just a Rosharan thing.. seeing as the humans can not sense rhythms 


Rlain notes that sometimes the Bridgemen hoop or cheer to the sound of the Rhythms in Oathbringer

Bronze Seekers can hear "a ripple of sound in the fabric of creation itself—the power of creation being used, creating a drum beat to those attuned to it", that's how Alendi and Vin were able to detect the Well of Ascension, the two might be the same phenomenon

they are a Cosmere-wide phenomena, and are not restricted to the Singers



If you took a Parshendi... And they were born outside Roshar and never visited Roshar in their lives, would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar... If you took one that was not born on Roshar, would they feel the Rhythms off-Roshar or just Rhythms in general?


Rhythms in general.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, they would sense them.


Even beyond Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

What they are sensing... it's something that pervades the Cosmere but on Roshar has specific way of manifesting.


Is it the same thing that Soothers and Rioters are using?

Brandon Sanderson

Now you're straying into RAFO territory with your question/good question...

Warsaw signing (March 18, 2017)



Music on Roshar... How, why is it important, I mean more a why--

Brandon Sanderson

Why music? Music, the Rhythms you are speaking about specifically, or what?


...There seems to be a lot that connects to music, with like the Dawnsingers, there's lots of people hearing the Rhythms--

Brandon Sanderson

It all comes from the Rhythms. That's all kind of interconnected.


So they kind of hear where the Rhythms are originally coming from?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm not saying that.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)



Hypothetically, if all of the Listeners were to go extinct would the Rhythms still exist?

Brandon Sanderson



Are there any other species in the cosmere that also interact with the Rhythms like the listeners do? (Though not necessarily in the same way?)

Brandon Sanderson


/r/books AMA 2015 (Aug. 24, 2015)



Can an Allomantic bronze burner hear the Rhythms on Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, this is possible.

General Signed Books 2016 (May 2, 2016)


Cadmium (paraphrased)

Would a Connection medallion accurately interpret a listener's Rhythms?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes, it would, but not all of it, some would be lost in translation. You'd probably lose some of the nuance. It would probably be better to give the medallion to someone who couldn't understand it than someone who spoke it. Calamity Houston signing (Feb. 24, 2016)



If a Parshendi were to attain Allomancy and burn Bronze, how would they feel about the Bronze pulses?

Brandon Sanderson

They would feel that they were somewhat familiar but a little odd.

Skyward San Diego signing (Nov. 7, 2018)


Questioner (paraphrased)

Could a Soother prevent a listener from attuning a given rhythm?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

No. A coppercloud could, but I hadn't thought about emotional allomancy interacting. See, the rhythm isn't your emotion and doesn't determine your mood. It is a direct connection to the spiritual realm. So I guess soothing could make it harder just like it makes anything harder, in the same way that driving a car would be harder. [recording starts here] And so, for the same reasons that you can, um, it is possible that a coppercloud can play with it. Not a normal power of a coppercloud, but you’ve seen them do stuff similar.

Footnote: Question was cut off in recording, first bit reproduced from memory
Boskone 54 (Feb. 17, 2017)



Would a Soother be able to affect a Listener attuning a Rhythm?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, I think they would be able to.


...Would it dampen Odium's effect on them?

Brandon Sanderson

Potentially, yes.

Oathbringer Houston signing (Nov. 18, 2017)



Edited by Honorless
put the quotes in spoiler tag
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On 11/19/2019 at 10:54 PM, Necessary Eagle said:

I don't think Listeners can pass as plausIbly human.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:



Seriously though, I started thinking that it could've been a Lightweaving? Maybe like the more solid illusions that Shallan created in Thaylen City?

Roshar isn't out of the running yet

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Perhaps it was a lifeless.  Those are commercially available on Nalthis, easily transportable and with thousands of years to develop awakening you might be able to get them to talk once and a while.  They are also REALLY good at faking death.  Alternatively maybe one of them had a breath and another one of the ship members had a terminal illness or worst of all was actually murdered by his own cremates.

Edited by Ookla the Prolific
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