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Come one, DA! Loosen up! I'm sure no actual secrets will be talked about during this super rare meeting thing! There is no reason you guys should be so rude to the spies who tresspass on your porperty with the hopes of eavesdropping on your conversation! that's just silly! :)


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This is more of a case that nobody could actually hope to infiltrate this deep inside the alleys, and the fact the we've got three physical gods at the meeting means anybody getting anywhere close to the place is basically dead.

On that note, anybody trying to spy on the meeting will be killed, so people shouldn't try to insert characters here (how would they even get there? They'd have to navigate through a sentient maze (the alleys) that recognizes them as being intruders).


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Our PM has the heads of two big guilds in it as well as a confirmed spy. We're not that big on secrecy. Besides, we want to encourage people to make others aware of their plans (at least in a more general fashion) to prevent giant plot pileups, and to give people an idea of big events coming up so they can properly react to them (like how people were aware of Voidus getting released at the end of Era 2, or the build-up to the Great Game).


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6 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

A dark spren watched, lurking above the meeting.


Yeah as mentioned this holds numerous problems, the main one being that Voidus was expressly guarding against such things.

Another is that even if he weren't it would be seen and very quickly killed. There is at least one PC present who can see spren, along with Seekradors, most Denizens while in the Alleys likely having bronze allomancy, and most especially Mac, Voidus and the Stranger being present.

The third would be the question of how it possibly found them, barring being connected to a member of the DA it would need to know exactly where they were meeting, know how to Alleytravel in order to get there, and slip unseen past everything on its way there.


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3 hours ago, kenod said:

This is more of a case that nobody could actually hope to infiltrate this deep inside the alleys, and the fact the we've got three physical gods at the meeting means anybody getting anywhere close to the place is basically dead.


heheh... yeah, I think I know what you mean:P


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Lita stepped back a bit and gave Laurelai room to give her own report to the three leaders. When she mentioned that she was a Forger, Lita did her best to quash a tiny, prideful smirk. She did so enjoy being proven right on a suspicion like that.

She'd intended on giving Laurelai the full support of her attention, but her eyes couldn't stop flicking towards the Stranger. Don't stare, she scolded herself. It's unprofessional. Still, the stress of the last few days, the party, the coin - all these questions filled her like water set to boiling, creeping closer and closer to the lid. Why had his Shade given her the coin? What was she supposed to do with it? And what on earth was she supposed to do in the middle of a war with nothing but her own Twinborn capabilities? Lita looked down at the rows of tiny spikes in her arms and pressed her mouth into a tiny line. They were what was keeping her safe while she Alleytravelled, but outside of the Alleys she was just as vulnerable as anyone else - possibly more so. Just another Tineye in a world full of extraordinary people, with no way of protecting herself save her wits, her charm, and a reasonable skill at poisoning.

But it was rusting hard to poison someone in the middle of a war. If they were to use her - and she had no illusions that they did intend to use her - they'd need her to be better than just a clever Twinborn. She'd need to become something more. Lita tapped her index finger against her leg, trying to shake out some of her nerves. Usually she loved secrets but this many all at once felt like a thousand voices screaming in her ears. She couldn't filter out one from another.

Calm, she thought. One breath in, one out. She did so, pulling her face back into its usual pleasant blank slate. This was no time to show weakness - there would never be a time to show it. Not anymore. There was only one way to go now: forward. Her hand slipped into her pocket and drew out the coin, clutched like a talisman. It was cool and heavy in her hand, and while she managed to resist the urge to flip it as Laurelai spoke, she turned it over and over behind her back, letting the motion lull her mind into something close to ease. Eventually, I'll get my secrets, she thought fiercely. For now, patience.

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4 hours ago, kenod said:

Our PM has the heads of two big guilds in it as well as a confirmed spy. We're not that big on secrecy.


...which one of those are you counting me as? Since technically I'm both :P


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17 hours ago, Voidus said:

Voidus listened carefully as the woman, Lita, gave a report of what they'd seen. He traded a glance with the others when she mentioned that they were fundraising but left her to finish her report. As soon as he'd heard that a party was being thrown in the Alleycity he'd known what to expect, but even so an escaped criminal a contingent of Marines and the unknowns behind the security of the building itself were a little much.

So this PlasmaCore wanted to request funding from us in order to fund whatever it is they've created to draw from the Void? They're either idiots or suicidal.

It wasn't as illuminating as he'd have liked but apparently they at least had enough sense to keep everything behind closed doors and enough security that even a DA infiltrator couldn't find out.

"Ways other than Hemalurgy exist." Voidus conceded. "Though none so precise or freely available, but the spiritual realm is not as unalterable as some believe."

He gave Lita a final nod of approval, considering the short amount of time that she'd been with the DA she seemed to be adapting remarkably quickly.


Laurelai allowed Lita to turn in her own report first, she'd noted a number of finer details about the attendees but Laurelai and Lita had both already sent those details along to Mac, that likely wasn't what they were asking about now. Like Lita, Laurelai found it difficult to meet with the intense gaze that Voidus was directing their way, though thankfully Lita was gaining most of the attention right now.

She did catch herself glancing up at each of them however, gauging their reactions to each part of the report. Trying to read people and guess their motives was far too ingrained a habit for her to be able to shake it due to a little fear. Especially now that it seemed that they were only here to give a report and not to be executed. Probably.

Lita finally concluded her report, and while Voidus spent a brief moment commenting on it, all too quickly his gaze turned to her. She felt an immediate and instinctive urge to look away, but somehow managed to center herself, without using Forgery she could still become someone who was capable of this much, she could look her superiors in the eye while delivering a report.

Gods she wished she'd had time to change out of this Vorin dress before she got here. What did those women do with their safehands? Then again Vorin women weren't allowed to particpate in most military matters so they probably never needed to worry about where to hold their hands while giving a report.

"And you?" Voidus asked, turning towards her. "I don't recall your name, have you worked with one of my labs?"

"Uh, no sir." She said confidently, not likely that she'd forget something like that. "But it's Laurelai."

For a brief instant he seemed to react to the name, his eyes shifted and became somehow even more intense and he seemed on the verge of saying something, but before she knew it they were back the way they had always been. She dismissed the idea, she must have imagined it. Or he'd likely seen the name in one of the reports she submitted, she did put through a lot of requests for records access after all.

"I can't say I have much to add directly sir." Laurelai began. "I didn't see or hear much beyond what Lita did, though I made note of everyone I recognized."

She saw them begin to look to each other again, seeming on the verge of conversing with each other and compiling what they'd learned. She did note a touch of what almost seemed like disappointment in their expressions.

With that, Laurelai's smile widened further, it wasn't often that she'd get to make an impression like this. She doubted she could really impress any of these people but perhaps she could surprise them at least.

"But sir." Laurelai continued, watching as the three of them began to pin her down beneath their gazes once more. "I uh... I did think about going lots of places to get information. Came up with plenty of reasons I could have too, very plausible reasons."

She saw them staring at her for another moment and realized she hadn't really explained herself.

"Oh, uh... I'm a Forger, I mean I know that Mac already knew." She stammered, idly wondering whether she was supposed to refer to Mac by a title or something.

Her smile briefly slipped into one of concern before she corrected it and asked hesitantly.

"I don't suppose anyone has a Regrowth Fabrial handy? I can avoid any of the ones where I'm dead at least but I'll probably be pretty badly injured in a number of these possibilities."

Mac's eyes flickered to Voidus as he questioned Laurelai more. That was unusual. He thought,  I wonder what that was about? It's not like him to take an interest in people giving reports.

"Oh, uh... I'm a Forger, I mean I know that Mac already knew." Laurelai stammered. Mac nodded, that he knew, but how would that hel- OOOH. Mac grinned. He liked her

"I don't suppose anyone has a Regrowth Fabrial handy? I can avoid any of the ones where I'm dead at least but I'll probably be pretty badly injured in a number of these possibilities."

"Very smart, very smart." He muttered, "I don't have a Regrowth Fabrial nearby, but I do have this." He patted the pockets of his suit as if he were looking for something, then reached behind his ear and pulled out a gold coin with aluminum designs. "This should work as a Gold Metalmind, just tap what you need when you forge yourself." 

Mac warped a chair beneath him as he sat down, depending on how many opportunities for information gathering she had, this could take a while.

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Voidus' eyes peered at her curiously for a moment longer, freezing Laurelai's own expression in place as she wondered if she'd done something wrong. But then the corner of his mouth twitched ever so slightly into a smile.

"Clever." He said, and his eyes seemed warmer than before, less terrifying and more comforting.

Mac echoed the statement at the same time before offering something for healing. It wasn't a fabrial, so what was it? Another unsealed metalmind? One with health stored up>?

"However." Voidus continued. "That would take quite some time. We may need to consider other methods to gather information as well, ensure we get as much as we can. Do you have tools with you?"

Laurelai stared back for a moment, a little dejected that she couldn't be as helpful as she'd wanted. Certainly figuring out each stamp would take a little bit but it wasn't that long was it? And then she grew confused at the question. Tools?

She was about to ask him to clarify when she realized what he meant, Forgery tools, Soulstone, carving tools and so on. She did have some at home of course but she rarely relied on them. Embarassed she realized that he obviously wouldn't know about her boon.

"Yes, sir." She said, nervously. "But I won't need them, I'm a little different from most Forgers. It uh... it should make things a little faster as well."

Once again that intent gaze froze her still, she felt as though she were being dissected by those eyes as they tried to peer through her. Then Voidus held out an offering hand.

"Could you demonstrate?" He asked.

His words were placid, calm even, but something about his posture, his gaze, seemed very familiar and at the same time overwhelmingly intimidating. She recognized the look from Lita, from Mac, from Laurelai herself. The eyes of someone who found a new secret and was intent on unravelling it.

He's... curious? About me? The thought that she'd be interesting to these people had never occurred to her, they'd called her over because she might have information but she herself wasn't that special was she? Not compared to the things they were used to.

At the same time, Laurelai drew a deep breath, closed her eyes and concentrated.

A different history, a different decision. A different attempt to gather information.

She'd seen the elevator when she'd entered, briefly she'd evaluated the relative benefits of openly admitting they were from the DA or trying to join the general crowd and using their numbers to slip away somewhere else. She'd wanted to find out what they wanted to talk to the DA about so she'd identified herself but if she'd trusted Lita a little more to handle things, they'd both had their pens, they could have communicated still.

Laurelai stared around at the entrance to PlasmaCore, noting the people who had continued on in a large crowd. She could lose herself in that crowd, without identifying herself as DA she might be under less scrutiny until they found out, she'd have more flexibility to look around. Finally coming to a decision, she lengthened her stride a little, moving faster than Lita and paused only to briefly whisper.

"Tell them who you're with, you don't know me. Use the pen if you need to."

She quickly moved on, separating herself from the two of them and joining the general crowd.

She pretended to be curious and excited along with the rest of them, entertained a few brief conversations before excusing herself as she examined their surroundings. She saw the elevator that someone had made use of, they'd likely see if she entered it but if she could find out what they were really doing here and make an escape then that might be worth it.

Uncharacteristically bold, she slipped through the crowd, fending off any new conversations as they came. Finally she had to resort to speed and confidence, walking quickly towards the elevator as though she belonged, as though she was confident that she could use it without issue.

After a brief journey the elevator stopped, the doors slid open. No alarms seemed to be blaring and there were no rifles pointed at her.

Cautiously she took a step forward, her ears only just heard the sudden splitting of the air as dozens of darts were fired towards her. She felt them pierce the skin, felt the liquid within them enter her veins. Felt her consciousness fade.

Laurelai's eyes opened incredibly groggily, still in the Alley as new memories suddenly assaulted her. She felt small pricks of pain all over her body as she lethargically lifted one hand towards her neck where a number of wounds appeared. The blood had all dried up now and the entry wounds were small, but storms that smarted. She hadn't been stabbed that many times since she got her first set of spikes.

She focused on the small gold coin Mac had given her, tapping the a tiny stream of healing from it to clear her head and remove the wounds.

"Well they had traps." She said, still rubbing at her neck. "Couldn't see the trigger but it was kind of overkill. That much sedative probably should have killed me. I don't remember anything past getting shot but I'm guessing they stabilized me in some way. Guessing there would have been some questioning if it had been much longer."

She gave them a brief description of what she'd seen, though other than the traps she hadn't really seen anything that they didn't already see.

They listened as she outlined what she'd seen and then finally at the conclusion seemed to trade looks again. Voidus raised an eyebrow in Mac's direction.

"Where did you find these two?" He asked with a smile.

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KanMien looked at their phone as a message came in from a lab assistant. "Come on," they said to Kumiko, "I think we're going to be getting busy."

They looked at Voidus and the others, silently debating if they should tell them about what was happening in the city. They figured they already knew, but still, it would allow them to get some instructions, which would be good.

They walked up to Voidus and the others. "Sorry for the interruption sir," they said, "But I've just gotten a message about weird things happening in the city. I've got a feeling that they've already started whatever they were planning. It might be good for some denizens to go out into the city to see what's happening and gather intel, as well as starting with our initial response. This would make sure we've got the necessary information and people in place to efficiently deploy our full forces once we've gotten them mobilized."

They took a breath, trying to calm themselves, and looked at Mac. "I suggest we start out by sending the DoCI agents first," they said, "since they're more experienced with acting on their own as well as smaller, covert actions. Given what I've heard of the situation I think our main priority is finding the epicenter of this, and our general forces aren't suited for that. I think setting them loose would likely result in large scale chaos, as well as giving the impression the current happenings are our fault, making cooperation with other groups difficult. Given that we should be able to insert them anywhere anyway using alleytravel I see no real benefit of their current use." They smiled. "Besides, we'll likely want information and captives from the people doing this, and our ... regular forces aren't the best at that."

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Rekaerb slowly put his hand down, embarrassed. "I can't remember," he muttered.

He'd forgotten- the others didn't know exactly what had happened yet. He didn't really know either, which was why he was asking, but he probably knew more than they did.

He couldn't say, however. He'd promised to keep stuff that he learned from Narrator-sense to himself.

At least it won't be a problem going forward, he thought gloomily. In retrospect, he should have expected that Xinoehp would remove his 'unfair advantage'. It still hurt, though, to not know what was going on except through his own eyes and ears.
I guess I really am expected to be a character now. The idea made him feel light-headed. He'd never really been a character before, only a sort of... extra. Even in the Well of Descension plot, he hadn't really done anything. He'd just been there.
He was excited for this new change, but nervous at the same time. He might have a chance to actually get involved, to change the world- but only might. If he couldn't get involved here, right now, he might not ever get involved.
He couldn't see a way to insert himself into the plot yet, but he was certain the chance would come up eventually. And when it did, he had to be ready to grab it.
Edited by xinoehp512
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10 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:



On 5/7/2019 at 9:20 PM, Snipexe said:

"The Dark Alley is headed to war." Grey quietly stood in thought, considering the possibilities. War could mean a lot things, both good and bad. Good in that they provided an opportunity to have field tests like no other, and bad in that, well war was war. He had been deep in the Alleys during the Seven Day War, but even some of the fallout had reached him. Gaan had been a good researcher, a zealot who had gone too far. He let a sigh, or what would have been sigh if he'd had a face still. It was expressed as a flop of the tentacles. In the corner of his eye he saw a young acolyte raising his hand. Grey looked around, waiting for someone else to call on him. He fingered his hat string, before finally walking over. "You had a question?" he asked.



I’m going to assume you didn’t see this.


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Grey nodded as the man put his hand down. The same thing happened to him quite often. Forgetting questions was simply the worst. Turning, he watched the Stranger silently for a time. He had worked with him on a project once. Well, more like worked for him. His lab had been working on repairing the quantum tunnels to Alleys 1152 and 77734, when their work had been commandeered for another purpose. He still didn't know what they had been truly doing, but what he had seen, what he had had nightmares about, made the accident that resulted in his face look like a mere walk in the park. He pulled on his hat strings. That had been nearly 30 years ago, he doubted the man remembered him now. He hoped that he did not. He quietly walked to near to the wall, and just before alley-traveling back to the labs stopped. Internally sighing, he whispered into the Stranger's mind, "If you happen to need access to my labs particular set of skills, just let me know. Please try not to drive everyone insane again though." Hopefully the whisper into his mind would be enough to remind the Stranger of his identity. If not, then all the better. With that, he Alley-travelled back to 192.

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On 5/10/2019 at 6:13 AM, kenod said:

KanMien looked at their phone as a message came in from a lab assistant. "Come on," they said to Kumiko, "I think we're going to be getting busy."

They looked at Voidus and the others, silently debating if they should tell them about what was happening in the city. They figured they already knew, but still, it would allow them to get some instructions, which would be good.

They walked up to Voidus and the others. "Sorry for the interruption sir," they said, "But I've just gotten a message about weird things happening in the city. I've got a feeling that they've already started whatever they were planning. It might be good for some denizens to go out into the city to see what's happening and gather intel, as well as starting with our initial response. This would make sure we've got the necessary information and people in place to efficiently deploy our full forces once we've gotten them mobilized."

They took a breath, trying to calm themselves, and looked at Mac. "I suggest we start out by sending the DoCI agents first," they said, "since they're more experienced with acting on their own as well as smaller, covert actions. Given what I've heard of the situation I think our main priority is finding the epicenter of this, and our general forces aren't suited for that. I think setting them loose would likely result in large scale chaos, as well as giving the impression the current happenings are our fault, making cooperation with other groups difficult. Given that we should be able to insert them anywhere anyway using alleytravel I see no real benefit of their current use." They smiled. "Besides, we'll likely want information and captives from the people doing this, and our ... regular forces aren't the best at that."

Voidus watched KanMien as they spoke, eyes still intent but no longer filled with the same icy rage they had been earlier. It had been good to know that the Stranger and Mac were both willing to stop him if he went to far but it was better to avoid such things entirely when possible. Finally he gave a solemn nod, the point was a good one. Much as Voidus might want to simply take to the streets in force and destroy everything they found that was related to this, information was more important. If they destroyed everything then they wouldn't be able to discover who was behind it.

"A fair point, I doubt much would be left behind if our regular forces were given free reign.

He turned to look at the others still gathered around. Laurelai's eyes had become unfocused again, no doubt she was preparing another Forgery to determine additional information. The new recruit, Lita, still seemed a little unsure of themselves. The other two seemed to be strategizing as well, sorting the information they'd received and coming up with the best plan.

"Well Mac?" Voidus asked. "It's your department, what are you thinking?"

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5 hours ago, Voidus said:

"Well Mac?" Voidus asked. "It's your department, what are you thinking?"


Sorry!!! Real life has been really busy lately. I barely have had time to catch up on the alleyverse. 

Mac thought for a moment. 

"That sounds good," he said. "I want to try and make sure that we are covert though. That means no samples, captives, interrogations unless specifically approved. I don't want to have plasma core know that we are coming after them until it's too late."

Mac sat back again. Lost in thought.

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8 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

So, Voidus, how exactly would what Laurelia is doing work?

Also, the actual intrusion into the Void is now three or four blocks away from PlasmaCore.


The same way all Forgery works, cognitive interpretations and Spiritual ideals guided by a Soulstamp. Only the stamp isn't necessary in her case but otherwise it's just regular Forgery. Usually something more amusing happens as well but her rolls have all been non-obvious things for a while now. I think she could see invisible creatures for a minute at some point but that was about the most exciting thing.
Anyway, just regular forging. Same way you can suddenly learn how to fight, mix poisons or have knowledge of ancient empires. Forgery is insanely useful.


Voidus nodded in agreement, he'd already shown that the issue was a little too personal for him to make objective decisions accurately, best to leave the exact calls to Mac for the time being.

"We'll send out a few small teams then, strict orders to remain covert for the time being." Voidus said. "You can direct things from here, keep track of the information flow."

He paused, trying to decide the best use for himself and the Stranger. When the time to act openly came then they could take to the frontlines, but until then they might stand out a bit if they left the Alleys.

As he was mulling over the problem he felt something, another tug on the power of the Void. It was no less powerful, but this time it wasn't as twisted, it felt normal. Right.

"Sudiov." Voidus growled low, wondering what he was up to.

His eyes jumped to a corner of the Alley, piercing through space once again until he saw the semi-transparent figure awaiting him, staring right back and surrounded by other figures. TUBA? What were they up to? He'd thought it was unlikely they'd be involved in something like this, they weren't the type to try to destroy the world just to try and take the DA with it were they?

He saw Sudiov mouth something and was able to make out his own name coming from the ethereal mouth.

A conversation? Fine.

He opened a small bag at his waist, pulling a few spheres out, only to immediately place them back. Dun, shouldn't have lost control earlier. He chided himself. He relied on a Nicrosilmind instead, pulling the Investiture from it to fuel a Lightweaving and then combined it with a Surge of Transportation.

He saw an image of himself flicker into existence before Sudiov, allowing others present to see and hear him as well, then did the same in reverse.

Glowing mist slowly resolved into the figures of Sudiov, Deteca and the others grouped together with them. It wasn't perfect but this was probably the best they could manage.

"Sudiov." Voidus repeated again. "I don't suppose even you'd be idiotic enough to do something like this, but on the off chance you were..."

His eyes narrowed, all light vanishing from them as he stared blankly at the opposing figure.


Shifting this to the TUBA thread, but if anyone wants to join the conversation feel free.


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Whisper slipped deftly through the crowd, her small body squeezing in between the Denizens who had grouped together around Voidus, Mac and the Stranger. She noticed a few of them began to Alleytravel out, the initial announcement had been made now all that remained was to await further information. But Whisper remained, she'd been in the middle of something before being called but this was more important for now, other plans could be briefly put on hold. And she might be able to turn this to her advantage as well.

She slipped out near the front, approaching the two women who were standing uncertainly nearby as Voidus spoke to a Stormlight illusion. She gave them a small, shy smile as she approached, tilting her head back in order to continue to look them in the eyes from her lower vantage point.

She stood there silently for a moment before brushing back a strand of unkempt black hair that dangled across her face and pulling a spike from somewhere, beginning to spin it from finger to finger in Alleycant. The movements were a little slower than those that Laurelai used, a little more exuberant in places and a little clumsy in others. It was strangely accented but the meaning was still clear.

Heading out? I can come? Help you.

She gave a small resolute nod as she finished then looked up questioningly, glancing at both women in turns.


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Lita felt her pocket jerk slightly and drew out her pen, casting an appraising look at the girl who had slipped up next to her and Laurelai. 

Heading out? I can come? Help you.

If this had been any other guild, Lita would have thought it quaint that a girl could offer any real assistance on a spying mission. But, this was not any other guild.

Right, Lita thought, looking at the spike spinning between the girl's fingers. Remember where you are. She cast a glance up at the Stranger, whose whispering, jittering collection of shadows bloomed out behind him like some mad, twisting cape. As if I could forget.

She spun her own pen, taking the opportunity to look at the girl with a more critical, tin-enhanced eye. Yes, definitely more than she seemed, this little thing. Lita knew that look - she'd seen it in the mirror her whole life. She'd been playing spy for her father since she could run drinks through the parlor, and this girl was older now than she'd been all those years ago.

Heading out soon, in all likelihood, she sent back to the girl, smiling with a mix of nostalgia and curiosity. I'm Lita, Tineye and Brass Ferring. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting yet. 


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