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Advice on some Magic systems


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I have three magic systems that I would like some advice on. (The names are placeholders)


Each person has a spark, the strength of the spark controls the strength of the magic. The "spark" is attuned to some form of magic. (All magics are genetic)


1) Gravitational Magic 1: A person can "push or pull" on any substance or object


2) Gravitational Magic 2: A person can increase or decrease the weight of any substance or object. (Their is a limit of how much weight a person can change)


3) Chip Control Magic: A person can place a small "chip" on anything within a certain size, and will be able to control that for a limited amount of time. Living things can not be controlled.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The systems sound like they are a good starting point.

The first sounds like a telekinesis kind of magic. I'd definitely suggest coming up with some limits or costs to using it. Weight is a good possibility, directly proportional to the user's level of spark. Range is a good limit too.

The second is interesting, and could be very useful in a variety of ways. Does the user have to contact the substance they want to change, or just see it? Does it work on a living person?

As for the third, it sounds almost like the first one, just more limited because they have to contact. How will it be different than being able to push and pull?

Overall, consider things like how it works. What's required to use it? Can someone else block out the user because their spark is stronger? What kind of world is it in, and how would the magic impact it, vice versa?

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