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Hoid Sibiling Bond?


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We do not know much about Hoid but we do this.  He goes around the Cosmere and gains access to the local magic systems wherever he goes.  On Nathilis he bought breath.  On Sel he stole the moon scepter to help understand the Dor.  On Scadrial we see him steal a bead of Lerasium from the WoA.  We also have WoB confirmation that he also went after feruchemy.  This indicates that he goes after the entire magic system not just one part of it.  It was not good enough for him to access one of the metallic arts.  He wanted to know all three.  He is now on Roshar and he has bonded a Cryptic but Cryptics are only one of the 10 spren bonds and this does not count the Voidbinding or whatever Cultivation's magic system is called.  Also to get all ten bonds Hoid would have to bond one of the three unique Godspren and become a Bondsmith.  I think people on Roshar would notice if either the Nightwatcher or Stormfather was bonded too Hoid so does that mean he has to bond the Sibling just to get away with this?

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He bonds a Cryptic at the end of OB, so I don't think this one's gonna happen.

1 hour ago, Karger said:

Also to get all ten bonds Hoid would have to bond one of the three unique Godspren and become a Bondsmith.

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure all bonds target the same part of the soul/spiritweb, and there's not enough space to do more than one. You could theoretically push to two maybe, but anything more than that has to be extremely hard, as the Investiture will just interfere then.

IMO, Hoid just got access to lightweaving, I doubt he's gonna pick anything more, so I doubt he's gonna go into Voidbinding or Cultivation's system, which I still doubt is anything but organic versions of what we see as Fabriels.

Edited by TheFoxQR
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On 7/28/2019 at 10:17 PM, King of Herdaz said:

I think that since he fears Rayse finding out that he is around, Hoid would keep his distance from voidbinding 

He will need to collect it eventually though.

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I think Hoid knows that there are some magics he won't be able to get. For example there is no way for him to become a Full Feruchemist (short of 16 Hemalurgic Spikes which I believe Hoid is wary of, never mind the fact that that wouldn't actually make him a Full Feruchemist). And although Brandon has said that it's theoretically possible to alloy lerasium with "bavadinium" to get Sand Mastery, being as: a) there is no lerasium left, and b) it would be a waste of the lerasium since Sand Mastery only works when you have access to Taldaini sand, I think it is unlikely for Hoid to get his hands on Sand Mastery.

My point is that Hoid realizes he can't have everything and that he knows when to cut his losses

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I think Hoid just wants as many types of investiture that he can get, not necessarily one of each type of investiture on a planet. And yeah  he's not going to be dumb enough to call attention to himself by trying to become a Bondsmith or trying to draw on Odium's investiture.

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2 hours ago, King of Herdaz said:

that's not for actual sand mastery that's just as an "Investiture detector". Actually performing Sand Mastery more than once is incredibly impractical

Uhh, not really, Taldaini sand is incredibly easy to recharge, which is why it works as an Investiture Radar in the first place. The lichen will absorb most kinds of Investiture and Roshar at least is so lousy with the stuff that it's probably almost as easy to keep the stuff charged there as it is on Taldain, with no real worries about efficiency.

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8 hours ago, Weltall said:

Uhh, not really, Taldaini sand is incredibly easy to recharge, which is why it works as an Investiture Radar in the first place. The lichen will absorb most kinds of Investiture and Roshar at least is so lousy with the stuff that it's probably almost as easy to keep the stuff charged there as it is on Taldain, with no real worries about efficiency.

Whoops! you are correct. I had thought, and on reflection I'm not sure why, that when it detected Investiture it would turn black.

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8 hours ago, RShara said:

I think Hoid just wants as many types of investiture that he can get, not necessarily one of each type of investiture on a planet. And yeah  he's not going to be dumb enough to call attention to himself by trying to become a Bondsmith or trying to draw on Odium's investiture.

But he routinely puts himself at risk getting new types(like bonding the Cryptic).

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1 hour ago, Grytorm said:

He might have grabbed Taln's honorblade. Undoubtedly someone else has already suggested this but I just thought of it after rereading Words of Radiance. He was in snatching distance wjen the man returned.



Does a Hoid have two Honorblades?

Brandon Sanderson

Hoid has no Honorblades.


Whats wrong on both counts, actually? Brandon gave them to him, right?

Brandon Sanderson

Currently has no Honorblades.

Salt Lake City signing (March 29, 2014)


At the very end of Words of Radiance, Dalinar touches a Shardblade and it screams at him. Shouldn't that particular Blade have been safe?

Brandon Sanderson

No it should not have. It's a clue that something has happened.


[This is] a question that the subtle reader should be asking. And there are other clues that something is wrong with what the story you've been told is.


Because Option 2 is that it's unsafe to touch an honorblade, but there's no evidence of that.

Brandon Sanderson

There is no evidence of that. In fact there's much stronger evidence that something else is going on.

Questioner 2

Did Hoid switch out the blades?

Brandon Sanderson

Hoid did not switch out the blades, but good question.

Words of Radiance San Francisco signing (March 6, 2014)


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