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Roshek - The Great Census of 1305


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Welcome to Jörð, a world like no other. Here, with enough belief, men can become gods, spirits can manifest, and the world itself can subtly be shifted and shaped. Magic is divided into three categories: Natural, Ritual, and Innate. Creatures both wonderful and terrible roam the lands. Our story is set in Kuria, the powerful trading nation of the western coast.

For information on the world and its magic, please refer to the Master Google Doc. Character sheets are available here. Please post all new characters, questions, and other OOC discussion in the Fantasy Planning Thread. This thread will be in character and dedicated to the RP.

Where our story starts:


It is the year 1305, and the Council of Kuria has decided to conduct a census of all magical creatures within in its borders both mortal and otherwise. Knowing this to be a great undertaking, the council has decreed that a bonus will be given to any mage or Natural construct who voluntarily comes forward to be registered in their nearest city. In Roshek, Kuria’s vibrant capital, the population has swollen with all manner of mages and Natural folk, eager to claim their prize. Business is booming, culture is mixing, and the city is in its element. However, all is not well.

There are whispers of something lurking in the Fens, Roshek’s old-city slum. While the wealthier canals and districts swell with tourists and mages, the city’s poor have begun to disappear without a trace. No one has glimpsed it, but in the half-flooded maze of the Fens, something strange and hungry has begun to manifest in the darkness…


It was just past noon, and the mist had long-since burned off the Kur River, its surface a brilliant silver stripe under the bright spring sun. The great capital of Roshek sat on the river's southern bank, its many docks and warehouses trailing into the waters like a merchant's robes. Further inland, Aldred spotted the clean marble facades of the Academy and the domed silhouette of the Council Assembly building looming over the bustle and din of the lower districts like disapproving parents. He'd heard the first sounds of the city over a mile out, but now as he approached the arch of Tradesman's Gate, the noise was almost deafening. People jostled and shouted, tradesmen hawked their wares, and everywhere, Aldred felt magic.

It thrummed in his bones like the drone of a low pipe, tugging, urging, pulling. He gripped the strap of his pack tighter and shoved the humming into the back of his mind, watching as a young woman juggled five balls of flame while balancing on the tip of one toe. Her other leg arched back until it nearly met the crown of her head. She caught Aldred's eye and winked.

"State yer business!" Aldred was shocked out of his reverie by the voice of an older man sitting just under the Tradesman's Gate. He had a wooden placard in his hands and a quill behind one ear; both his hand and ear were splattered with black ink, which rather spoiled his stern expression. Aldred grinned at the man, whose scowl faded as he looked him up and down.

"Oh," the man said, some of the gruffness leaking out of his voice. "Apologies Sayer, I didn' mean nothin' by it."

Sayer? Aldred blinked in surprise, then looked down at his robes. They were filthy, hem stained at least six inches up with mud and river water, and he'd patched it in at least a dozen places. It barely looked blue anymore, as though the cloth itself had largely forgotten its original purpose. Rather like Aldred himself. Aldred resisted the urge to smirk, instead putting on his most humble smile. He hoped he wasn't too out of practice.

"Think nothing of it," he said, placing a hand on the man's ink-stained right shoulder. "I come from afar, ready to report my travels to my brothers and sisters, and to give thanks to Vania for a blessed season of knowledge and truth."

The man's scraggly face split into a yellow grin, and Aldred had to physically stop himself from recoiling. 

"Welcome to Roshek, Sayer... uh..?" The man trailed off expectantly, slipping his quill out from behind his ear and readying the tip with ink from a little pot.

Aldred sighed, taking his hand from the man's shoulder and placing it on his breast. "Think of me only as a servant of truth," he said, and sauntered through the Tradesman's Gate into the city. It spread out before him in a wide swath of chaos and smells and bodies and magic.

You'll know my name soon enough, he thought, finally allowing that smirk to spread across his lips. Soon enough.

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The guard nodded at her a last time, then handed her pannier back. Amara took it and lifted it again on her back, before stepping through the gate. She only walked a few steps, just enough to get out of the worst mass of people around the door, then she stopped close to a wall and sat her pannier on the ground. She'd never been to a city that large before and she wasn't sure if she liked it. She sorted it again, the guard had really unpacked everything, mostly to keep her around longer. His avances had been unpleasant, but not unknown. An unmarried woman her age travelling alone tended to get some attention. There was nothing she could do and so had watched him rip her careful order apart. Thankfully none of her jars were broken, but she still needed some time to make sure everything was stowed away safely.

"... have here?"

She looked up only to see a filthy man stand close to her, too close for her liking. He was glowing softly, but then all living things did. Taking her time, she checked the way magic moved around him. Probably the wrong term, but she didn't plan on discussing her magic with someone who knew what he was talking about. The man was healthy, apart from some malnourishment, and there it was. Addicted. Not strong, but strong enough to eye her piannier with greed in his eyes. Alcohol? Maybe a plant, his body showed none of the signs yet, so that she could guess what exactly it was.

"There's nothing here for you."

She told him friendly, but he stayed, even stepped closer.

"I don't have what you're looking for."

She repeated, but instead he reached for her pannier, obviously intending to sort through it.

"Go away."

She told him again, her voice louder.

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Lilia walked across the countryside, moving through the crowds around her, the people she passed staring at her in surprise at her appearance. She didn't notice this though, walking after a small spirit instead. She looked around, watching the other spirits that flew through the crowd without being seen, softly laughing to herself as one curled itself around the head of a man walking through the crowd.

"State your name and purpose please," a voice suddenly called out to her. As she stopped and turned around, the spirit she had been following flew out of sight. Sighing, she turning to the man. When he saw her, his eyes went wide for a bit, but he quickly collected himself. "Right, I guess you're here for the census," he said. "If that's true, I'll just need your name."

"Ah, right, I am," Lilia answered, "though I'm also interested in visiting this academy." She looked thoughtful for a bit. " My name is Lilia Blumenkind. Can I pass now?" The man nodded, and she continued walking into the city, looking around her, amazed at how busy everything was.

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Mutig hid a little ways from the city, it daunted him how so many humans could be in one place at the same time. But this didn't stop him, he had a mission, and he intended to see if through. He knew he couldn't go marching into the city, he was far to big and out of place for that. 

Perhaps a merchant can give my message to the authorities?

He doubted this plan, as he knew most humans responded with terror when they encountered him. Then, as if to give him another try, he caught the sound of a boat heading down the river towards the city. He drew close to the river bank, watching the merchant boat drifting down the current. It seemed as if these merchant's weren't worried, as none where visible, at least, as best he could see.

He slipped into the water, half swimming, half walking on the river bed. He crabed the boat with his front paws, forcing it to a jarring stop in the water, he heard the crew cry out in alarm below deck. He yanked the boat to the shoreline, pushing it onto the land. By now it's crew was on deck, three thugs and the merchant himself. 

 "STOP IT!" the merchant screamed, " KILL IT! "

One thug tried slamming a studded club on Mutig's paw, but he hardly noticed. The other two bailed out, running downstream yelling. The third tried again with his club but now Mutig smacked the club out of his hands, throwing him over the side and into the mud. Mutig looked towards the merchant, who was trying to pack a bag with valuables. Mutig caught him in his jaws, and threw him on the shore, then towered over him.

"NORTHERN BORDER, DANGER!" Mutig roared, his face close to the merchant's own. 

He roared two more times into the merchant, then threw him back on the boat and pushed it spinning back into the river, a petrified merchant laying on it's deck.

Mutig looked after the boat, then smiled to himself. This is funner than I thought, he said in his deep bear accent.

He left the thug who had tried stopping him, knowing the other two would eventually be back and find him there, with a broken arm. He lumbered off, crossing the river and disappearing.


Edited by Chasmfiend#1
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It was the dead of the night.  A pair of guards stared lazily out into the blackness.  One yawned, then leaned back on his pike.  The other shifted restlessly.  A twig snapped somewhere in the darkness, and the second gaurd started.  Nervously, he peered out, as if the intensity of his gaze could pierce the veil that obscured the land.  The first guard said, "Oh come off it Nel.  It's probably just a deer."  The Nel shot a look to the first gaurd and said, "Jag, if we don't jump at the sounds that are inconsequential, then we won't be ready for the sounds that are.  You've got to take this job seriously, this city is important, and is in immediate danger because of this fool census!"  Jag flushed, and responded angrily.  The arguement began to escalate, until the two were shouting at each other, "Nel, if you don't quite your self-rightouse little speech, I––" He was cut off, and a small squeak escaped his lips as a dark shape loomed out of the Darkness.  It was huge, with glowing eye.  And it was holding Jag by the throat.  Nel, taken by surprise, raised his pike to attack.  Before he could take a stab at the hulking figure, a grey blur shot out of the darkness and took Nel to the ground.  The shape resolved itself to be a large timberwolf standing atop the man.  The wolf reached for Nel's throat, but a growled word from Algorath stopped him.  With a guttural yell, Nel threw the beast off of him and readied to attack.  The wolf, however, melted back into the darkness and did not strike again.  The dark figure holding Jag put the guard down and turned to Nel.  Nel, in a panic, grabbed a torch to ward off the beast.  In the light, the beast features resolved themselves.  Nel wished they hadn't.  It was a man, standing upright on the legs of a wolf.  His arms were muscular, and ended in a human hand with wolf's claws.  His body was covered in thick grey fur, and he wore a brown leather tunic.  But the most frightening thing of all was his head.  His otherwise human neck ended with a wolf's head, that was snarling at him.  Algorath batted the torch away from himself, and crossed the ground on long legs to the guard.  He opened his mouth, and, in rough guttural words said, "I.. am here fo-.. for the census."  Nel swallowed and nodded.  "Right this way sir".

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Mutig stirred from his slumber by a smell of wolves, he made a deep growl, a clear message to anything near by to buzz off. He got up and stretched, calmly taking in what was happening. It was night, something with a wolf scent had past him and was at the city. He smelled more wolves but ignored them, as they where only normal wolves. 

Here is my chance to enter, he thought, the guard's busy, and the river leading into the city was deep. He slipped into the water for the third time in 24hours, took a deep breath, then dove as deep as he could. He then began feeling his way through the river, searching for a cap for air. Finally, his lungs burning, he came up at the entrance to a tunnel leading into the city's lower levels. He took a deep breath and moved on, slowly working into the city's lower levels until he was sure of two things: the wolf creature couldn't follow his scent, and the outer guards wouldn't notice him.

"Now for some sleep." Mutig calmly laid down again, knowing he would be busy the next day for certain.


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Chadwick walked towards the city and as he got near to it he saw a large group of people in front of the gate

I wonder what all these people are standing around for, might as well go and see

so he began walking towards the front, and when he had reached the front all he saw was an old man sitting by the gate.

why are all the people standing there in a line instead of coming in? Humans are so weird.

Chadwick began to walk in the gate but he heard the old man say something, "State your business" Chadwick just continued walking through, "hey wolf, are you here for the census?" he turned around, just then realizing that the old man was talking to him, "yes I am" he replied, then began walking through the gate again, "Hey wait, what's your name?" Chadwick walked into the city, not realizing the man was still talking to him. The old man grumbled to himself and just wrote down "Wolf" on his sheet. Chadwick started to walk through the city,

I wonder where the census is? or what a census is, he saw a girl who looked like a tree was growing on her, she looks like she knows stuff

he walked over to the tree girl and asked, "do you know where or what a census is?" 



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Thorstein sat on his covered wagon as his horse wheeled it into the Market place. 

Today he was a merchant. 

He stopped the horse and unshackled the wagon, blocking the wheels then leaving it be while he took care of the horse. He brought the horse close and whispered a few words into its ear. Suddenly, the horse shrunk down to the size of a mouse.

Thorstein grinned and picked up the horse and placed inside of its little box in the wagon. He fed it a little hay and then moved to set up the rest of the wagon.

He moved around carefully, so as not to bump anything. He decided that he would sell tools and toys today, weapons could wait till later.

Grabbing a miniature table, and two tiny boxes labeled "Þorsdagr - leikföng" and "Þorsdagr - verkfæri", he walked outside and placed them on the ground as people started to walk into the square. He muttered a few words, growing the table to full size. Then he reached into boxes and pulled out miniature enchanted tools and toys. With a few words he grew them to full size and set them up on his table.

For the adults, he had most types of farming implements and construction items, these generally had the enchantments of more durability, and being sharper. For the kids he only had the basic puzzles, wooden blocks, marbles. But these toys were much more fun once you started to play with them. The marbles would light up, the pictures on the blocks move, and the puzzles change every time. Of course no one had to know that when they bought them, if they did he would need to charge higher prices which would push most of these out of the price range of normal people. He pulled out a chair and a sign and sat back, waiting for people to show up.

Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't.

It didn't really matter to him. 

He pulled a knife from his belt and a small block of wood then started to whittle.

Maybe something would come out of it.

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Jürgen stood in line. He stood in line forever.  When he finally made it to the gate he went through the usual integration. "State your business. State your name." And so on. But then he was finally in the city! He was stunned. There were so many people! He was just about to set out to find an inn, when he noticed a woman being accosted by a dirty man.

 "Step back," he growled at the man as he marched up to the pair.


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5 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Jürgen stood in line. He stood in line forever.  When he finally made it to the gate he went through the usual integration. "State your business. State your name." And so on. But then he was finally in the city! He was stunned. There were so many people! He was just about to set out to find an inn, when he noticed a woman being accosted by a dirty man.

 "Step back," he growled at the man as he marched up to the pair.


Amara looked over and saw a man march up to her, his eyes on the beggar in front of her. The beggar whirled around, eyed her again and then rushed off. Amara turned towards the stranger and smiled at him.

"Thank you, he was looking for some drugs and would have been complicated to argue with. I'm Amara."

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5 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Amara looked over and saw a man march up to her, his eyes on the beggar in front of her. The beggar whirled around, eyed her again and then rushed off. Amara turned towards the stranger and smiled at him.

"Thank you, he was looking for some drugs and would have been complicated to argue with. I'm Amara."

 "You could've handled him." He was mostly sure of that. "I'm Jürgen." He said, bowing his head. He looked around at all the people and felt very out of place. The giant Long Bow strapped to his back didn't help. "Are you new to the city?"

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1 hour ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

 "You could've handled him." He was mostly sure of that. "I'm Jürgen." He said, bowing his head. He looked around at all the people and felt very out of place. The giant Long Bow strapped to his back didn't help. "Are you new to the city?"

"I am."

She nodded.

"You as well, I guess? Why did you come here?"

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8 hours ago, Turtle373 said:

Chadwick walked towards the city and as he got near to it he saw a large group of people in front of the gate

I wonder what all these people are standing around for, might as well go and see

so he began walking towards the front, and when he had reached the front all he saw was an old man sitting by the gate.

why are all the people standing there in a line instead of coming in? Humans are so weird.

Chadwick began to walk in the gate but he heard the old man say something, "State your business" Chadwick just continued walking through, "hey wolf, are you here for the census?" he turned around, just then realizing that the old man was talking to him, "yes I am" he replied, then began walking through the gate again, "Hey wait, what's your name?" Chadwick walked into the city, not realizing the man was still talking to him. The old man grumbled to himself and just wrote down "Wolf" on his sheet. Chadwick started to walk through the city,

I wonder where the census is? or what a census is, he saw a girl who looked like a tree was growing on her, she looks like she knows stuff

he walked over to the tree girl and asked, "do you know where or what a census is?" 



Lilia turned around, hearing someone talk to them only to find the speaker to be a massive dog. Immediately smiling, she knelt down and started petting him.
"You asked about the census?" She asked. Looking up to the sky she thought a bit. "Well," she continued, "I think it's something about them wanting all people who can use magic as well as all beings affected by it to come here and tell people about themselves? Apparently we get money for it too, though I'm not sure why I really need it. Maybe for buying crystals?"

She smiled, and resumed ruffling through Chadwick's hair.

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2 hours ago, kenod said:

Lilia turned around, hearing someone talk to them only to find the speaker to be a massive dog. Immediately smiling, she knelt down and started petting him.
"You asked about the census?" She asked. Looking up to the sky she thought a bit. "Well," she continued, "I think it's something about them wanting all people who can use magic as well as all beings affected by it to come here and tell people about themselves? Apparently we get money for it too, though I'm not sure why I really need it. Maybe for buying crystals?"

She smiled, and resumed ruffling through Chadwick's hair.

I like this girl

Chadwick turned his head and licked the tree girl's face, "I don't really need money either, what's your name?" he asked.

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Mutig watched the crowd's moving around, people buying things, people selling things. He soon came to the conclusion that this wouldn't be too hard to move among them, as he saw other animals moving through the crowd as well. With a deep breath, he stepped out onto the street... And immediately realized his mistake, he was possibly the only grizzly bear in this city. He stood on his hind legs, trying to get a better view of his surroundings. Soon, two guards came up to him, one waving his spear to catch his attention.

 "What's your business here?" The man called up. 

 Mutig paused, trying to think. so much noise! he thought. He went back to all fours, and moved towards the city gate, and spotted two figures. One was a female with a bag, the other a male with a long bow. Maybe they can help me out, if anything, maybe that woman knows the city. 

 "Hey!" The first guard yelled now, they had both been following him, "What's your business here in the city!"

 Mutig, in probably the most fool-hearty motion in his life, he moved towards them, swiftly stepping up beside the woman and whispered. "Help." Then, against everything his mind said was right, he acted like a doll animal, pretending as best he could to be a pet.


@Steel Inquisitive

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Aldred felt a strong tug somewhere behind him, and he sighed, turning. The crowd in the square was thick, and he craned his neck to try and get a look backwards toward Tradesman's Gate. Something out there was getting attention, something with enough Natural magic to even catch Aldred's overworked senses. He considered going back and investigating, but weaving his way through that crowd felt like infinitely too much work.

He was just turning back to find a tavern when something caught his eye. A man at the far end of the square took a box of miniature tools out of a wagon and muttered to them, at which point they grew to life-size. Aldred raised a brow. Now that was a magic he'd yet to see, though it was conspicuously absent from his senses. No humming, no pulling.

A Ritualist, then, and skilled too, though this fellow was far more humbly dressed than most Ritualists he'd known. Aldred walked over to the man's table, inspecting what appeared to be simple wares. Children's toys, farming tools.

"How's business?" Aldred asked the man, using the common Kurian greeting.


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10 hours ago, Sorana said:

"I am."

She nodded.

"You as well, I guess? Why did you come here?"

He snorted. "For the census of course. Why are you h..." At that moment he saw a giant bear lumbering towards them with guards close behind. "That's a new one." Jürgen had spent much of his life hunting beasts and with all the strange beings running around he had to keep reminding himself that they were thinking beings. But he still itched to get his bow out.



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Amara swiftly stepped between the bear and the guards, smiled at them politely.

"A good day to you as well."

She called out to them, and hoped Jürgen would keep an eye on the bear. You never knew, and she hadn't planed to end up as fodder for some magical creature.

"I think you are scaring -"

She looked over her shoulder and looked at the bear for a moment.

"Him. Let's all calm down."

One of the guards pointed his weapon at her.

"We need to know why he's here."

He said a bit breathlessly. Amara lifted her hands a bit, to indicate she didn't plan to attack him or anything and turned towards the bear.

"Why are you here?"


@Steel Inquisitive

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4 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Amara swiftly stepped between the bear and the guards, smiled at them politely.

"A good day to you as well."

She called out to them, and hoped Jürgen would keep an eye on the bear. You never knew, and she hadn't planed to end up as fodder for some magical creature.

"I think you are scaring -"

She looked over her shoulder and looked at the bear for a moment.

"Him. Let's all calm down."

One of the guards pointed his weapon at her.

"We need to know why he's here."

He said a bit breathlessly. Amara lifted her hands a bit, to indicate she didn't plan to attack him or anything and turned towards the bear.

"Why are you here?"


@Steel Inquisitive

He put on his most innocent face.

 "Need healer."

 He then indicated his slightly busted leg, keeping his weight off it.

 "Heard she was here" , indicating Armara, "Heard she healer".

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