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What can storm light do?


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So I’ve been thinking about all that we’ve seen stormlight do, and I got curios about what storm light could potentially do. 

It can heal eyesight (renarin), it can heal shardblade cuts, broken bones, arrows through the face, burns away toxins, helps with the cold, and they don’t need to breath when holding.

So what else can it do? It’s said that the best way to kill a radiant is decapitation, or a shard slice through the spine. 

But could it help with dehydration? Could it help with starvation and other stuff like bad eyesight, for example, bad hearing? And how does it determine what needs to be healed? If someone is born without a finger would it grow a new one? Or what if someone was born with an extra finger? Would the stormlight remove it?

i would love to hear your thoughts on this. 

P.S. why did it heal renarins eyesight? Wouldn’t it be like kaladins scares, or rysns legs? 


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Depending on the what is healed part, it depends on how the person sees themselves. Lopen always believed himself to be as capable as someone two handed (or something like that) and so his hand growing back was just how he sees himself. For Kaladin, the reason his scars haven't healed is because he sees them as a part of his identity.

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I'm guessing that since he was always quiet, he'd be more observant and saw himself as seeing more than anyone else, despite the glasses. And so, his eyes healed when he got his Radiant powers (if there's a WOB on this, somebody please feel free to correct me).

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1 hour ago, supersmith said:

So renarin didn’t see glasses as part of himself, even after having them for his entire life? :huh: 

He saw himself as an observer.  A watcher.  My personal theory is that while growing he saw too much.

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It could be said that since the glasses allow Renarin to have normal vision, in his head, normal vision is the norm. So stormlight just made the norm, permanent. Perhaps if he was in a situation where his vision was failing, and he did not have access to corrective lenses, then he would have had to adjust to living with the poor vision, and thereby stormlight would not heal it. I would extend this theory to being blind as well. 

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1 hour ago, Pathfinder said:

It could be said that since the glasses allow Renarin to have normal vision, in his head, normal vision is the norm. 

This makes a lot of sense. If he never used corrective lenses then stormlight would never be able to give him clear vision because that would be something he never experienced.

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I've worn glasses for twenty years and they still feel like a silly thing hanging on my face. They never started feeling like a part of my identity. 

I wonder if a delusionally narcissistic person, healed with Stormlight, would become more attractive than they were before.

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1 hour ago, ScavellTane said:

My take is that Stormlight within a container brings the 3 realms closer together within the container be it gemstone or physical body. Hence the glowing.

The glowing is from the spiritual realm.

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On 7/28/2019 at 0:43 PM, supersmith said:

But could it help with dehydration? Could it help with starvation and other stuff like bad eyesight, for example, bad hearing? And how does it determine what needs to be healed? If someone is born without a finger would it grow a new one? Or what if someone was born with an extra finger? Would the stormlight remove it?

I feel like it Stormlight would fuel the body in the same way as food and water, since it does the same for oxygen, but once you stop burning it, you'd basically end up back in the same boat of having no water and food. I don't think it would really reset the three day/week clock of needing food and water either, since it has zero staying power. Once the Stormlight is gone, the body goes right back to not having any fuel for chemical reactions. You could intermittently use Stormlight to heal the damage caused by starvation and dehydration, but it'd be rough to live like that.

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