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7 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

So Luna threw some more bread at it.

This time, when Luna's bread hit the new golem it reacted and gave the golem a cape and super beefy legs, as well as laser vision. Ah, the beauty of science. Then the paper airplane hit A.C. in the eye. "Ack! It won't come out!" He stumbles backwards and trips over a cat.

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Ene, having been just kicked in between the legs, yelped and jumped off of FT. She was immediately attacked by Truthless, but nothing really happened, leaving her to blink in confusion. Of course it was then that a giant hand of ice started attacking her, so she ran in the opposite direction, leading it over to A.C.


From an OOC perspective, yes, the romance is bad, and also if we're betting on what Sorana is, my guess is half-vampire-half-human because vampires aren't hurt by wood and don't sleep in Twilight :P


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Suddenly, FT and AC merged together to become FACT

Truthless ran towards the stockpile of paper airplanes, then tossed a strange looking device into the center of the pile. Suddenly, flames made of ice sprouted up from the paper, and when all of those had burned/frozen/frurned/burozened to a crisp, an twenty foot radius turned into a solid block of ice. The ice began to roll around like a dice cube in all directions, threatening to smash anyone who came too near.

Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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FT grinned. Now this would be interesting. He raced over to A.C., pulling out the paper airplane from his eye. Then he spun around, ducking under the d-ice cube. He grabbed the cat, and hurled it at Wolf-Ene.I


Or should we say Wolf-er-Ene? :D


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19 minutes ago, FatherTiempo said:

FT grinned. Now this would be interesting. He raced over to A.C., pulling out the paper airplane from his eye. Then he spun around, grabbed the cat, and hurled it at Wolf-Ene.I

A.C. was grateful for the help. He clasped FT on the shoulder. "Alright, this is starting to get intense. We better group up." He called Truthless over, and then made an ice fortress, giving them time to form a plan. "Ok guys, this fortress is nearly impenetrable, but it won't last forever. We've got to hit 'em, and we gotta hit 'em hard. Any ideas?"

Meanwhile, A.C.'s super golem rushed the pro-twilight team outside.

Edited by Rosharan A.C.
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"Silver's not that different from ice, so I can whip some up in a jiffy. And I'm sure Truthless has spare garlic somewhere." A.C. shifted his hands, causing an assortment of weapons and other items made of silver to come out of the wall. He walked over to the deadlier ones and grabbed a soup ladle.

Edited by Rosharan A.C.
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Truthless reached into his pocket, and with a flourish, he revealed the Perfect Garlic. It was so beautiful it hurt to look at. "This took me a couple of decades to find, let alone preserve it for so long. Any vampire ought to shrivel up at the very sight of it, not to mention the silver!! Here, you take it," Truthless said to AC, handing him the garlic. "As for the anti-werewolf charm, it didn't seem to do that much to Ene, so I've converted it into a handheld thermonuke if it comes to that."

28 minutes ago, Lunamor said:



Oh yeah, that's got a nice ring to it!


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Say wut??? 


Well at least they make me feel better. :D


 "Right, a little voice in my head tells me that, while the vampires have cellular structure, they'll be immortal. We need some atomizing detonation action."


After a few moments of web-searching, FT gasped and looked up, eyes alight. "We need flamethrowers."

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