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Who's Your Favorite Character?


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Who's your favorite character in any of Sanderson's books. It can be your favorite in each one, or just overall. I like Lift and the Stormfather in SA, Spook (or "Lestibournes", I guess.) and Wayne in Mistborn, Galladon in Elantris, and Doomslug the Destroyer in Skyward. And Hoid, of course. Who doesn't like Hoid? I even named my cactus after him!

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Jasnah (we're engaged!).

Odium/Rayse: I like the condescending grandfather persona he adopts even though it is a front and Rayse as a mortal maybe didn't act or even look like that. I enjoy his interactions: "There, there. That was a smidge too much wasn't it?"     

"Taravangian is it?" He squinted, as if seeing Taravangian for the first time. "Little man." 

"Do you think I will ever meet with you when you are feeling well?"  

I like to imagine him hamming it up when he goes on about Passion "Passion, son. Wondrous, Glorious PASSION!" Like he loses himself in the moment. 

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Wax, but only when he's with Wayne. Together they are hilarious. Teft, Adolin and Dalinar are really good too. And who can forget grumpy ol Kaladin? Sazed and Breeze were very well written IMO. Lightsong was the best part of Warbreaker by far. Sixth of the dusk was pretty cool with the whole, "I don't talk" thing.  

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I like Kelsier because he feels the most human to me.  Almost all of Brandon's characters feel a little too...nice?  Brandon has a very optimistic view of the inherent goodness of human beings, and his characters feel like comic book heroes in that there are moral thresholds that they seem artificially restrained from crossing (see the rewriting of the Szeth and Kaladin battle so that Kaladin no longer delivers a killing strike).  Kelsier though is a hero with a clear dark side that he struggles with and thus I find it a lot easier to empathize with him.  Honestly if I grew up in a society under a rape and murder at will aristocracy and was suddenly freed I imagine I would be a lot more in the Kelsier "nobles deserve to die" camp than everyone else who seems to want to immediately ally with them.  The fact that Kelsier is actually capable of doing morally dark actions makes him feel so much more dynamic and unpredictable than other characters.

Kaladin though I would follow into hell.

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There are so many characters I really like. But I think my top favorites are Dalinar and Sazed. And possibly Lightsong. I apparently have an affinity for people who experiences crises of faith. And still are good people who seem to come out stronger for struggling through their beliefs. 

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