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Damnation and Desolations (RP)


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Dalinar had joined Odium. After Dalinar had killed Kaladin, the new champion, Odium had the Skybreakers, the Fused, and the Singers sweep over Roshar, slaughtering any human that didn't evacuate through the perpendicularity. The Stormfather was corrupted by Sja-anat, along with the Nighwatcher. Cultivation was killed, her investiture scattered. Odium summoned two more storms, and prepared to wipe the planet of his investiture.

Marsh slaughtered Vin. Scadrians evacuated where they could, through the perpendicularity. Ruin sent his Inquisitors after Elend, Ham, Breeze. He killed them. He got Spook to join him, making him into another Inquisitor. Then he found the atium. He took Koloss, humans, Inquisitors, Kandra, into the Cognitive Realm. He regained most of his investiture, then destroyed Scadrial, his armies sweeping away towards his next target. Taldain.

Odium was notified of a disturbance. Ruin, free. It was something he couldn't ignore. He left Roshard intact, for the most part, but destroyed Braize. He went into the Cognitive Realm, to do battle with Ruin. His forces terraformed the planet, turning it into a base for him, so that they could fall back on it.

Ruin felled Autonomy, and took up small amounts of his power to make sure he would have an edge over other shards. He recruited some of those from Taldain, then got ready to eliminate the planet from existence. Then Odium attacked. Ruin was more powerful in investiture, and repelled Odium. But he had an enemy he could barely defeat. So Ruin didn't destroy Taldain, and turned it into his base, moving in his abominations, spiking Sandlings, making it a dangerous place.

Odium fell back on Sel, taking up a small amount of the Investiture of Dominion, to balance the scales. Then he went to work, recruiting humans from Sel, and turning it into a second base of operations, moving in multiple Fused and spren.

Ruin took over Threnody, putting in even more danger, and making it his second base.

The resulting struggles rocked the Cosmere, ruining the Cognitive Realm, scarring the planets with storms, demons, wars, natural disasters. The Shards were killed one by one, until only Odium and Ruin remained, locked in their constant struggle.

Ruin ended with Taldain, Threnody, and Nalthis. Odium ended with Roshar, Sel, and First of the Sun. Yolen was broken to a rock the size of a dwarf planet, Obrodai and Vax were completely destroyed, turned into scattered rocks.

It has been a thousand long years for the Cosmere. Worlds are in a hellish state, and the Cognitive Realm is barely better, in the safest locations. Odium and Ruin still fight, with strikes on the others planets common. The planet most contested is Izieh, a planet which was chosen at random for a base by Odium, which Ruin then stole from him. It is now going back and forth, and millions die there each year.

The True Cosmere resistance developed over the last century, as anger reached new highs. The Passions Empire and the Releaser Collation have been going for thirty generations now, and have developed strange cultures among the higher class. The lower class, those who are only victims, struggle to survive, and have no knowledge of reading, writing, cooking. In some cases, they do not even know how to speak.

True Cosmere only has bases on First of the Sun and Nalthis, but are working on one on Izieh.

The universe is hell. But a precious few still have hope.


Fredrick Obrai grinned. 

He quickly felt guilt at that, but suppressed it.

For once, there was something to be happy about.

The True Cosmere resistance had a place ready, on Izieh, where they could strike blows on Odium and Ruin.

Now they just needed recruits.

He turned to the massive hall, a base on Nalthis. It was the biggest room the True Cosmere owned, and the safest. At least a thousand could fit within. And that was what they planned to have in it. They opened the doors, for recruits to come in. It was time to got to that base. It was time to strike a blow.


Ern flew through the skies, Voidlight trailing around him. They were on Nalthis, for recruitment from behind the lines, then a strike. Five fused, with two elantrians, and cognitive concealment aviar on each.

He landed in his first village, which was in a crater to shelter it from the eyes of the wild Koloss and the spiked Sandlings that roamed the land. He was on the smaller group, two fused and and Elantrian. It was fine. He walked into the village.

"People of Nalthis! Hear me, and rejoice. You are given an option today. Join the Passion Empire, abandon this town."

He gestured around.

"Or you may know the afterlife."

The Elantrian began drawing aons.


Spook flew over Nalthis, pushing on metal spikes he threw to the ground. He was one of two from the old days in the Releaser Collation. Him and Marsh. Today, he was performing a routine inspection of villages, to find secret villages, and to recruit in the known ones.

He landed in front of the first one, flaring tin. With steelsight, he didn't get blinded. He could hear, feel, smell. But no blinding light.

This village was in a hill, a tarp covering the entrance. As he entered, he hear cursing, and men pointed crossbows at him.

He threw knives, killing them. He walked in, people cowering away from his strange figure.

"I'm here for an inspection." He summoned his blade, a stolen Honorblade. It was that of a Dustbringer. He burned the stone wall, making a skull.

"The Releaser Collation wants you to join us."

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That was a question every sentient creature asked. Why are we here, they asked. PalAr remembered what her masters had told her when she asked that question. They had answered with 'You are here to serve Ruin.' And so she did. She served that terrible, blood soaked, empire for years. Then they had taken the one thing she actually cared about. SepLar. He'd done his duty too well, and so they took him. To make him better. She wouldn't have cared, except that they left her. 

That had changed everything. After that, well... the army she'd led was crippled. Thousands of Koloss, dead. The great machines of war, destroyed. No one had seen ot coming. 

Now, she sat in the great hall of the True Cosmere. As far as she knew, she was the only member of the New Guard to rebel. Her brothers and sisters were fantastically loyal to Ruin. As had she.

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Grix laughed. We was sand master, riding a sandling, with spikes through his eyes, enhancing his power. He was already blind already you see, so they didn't compermsie his senses. He was now one of the most powerful sand masters in history. His sandling, Bloodstorm, was outfitted with sanding plate armor, had spikes for durability against cold, durability against water, strength, for carrying extra people, and speed. Grix was evil. Even without the spikes, he would have thrown in with Ruin, just because he liked breaking things. Through in Bloodstorm, and his enhanced abilities, and he was loyal to the end. He was simply waiting for Ruin's call to arms.


Here is Grix's Character Profile.



Powers: He is a sandmaster, with two spikes through his eyes to enhance his abilities and give Ruin a path into his open mind.

Skills: He is a skilled sandmaster, torturer, and combatant.

Clothes: He wears a sandmaster uniform that he has never washed, so it is covered in blood, with sand specks everywhere, and with koloss and parshendi blood scattered everywhere, with several sandmaster rank sashes tide over his shoulder, covered in the blood of their former owners.

Gear: He has a cantina that he clips to his waist, and a pair of forearm length daggers strapped to his forearms.

Build: He is tall, with a lanky build, like he was a person 6' tall, stretched to 6'9. He has shoulder length black hair, with a scar that reaches down under his left spike, and hits his chin.

Personality: He is cruel, sadistic, and loves to break things. He will do anything that Ruin tells him to do, and respects the higher ups of Releaser Coalition, while not so secretly wanting to gain equal rank as them. He will play with his enemies, if he has time.

Weaknesses: He is blind and is fanatically loyal to Ruin.

History: He was trained as a sandmaster, while also training in the use of his daggers, and hands to fight. He tortured one of his classmates a year before Ruin arrived, and then went on a killing spree. Then when Ruin arrived he immediately signed up, and had spikes put through his eyes. Then he went and killed the half dozen sandmasters that make up his makeshift sash. He has given his sandling, and became a force of destruction for ruin.

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Mira heard him and bowed to him, carefully using logic to figure out which fused he meant before quickly heading to their location. It gave her some relief to be used for once. To finally have a job more than simply organizing objects and equipment or processing paperwork. She was excited for this assignment- and she hurried to obey. 

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"This will put us in a position to strike blows on both the Empire of Passions, and the Releaser Collation."

He stepped forward.

"But it will be dangerous. Extremely dangerous. We will need people who can fight, kill. And survive."

He pulled a map from the ceiling. The detail still amazed him.

"Nalthis is simple. We survive the abominations, we hide. But this place will not be. It is all out war."


Marsh approached the man. They were on Taldain, but that couldn't last.

"Grix. You are needed on Izieh."

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A bloodred koloss walked up behind Marsh. Marsh pointed towards it. "This will lead you to the perpendicularity." 


Ern turned towards Mira. "Nothing yet, young one. Follow us until something is necessary." He turned back to the village he was in. Something was strange about it, the way they lived in this one.


Fredrick turned on the stage.

"You may very well die while there. But at least you will have done something that matters. We will change the course of the cosmere."

He spun quickly, red eyes flashing in the light.

"Now, if you wish to go, raise your hand."

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Mira nodded, obediently waiting for her new masters to need her. She listened and paid attention, gathering information mentally as she looked around. She refused to be useless, and one never knew what was useful. 

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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