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The Spooky Spiketacular Extravaganza!


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17 hours ago, Silva said:

"Anyone else think it odd that this is what's down here?" she said. "We aren't exactly in the part of the city that deals with producing alcoholic beverages."

This is what she thinks about? Renata thought to herself as she searched through her pack, fishing out another clearmark and adding it to the first. 

"Lighteyes like keeping their wine nearby," she said. "Makes it easier to throw a party whenever you want, I suppose."

Renata could see the appeal of keeping one's wine close - she could use a cup right now to settle her nerves a bit. The shaking was slightly less violent down here, and so far nothing had turned to mist, but she felt far from safe. Sound filtered through the walls as the building continued to groan and whine in that low, horrible way.

"Do you think the Doctor is dead up there?" she mused aloud, caught somewhere between dread and hope at the thought.

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Lizanne slowly walked around the room, continued to inspect the ceiling, the wall. Wine cellar. She made sure she didn't turn her back to the others, but tried to get a good look at everything in the room. Maybe there was a trap door, or a fake wall. A hidden department. Something, a wine cellar was perfect to hide something else.

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Wilhelm quickly entered the cellar with the rest of the people, receding from the Mists.

He shut the door behind him, his back to it. His eyes rested on each person in here, like a predator.

No, he wasn’t like that. Not anymore. Looking around, he found he was in some sort of drinking basement, and this, this was filled with the elusive drinks he’d heard was had over here. Drinks that could make a man woozy, it didn’t seem to be as good as the hot choc from Wilhelm’s homeland. Ah, that had been great, before Wilhelm had turned.

He saw a small girl fear the mists and the larger man, the one with the blade, had calmed her. He saw the skinny lady observe the room around, just like him. He saw the noblewoman, and the appearance struck him. His people, they had once been rulers on the south continent of Scadrial. And look at them now.

“As far as I see,” he said, raising a hand. “There is only one way out. Through the mists.” He shuddered. “Those who go first, will mostly be safe, I think.” In truth, he hoped the people who went first would be killed first by the Soverign, maybe then the god would be satisfied and leave Wilhelm alone.

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Lizanne observed the exchange, slowly edged over to Lisa, unsure what to do with the situation. She grimaced when her leg protested again, she needed to sit down, give it some time to recover, but that was not an option right now. The Hellbent guy was easily the most dangerous, but the others, none of them would wait for her, they would all sacrifice the weakest part of the chain. So she needed to stay alert, to make sure she wasn't left behind.

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Wilhelm looked at the two men talking to him, one of them the man with the blade.

“I should not go first,” he said in his accent, removing Hellbent’s arm from Wilhelm’s shoulders. He had dealt with bigger creatures before.

“The weak should go first, and the strong, who can survive for longer, should go last,” Wilhelm liked his idea. If it worked, the weak would be killed, the strong surviving. Just like the wild.

He paused. He didn’t like it when he delved into that part of him again.



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1 hour ago, Fatebreaker said:



Fine with me personally, esp. if Voidus will be busy for an extended period. I think we’d all enjoy getting out of the cellar eventually :P 

Renata snatched up one of the clearmarks for light and shoved the other back into her pack, then slung the pack over one shoulder. Before she stood up, she slipped a little slender knife out of her boot, holding it tightly by her side and moving toward the middle of the group. 

First out was a bad idea, but she had no desire to be at the back either.

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6 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

He grinned. "Well, good. As you're obviously weaker than me, have fun in the mists." He keeps his grip tight on the mans shoulders, leading him towards the exit.

Wilhelm stopped, planting his feet in the ground. “It seems you only have one ettmetal. I have sixteen. It seems I am the stronger one.”

He did not remove the man’s grip, but as the cellar door was currently closed, he leaned against, not being pushed out.

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3 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

"What is stopping you? Fear, as you know what you said was a lie?"

@I think I am here.

Wilhelm turned to the man. “I do not lie.” That was a lie. “I tell people what is happening in frank, truthful terms. And the first people to go outside will probably live. And I would prefer for the weaker people to go first, as I am not a selfish man who threatens random women with swords, am I?”

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Without warning mist began to stream from under the door, flowing down the steps in a steady stream. It began pooling on the basement floor, slowly filling the room. The house, or what was left of it continued to shake and the low rumble increased in volume. It grew louder and louder, as if the sound was gaining momentum.

Suddenly there was a clattering sound from the back of the room. Beads of glass began to fall on the floor at in a random pattern. The onlookers saw one of the wine barrels disappear in a pop, a glass marble falling in it's place. The rumble grew louder. Bricks in the walls of the cellar began puffing into mist now, even as various objects began turning into glass beads. The house shook with more and more violence, until it was impossible to remain standing. The rumble became a deafening ROAR.

Finally the cellar door puffed into mist and the stream became a torrent, filling the room in but a second. The mist swirled as the roar became deafening and the house seemed to shake itself apart. Then it went totally still. The mists were motionless and the tremors had ceased. The moment seemed endless.

Then there was a tearing sound. It was a horrible dissonance, as if reality was ripping itself in half. The room spun, and a a terribly human scream filled the air. The tremors resumed with a vengeance, flinging people around the room. Just when it felt like they couldn't take anymore there was a stupendous CRASH and then everything went black. 


It was still dark they they began to wake up. There was no way to tell how much time had passed, or how long the had been unconscious, but it was clear that the mist was gone. The objects in the cellar were no longer mist or beads, but they looked like they had been thrown violently around the room. Wine barrels were broken, bottles smashed, the contents spilled across the floor. The cellar door was closed, and there was no telling what lay beyond...



We are no longer in Alleycity friends, so no new characters may be added at this point with asking Voidus or myself. It wont be impossible , but there will be new parameters for them, should anyone new wish to join.


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Renata regained consciously slowly, the world around her coalescing into dimness and silence. And pain. She opened one eye, then the next, feeling the cool stone of the cellar pressing against her cheek. Still laying down, she began to do a mental check of her body: her fingers and toes still worked, that was good. There was an ache in her side that indicated a bruised rib or two - hopefully nothing had cracked. She'd had the good sense to descend the cellar steps when all the barrels began turning into beads, but clearly something had thrown her off her feet anyway.

Wetness coated her right arm and the right side of her face. Blood, she realized, feeling the accompanying throb in her temple where she must have cracked her head. Renata rose up onto her forearms slowly, looking around. Her clearmark had rolled into the far corner of the cellar and was sitting in the middle of a puddle of dark red wine. No one else seemed to be awake yet. She touched the cut on her head gingerly. Shallow. That was good, probably meant that the wound wouldn't kill her later. She still had her pack on, too.

Bless the Heralds, she thought, moving into a sitting position and leaning against the cellar wall. A quick check of her pack revealed that nothing was too terribly rattled. Her waterskin and food rations looked alright, and the rest of her spheres were all intact. Renata removed the waterskin and took a small sip, breathing deeply. Ribs aren't cracked then, she thought, satisfied, though her right hipbone felt as though someone had flogged it with a table leg. She'd likely be black and blue across half her body. After taking a small roll of clean bandage from her pack, she used a tiny piece to clean her would with half an intact bottle of some kind of strong-smelling clear wine she found nearby. Then, she stowed the rest of the bandages away, buttoned her pack, and crawled over to fetch her clearmark.

Time to see who's still alive, Renata thought grimly, holding the mark aloft and rising shakily to her feet.

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Wilhelm awoke with an image of the cellar floor. His eyes widened and he groaned, heaving himself in a sitting position, his back to a wall. Everyone around seemed to still be unconscious, except for one woman he’d seen earlier.

The Sovereign has entered, but now what? Had the god just left them? Wilhelm checked himself for injuries, but none were apparent. He looked down to the unconscious with predatory eyes. Licked his lips.

No. No, not this time.

He shook himself from the daydream and looked up at the woman who was also awake. “What was that?” He asked.


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