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The Tower of Nebrask stood tall above the plains, wild chalklings flowing out from its every crevice. It had stood for ages untold, and soon its master plan would be coming to fruition.

Elsewhere, the survivors of a traitorous plot were devising a scheme of their own.
“Where’s Caccoo Moreau?” asked Aiden.
“Dead.” replied Kadal softly. “The Forgotten got to him.”
“What are we going to do?” prompted Aiden. “We’ve lost so many already.”
“I have a plan.” interrupted Mya. “We’re going to end this war, once and for all.”
“I’ve already told you, Mya, it won’t work! We don’t have enough manpower!” yelled Kadal.
“That’s where they come in…” Mya explained.

Elsewhere, a group of classmates were reminiscing about their time at Armedius Academy.
“It’s hard to believe it’s been this long since we’ve gotten together.” remarked Tendin Throk.
“Feels like yesterday we were all fighting in the Melee.” added Vao Temer.
“I still should have won that.” bitterly replied Joseph. “Matist was nearly down for the count, but then,”
“Yeah, yeah, we know.” interjected Pete Gazon. They had all heard the story by this point. “Speaking of Matist, where is he?” asked Slavista.
“Schmoozing it up with the bigwigs no doubt.” responded Miffed.
“Jeesh, don’t they know that this is important? We’re here to remember those we’ve, we’ve...” Apla trailed off, tears welling up.
Elysian put a hand on Apla’s shoulder. “We all miss them.”
“Hey, let’s not all be down in the dumps! We’re here to celebrate their lives, not mope around.” complained Drake.
Raising his glass, Jeeves proposed a toast. “To our good friends. May we meet again in the Master’s halls.”
The remaining alumni responded with a hearty “Here, here!”

Elsewhere, in the halls of Central Command, the Forgotten planned their next move.
“Status report!” barked Samuel Kessen.
“Thing are going according to plan.” replied Wyatt. “Isaac has dropped the hammer on the Fifth brigade, and Cole has subverted supply lines for the Sixth.”
“What about our stragglers?” continued Samuel.
Tory Farth fielded that question. “Don’t worry about them. Shanice has already gotten several of our operatives to monitor them.” He shook his head. “The fools plan plan to coerce an Armedius Alumni group into joining them, and then mount a desperate attack on the Tower. We’re one step ahead though, and have had Matist convert several of his classmates. With all of our sabouters, there’s no way the offensive succeeds.” 
“And you’re sure the conversion was successful? We’ve had too many mistakes lately. We can’t afford another.” demanded Samuel.
“Of course, they were successful.” Joel replied. “Ronald was a fluke. That man never had his lid screwed on right to begin with. You haven’t had any problems with Jain, have you?”
“No, of course not.” Sam broke out in a sinister smile. “How long have we waited for this? Nothing will go wrong. At long last, it is time for our revenge.”
The Forgotten’s eyes glowed white.

Elsewhere, a giant squid was on a mission. He plodded across the land, one thing on his mind. It was time for it to smash.

The Tower was waiting. All the pieces were on the board. And now, after all these years, it was time for the game to end.

Welcome to Long Game 57, The Tower of Nebrask. This is the conclusion of the 5 other Rithmatist games in this sub-forum. I'm Sart, your GM. @Ax's Boyfriend is helping me out as a co-GM. This game will be starting on July 8th, at 8:00 PM CDT.



The Basics:

  • This game follows a typical Day-Night cycle, with 48 hour Days and 24 hour Nights
  • PMs are open. Make sure to include both myself and @Ax's Boyfriend in them. Making PMs does not require an action.
  • Every Day Turn, a lynch will be held. There is no vote minimum, and ties will be decided randomly.
  • Each Day Turn, players can take one action. This includes taking from the Camp Supply, a list of items available to all players.
  • Each Night Turn, all players may take one action.
  • Every Night, Wild Chalklings will attack the camp, and must be fended off.

The Camp Supply:

  • Every Day Turn, new items will be added to the Camp Supply
  • As a Day Action, you may take an item from the supply. It will be revealed who took what item in the write-up.
  • As a Night Action, you may take an item from the supply. It will not be revealed who took what.
  • In the event of more people grabbing an item than are present in the supply, the people who grab the item will be randomized.
  • As an action during the Day or Night, you may give an item to another player
  • As an action during the Day or Night, you may destroy an item, removing it from the game.
  • There will be many items. Their function, and when they can be used, will be detailed when they are added to the Supply.
  • When a player dies, all of their items will be returned to the Camp Supply.

Wild Chalklings:

  • Every night, the Chalklings will attack with all of their Strength.
    • The Strength of the Chalklings starts at one, and can never go below one.
    • If a Rithmatist is lynched, the Strength of the Chalklings increases by one.
    • If a Forgotten is lynched, the Strength of the Chalklings decreases by one.
  • If the Camp’s Defense is lower than the Strength of the Chalklings, the Camp is Overrun.
    • Various Items add to the Camp's Defense.
    • The Camp’s Defense resets after every night.
  • The Camp can be Overrun a maximum of three times:
    • The first time, nothing happens, and the Camp is given a warning.
    • The second time, a random Rithmatist will be killed. This kill is unblockable, and goes through all levels of protection.
    • The third time, the Forgotten win the game.

Known Items:

  • Piece of Chalk (One-use, Day or Night): Do one of the following:
    • Line of Warding: Add one to the Camp’s Defense (Night)
    • Line of Forbiddance: Protect a player from up to one attack. Can self-target. (Night)
    • Line of Vigor: Negate a player’s action. Cannot negate itself (Day or Night)
    • Line of Making: Learn a player’s action if that action involves Chalk. (Day or Night)


Player List:

  1. StrikerEZ: Wardell
  2. Dr. Dapper: Rick
  3. Devotary of Spontaneity: Jenoue
  4. Xinoehp52: Ecnelis
  5. Butt Ad Venture: Nathaniel
  6. Araris Valerian: Elysian
  7. Cadmium Compounder: Caden
  8. Lumgol: Character TBD
  9. Ventyl: Jerm Apple
  10. Alvron: Blackbane
  11. Elandera: Brodie Fields
  12. Shqueeves: Jeeves
  13. Snipexe: Snip

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1 minute ago, Furamirionind said:

I'd like to sign up! ... As a... um... as... a... well...

I... Um...
Spectator please. : (


Signing up as Evan, an older student who has become jaded with the school's practice of sending all of their Rithmatists to eventually fight at the Tower of Nebrask.

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2 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

I'll sign up as Rick.

Just Rick.

Is this your first SE game? If so, welcome! I hope you enjoy playing the game and getting to kill know all of us!

If this isn't your first game, sorry. :P I've been gone for awhile, so I could've missed your first game.

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7 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

LG54 was my first game. Aluminum hat gang.

Ah, coolio. My first game was LG34, and my last game before my hiatus was LG40. I'm excited to play a game with you, since you're new to me!

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There was little work for a veterinary doctor these days with the war dragging on in Nebrask. More and more non-Rithmatists were being shuffled off into combat to patch up the holes left by shocking amounts of Rithmatists slain in recent battles. There just weren't enough children to sacrifice against the Forgotten threat, and so the army was forced to recruit those who had already served their time on the front lines, and those without a scrap of Rithmatic talent. Jenoue had signed up as a medic shortly after the skirmish which wiped out an entire unit of Rithmatists and supporting soldiers. She hadn't been expecting to be sent directly to the Tower, but perhaps here she could make the biggest difference. 

Do we get one action per cycle, or one action per turn? I'm assuming the latter.

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Signing up as Nathaniel, a man who has lost his father, and his father's father, and his father's father's father, etc. all fighting against the forgotten threat. 

On 6/27/2019 at 10:05 PM, Sart said:
  • Every day,


Every day what?

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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8 hours ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Signing up as Nathaniel, a man who has lost his father, and his father's father, and his father's father's father, etc. all fighting agents the forgotten threat. 

Every day what?

Every day I'm shuffling

Whoops, looks like I didn't copy and paste the full sentence there. Every day, a lynch will be held. There is no vote minimum, and ties will be decided at random.

17 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Do we get one action per cycle, or one action per turn? I'm assuming the latter.

One action during the day, one action during the night.

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On 6/28/2019 at 4:05 PM, Sart said:

All the pieces were on the board. And now, after all these years, it was time for the game to end.

A figure stroked his beard, deep in thought while staring intently at the miniature landscape before him.  The landscape, a small but prefect likeness of The Tower of Nebrask and the surrounding area, was colourful and meticulously detailed.  Small puffs of clouds hovered in the air around the hills while a dusty haze hung in the air around the Tower itself.  If one was to look closer they would even be able to see signs of life and movement.  Small black dots like swarms of ants milled the streets of the makeshift towns and encampments that marked where the lines were held against the Chalkling swarms, each dot representing a person or creature.  The waters of several rivers sparkled as they emptied into the sea.

The Trickster God's eye surveyed the battleground.  The charred remains of several camps that had been overrun scarred the landscape.  The Tower of Nebrask rose proudly as a dark shadow among a growing sea of white as the Chalklings gathered nearby.  And several tiny sailing vessels could be seen heading towards the shore, their pure white sails a stark contrast to the deep blue of the sea.

While Ronald had failed him, he was but one tool at his disposal.  The God's eyes narrowed, it was time.  One last toss of the dice, one last flip of the coin, one last draw of the card.  A new dot appeared on the miniature landscape.  A purple dot.

The board was set, the sides chosen.  It was time for the game to end.  And Blackbane has just entered the game.

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