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The spear that killed the Lord Ruler


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Vin killed the Lord Ruler with a spear through the heart. 

"Then she raised the spear and rammed it directly into the Lord Ruler's heart."


Two questions:

1- Has this spearhead been used as a hemalurgic spike by someone?

2- Would the power gained from the spike be stronger as the Lord Ruler's power was so strong?

Apologies if this is a question answered long ago! Im new!

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7 hours ago, CleverCremling said:

1- Has this spearhead been used as a hemalurgic spike by someone?

Not to our knowledge.

7 hours ago, CleverCremling said:

2- Would the power gained from the spike be stronger as the Lord Ruler's power was so strong?

Perhaps but the point is moot as Vin did not yet know about hemolergy and she did not intend to spike out a piece of his soul

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4 minutes ago, CleverCremling said:

Is that true? I thought the sword rammed through the heart of a thug, splintered and accidentally spiked Spook and gave him pewter

The thug was influenced by Ruin.  He did not know what he was doing but Ruin did.

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4 minutes ago, CleverCremling said:

Ok got it. My argument is falling away here :unsure:.BUT you might be able to argue that Vin was influenced by Ruin if she had he earring back in at that point. 

Ruin was still trapped at the time.

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31 minutes ago, CleverCremling said:

Ok got it. My argument is falling away here :unsure:.BUT you might be able to argue that Vin was influenced by Ruin if she had he earring back in at that point. 

I just like the idea that Marsh took the spear a rammed it into his body after the fact. 

And we see from Vin's PoV during that entire sequence, and Ruin isn't there. Ruin was quite literally controlling Quellion at the time..

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Doesn't  hemalurgy require some what exact positioning with respect to the kind of metal being used? I didn't get the impression it was something you could easily do without some prior knowledge or experimentation. I don't think it particularly likely that Vin would have done it correctly by chance when killing the lord ruler. 

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3 hours ago, CleverCremling said:

Let's say Vin did want to create a hemalurgic spike from TLR. Would it be a more powerful spike over the spike of a regular Misting? 

Yes.  TLR was more powerful then any Mistling or Mistborn currently alive.  Assuming correct procedures were followed you can get a much stronger spike from him then anyone else.

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