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Shard of Nalthis


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Endowment makes a Splinter every time she makes a Returned, but if you mean absolutely wrecked like some others, no, she's still there.



How many Shards have been Splintered, besides the four we know?

Brandon Sanderson

You're gonna make me canonize this? I can't canonize this. There's a couple that I'm just kind of...


Odium, Endowment, Devotion...

Brandon Sanderson

Okay, Odium has not been Splintered. Endowment and Devotion have been Splintered... Endowment hasn't been Splintered, sorry. Dominion and Devotion have been Splintered. I've confirmed that one other has been Splintered. And then Honor has been Splintered. Those are your four that I've canonized. The other one is, I don't know if I've mentioned who exactly it is, but it's not one that you've seen on one of the planets...

Yeah, I'm not gonna canonize it, exactly how many there are. Because there are things going on in the cosmere that I wanna settle down and decide on once I get to it, exactly what. And Splintering can be a vague term sometimes, too... So that's a RAFO.

Footnote: Brandon has named the fourth canonized Splintered Shard, in Arcanum Unbounded. It is Ambition.
Salt Lake City ComicCon 2017 (Sept. 21, 2017)


Edited by Invocation
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Endowment is not Splintered, and her Vessel, Edgli, is very much alive. She wrote one of the Letters in Oathbringer, if you've read that. She does make voluntary Splinters in the Divine Breath that holds the Returned to their bodies, but that's just a tiny drop of her investiture, and doesn't significantly weaken her.

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