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Chromaticity: A Warbreaker Quest


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22 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

Thank you to everyone who posted. As I said above, I know real life takes precedent over something like this, and I don't mind if people aren't always here. Having said that, I do want a decent number of votes before moving forward, so should I switch to every two weeks so people have more of a chance to interact?

I think that maybe checking after a week how many responded, and should it only be a few then maybe add another week to give those that stayed silent so far a chance to write down their opinion as well.

48 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I feel like we haven't visited her yet, and besides sounding her out about the proposal, I wonder if she's the right person to approach about our thief? Just in case we need a stick.

I agree that we should visit one god that day, so that we talked to all of them at one point or the other. Actually the idea to ask about our thief as well isa good one. Songbearer knows not enough to really deal with that in a consistent way, given that we paid no attention to laws at all so far. Additionally I'd like to advertise our proposal of course.

[X] Visit Lawmaker the Honest

As to our second activity that day. I really liked what Firesoul said about building something in addition to being a god. I have to admit, I'm guessing a little here, but we already have a reputation to study a lot, so that would be something to build on. I'd like to research a little into the whole school topic. Maybe it would be possible to open up one, nothing like we have today, more a simpler version, a few years max. Basic calculation, basic reading, maybe some general insights about animals and or the world the life in. Practical things they can really use in the end. Additionally it could also serve as some kind of day care for those children old enough to attend. We'd really have to think about details here, maybe a Study Circle in the evenings would be better. I'm not really sure, but I'd like to have some information about the general situation (sorry and not sorry for handing that ball over) and would like for Songbearer to look into it.

[X] Study the current educational system and its accessibility for poorer people

(Side note on my part: if you have no idea either, then we could simply go with the situation in medieval europe? Just a suggestion, in the end it's up to you, and I don't know if we will do that.)


Regarding the thief:

I think we should listen to his story first, before we make any other decision. Hopefully Lawmaker also has some insight regarding how such things are usually dealt with, so that we don't decide something completely unusual in the end.

[X] Ask Hera to question the man.

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9 hours ago, Sorana said:

(Side note on my part: if you have no idea either, then we could simply go with the situation in medieval europe? Just a suggestion, in the end it's up to you, and I don't know if we will do that.)

I would lean towards that as well, to a certain extent, though not as formalised as to have a university as some parts of Europe did by that time. T'Telir is a relatively wealthy trade city (with the immense wealth disparity that implies), so it feels like the situation would be that the two ways to get an education are to be tutored or to be part of the Priesthood. Anyone who isn't would be functionally or actually illiterate or innumerate, and entirely reliant on picking things up from friends and family.

In other words, it's only your wealthy and merchant-class citizens that will have any kind of formal education, as much as there is such a thing as 'formal' education here. I don't recall much in the way of 'science' in the books besides BioChromatic research, and that's possibly partly due to the availability of cheap labour in the Lifeless, which suppresses the need for technological advancements for productivity increases, but I might just be reading too much into things. But yes, I would assume there's no collective schooling outside of training to become a part of the Priesthood.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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8 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

In other words, it's only your wealthy and merchant-class citizens that will have any kind of formal education, as much as there is such a thing as 'formal' education here. I don't recall much in the way of 'science' in the books besides BioChromatic research, and that's possibly partly due to the availability of cheap labour in the Lifeless, which suppresses the need for technological advancements for productivity increases, but I might just be reading too much into things. But yes, I would assume there's no collective schooling outside of training to become a part of the Priesthood.

Thanks a lot. Now Songbearer only has to take that action to know that as well ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week 2, Day 5: The Arbiter


Lawmaker’s home is much like the other palaces the gods occupy – Isolated, opulent, and entirely too big to be a home to just one person. You wonder what that says about the peoples’ opinions of the gods, but cut that line of thought off fairly quickly. It’s probably not at all flattering.

There is one surprise waiting for you as you get out of the carriage, though – Lawmaker herself awaits you outside her palace. It’s a surprisingly human action, though it is somewhat muted by the presence of her attendants, and by the fine cloth and dye of her dress. Even the grey, which would normally seem so passive, feels vibrant. She seems to be more of a contrast to the other female gods, her clothes highlighting her form, unlike Firesoul’s, but not particularly drawing attention to it, as Fatespinner’s does.

“Songbearer,” she says, with a small smile. “It’s good to see you again, this time outside of the Council.”

“Thank you for agreeing to see me,” you say. “I know you must be rather busy…”

“Oh, not so much,” she says. “Most of my work these days happens on the Council day itself, rather than during the week. It was more hectic when I first assumed this role, and when there were less gods, certainly, but things have settled since then. Please, come in,” she says.

You follow her inside the building, passing the same sort of finely woven tapestries and precise paintings that can be found in any of the palaces of the gods. Your thoughts stumble over themselves as you consider it. When did this kind of casual display of wealth become dull and mundane to you? It’s not as though you truly know any other kind, you suppose.

She and her priests guide you to a comfortable sitting room, and Lawmaker takes a seat on one of the recliners, though she doesn’t recline but sits facing you. You sink into a plush armchair, sinking down into it a little. Now that you’re sitting down, facing each other, you realise something strange. Lawmaker seems younger to you now than she did before, when organising the Council. Perhaps it’s the larger chair, or her posture being more defensive than the expansive one she took as the head of the Council. You aren’t truly sure.

“Now, before we talk on anything, I should clarify that I will not hear anything about proposals other than to clarify anything about the process,” Lawmaker says. “You might have been able to tell, but I try to maintain as neutral a position as possible within the Council.”

“I must admit, I was going to ask for your opinion, but I’ll refrain from doing so, then,” you nod, a little disappointed but understanding of her position. It makes perfect sense to keep the person in charge of ordering the gods around to be – as far as is possible – without an opinion.

“Thank you,” she replies, with a smile. “I am glad to hear that someone seems to understand why. Some of the other gods I’ve known have been a little… well, you get the idea.”

You can’t help but chuckle a little at this, feeling you know all too well who she might refer to. “I suppose I do, yes,” you say. “I assume then that the formal air is also put on for the Council, to seem more… distant?”

“Somewhat,” she explains. “It’s part for that reason, and part because my High priest has impressed it into me. I was the first of the new gods, you see,” she adds. “I was informed that I had to act in a certain manner, to show I was worthy of worship. I like to think I’m rather good at wearing that mask.”

“Ironic, really,” you say. “For someone with the title of ‘honest’, showing different faces in private to public.”

She waves away your comment. “They’re all true, just different aspects. A drab and a Returned see the same cloth, but in different ways, no? And simply because ‘The Trials of Warbreaker the Peaceful’ is performed by actors does not make it any less a true story, even without Warbreaker himself alive to act it, does it?” She offers you a wry smile. “I like to think I was an actor, sometimes, in my old life. Or perhaps that I was never given the opportunity, but could have been one of some renown if things had worked out, and the world lost something when I died.”

“You have the acting down, certainly,” he says. “It seems to me that you even go so far as to change your posture to suit your role. Or appearance.”

“Yes…” she nods, though she seems to take a moment to respond. Most curious. “I think the appearance is quite important. It primes certain thoughts and reactions in the people you speak to, gives them expectations for you to fulfil.”

“I think… it seems like more than that,” you say, watching her reaction.

She stiffens, and then looks around briefly to ensure you are alone. “Yes… Yes, that’s true.” She laughs a little. “Well… I’d heard you were very insightful, and it seems that’s right.”

“Then… I’ve read that Returned have the ability to change their appearances,” you say. “Is that the case here?”

She nods, a little uncertain. “…Yes. I suppose there’s no point denying it, if you know it can be done.” Something changes, though you aren’t sure what as it happens. It’s only when it’s complete that you can tell – Lawbreaker is a bit shorter in her seat, her face less hard, her eyes softer. If this is her true appearance, you’d guess her ‘age’ to be that of someone barely an adult, though admittedly it’s difficult with the bodies that the Returned have. “I learned of it from one of the last Returned still around before the current cohort. I use it to make myself seem older, more authoritative. If I looked more like this…” she gestures to herself, “I don’t think the others would be as responsive.”

“A further irony then,” you say, unable to stop yourself from grinning at this. “The oldest returned is, in fact, the youngest in appearance.”

She sighs, a frustrated sigh. “Please don’t tease me, I’m well aware of that. And don’t tell anyone,” she adds.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you reply, with a softer smile. “But I appreciate you sharing it.”

“What can I say?” she shrugs, sitting back against the recliner. “You’ve impressed me.”

You nod. “Thank you. There was something else I came here to ask though, not related to the Council.”

The young woman – the young god – nods. “Well, I’m not sure how much I can help with that, but I’ll try.”

“My Priests apprehended a thief last night,” you say, and she sits up at this, looking at you curiously. “My High Priest will be interrogating them, but I’m not sure what to do with them afterwards.”

“Hmm… Transgressions against the gods usually lead with the prisoner being sent to the God King’s dungeons, in the palace. And often carry a death penalty,” she adds. “I don’t know how much you’ll get from them though. You don’t get people randomly deciding to steal from Returned, even with how much wealth is in our mansions…”

“So you think they wanted something specific?” you ask.

“Perhaps,” she says. “Or someone wanted something specific. Like I say, you don’t just steal from Returned. Why do something riskier like that, which carries a higher penalty, when you could just steal from a mansion in the wealthy part of town?” she shakes her head. “Whatever it is, I doubt it’s riches he’s after.”



You return home shortly after, thinking on Lawmaker’s words – and her apparent attitude towards being the eldest of Returned. Before Hera leaves for the temporary dungeon your Priest set up, you ask her to gather books on education within T’Telir and the wider kingdom.

You aren’t surprised by what you find during your reading – education is the providence of the rich and somewhat-rich, a pursuit only enjoyed by those who do not have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. Any education that the merchant classes get is usually numerical or business-related, whereas the poor get by with poor numeracy and almost no literacy, as they are deemed to need neither for their jobs. Any knowledge they pick up is either from their work or from their family or peers, and is usually incomplete or incidental.

While there are some people who act as tutors, usually as a method to supplement their income to support their own research, the bulk of education, both teaching and learning, is done by the Priesthood. Their education is more rounded than most, though still focusing mostly on the Iridescent Tones. The other subjects they learn about tend to be about governance and politics, as well as any knowledge deemed useful for any god they might eventually serve. Any priests that train to serve you, for example, will study some form of music, whereas ones that serve Quickfell might study engineering or trade skills.

It would be a very long-term strategy to improve the education of the city, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be worthwhile. You imagine it would be very simple to get Brightweave to agree to this idea, with his library, and if you planned it correctly, perhaps it would be possible to get Coinspender to agree as well. You might never live to see the fruits of this labour, but you’ve never considered that you were doing this for yourself. You aren’t planning on building a legacy for yourself, but for the city. You hope to be around for at least a little while longer yet though, if only to ensure that it begins correctly.




A secret discovered slightly earlier than expected due to a very good Wits roll there :P. Slightly shorter chapter this time, as there wasn't too much to say on the education action other than 'this was done, and this is the situation as it stands'. The next chapter will be on the 24th.


Free Time

What will you do tomorrow? Select two.

[X] Visit Quickfell the Digilent [Charm]

[X] Visit Fatespinner the Fortunate [Charm]

[X] Visit Brightweave the Creative [Charm]

[X] Visit Kindsmile the Cordial [Charm]

[X] Visit an Area of the City

[X] You may suggest others that are not on this list




Action 1: Visit Lawmaker

You visited Lawmaker, and impressed her with your insightfulness. You've learned that Lawmaker knows how to change her appearance, at least slightly, using it to appear older and wiser when in public.

Charm: 2d6 + 1 = 10, Full Success

Wits: 2d6 + 2 = 12, Full Success


Action 2: Study Education System

You've taken some time to research how education tends to work in T'Telir, and have considered some methods that might improve the general level in the city.


Hera to Visit Thief

Hera tried to interrogate the probable thief to give up any information about themselves or their goal for breaking in, but they remained tight-lipped. Hera suspects that they were not stealing for themselves. The Thief has been taken now to the Palace dungeons.


Visit Lawmaker: 2

Study Education: 1 

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I think we should visit Brightweave, ask him about the idea about improving the education in the city. I think, that if we play this right, then we don't need a formal proposal and can simply do this.

[X] Visit Brightweave the Creative [Charm]

Additionally I would like to find out some good spots, for first lessons. Not a full school, but maybe a hall or a building. I think about maybe starting this softly, with one day per week rotating trhoug hdifferent places, like an evening school type of thing. I would like to take Hera on this trip, as in my head our priests will play a vital role in the whole project.

[X] Look for possible places to be used for educational purposes in the city

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Ditto on the Brightweave, with what Sorana said. So:

[X] Visit Brightweave the Creative [Charm]

But I also want to visit the thief personally. I don't really have a super in-game reason for this, just that I like this plot-hook and I want to be reeled in :P Aim: just find out what's going on with the thief!

[X] Visit the thief

@Wyrmhero, if we flirt with the thief can we make a Physique roll instead :P 

Edited by Kasimir
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15 hours ago, Kasimir said:

@Wyrmhero, if we flirt with the thief can we make a Physique roll instead :P 

I mean, it would surely be a Charm roll for that, right? :P.

Essentially, if you're trying to convince him it will be Charm, if you're intimidating him it would be Physique. You might also be able to draw on your other stats instead, if you can explain how you are trying to use it.

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Just now, Wyrmhero said:

I mean, it would surely be a Charm roll for that, right? :P.

Essentially, if you're trying to convince him it will be Charm, if you're intimidating him it would be Physique. You might also be able to draw on your other stats instead, if you can explain how you are trying to use it.

IDK, wouldn't being a prettyboy help with convincing him? Charm should work uphill if you're flirting but looking like the rear end of a Hutt :P 

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

IDK, wouldn't being a prettyboy help with convincing him? Charm should work uphill if you're flirting but looking like the rear end of a Hutt :P 

Charm refers to appearance and personal charisma, in this system, whereas physique refers to strength, dexterity, etc, and is more about musculature and build. Besides, how do you know the thief is into that? :P

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3 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Charm refers to appearance and personal charisma, in this system, whereas physique refers to strength, dexterity, etc, and is more about musculature and build. Besides, how do you know the thief is into that? :P

Are you telling me the thief isn't playersexual? :P Fie, what is this subversion of modern RPG standards? :P

But okay, noted. I think we'd prefer not to put the thief in conversation with a wall though, so looks like we have to pray the charm gods take pity on us :P 

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23 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Sorry, going to have to delay another week here - Been very busy, as I'll be moving next Saturday. Hopefully I'll get a new chapter up on that Sunday, if not it will be the Sunday after.

Cheers, Chief, all the best with the move! :) Looking to getting a few other votes/perspectives in this game, meanwhile! 

But okay: to clarify - when I say visit the Thief, I don't mean visit and leave, I mean let's try to find out what the heck they were doing and so on :P 

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14 hours ago, Kasimir said:

But okay: to clarify - when I say visit the Thief, I don't mean visit and leave, I mean let's try to find out what the heck they were doing and so on :P 

^same here :)


Well, we can always try and tag some people. @Lord Furret @Rushu42 @xinoehp512

Do you want to vote as well? It would be great to get some other opinions :)

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I do like the idea of establishing an education system, and I think we should make that a priority. If Brightweave can help, then let's visit her. It's also probably a good idea to establish some connections among our peers.

[X] Visit Brightweave

I'm also not opposed to meeting with the intruder. Personally, I'm curious about his intentions, and I think that Songbearer would be as well.

[X] Visit the thief

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Guess who mucked up their broadband and got the only incompatible service provider for his new flat? Mind, I also forgot a mouse for my computer, and a charger for my tablet, so there's quite a few problems, but the internet isn't one that can be fixed relatively quickly by a megacorp :P. So yes, I'm afraid there won't be a new chapter again today, due to the various problems I've caused for myself while moving in. On a brighter side though, flat seems quite okay, no real problems there. Quiet area and out the way, close to work, etc. So that's good.

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4 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

Guess who mucked up their broadband and got the only incompatible service provider for his new flat? Mind, I also forgot a mouse for my computer, and a charger for my tablet, so there's quite a few problems, but the internet isn't one that can be fixed relatively quickly by a megacorp :P. So yes, I'm afraid there won't be a new chapter again today, due to the various problems I've caused for myself while moving in. On a brighter side though, flat seems quite okay, no real problems there. Quiet area and out the way, close to work, etc. So that's good.

Take your time and please, don't feel stressed by this!

I hope you will sort out your internet problems and have a great start in your new flat despite all of this!

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Week 2, Day 6: The Puppetmaster

You visit Brightweave first today; it’s not as though the thief is going anywhere, after all.

The god’s home is decorated even more than the others that you have visited, even the more lavish ones such as Coinspender’s, but in a more simple manner. It does not display intricate paintings, or deep and meaningful truths about a subject via a specific positioning of a statue, or anything along those lines.

No, Brightweave’s home is decorated for children, and in some areas, by them as well. Bright colours are a major theme, simple but vibrant, interspersed with a variety of drawings and scribbles by children. Some are good, whereas could charitably be described as having a lot of effort put into them. But all are displayed proudly.

Brightweave greets you with a genial smile as you arrive in his workshop. A sign on the door indicates that children are not allowed in. Bright cuts of cloth and skeins of thread jump out to your eyes, stored carefully away in glass-fronted shelves, and the smell of freshly cut wood reaches your nose. To the side, on his desk, various tools lay to the side, with a pile of sandpaper beside it. The floor a bit messy, wood shavings pushes to the side with a large broom.

Good morning, Songbearer,” he says. “Please, have a seat. You don’t mind if I work while we talk? I have a deadline to meet.”

It’s the only seat, it would seem, as Brightweave stands at the desk. It makes it easier to accept his offer, and you sit down. “No, go ahead,” you reply.

Brightweave turns back to his desk, and picks reaches over to select a block of wood. “What can I help you with, then?” he asks.

Nothing especially,” you say, though it’s not entirely true. But that can wait. “I’m just trying to meet everyone, really. Get to know the people I’m working with.”

Brightweave nods. “That sounds like a good idea, yes. Even if it’s just once, it’s good to meet everyone in a situation that isn’t quite so… antagonistic… as the Council.”

You smile a little. “It’s a bit of a roguh situation to meet everyone in, yes. But generally it seems like it went well enough. There’s only a few that seem to be contradictory for the sake of it.”

Generally speaking, there’s not too much dissent,” Brightweave explains, as she shaves a strip off the wood. “It’s only when things become expensive that we have some conflict. But money is always a troublesome issue, isn’t it? Tends to bring the worst out in people, I feel.”

It certainly seems like it,” you agree. “Though I think perhaps if it’s approached slowly, it might be more acceptable.”

Indeed, a cost is easier for the others to bear if it isn’t paid all at once,” he says, as another strip falls to the floor. He places the planer on the desk, and picks the wood up, turning it round to examine it. “I think it’s as much avoiding blame if things go wrong for as long as possible, though I don’t think any of us want to die, so… it’s inevitable, I feel. Which is probably a good thing, really. We shouldn’t be able to shirk our responsibilities by putting them off.”

Agreed. We should have strength enough in our convictions to stand by them. Though there is something to be said for changing things more slowly, I’ve come to think.”

Your current proposal isn’t exactly a slow start, I would have said,” Brightweave comments lightly. “It seems a fairly big change.”

Well… Perhaps,” you allow. “It’s a small part of a bigger change I want to make, to improve the lives of the poorest people. I just hate the idea of waiting longer for it to happen. Not when there’s people who would benefit now. It seems… cruel to say ‘please wait, I’ll fix it for the next generation.”

Brightweave smiles. “I quite agree. I’ll be voting for your proposal, Songbearer. Perhaps with you around as well, we can make some real change for these people. Too often have we been outvoted on these matters.”

I’ll do my best,” you promise. “And I have other ideas too, longer-term ones. I was thinking about improving education too. Opening it up for more people. Something like...” You trail off. Something like what? The thought eludes you. Something from your past life, perhaps.

Something like...?” Brightweave asks, a mirror of your own thoughts. “Well, I would certainly agree with that. It would be a good route to getting out of poverty, and improving the fortunes of the country. Phrased correctly, I doubt even Coinspender could object.” He frowns. “Actually, no. He’d probably complain about it being wasted on the poor. Well, we can only see, I suppose, and run roughshod over what he wants if it comes to it.”

The thought makes you laugh gently. “We can’t let him stand in the way of progress, can we?”

No, quite...” Brightweave nods. He takes some sandpaper, and begins smoothing the cut wood. “On a separate note though, how are you handling what comes after?”

After?” you repeat, confused. “Ah,” you realise. “It’s… difficult, to take a Breath. I understand why you go so far to look after them.”

I think we all have different ways of coping with it,” Brightweave says, pausing in his sanding. “Firesoul has her hospice, Fatespinner wagers hers against others… Coinspender justifies it by his own ego, I imagine,” he scowls. “Don’t forget what they sacrifice for us, but try not to let it rule you,” he advises. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to accept it, in time, rather than being consumed by the guilt. Or perhaps you’ve found it already, and you just need to hold onto that when the time comes. Either way, I feel it’s a good thing, Songbearer.”

It’s a good thing to feel guilty about this?”

Yes,” Brightweave says, a self-depricating smile just about visible behind his beard. “It reminds us that, for all our enhancements and worship, we’re still human.”



Brightweave’s words remain in your mind as you make your way to the Palace Dungeons, the holding place for anyone who commits a crime against the Court. You are led down dark stone steps, black and imposing. It’s strange to see such a dull, dark place in the city of colour. You wonder if the God King even knows this place exists. You half expected him to appear as well, but you have grateful when he doesn’t. You don’t know how you would approach him.

The prisoner is a drab. That much is clear when one of the guards has to point him out to you, in his dark clothes in the dark room. You simply can’t sense his presence, and after a moment it becomes clear why – A drab would be the perfect infiltrator into a Return’s home, hidden away from all the Priests and the god themselves. You make a small mental note to make sure your Priests and guards don’t rely too heavily on Life Sense to discover intruders.

The guard lets you in to his room without much complaint, and steps away, clearly unworried to leave you alone with the thief. The reason becomes apparent quickly, as the thief is chained to the wall, suspended off the ground. His face has some colour to it, blotches of purple where he has been struck. He regards you with confusion as you approach, tinged with weariness.

What’re You doing here?” he asks you, eventually.

Well… I’m here to ask what you’re doing here,” you say. “Why try and steal from one of the Returned? Wouldn’t a wealthy merchant be a better target?”

“’m not a thief,” he mutters. “Just wanted to look around. Didn’t want to take nothing.”

You broke into my home to have a look around?” You ask, a bit incredulous. You aren’t sure you believe him, but he seems sincere.

Wanted to see how the other half live,” he says, giving you a pained grin as some fire seems to return to him. “See what our money’s paying for.”

Seems like a big risk to take, just to see that,” you say. “I’m willing to believe you weren’t trying to take anything, but that doesn’t seem like it would be all of it.”

Well, it is,” the man says. “Sorry to disappoint.”

You look at him for a moment, considering him. “What’s your name?”

You think I’m going to tell You?” he asks in response.

You shrug. “Well, no matter. I was just going to say though that the punishment for theft,” you speak slowly, and deliberately, “is usually a fine. Perhaps a flogging, depending on the amount. But stealing from a god? They’ll do something more permanent. The loss of an ear, maybe your hands.”

He stiffens as you speak. “W-what’s Your point?” he says, his voice hitching a little.

I’m willing to let things go – entirely – if you help me out too,” you say, gently. “If there’s something bigger than this, I’m far more interested in that than a simple thief – or trespasser,” you add before he can protest.

You let the offer sit for a moment, and the silence drags as he considers your proposal. “...I’m no snitch,” he eventually says.

All I ask is information,” you say. “I’m sure I can find more on my own from there.”

...Alright,” he says, sighing a little. “Alright.”

You call for the guard and, despite his hesitance, he follows your instructions and undoes the prisoner’s bindings. The thief ignores the glare from the guard as he massages his red and inflamed wrists, from where the iron bit into him. He’s marched outside the Palace by the guards, and you follow behind.

So?” you ask, when you are left alone again.

...” The thief sighs. “Look. I was hired to find something. A box, no idea what’s in it. Was described as about this big,” he says, stretching his arms to about half his height, and wincing as it seems to cause him pain.

Who hired you?” you ask.

He raises his hands. “I said I wouldn’t tell, and I won’t alright? That was our deal. Just… someone’s asking this stuff in the docks. Someone with money. You want to find out more? Make some inquiries there.” He stuffs his hands in the pockets of his damaged trousers.

Very well then,” you say, when it becomes clear he won’t say any more. “Thank you for your help. If you want my advice though, I would suggest a different line of work.”

What, like being a god?” he asks, and while the tone is sarcastic, there’s a scathing edge to it.”

Perhaps you have a point,” you admit, wincing. You aren’t sure if you can criticise to heavily when your life was handed to you. “Still, I advise you to lie low for a little. I wouldn’t want any questions I ask to be traced back to you.”

I wouldn’t want that either,” he says in agreement. “Don’t worry, I’m not an idiot. I’ll keep my head down.”

You nod. “That’s good then. Good luck, and take care.”

The man scoffs a little and heads off, giving you a dismissive wave as he goes. You chuckle a little and head to your carriage, intent on finalising your preparations for tomorrow’s Council meeting.

Your thoughts on the journey back home are entirely occupied by the information he gave you, though. Someone thought you had a box of some kind, and was willing to hire people to scout it out. You have no idea what it could be, or how it would have come into your possession if you do have it, but clearly it’s something important.




I'm a bit ill, but let's get this back on track :P. The plot, hopefully, thickens. Font is all a bit weird though, so if anyone knows how to fix it, please let me know.


Internet has now been sorted out. Turns out that I could go with my current provider, the cable I needed had just fallen down the back of the bookcase and couldn't be found, so that's all sorted out now :). So much effort though...


I am planning on posting the next Day in two weeks time on the 22nd or maybe on Monday 23rd, as we will be entering the Christmas period and things are all over the place as I'm sure you all know. I will the plan to post the following one on January 5th.



Once a week, proposals will be put forward for debate and then voting. Each other Returned has things they favour, things they dislike, and things they are indifferent about. Your ability to convince people to vote the same way as you will be dependent on your Influence. You can also now use your visits to other Returned to convince them to vote for a proposal you put forward, using your Charm, or just to gauge their opinions on next week’s proposals. Bear in mind that while you can vote for, against or abstain from any or all of these proposals, other Returned may take offence if you vote for a proposal they dislike, or against one they like! The proposals are presented below, but there will not be a vote until the following Day.

Proposals up for the next vote:

  • Install an ‘insurance’ system to take care of dock workers while they are unable to work - Songbearer

  • Lower taxation on Breath sales – Kindsmile

  • Forbid carriages in the centre of the city on one day a week, to allow a grander market - Quickfell


Free Time

What will you do tomorrow morning? Select one.

[X] Visit Quickfell the Digilent [Charm]

[X] Visit Fatespinner the Fortunate [Charm]

[X] Visit Firesoul the Merciful [Charm]

[X] Visit Coinspender the Generous [Charm]

[X] Visit Kindsmile the Cordial [Charm]

[X] Visit Lawmaker the Honest [Charm]

[X] Visit an Area of the City

[X] Something Else (write in with your suggestion)




Action 1: Visit Brightweave the Creative

You visited Brightweave and made up a little for your previous meeting with him. You both have a better understanding of each other, and what you want, and seem to have many of the same political goals.

Charm: 2d6 + 1 = 11, Full Success


Action 2: Visit the Thief

You were not able to get the thief/trespasser to divulge who hired him, but gained some information on what was the goal.

Charm: 2d6 + 1 = 9, Parial Success

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Oof. Haven't been here for a bit - RL's been more of a pain than I expected, but I'm enjoying the thickening plot here :P

I feel like we have two options and I'll vote on it later: 

1. We can go canvass another likely ally - try to get more support for our proposal.

[On this front: @Wyrmhero, do we also have a stats gain if we fail a challenge, or do we gain if we pass a challenge or...? I'm just trying to understand what our Charm currently is and how we can improve it beyond Augury boosts.]

2. We can also try to find out more about the mysterious box we are supposed to have, potentially by asking our priests.

While I'm inclined towards #2, it feels irresponsible to go haring off after the box and abandon our proposal :P

Also, 3. We could perhaps get a sense of where the other gods stand on the other two proposals. We don't want to offend an ally we've just solicited to vote on ours, potentially.

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