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Dimitri and Claude's supports are done! 

Being completely honest, these are the supports I'm least happy with. (Which really sucks because Claude and Dimitri are some of my favorite lords in the entire series) But that's not a surprise; as I mentioned before, nailing Claude's voice is HARD. And I'm afraid it's out of my skill range for the moment. Add to that the fact that this support had the most changes in content, and you have an unfortunately lesser product. I'm trying some stuff here. But anyways, enjoy. The song for the moment is "A Different Way" by DJ Snake featuring Lauv. 

C Support


Claude: ...steady...and...carefully...and...yes!

*Dimitri walks by*

Dimitri: Claude? ...I wonder...


Soldier: Urgh...my stomach! I give up!

Claude: You put up a good fight. Now if you don't mind, could you stop speaking bad about other countries? I won fair and square, and those were the terms.

Soldier: ...urgh...fine, I'll stop.

*Soldier leaves*

*Dimitri enters*

Dimitri: Fair and square? I'm not sure I'd call poising an opponent before a fight "fair."

Claude: Your Kingliness! Let's go somewhere a bit quieter.

*Scene change*

Dimitri: Here is far enough.

Claude: For the whole monastery to here? 

Claude: *sighs*

Claude: Fine, let's hear what you have to say.

Dimitri: ...why did you challenge that soldier to a fight?

Claude: That's where you're starting? Color me surprised.

Dimitri: For all of your skullduggery, you don't seem like one to prompt fights without reason. 

Claude: Maybe I wanted to change it up? Throw watching eyes off the trail. But I'll humor you.

Claude: The soldier was going on about how other cultures and people like Almyra and Duscur are waste pits, and their people are too. I didn't appreciate it, so I challenged him to a duel. 

Dimitri: ...I see. And which part of the duel involved cheating?

Claude: I said a duel, I didn't say when it would begin. It's his fault for assuming that fights begin at a certain time and place. 

Dimitri: I do see your logic.

Claude: Really? 

Dimitri: Battlefields are often chaotic and messy. There's no clean fight, and contrary to what the stories tell you, no honor to be found. You kill your enemies with what tools you have, be it the weapon in your hand or a closed fist.

Claude: Not to mention that battles are often planned and prepped for ahead of time. Only a fool thinks otherwise. 

Dimitri: Heh, you're not wrong. 

Claude: So, do "deem my actions appropriate?"

Dimitri: I am neither judge nor executioner, simply a man checking a peer. 

Claude: If you say so. Now if you'll excuse me, I seem to be short a supply of nonlethal toxins. 

Dimitri: Very well. 

*Dimitri leaves*

Claude: He surprised twice me in that conversation. Dimitri...I'll have to keep a close eye on you. 


B Support


Dimitri: Ah, Claude, there you are.

Claude: Your Kingliness! To what do I owe the pleasure this time?

Dimitri: I wanted your opinion on something. 

Claude: Ask away.

Dimitri: The Kingdom of Faerghus is having some trouble with our neighbors of Sreng. 

Claude: Go on.

Dimitri: I was wondering...how would you deal with them? How do you make peace with someone who only wants to fight? 

Claude: Why ask me? 

Dimitri: My allies, well-intentioned they may be, can't provide the advise I need. Dedue would simply agree to any decision I made. Ashe and Ingrid would want to make the choice based on what they think is honorable, probably relating to those stories of knights they love so much. Felix would simply suggest beating them into submission, welcoming any challenge they present. 

Claude: Wait, let me guess the rest - Sylvain would want to woo all of their women, and Annette and Mercedes would want to bake for everyone.

Dimitri: That's not how I would phrase it, but close enough. 

Claude: And you haven't asked Her Highness?

Dimitri: Do you mean Edelgard? No...I haven't gotten around to it. 

Claude: Yet you sought me out? I'm flattered. 

Claude: What would I do...say Dimitri, why do the Sreng people fight? 

Dimitri: They used to occupy the land of Faerghus before our ancestors...displaced them. From the accounts I've read, they actually didn't mind.

Claude: And I'm sure these accounts were all found in Fodlan, approved by the church?

Dimitri: ...yes. 

Claude: So the only accounts you have are biased and censered by the church to make your ancestors look noble. Sorry, go on. 

Dimitri: No, no...your point is a good one. Thank you Claude. You've given me much to think about. 


B+ Support


Claude: Dimitri! There you are!

Dimitri: Claude? To what do I owe the surprise?

Claude: What do the Sreng people believe?

Dimitri: Pardon?

Claude: The Sreng people? What do you know about their religion?

Dimitri: From what I've heard and researched, they believe that souls are born in the heat of a mountain, released when volcanoes erupt. Fires are used to purify the soul, and tools of metal hold pieces of the soul of the one who built them. 

Dimitri: Blacksmiths are supposedly treated with great respect, and weapons are passed down through families, not unlike our Relics. 

Claude: Was it any mountain they believed held their souls, or was there a specific one?

Dimitri: I can't say I know. Why the questions?

Claude: I did some digging of my own. And I think I may have something to help your problem. 

Claude: The Sreng people believe that all live originates from a volcanic mountain near the Sacred Gwenhwyvar. They used to travel there twice a year for a pilgrimage and to escape the harsh winter farther north. 

Dimitri: Hmm...

Claude: My suggestion is that you allow free travel for the pilgrimage. 

Dimitri: May I ask why?

Claude: Well, religion means a lot to people; allowing for the pilgrimage would give regular people a chance to not only see the world beyond their borders, but to participate in something that their culture and religion demands. Not to mention the increase in trade due to travelling expenses...I think it could work. 

Dimitri: I see...how do you suggest I deal with the Church of Seiros? 

Claude: Solid concern - they aren't too fond of those who don't share the same faith. I would ask the church to offer up their buildings as rest spots along the pilgrimage. That way they can still preach the blessings of their goddess to the Sreng people while still looking magnanimous, and the Sreng people can rest in a place without having to worry about money for lodging. 

Dimitri: Thank you Claude. Do you mind if I ask one more question?

Claude: Go ahead.

Dimitri: Is this how you will deal with the Almyrans?

Claude: What? What do you mean?

Dimitri: Someday you will be the leader of the Alliance. And I know how the Alliance always must prepare for an Almyran attack...is this how you would prefer to engage with them?

Claude: ...something like that. I'll tell you someday. 

Dimitri: I look forward to it. 


A Support: 


Claude: ...and done! 

Dimitri: What do you think?

Claude: It looks good! I can't say this treaty is missing a single thing. 

Dimitri: And yet your face is telling me something is off. 

Claude: Dimitri, do you think treaties can change hearts? 

Dimitri: ...I'm not sure. The problems held between the Sreng people and those of the Kingdom have a long history. This treaty can't heal the hurt or repair the families broken on both sides. But maybe, just maybe it can help open our eyes to the pain of others. 

Claude: To the pain of others? I'm not sure that's something people want to see. 

Dimitri: I agree. It's far easier to think of the other side as monsters, incapable of reasoning behind their actions and only motivated by base emotions...I know I am guilty of that...and I know others think the same of me. Rightfully so...

Claude: ...

Dimitri: But this...with this, maybe we have a chance of reverting it. So to answer your question. I am not sure if treaties can change hearts, but I am willing to allow them the chance. 

Claude: You seem really fired up about this.

Dimitri: Well, to tell you the truth...I don't want to stop with just Sreng. 

Claude: Oh? 

Dimitri: I want to change our relationships with Duscur, and Almyra, and all of Fodlan's neighbors! Fodlan has been closed off for so long...our hearts frozen in what we felt we needed to hear to survive. We were wrong, and I want to change that.

Claude: Dimitri...

Dimitri: Claude, can I count on you? Will you help me change Fodlan?

Claude: Well, after a speech like that, how can I refuse?

Dimitri: Good. I'll be counting on your experience as leader of the Alliance - for however long it was - to help us foster a new relationship with Almyra. 

*Dimitri walks off*

Claude: "For however long it was." ...should I tell him...? Nah, it'll be more fun to surprise him at the treaty signings...


Author's Notes:


...yeah, I may rewrite these someday. 

I had something else entirely for the original support - I believe Edelgard was mentioned more, and the differences in fighting (Claude's running away and avoiding a straight fight) were brought up more. I decided against that angle because it felt too much like "let me explain about my past and culture," and that's the sort of dialogue I'm working to avoid. (The Saul and Azura support was the exception because of the nature of the confession.)

So here I brought in the rare, contemplative Dimitri and the more serious Claude. 

Most of the stuff about Sreng was made up for the sake of the support. My goal this time around was to work in worldbuilding to the support, so I presented Dimitri with a problem and had Claude help solve it. In doing so, we get a glimpse into what Claude's plans for breaking the proverbial (and eventually, literal) wall between Fodlan and Almyra would have looked like (or at least how I imagine it) had the war not happened. Trade wasn't really mentioned because I just assume that trade between the countries is already present. This was me trying to get more common people to travel. 

Again, given that this is Dimitri's route, I didn't want to explicitly talk about Claude's heritage, but I left enough clues in the supports so that first time players could figure it out. 

There were a LOT of ideas that I couldn't fit into this support. I wanted to bring back the idea of Dimitri being "judge and executioner" later on. It would have been during the B support, and Dimitri would have shown some consternation over the fact that as a king, he effectively WOULD be those things. There was the discussion of peace through conquering, and it would have Dimitri wonder about these things in the B support, and then reflect and wonder if that's what Edelgard thought she was doing in their A support. (This was closer to the original idea I had.) I also tossed around the idea that someone like Felix would actually have Sreng blood in them, but that was thrown out pretty quickly. There was also going to be more talks about faith and blasphemy in terms of the church and Sreng. I kept certain aspects in, such as Claude's cynicism and Dimitri question on how to deal with the church later, but a good bit was cut. 

Dimitri's open-mindedness at the end is more of Claude's thing, but I blame it on Claude rubbing off on him. Dimitri has been through so much, and has done so much, and I wanted to show a more idealistic version of that character trying to put all of that to good use. 

Overall, I'm not terribly happy with these supports, but I do think they helped me improve some areas of writing. We'll see what I do with them. 


The Claude x Edelgard support won't be finished this weekend. I need more time to noodle on it, and I don't think feeling like there's a deadline helps the quality of these supports. (Also I watched Hamilton tonight and that put me in the mood to noodle on a different creative project (also possibly Fire Emblem related).)

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A silly idea popped in my head, and I just had to write the support down. So without further ado, I present to you Dedue and Constance! The song for this one is "The Bender" by Matoma and Brando, but "Latch" or "No Judgment" work as well. "No Judgment" will most likely be used later on, however. 

C Support


Dedue: ...

Dedue: No good. I will have to start over. 

*Constance walks by*

Constance: Dedue! What might you be doing this fine morning? Enjoying the flowers?

Dedue: Gardening.

Constance: Gardening? The sun has yet to rise. Why must you start so early?

Dedue: Many aspects of gardening benefit from an early start. Besides, waking up before His Majesty allows me to assist him better. 

Constance: Ever so loyal...what I wouldn't give for a servant of my own!

Dedue: ...

Constance: ...Oh! Oh my Goddess! Forgive my words, Dedue! I did not mean to imply - 

Dedue: It is fine. I am used to it. If you will excuse me, the sun is rising. 

*Dedue leaves*

Constance: Cursed my thoughtless words! Whatever can I do to make it up to him...

Constance: Oh! I know!


C+ Support


Dedue: What...how is this possible...?

Constance: Do you like it?

Dedue: Constance? What did you do?

Constance: I revived your flowers! After you left, I noticed how some of them were looking a little down on their luck. So I used a little Nuvelle magic, and now they're right as rain. 

Dedue: I did not know magic could be used in such a way. Thank you. 

Constance: For Constance von Nuvelle, this is nothing!


B Support 


Dedue: Constance.

Constance: Ah, Dedue! Care to join me? I dried some of the flowers you sent me and made a delectable tea out of them.

Dedue: I am fine. 

Constance: Suit yourself.

*Constance sips her tea*

Dedue: I would like to hire you.

*Constance spits out her tea and coughs*

Constance: I beg your pardon?

Dedue: You have the ability to help grow flowers and other plants. I have seen it. I would like to hire you to do so again someday.

Constance: If it is a small amount, a simple "thank you" would suffice...although passing on a good word to your prince would not go unnoticed either. 

Dedue: No. My idea is larger. I would like to cover a vast amount of land in flowers. 

Constance: (tiny, squeaky voice) ...oh...

Dedue: I am aware that this will take considerable funds, and I am willing to pay. 

*Dedue hands a bag of money to Constance*

Dedue: This is the first payment.

Constance: The first?! Of how many? How much money is this?! 

Dedue: I will send payments once a month. 

Constance: Where did you get the money?

Dedue: His majesty insists that I take a payment for my dedication. It is his wish, so I do not refuse. Please let me know if you need extra funding.

*Dedue turns to leave*

Constance: Wait! Why are you doing this?

Dedue: ...I have heard of your desire to rebuild your house. You need a patron, and I have a request. Our goals align. Is there anything else?

Constance: Magic needs subjects, and there are many flowers out there. How will I know which ones are the correct ones?

Dedue: I will send the flowers I desire you to use your magic on, and samples of the soil. If that is all.

*Dedue leaves*

Constance: ...is he gone...? YesyesYES! This may be one small step for magic, but is one giant leap for House Nuvelle!


B+ Support


*Dedue is gardening*

*Constance walks in*

Constance: Dedue! There you are!

Dedue: Is there a problem?

Constance: There most certainly is! The flowers! You keep sending them! And to my workplace no less! Have you no decency? A woman's workplace is akin to a woman's heart!

Dedue: I thought you needed subjects. Those are the flowers - 

Constance: Yes, yes, those are the flowers you want me to use my magic on. But you keep sending them in bouquets!

Dedue: It is efficient. 

Constance: It is embarrassing! People are starting to think I have a paramour! 

Dedue: I see. But is that not a good thing?

Constance: I beg your pardon?

Dedue: I am not familiar with Fodlan's court, but I have lived near His Highness for some time. Does not the illusion of a paramour mean you are sought after? And the constant flowers mean they are wealthy enough to avoid such things? Would this not help raise your standing among the nobles and make you a woman to be sought after, if someone else so wealthy already seeks you out?

Constance: *shocked (Pikachu) face*

Constance: ...why...when you put it like that...I guess I can tolerate it for a little while longer. 

Constance: Thank you for your assistance in explaining this manner, as well as with your subjects. 

Dedue: I look forward to the results. 


A Support


*Constance is gardening*

Constance: And you silly, stubborn, roots! Aha! Yes!

Dedue: Constance?

Constance: Ah! Dedue! ...what a surprise to see you here...

Dedue: Why are you gardening by hand? Is not magic more effective?

Constance: In many cases, yes. But as I worked on our deal, I realized that I had never tried gardening by hand. And you were gone, and there was no one left to take care of

the plants here, so...

Dedue: I see...thank you. 

Constance: For Constance von Nu - no, wait! Disregard that! I am terribly upset with you!

Dedue: ??

Constance: You disappeared in the middle of the second most trying time in my life! I heard about your "noble" sacrifice! How am I supposed to rebuild my house without your patronage?

Dedue: I talked this over with His Majesty over five years ago - even if I die, the patronage will not stop until your task is complete. And so long as His Majesty is alive, he would honor that deal. 

Constance: If that is what it must be...

Dedue: ...

Constance: Flowers.

Dedue: I'm sorry?

Constance: Flowers! I will require more flowers than before to make up for your errant sacrifice and the time it cost us. I will need flowers of all kinds - for a comparison, you see! 

Dedue: I understand. 

Constance: And one last thing. 

Dedue: Yes?

Constance: I need an honest answer. Why do you need so many flowers?

Dedue: ...after the late King Lambert was assassinated, much of Duscur was burned and salted. No flowers grow there. I did not believe anything could change that, so I simply focused my efforts into preserving what little of my homeland I could, here in this greenhouse. 

Constance: Oh...

Dedue: But then I saw your magic, and I realized that something could be done. Even if it I didn't live to see it, I knew that you could cover Duscur in flowers once more. 

Constance: ...Dedue...

Dedue: If that is all, I must start working on acquiring those flowers you ask for. 


A+ Support


Dedue: Constance.

Constance: Dedue! Did you hear the good news? I'm almost done with the spell! It will take some time yet, but...that look on your face says you aren't here for the good news.

Dedue: I saw flowers outside of your workspace. Rare flowers. 

Constance: Ah...yes, those were from a suitor...

Dedue: ...

Constance: Ever since you started sending me all of those flowers, I have been receiving requests for marriage arrangements and propositions nonstop! It's quite exhausting, really. 

Dedue: I understand. I will send seeds from now on. 

Constance: Seeds? Why seeds?

Dedue: I do not want to interfere with your suitors or any potential plans you may make. Excuse me. 

*Dedue starts to leave*

Constance: Dedue, wait!

*Dedue stops and turns around*

Constance: Do you see any flowers from the suitors here?

Dedue: I do not. 

Constance: No, because I do not accept them in my workspace. I will not accept them when I am so full...with flowers already. 

Dedue: Are you sure? I cannot imagine how receiving flowers from a man of Duscur at this time will be beneficial to your image. 

Constance: No! I want them! 

Dedue: ...

Constance: ...

Dedue: If that is the case, I will keep sending them. However, it may be prudent rearrange our deal. 

Constance: In time. But for now, turn around and sit with me. I want you to explain to me all of the flowers and what they mean to Duscur. 

Constance: Come Dedue, enjoy the flowers. 


Pairing Ending


After the war, Constance was given permission and any request of land to revive House Nuvelle. She chose the heart of Duscur. Together with her husband Dedue, Constance brought innovation, reform, hope, and beauty to the land. Soon, Duscur was known thereafter as "the land of flowers." 


Author's Notes: Yeah, I ship them now. 

This one just spawned from me noting that Dedue doesn't have many romantic supports with nobles, especially that aren't from his house. And I LOVE Constance's S-Support art and overall confession, so I wanted to sort of mix the two. Constance has art with flowers and Dedue is all about flowers. What's not to love? Constance speaks in a pretty formal and archaic fashion (although not as archaic as Say'ri) while Dedue is often blunt and to the point, so that was really fun to play with. I also like the idea that Dedue is insanely rich because Dimitri pays him for being a vassal. It's sort of like Wayne from Mistborn Era 2 - both are incredibly rich and have NO idea what to do with their riches. 

I wanted to drop some hints about Constance's confession in an earlier support, so that's why the workplace line is there. It should also be obvious from her actions and the request for flowers in the A support that Constance cares for Dedue by this point. The final few lines in the A+ support happen too fast for me, but I'm fine with that overall. 


I'd like to do a support between Balthus and Catherine next, because I can't believe there wasn't one in the game. I'll warn you right now, if I do get to it, it'll be a little more raunchy in terms of content. (The two will be discussing their FWB relationship and stuff like that.)

Edited by Use the Falchion
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I made a Catherine x Felix Support! It's sadly not as emotionally filled as Catherine x Ashe, but it's what I felt their relationship would be like. Please note that just because I created this support, it doesn't mean that I ship Felix and Catherine. I very much don't. I'd ship Felix and Annette, and I'd rather ship Catherine with either Hanneman (which admittedly would be weird and I probably shouldn't...but he can already marry Dorothea...) or Balthus (I'll get around to it...one day). 

I also should probably do an Ignatz x Bernadetta support sometime. (I still think her best ship is with Raphael, but I think Bernie and Iggy would be adorable together too.) Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the Claude x Edelgard support. But it still needs a lot more time...


C Support: 


*Sword swings*

Catherine: Ha-ha!

*Knights fall*

Soldier: We yield! We yield!

Catherine: Well, that's that! 

*Soldiers stand up*

Catherine: Good job today. You all have potential, but potential isn't an easy thing to realize, and knowing about it will only take you so far. But don't worry. With Catherine Thunderbrand at your side, you recruits will be whipped into tip-top soldiers! You're dismissed. 

*Soldiers leave*

Felix: Pretty words. 

Catherine: Ah, is that little Felix? It's been quite some time. 

Felix: Spare me the condescension. 

Catherine: If you say so. Are you here to ask about becoming a Knight?

Felix: Don't make me laugh. I'm here to challenge you. 

Catherine. Oh?

Felix: Most of the people in this place can't fight. And the Professor is busy at the moment.

Catherine: And your prince? I'm sure he'd love to spar with you. 

Felix: I didn't come to spear a boar. I'm here to spar with you. Right here. Right now. 

Catherine: Fine by me. I was needing a nice cool-down anyways!


C+ Support:


Catherine: HA!

Felix: Urk!

*Sword slashes*

Catherine: And you're dead. Again. 

Felix: ...again.

Catherine: Not today. Lady Rhea has a mission for me. I'll play with you when I get back. 

Felix: ...

*scene fades to black*

Catherine: Phew! That was quite the mission. 

*Felix appears*

Felix: You're back. Let's fight.

Catherine: 'I'm glad you made it back. I was worried about you.' Good to see you too, Felix.

Felix: We both knew you're too strong to die like that. Stop wasting our time. Let's go. 

Catherine: Let me report to Lady Rhea first. Why don't you head to the dueling grounds? I'll meet you there.

*Scene fades to black*

Catherine: And that should do it for today. 

Felix: *heavy panting*

Catherine: Hey, I have a proposition for you. How would you like to join the Knights of Seiros?

Felix: What?

Catherine: Become my page. If you do so, I can guarantee that you'll be knighted once you graduate from the academy. 

Catherine: We both know you're stronger than most of your peers and most knights here. I know it's not entirely conventional, but sometimes a third path is the one that gets the most results. So what do you say? Do you want to become a knight?

Felix: No. I have no intention of becoming a knight. Ever. Not for you, not for your Archbishop -

Catherine: Watch your words - 

Felix: Not for the Boar Prince, and not for my - 

Catherine: ...Felix?

Felix: Forget it. I'm done here. 


B Support: 


Catherine: Felix! 

Felix: Thunderstrike. 

Catherine: I found you. Come on.

*Catherine walks*

Felix: Where are we going? 

Catherine: You'll see. 

*Sunset outside of town*

Catherine: And here we are! 

Felix: ...why did you drag me all the way here?

Catherine: Why do you want to get stronger?

 Felix: What? 

Catherine: For the longest time that was the question I kept asking myself about you. 'Why do you want to get stronger? 

Felix: My reasons are my own. 

Catherine: I figured you'd say something like that, so I did a little digging on my own. It has to do with your brother, doesn't it? His death...that's why you dislike knighthood so much, isn't it?

Felix: They praised it. Acted like his sacrifice meant something. Like they'd rather have him among the dead than the living. That glorification disgusts me. 

Felix: And I've seen the Knights of Seiros 'honor' their fallen. You aren't any different. 

Felix: If this is all, can I go now? This I have training - 

Catherine: You're stagnating.

Felix: *Shocked (Pikachu) face*

Catherine: I can tell. You're stagnating. You know it too, don't you?

Felix: And let me guess, your solution involves joining the Knights of Seiros?

Catherine: Heh. I don't think I could make a good knight out of you if I tried. No, I can't fix your problem. But I here's some advice. When I stagnate, training harder rarely works. What really helps me is reminding myself of why I fight. 

Felix: I know why I fight - 

Catherine: Yes, yes. It's an eat-or-be-eaten world. I've seen it from dozens of recruits before. And they all died, Felix. Power for the sake of power wasn't enough. Skill wasn't enough. Luck wasn't enough. You need to find a drive beyond strength. Something that will keep you going even if you're up against Nemesis himself. That's all. 

Felix: ...


A Support: 


Felix: Ha!

Catherine: Ha!

*Swords clash*

Catherine: I yield! I yield. 

Catherine: I've gotta say, you've really improved. To think you've gone from barely giving me a scratch to beating me so soundly!

Felix: It was one spar. We'll need to keep dueling to make sure it wasn't a fluke. 

Catherine: Ha. Ha. 

Felix: Thanks. 

Catherine: What?

Felix: Your advice five years ago helped. I found a second motivation and I improved. Thanks. 

Catherine: Happy to help. What's the second motivation, though? 

Felix: Unimportant. Now are we going to spar or not?

Catherine: Oh, I know that tone...it's a girl, isn't it! It is! 

Felix: No - I - urgh...

Catherine: Let's call it quits for today. Come on! Drinks are on me! And you tell me all about this fragile maiden you're protecting!

*Catherine leaves*

Felix: Fragile maiden? I've only beaten her once...


Epilogue - Azure Moon: 


After the war, Lady Rhea retired to Zanado. Catherine went with her. Felix, soon became the head of House Fraldarius. One day he visited the Red Canyon  and challenged Thunderstrike Catherine to a duel. Catherine demanded that no such thing be asked by the winner. Felix agreed to these terms and won the duel. As a prize, he asked the former Archbishop to be a guest of House Fraldarius for the remainder of his life. She accepted knowing that Catherine would never leave her side, and would never allow her feelings to be realized otherwise. And as expected, Catherine followed Lady Rhea to Faerghus. Soon Felix and Catherine were married. It is rumored that when Catherine asked what Felix was doing that day when making his offer to Lady Rhea, he responded by saying "choosing a third path." 


Epilogue - Verdant Wind/Silver Snow


Verdant Wind and Silver Snow: After the war, Catherine followed Lady Rhea in the path she chose. Felix, abandoning his House and his past, joined Catherine in defending the Archbishop and her husband/wife (if Rhea and Byleth have an S-Support). Soon the two were married. In time they became know as the Twin Swords of the Church, and their heroic deeds inspired knights for centuries to come. 


Author's Notes


This was more free-flow that most of my other supports. I was looking for a song for the Balthus-Catherine support, and this idea popped into my head. So I thought, why not? The Azure Moon "third path" ending came first, but as I wrote the supports, I realized that I didn't have a place to actually put a mention of a third path to reference back to! Fortunately I found a place. The Silver Snow/Verdant Wind endings were me having a bit of fun with Felix's whole attitude about knighthood. Having him become a knight and having heroic stories told about him would certainly tick the man off! (I was going to make him Catherine's page at first in the epilogue, but that was a step too far.)

The C+ Support was originally split into the C+ and B Support. I realized that I could combine the two, however, and the length would be roughly equal to the other supports. So I tried out the combination and I liked it! 

Overall, definitely not my best support, but I had fun with it. 


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10 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

@Aspiring Writer apparently we’re supposed to continue discussing Edelgarde being a copy of Arvis here?

Um, I dont care if she's a copy, this is the only fe game I've played besides fe warriors and honestly, I just really like the bylethxedelgard ship

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21 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Um, I dont care if she's a copy, this is the only fe game I've played besides fe warriors and honestly, I just really like the bylethxedelgard ship

... You are a Fire Emblem heretic.



More seriously, if you liked 3Houses you may want to try playing Geneology of the Holy War. 3 Houses is basically a take off of that one.

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15 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

More seriously, if you liked 3Houses you may want to try playing Geneology of the Holy War. 3 Houses is basically a take off of that one.

As is Awakening, although most fans seem to miss that fact...or outright ignore it. The story follows Genealogy's quite closely,* Chrom is basically an updated version of Sigurd, and Robin is a weird mixture of Arvis, Julius, and Dierdre, depending on how one plays the game. 


50 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Um, I dont care if she's a copy, this is the only fe game I've played besides fe warriors and honestly, I just really like the bylethxedelgard ship

The Edelgard and Arvis comparison seems to be more related to memes and a shared moniker than anything else. Sure, they do share some similarities, but Fire Emblem is notorious for copying itself - this is neither good nor bad, it just is.** But FE copies seem to be more...blatant at times than Edelgard and Arvis are. Edelgard is far more similar to Walhart than Arvis IMO. 

Also, I'd wait a couple of months before playing Genealogy. There's a medium-sized chance that it will be remade in the foreseeable future; if that's the case, then playing the remake may be the best way for those who haven't played too many Fire Emblem games before. 


*Which makes sense. Awakening was supposed to be the last game, so IntSys seemingly went with the "Best Of..." approach.

**This is part of why I think Persona 5 would make for a great Fire Emblem game, if someone was able to turn it into one (a GBA style game at least). Many of the P5(R) characters match the archetypes found in Fire Emblem. 

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27 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

As is Awakening, although most fans seem to miss that fact...or outright ignore it. The story follows Genealogy's quite closely,* Chrom is basically an updated version of Sigurd, and Robin is a weird mixture of Arvis, Julius, and Dierdre, depending on how one plays the game. 


The Edelgard and Arvis comparison seems to be more related to memes and a shared moniker than anything else. Sure, they do share some similarities, but Fire Emblem is notorious for copying itself - this is neither good nor bad, it just is.** But FE copies seem to be more...blatant at times than Edelgard and Arvis are. Edelgard is far more similar to Walhart than Arvis IMO. 

Also, I'd wait a couple of months before playing Genealogy. There's a medium-sized chance that it will be remade in the foreseeable future; if that's the case, then playing the remake may be the best way for those who haven't played too many Fire Emblem games before. 


*Which makes sense. Awakening was supposed to be the last game, so IntSys seemingly went with the "Best Of..." approach.

**This is part of why I think Persona 5 would make for a great Fire Emblem game, if someone was able to turn it into one (a GBA style game at least). Many of the P5(R) characters match the archetypes found in Fire Emblem. 

Robin very much seems to be a take off of the idea of Julius. Chrom reminds me more of Marth, to be honest.

I didn’t find the storyline all that similar though. Awakening had more to do with the whole time traveling kids thing, which was not similar at all to Jugdral. I love Awakening for bringing me into FE, but it’s not my favorite game by a long shot.

Three Houses has a political situation closer to Jugdral’s and the story has a lot of grey in it. The fact that you can play each side and each has valid points says a lot.

Arvis and Edelgarde being similar had more to do with their storylines. She’s manipulated from birth by the real villains, she has a secret crest, she becomes Emperor and does horrible things in an attempt to create a better system.

In three of the paths she dies, having failed. In at least one of those (I haven’t played path 4) she ensures that the real bad guys will still be destroyed. In some of the paths, her death allows the world she hoped to build to be. Her actions, however awful, bring about the world she wants.

Arvis lets Seliph kill him (per WoG) so the true evil can be killed. His death allows the world he started to build (before Loptyr took over) to be.

Edelgarde was definitely a takeoff on Arvis and 3Houses on Jugdral in general. Doesn’t mean she isn’t a great character. She is.


I’d be shocked if they decided to remake FE4. I mean, the incest plot alone makes it M rated. Nevermind a ... certain ... rather infamous event that occurs halfway through... (We will not discuss this while those who have not played are on here.) You really think Nintendo will give us an M rated FE game? Though if they do, I hope they let Seliph marry Julia. (Just make it tricky, and not possible if you don’t have certain conversations/events that reveal to the player - but not the characters- what they are.)


Personally, I’d love a remake to add a gen 3, with the grandchildren. The children are all fighting each other, the villain has Major Naga blood (which would be a nice twist) and the grandchildren are trying to keep everything together while figuring out who’s right, who’s wrong, and who the real villain is. And your ending is based on decisions made through all three generations!

I’d also add some Thracia characters into the game (Saias, Sarah and Salem) for recruitment. By Lief, not Seliph. Also Lief’s sister’s boyfriend/adoptive brother, because he was supposed to be recruitable. And the Fire Emblem would show up... in Arvis’ hands, because it belongs to Velthomer. It would be a nice subversion to see it in the villains’ hands.

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34 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I didn’t find the storyline all that similar though. Awakening had more to do with the whole time traveling kids thing, which was not similar at all to Jugdral. I love Awakening for bringing me into FE, but it’s not my favorite game by a long shot.

Awakening is currently my favorite game - it replaced Sacred Stones a few years ago - but it's not the one that brought me to the franchise. Anyways, to the comparisons: 

The only reason that the children are in Awakening was because it was a well-received mechanic in Genealogy. From a meta-perspective, one could say that the whole point of having the time travel was to answer the "what if the children in Genealogy were able to meet their parents" question that undoubtedly existed. 

Both Awakening and Genealogy center around a blue haired youth who finds a mysterious white haired mage. Their meeting (and in some cases their romance) puts the world a crash course to the return of a dark dragon unlocked by the white haired mage's bloodline. In both cases it's the second generation who must carry on the torch of their parents and change the world. Both generations of children live in atrocious circumstances (FE4's kids live through child-hunts and sacrifices while Awakening's kids are alive during the literal apocalypse) but go around changing defeating it in different ways. Seliph and crew are able to beat Loptyr, unite the realms, and bring peace. Lucina's world is already ruined, so instead she please to Naga for the chance to change the past.* Both games have Evil Cults surrounding their respective dragon god (Grimeal religion and the Loptyrian Cult) as well. Heck, both red-headed rulers have a dark mage from said cult whispering in their ear, feeding into their ambitions (Manfroy for Arvis and Aversa for Gangrel). And ultimately, both red-headed rulers of the first generation were puppets for a larger and darker ambition. 

Before Echoes, there were also entire theories laid out about how Grima could have been Loptyr. 

Chrom, like Sigurd, has to have his child(ren) carry on his legacy and save the world he couldn't. Chrom, like Sigurd: 


was betrayed by an ally once said ally was corrupted by an evil sorceror.

If one has Robin romance Chrom, it's almost exactly like Sigurd and Deirdre's romance. (...or how an Arvis/Sigurd romance would be.) 

Heck, Aversa bringing in the Deadlords and having them use the Holy Weapons of Jugdral is to explicitly reference the Jugdral games. 



39 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Chrom reminds me more of Marth, to be honest.

Hilariously Tiki and Robin have this exact conversation, where Tiki explicitly denies this. Tiki mentions that Chrom is like a different ancestor who is heavily hinted at being Sigurd. 


  • Robin: Ah, Tiki. Just the person I was looking for.
  • Tiki: What is it, Robin?
  • Robin: Remember when you told me about your friendship with King Marth?
  • Tiki: Yes? What of it?
  • Robin: You were referring to THE King Marth, right? The man from two millennia ago? Well, he's a distant relation to Chrom, is he not?
  • Tiki: That is correct.
  • Robin: So, I was wondering, wouldn't Chrom resemble him more than me?
  • Tiki: Perhaps because Chrom is not like Marth. He is much more direct, and committed to what he believes is right. Chrom might more resemble a different ancestor, from the age I was born in. Another great man in their line, from 1000 years before Marth... But the Marth of my time was wise and fair, and won hearts with his kindness.


And personally, I have to agree with Tiki here. Marth is far more empathetic than Chrom ever was. That's not to say I don't like Chrom or that he's not empathetic - Chrom is one of my favorite lords in the franchise! - just that Marth is more. If I had to put it another way, Marth is more like Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia or Hiruma Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. He's undoubtedly skilled and will do everything for what he believes is right, but he's also far more tortured by his actions and the weight of conflict. Meanwhile Chrom is more like Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto or Ichigo Kursaki from Bleach. Chrom is headstrong, direct, and accepting of others without too much of a fuss (see his friendships with Gaius and Vaike, or how he simply accepts Tharja into the army). But he's also unrepentant about doing what needs to be done and protecting those he loves. Chrom doesn't mind charging his forces into a war that's not really his own, simply because he perceives it as the right thing to do. Sigurd is the same, and that's part of why he's so tragic. Chrom doesn't win hearts through kindness like Marth and Emmeryn did, but acceptance and justice. 


46 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Arvis and Edelgarde being similar had more to do with their storylines. She’s manipulated from birth by the real villains, she has a secret crest, she becomes Emperor and does horrible things in an attempt to create a better system.

In three of the paths she dies, having failed. In at least one of those (I haven’t played path 4) she ensures that the real bad guys will still be destroyed. In some of the paths, her death allows the world she hoped to build to be. Her actions, however awful, bring about the world she wants.

Arvis lets Seliph kill him (per WoG) so the true evil can be killed. His death allows the world he started to build (before Loptyr took over) to be.

Edelgarde was definitely a takeoff on Arvis and 3Houses on Jugdral in general.

Ah, I can see it now. 

I still think her motivations, actions, and overall appearance are far more reminiscent of Hardin and Walhart than Arvis. There's also the fact that in no path does Edelgard throw her life away for "the greater good." In all the cases Edelgard dies, she does so believing that she can still enact her cause and without the help of others. It's Hubert who does the legwork in SS and VW I believe, not Edelgard. 


52 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Doesn’t mean she isn’t a great character. She is.

No one questioned this, or whether or not being an expy of another FE character lessens their own character. It's about the characterization, not the trope. Cherche, Jill, Milady, and Seteth aren't Minerva. Rhea is neither Emmeryn nor Mikoto. Robin isn't Deirdre, Arvis, or Julius. Lucina isn't Seliph. Lysithea isn't Nino. Ewan isn't Ricken. Byleth isn't Ike. Likewise, Edelgard may be based off of Arvis (and Walhart...and Hardin), but no one said that she wasn't a great character. 

But I will say this - Edelgard is who Rhea was, and one of the biggest tragedies in the game is that neither can see that. 


1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I’d be shocked if they decided to remake FE4. I mean, the incest plot alone makes it M rated. Nevermind a ... certain ... rather infamous event that occurs halfway through... (We will not discuss this while those who have not played are on here.) You really think Nintendo will give us an M rated FE game?

The whole point of FE 4 was that incest is bad. In terms of them remaking it, I think it's more likely than not. FE4 is the most popular Fire Emblem game in Japan, and its remake would unite many corners of the fandom - from the "I've played every game that's come to the West" fans like myself, to those who emulate the older games, to those who joined via Three Houses, to those who joined via the shipping mechanics in Awakening and Fates.** In terms of the incest, Fates and Awakening already have cousin incest. And the family tree of Rhea and Co. in Three Houses can be pretty...interesting... 

In terms of That Event, I don't think it's as big a problem as people seem to make it out to be. Three Houses opens with Seiros stabbing Nemesis to death. And when you get to the Battle of Gronder Field, the opening cutscene shows soldiers being disintegrated. If that's not a warm-up (pun intended), I don't know what is. In SS and VW they cut off a certain death mid-sentence. Awakening, Fates, and I think even Path of Radiance weren't afraid to have cinematic cut scene deaths. If the scene doesn't show blood and there's no overt romance scene, then it should be fine for a T rating. Japanese culture has a different values on certain things, and censorship is one of them. Detective Conan - a show about solving murders and mysterious conspiracies - is one of the most popular kids shows. 


1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Though if they do, I hope they let Seliph marry Julia. (Just make it tricky, and not possible if you don’t have certain conversations/events that reveal to the player - but not the characters- what they are.)

I'd prefer it be Eldgain and Lachesis. Have Ares be the product of incest and raised by Eldgain's wife, and deconstruct what that means to him. As for Seliph and Julia...no thanks. IMO, Seliph rejecting his romantic feelings for Julia is him learning from the mistakes that Arvis and Sigurd made. He's not going to be like them, and that act proves it. 


1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Personally, I’d love a remake to add a gen 3, with the grandchildren. The children are all fighting each other, the villain has Major Naga blood (which would be a nice twist) and the grandchildren are trying to keep everything together while figuring out who’s right, who’s wrong, and who the real villain is. And your ending is based on decisions made through all three generations!

While I do think there should be a "Part 3," as in a part after Seliph's story, I'm still not sure a third generation is what the story requires. I do like your ideas though! But I think a third generation would only work if a remake reworks the role of the replacement child units, effectively moving them from being replacements and makes them their own generation. But I do like the rest of your ideas!


1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I’d also add some Thracia characters into the game (Saias, Sarah and Salem) for recruitment. By Lief, not Seliph. Also Lief’s sister’s boyfriend/adoptive brother, because he was supposed to be recruitable.

What I decided I wanted a few months ago was a combined FE 4/5 remake. Part of this was due to some of the canon discrepancies that appear in Thracia, and how combining them was a chance to fix that. Another part of it was because FE 5 is sandwiched between the most popular FE game in Japan in FE 4, and the incredibly popular idea of an FE 6/7 remake. Having the gameplay change would be a problem, but in all honestly, not a giant one. For many fans it may be refreshing to get back to "normal" FE gameplay after beating Part 1 of a Genealogy remake; and the difference in gameplay would only go to highlight the different struggles Leif and co have had to face. Heck, bring it up in a support between Leif and Seliph, where the former mentions how he's still getting used to the size and tactics of a larger army! Blend the two together, and then the come back for Seliph's story in "Part 3" to finish everything off. (Replays of the game would allow players to skip the the generation they would like to play. If they decide to skip to Seliph's generation, then the child units would be the products of the pairings of whichever the most recent pairing was.) 

I think a "Part 4" based off of Kaga's notes, where the children find their parents would make for a great DLC story, but I'm not sure old-school fans would like that as canon. To me, it all works on how you frame it. If the remake was framed as a bedtime story for a young noble (say...Chrom reading a bedtime story to little Lucina, so we can have Matt Mercer narrating for us?) then I think it could work. All of the changes in pairings would be because the Father is changing the story every time to entertain his Daughter; and the "Part 4" would exist because the Daughter wanted a "happier ending." 




*Which, the game makes very clear, changes A past, not her past. 

**A combined FE 6/7 remake could also do these things, which makes the idea of remaking FE 5 on its own far less profitable IMO. Why remake a smaller, less favored game when you have two larger and more popular remakes out there waiting?

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4 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

Awakening is currently my favorite game - it replaced Sacred Stones a few years ago - but it's not the one that brought me to the franchise. Anyways, to the comparisons: 

The only reason that the children are in Awakening was because it was a well-received mechanic in Genealogy. From a meta-perspective, one could say that the whole point of having the time travel was to answer the "what if the children in Genealogy were able to meet their parents" question that undoubtedly existed. 

Both Awakening and Genealogy center around a blue haired youth who finds a mysterious white haired mage. Their meeting (and in some cases their romance) puts the world a crash course to the return of a dark dragon unlocked by the white haired mage's bloodline. In both cases it's the second generation who must carry on the torch of their parents and change the world. Both generations of children live in atrocious circumstances (FE4's kids live through child-hunts and sacrifices while Awakening's kids are alive during the literal apocalypse) but go around changing defeating it in different ways. Seliph and crew are able to beat Loptyr, unite the realms, and bring peace. Lucina's world is already ruined, so instead she please to Naga for the chance to change the past.* Both games have Evil Cults surrounding their respective dragon god (Grimeal religion and the Loptyrian Cult) as well. Heck, both red-headed rulers have a dark mage from said cult whispering in their ear, feeding into their ambitions (Manfroy for Arvis and Aversa for Gangrel). And ultimately, both red-headed rulers of the first generation were puppets for a larger and darker ambition. 

Before Echoes, there were also entire theories laid out about how Grima could have been Loptyr. 

Chrom, like Sigurd, has to have his child(ren) carry on his legacy and save the world he couldn't. Chrom, like Sigurd: 

  Reveal hidden contents

was betrayed by an ally once said ally was corrupted by an evil sorceror.

If one has Robin romance Chrom, it's almost exactly like Sigurd and Deirdre's romance. (...or how an Arvis/Sigurd romance would be.) 

Heck, Aversa bringing in the Deadlords and having them use the Holy Weapons of Jugdral is to explicitly reference the Jugdral games. 



Hilariously Tiki and Robin have this exact conversation, where Tiki explicitly denies this. Tiki mentions that Chrom is like a different ancestor who is heavily hinted at being Sigurd. 



And personally, I have to agree with Tiki here. Marth is far more empathetic than Chrom ever was. That's not to say I don't like Chrom or that he's not empathetic - Chrom is one of my favorite lords in the franchise! - just that Marth is more. If I had to put it another way, Marth is more like Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia or Hiruma Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. He's undoubtedly skilled and will do everything for what he believes is right, but he's also far more tortured by his actions and the weight of conflict. Meanwhile Chrom is more like Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto or Ichigo Kursaki from Bleach. Chrom is headstrong, direct, and accepting of others without too much of a fuss (see his friendships with Gaius and Vaike, or how he simply accepts Tharja into the army). But he's also unrepentant about doing what needs to be done and protecting those he loves. Chrom doesn't mind charging his forces into a war that's not really his own, simply because he perceives it as the right thing to do. Sigurd is the same, and that's part of why he's so tragic. Chrom doesn't win hearts through kindness like Marth and Emmeryn did, but acceptance and justice. 


Ah, I can see it now. 

I still think her motivations, actions, and overall appearance are far more reminiscent of Hardin and Walhart than Arvis. There's also the fact that in no path does Edelgard throw her life away for "the greater good." In all the cases Edelgard dies, she does so believing that she can still enact her cause and without the help of others. It's Hubert who does the legwork in SS and VW I believe, not Edelgard. 


No one questioned this, or whether or not being an expy of another FE character lessens their own character. It's about the characterization, not the trope. Cherche, Jill, Milady, and Seteth aren't Minerva. Rhea is neither Emmeryn nor Mikoto. Robin isn't Deirdre, Arvis, or Julius. Lucina isn't Seliph. Lysithea isn't Nino. Ewan isn't Ricken. Byleth isn't Ike. Likewise, Edelgard may be based off of Arvis (and Walhart...and Hardin), but no one said that she wasn't a great character. 

But I will say this - Edelgard is who Rhea was, and one of the biggest tragedies in the game is that neither can see that. 


The whole point of FE 4 was that incest is bad. In terms of them remaking it, I think it's more likely than not. FE4 is the most popular Fire Emblem game in Japan, and its remake would unite many corners of the fandom - from the "I've played every game that's come to the West" fans like myself, to those who emulate the older games, to those who joined via Three Houses, to those who joined via the shipping mechanics in Awakening and Fates.** In terms of the incest, Fates and Awakening already have cousin incest. And the family tree of Rhea and Co. in Three Houses can be pretty...interesting... 

In terms of That Event, I don't think it's as big a problem as people seem to make it out to be. Three Houses opens with Seiros stabbing Nemesis to death. And when you get to the Battle of Gronder Field, the opening cutscene shows soldiers being disintegrated. If that's not a warm-up (pun intended), I don't know what is. In SS and VW they cut off a certain death mid-sentence. Awakening, Fates, and I think even Path of Radiance weren't afraid to have cinematic cut scene deaths. If the scene doesn't show blood and there's no overt romance scene, then it should be fine for a T rating. Japanese culture has a different values on certain things, and censorship is one of them. Detective Conan - a show about solving murders and mysterious conspiracies - is one of the most popular kids shows. 


I'd prefer it be Eldgain and Lachesis. Have Ares be the product of incest and raised by Eldgain's wife, and deconstruct what that means to him. As for Seliph and Julia...no thanks. IMO, Seliph rejecting his romantic feelings for Julia is him learning from the mistakes that Arvis and Sigurd made. He's not going to be like them, and that act proves it. 


While I do think there should be a "Part 3," as in a part after Seliph's story, I'm still not sure a third generation is what the story requires. I do like your ideas though! But I think a third generation would only work if a remake reworks the role of the replacement child units, effectively moving them from being replacements and makes them their own generation. But I do like the rest of your ideas!


What I decided I wanted a few months ago was a combined FE 4/5 remake. Part of this was due to some of the canon discrepancies that appear in Thracia, and how combining them was a chance to fix that. Another part of it was because FE 5 is sandwiched between the most popular FE game in Japan in FE 4, and the incredibly popular idea of an FE 6/7 remake. Having the gameplay change would be a problem, but in all honestly, not a giant one. For many fans it may be refreshing to get back to "normal" FE gameplay after beating Part 1 of a Genealogy remake; and the difference in gameplay would only go to highlight the different struggles Leif and co have had to face. Heck, bring it up in a support between Leif and Seliph, where the former mentions how he's still getting used to the size and tactics of a larger army! Blend the two together, and then the come back for Seliph's story in "Part 3" to finish everything off. (Replays of the game would allow players to skip the the generation they would like to play. If they decide to skip to Seliph's generation, then the child units would be the products of the pairings of whichever the most recent pairing was.) 

I think a "Part 4" based off of Kaga's notes, where the children find their parents would make for a great DLC story, but I'm not sure old-school fans would like that as canon. To me, it all works on how you frame it. If the remake was framed as a bedtime story for a young noble (say...Chrom reading a bedtime story to little Lucina, so we can have Matt Mercer narrating for us?) then I think it could work. All of the changes in pairings would be because the Father is changing the story every time to entertain his Daughter; and the "Part 4" would exist because the Daughter wanted a "happier ending." 




*Which, the game makes very clear, changes A past, not her past. 

**A combined FE 6/7 remake could also do these things, which makes the idea of remaking FE 5 on its own far less profitable IMO. Why remake a smaller, less favored game when you have two larger and more popular remakes out there waiting?

So I haven’t played all the ones in the west, mostly because I can’t get them. I went to quite a bit of difficulty to get FE4 (no, it’s not legal. If they sold it in English I’d buy it, but they don’t so I’m stuck with a fan translation.) It’s my favorite game and I REALLY want a remake, but I’d settle for a western release.

Mostly I liked Julia better than any of Seliph’s other possible relationships, except Larcei and I liked her better with Shannan. I just... didn’t like how his relationships with the other girls worked. Kaga also intended for them to marry and have a kid midway through, but editorial disagreed. I think it should be up to the players, but the option should be locked unless you have other optional conversations occur between other characters.

There’s also Occam’s Razor to argue that it’s the easiest way to explain how Marth apparently has major Naga blood. Because Awakening cannonized needing major Naga blood to wield Falchion. Which means Marth had to have it, and the simplest method is for the person with minor Naga to marry the one with major Naga. There are other ways though. 


Consanguineous relationships are NOT incest, unless you happen to be Christian. I’m not. A lot of the world isn’t. Like 90% of the Middle East where such relationships are common. My grandparents were first cousins. Like a lot of Holocaust survivors, they married their close relatives. Don’t assume your cultural prejudices are universal and please refrain from referring to such relationships as incestuous. 

The very fact that a brother and sister marry may be enough to push the game to M.

I think Thracia should be included in the special release and available for everyone else via DLC. However, I think those three characters should be added to main game Jugdral.

Salem - he’s a dark mage, and the game doesn’t have one otherwise. Plus: more info on the Loptyr cult. Sarah: her connection to Manfroy allows for some nice plot things. Similarly: Saias’ connection with Arvis does the same. (Including the possibility that Saias has secret orders from his father to help their ‘enemies.’ Which I think would be interesting.)

For gen 3 I’d throw Kaga’s notes out with one exception: if you recruit Sarah, she frees Azel. Otherwise, my feelings are: deconstruction, reconstruction, mixture.

Basically, my idea goes along the lines of ‘real life ensues.’ And was created years before 3 Houses, btw. so any similarities are coincidental.

After defeating Loptyr Seliph becomes emperor. Turns out being a rebel leader does not prepare you for a throne. (Who knew?) So he makes a bunch of mistakes (like getting rid of taxes, which sounds nice until you can’t pay your employees...) which Shannan and Lief, both running their own nations, don’t care for. 

If Saias was recruited, he takes over Velthomer, but his loyalty is to Lief. Ares leaves to reclaim his father’s lands and forge his own kingdom. If Jamke married, his son leaves with Ares. If Lewyn married, his son goes north. All get rather annoyed when Seliph can’t help them due to struggling with the management of an empire he was entirely unprepared for.

As the next generation grows up, these tensions increase, eventually reaching a tipping point where Isaac and a United Thracia decide to separate from Granvale entirely. While this is all being negotiated, Prince Sigmund and his sister Signy go to the border with their friends to deal with a bandit problem. (If Julia marries Seliph there is a third sibling: Fitela) Naturally, they manage to start a war...

The villain would actually be another child of Arvis and Deirdre (because it never made sense to me why they only had two.) He’d have Major Naga and Minor Loptyr and had an identical looking twin who swapped places with him when Loptyr wanted him killed. (The twin had Major Fala and minor Naga, to round out the possible combinations. Right now the twins names are Hoenir and Lodurr, unless I decide they’re girls in which case they’d be Eisa and Einmyria.) After everything he went through as a child, he’s become a nihilist. He wants to wipe out the Holy Bloodlines, the dragons, and use their power to raze and restore the continent so humanity (which he seems corrupt) can start anew. To ensure this he manipulates events to set all the old heroes at war so they’ll be too busy fighting each other to stop him.

So that’s the plot so far.

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14 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Consanguineous relationships are NOT incest, unless you happen to be Christian. I’m not. A lot of the world isn’t. Like 90% of the Middle East where such relationships are common. My grandparents were first cousins. Like a lot of Holocaust survivors, they married their close relatives. Don’t assume your cultural prejudices are universal and please refrain from referring to such relationships as incestuous. 

I mean, technically, in places where consanguineous relationship are illegal, it is incest. But I see your point; my intent was not to offend, and I will endeavor to refrain from doing so for the rest of our discussion.

Also I am Christian, but the cousin marriages aren't the taboo relationships I was worried about. Heck, the Bible is full of cousin marriages (and some sibling ones). As weird as I personally find them*, I don't think they're that much of a problem; and as you say, many other cultures still have cousin marriages. However in this case I was explicitly thinking of Arvis and Deirdre, and the fact that in Three Houses


Byleth is ambiguously related to Rhea and can marry before s/he is made aware of that. Is Rhea Byleth's grandmother, because Rhea created Sitri? Or are they siblings, because Sitri is a failed clone of Sothis? Is Byleth Rhea's new parent, because s/he now hosts Sothis' soul? Are they related at all, given that Rhea isn't even human and Byleth most likely isn't either? These are things that players would have probably liked to know before romancing Rhea. Regardless, if just one of the first three is true, then that's just as bad as Arvis and Deirdre's relationship. And Three Houses isn't rated T now is it?

In terms of assuming. I'm black. I know what it's like to have people assume things. I also lived in a part of Japan where there were only two other black people near the area. (And one small church group.) I have friends from Indonesia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Japan, Canada, and more. Some of them believe the same things I do, but many have different biases and beliefs. I know my cultural prejudices aren't universal. I've been in the middle of multiple situations due to differing cultural prejudices, biases, and assumptions. But I'm also aware that Fire Emblem goes beyond just one culture, and there's a culture that is a major fanbase that is grossed out by the cousin marriage, particularly when the game springs it on players who wouldn't have marriage said characters had they known. (Fates I'm looking at you.) No one likes to be told "Surprise! Your significant other is actually from a taboo place within your culture!" But a Genealogy remake has the chance to weaponize that player shock and disgust by using it to make sure we don't sympathize for Arvis any more than we need to. Make his reaction to this reveal all a "love conquers all," reaction much like what Sigurd originally has when he finds out about Deirdre and her fate. This is the dark reprise. 

Is the prejudice against cousin marriage fair? I wouldn't say so. But it's there, and I'm mentioning that so it can be dealt with. You're the one who brought up incest as a point against a remake. I'm only saying that to a decent part of the Western world, within the Fire Emblem community, Genealogy's incest wouldn't be new. And it's a point of tragedy. Arvis knows what he's doing is wrong,** but he continues on anyways, and it ruins the world. 

Also, Nintendo has been partnering with studios for more mature games for their systems, such as the Bayonetta and No More Heroes games.  An M rated Fire Emblem, while not ideal, is certainly not out of the picture. 


49 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Mostly I liked Julia better than any of Seliph’s other possible relationships, except Larcei and I liked her better with Shannan. I just... didn’t like how his relationships with the other girls worked. Kaga also intended for them to marry and have a kid midway through, but editorial disagreed. I think it should be up to the players, but the option should be locked unless you have other optional conversations occur between other characters.

Seliph resisting that same draw with Julia is that proving he's learning the lessons of the previous generation. He's reconstructing what they deconstructed. It'd feel too much like history repeating if they got together, and that's what he's trying to avoid. Should they acknowledge it? Absolutely! But then they should reject it. Larcei and Shannan are a couple I do like, and they have enough of a degree of separation for many other western fans, I believe. Also, thank goodness for Kaga's editors. We'd have some really weird and dark stories in this game otherwise...



34 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Otherwise, my feelings are: deconstruction, reconstruction, mixture.

As much of a fan of this as I am - and trust me, I am. I wrote a whole revision for Star Wars' sequel trilogy, and the "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" concept played a major role - I don't think that Genealogy is the game for such a construct. 


22 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I think Thracia should be included in the special release and available for everyone else via DLC. However, I think those three characters should be added to main game Jugdral.

I don't think I can get behind this, if only because I dislike the idea of something like this only available for the special release. Fates was heavily criticized for doing this (or at least something similar) with its paths. This is the route we should avoid. And Thracia deserves more respect than being DLC. That's why I want it in the game proper. 


36 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Basically, my idea goes along the lines of ‘real life ensues.’ And was created years before 3 Houses, btw. so any similarities are coincidental.

After defeating Loptyr Seliph becomes emperor. Turns out being a rebel leader does not prepare you for a throne. (Who knew?) So he makes a bunch of mistakes (like getting rid of taxes, which sounds nice until you can’t pay your employees...) which Shannan and Lief, both running their own nations, don’t care for. 

If Saias was recruited, he takes over Velthomer, but his loyalty is to Lief. Ares leaves to reclaim his father’s lands and forge his own kingdom. If Jamke married, his son leaves with Ares. If Lewyn married, his son goes north. All get rather annoyed when Seliph can’t help them due to struggling with the management of an empire he was entirely unprepared for.

As the next generation grows up, these tensions increase, eventually reaching a tipping point where Isaac and a United Thracia decide to separate from Granvale entirely. While this is all being negotiated, Prince Sigmund and his sister Signy go to the border with their friends to deal with a bandit problem. (If Julia marries Seliph there is a third sibling: Fitela) Naturally, they manage to start a war...

The villain would actually be another child of Arvis and Deirdre (because it never made sense to me why they only had two.) He’d have Major Naga and Minor Loptyr and had an identical looking twin who swapped places with him when Loptyr wanted him killed. (The twin had Major Fala and minor Naga, to round out the possible combinations. Right now the twins names are Hoenir and Lodurr, unless I decide they’re girls in which case they’d be Eisa and Einmyria.) After everything he went through as a child, he’s become a nihilist. He wants to wipe out the Holy Bloodlines, the dragons, and use their power to raze and restore the continent so humanity (which he seems corrupt) can start anew. To ensure this he manipulates events to set all the old heroes at war so they’ll be too busy fighting each other to stop him.

So that’s the plot so far.

I like the concept, but I'm again, I'm not sure that I'm fully there yet. I guess my reasoning stands that "reality ensues" isn't the best place to end a series. To me, your story feels like it's Part 2 of a story, not Part 3. But maybe that's because I'm stuck in the "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" sort of mindset. It's the middle of a story that is deconstructed, not the ending. The ending should be about Catharsis. This...doesn't feel cathartic, at least not yet.

Ultimately while I like your idea, I'd rather have a separate game built around three generations rather than adding a generation on. Genealogy has more characters than it'll really know what to do with in a remake. Let's fix that problem first. But keep on writing your idea! I want to hear more when you figure it out! 


1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

I went to quite a bit of difficulty to get FE4 (no, it’s not legal. If they sold it in English I’d buy it, but they don’t so I’m stuck with a fan translation.) It’s my favorite game and I REALLY want a remake, but I’d settle for a western release.

Emulating and rom-hacks are part of Fire Emblem's culture at this point lol! I've considered playing FE4 for years but I had a friend who couldn't get through it. Besides, I'm not one for the lack of QoL stuff and graphics. So I thought I'd try watching LPs or walkthroughs, and I always got bored around Chapter 2. Eventually I just decided that this is probably one of those "playing is more fun than watching" games, and I'll play it if/when it gets a remake. I did make sure I knew the story and the main characters however - even if I can't play, I can still be educated! And earlier this year I found and read Oosawa's manga adaptation...well, the volumes that I could find online...


*This is a by-product of my raising and I'm very aware of it. 

**Depending on the medium of course. I don't know if/when he finds out in the game, but I know in the Oosawa manga he knew that Deirdre was his sister before marrying her. 

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32 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:


I mean, technically, in places where consanguineous relationship are illegal, it is incest. But I see your point; my intent was not to offend, and I will endeavor to refrain from doing so for the rest of our discussion.

Also I am Christian, but the cousin marriages aren't the taboo relationships I was worried about. Heck, the Bible is full of cousin marriages (and some sibling ones). As weird as I personally find them*, I don't think they're that much of a problem; and as you say, many other cultures still have cousin marriages. However in this case I was explicitly thinking of Arvis and Deirdre, and the fact that in Three Houses

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Byleth is ambiguously related to Rhea and can marry before s/he is made aware of that. Is Rhea Byleth's grandmother, because Rhea created Sitri? Or are they siblings, because Sitri is a failed clone of Sothis? Is Byleth Rhea's new parent, because s/he now hosts Sothis' soul? Are they related at all, given that Rhea isn't even human and Byleth most likely isn't either? These are things that players would have probably liked to know before romancing Rhea. Regardless, if just one of the first three is true, then that's just as bad as Arvis and Deirdre's relationship. And Three Houses isn't rated T now is it?

In terms of assuming. I'm black. I know what it's like to have people assume things. I also lived in a part of Japan where there were only two other black people near the area. (And one small church group.) I have friends from Indonesia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Japan, Canada, and more. Some of them believe the same things I do, but many have different biases and beliefs. I know my cultural prejudices aren't universal. I've been in the middle of multiple situations due to differing cultural prejudices, biases, and assumptions. But I'm also aware that Fire Emblem goes beyond just one culture, and there's a culture that is a major fanbase that is grossed out by the cousin marriage, particularly when the game springs it on players who wouldn't have marriage said characters had they known. (Fates I'm looking at you.) No one likes to be told "Surprise! Your significant other is actually from a taboo place within your culture!" But a Genealogy remake has the chance to weaponize that player shock and disgust by using it to make sure we don't sympathize for Arvis any more than we need to. Make his reaction to this reveal all a "love conquers all," reaction much like what Sigurd originally has when he finds out about Deirdre and her fate. This is the dark reprise. 

Is the prejudice against cousin marriage fair? I wouldn't say so. But it's there, and I'm mentioning that so it can be dealt with. You're the one who brought up incest as a point against a remake. I'm only saying that to a decent part of the Western world, within the Fire Emblem community, Genealogy's incest wouldn't be new. And it's a point of tragedy. Arvis knows what he's doing is wrong,** but he continues on anyways, and it ruins the world. 

Also, Nintendo has been partnering with studios for more mature games for their systems, such as the Bayonetta and No More Heroes games.  An M rated Fire Emblem, while not ideal, is certainly not out of the picture. 


Seliph resisting that same draw with Julia is that proving he's learning the lessons of the previous generation. He's reconstructing what they deconstructed. It'd feel too much like history repeating if they got together, and that's what he's trying to avoid. Should they acknowledge it? Absolutely! But then they should reject it. Larcei and Shannan are a couple I do like, and they have enough of a degree of separation for many other western fans, I believe. Also, thank goodness for Kaga's editors. We'd have some really weird and dark stories in this game otherwise...



As much of a fan of this as I am - and trust me, I am. I wrote a whole revision for Star Wars' sequel trilogy, and the "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" concept played a major role - I don't think that Genealogy is the game for such a construct. 


I don't think I can get behind this, if only because I dislike the idea of something like this only available for the special release. Fates was heavily criticized for doing this (or at least something similar) with its paths. This is the route we should avoid. And Thracia deserves more respect than being DLC. That's why I want it in the game proper. 


I like the concept, but I'm again, I'm not sure that I'm fully there yet. I guess my reasoning stands that "reality ensues" isn't the best place to end a series. To me, your story feels like it's Part 2 of a story, not Part 3. But maybe that's because I'm stuck in the "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" sort of mindset. It's the middle of a story that is deconstructed, not the ending. The ending should be about Catharsis. This...doesn't feel cathartic, at least not yet.

Ultimately while I like your idea, I'd rather have a separate game built around three generations rather than adding a generation on. Genealogy has more characters than it'll really know what to do with in a remake. Let's fix that problem first. But keep on writing your idea! I want to hear more when you figure it out! 


Emulating and rom-hacks are part of Fire Emblem's culture at this point lol! I've considered playing FE4 for years but I had a friend who couldn't get through it. Besides, I'm not one for the lack of QoL stuff and graphics. So I thought I'd try watching LPs or walkthroughs, and I always got bored around Chapter 2. Eventually I just decided that this is probably one of those "playing is more fun than watching" games, and I'll play it if/when it gets a remake. I did make sure I knew the story and the main characters however - even if I can't play, I can still be educated! And earlier this year I found and read Oosawa's manga adaptation...well, the volumes that I could find online...


*This is a by-product of my raising and I'm very aware of it. 

**Depending on the medium of course. I don't know if/when he finds out in the game, but I know in the Oosawa manga he knew that Deirdre was his sister before marrying her. 

I’d argue that Byleth is Reia’s niece/nephew, not sibling. Which doesn’t bother me even if my culture forbids it.


Arvis married Deirdre without knowing two important things: she was married to Sigurd and she was his sister. He confirms the former at Belhalla, and confirms the latter around the time the twins are born - possibly after. So it was more ‘I found out we were half-siblings after we had/were about to have kids.’ In RL when this happens, many couples stay together. And yes, it happens. It’s actually more likely to happen now due to sperm donation.

If Seliph and Julia had gotten together as originally planned, they wouldn’t have found out until after they had kid. Which is where I’d want the players, but not the characters, to know. And it would never be the default marriage. But it should be an option.

My opinion stems mostly from liking Julia and Seliph’s support convos best. Larcei is second best, but I always put her with Shannan. Knowing the mythology helps too. It was Sigmund, father of Sigurd, who fathered a son (Fitela) with his sister Signy.

FE4 always felt like it was meant to have a third gen. Compared to Part 1, Part 2 was too... trite? It was far less interesting! It felt like there should be more; the story wasn’t done. The game was originally planned for three generations, and I think some of those elements remain.

But I felt the ending Kaga planned was too feel-good for so dark a story, and it didn’t fit in with the FE world, which does tend toward (or used to) more realistic happy endings. I mean, look what happened in 3.

So my basic story is: second gen goes to war with itself after third gen seemingly messes up. 3rd gen reprises notes of 1st gen, but, advised by the remaining members of gen 1, avoid the pitfalls, figure out the plot, prevent the destruction of the continent twice over... and discover a new one. 

I do know how this ends, actually. Lodur, after stealing the Book of Naga and the Fire Emblem and destroying Belhalla, goes to the land of dragons. 3rd gen follows him across the ocean (with an actual ocean battle, where you move ships instead of people) before landing in this mysterious land. There he uses the unsealing power of the Emblem to unlock the full power of the Holy Weapons, and tries to remake the world. After he’s defeated, most of 3rd gen decides to return, but some decide to stay in this new land. A land they’ve decided to name Archaneia. 

In the canon ending, Thracia becomes a Republic and includes the desert and, if Saias lives, Velthomer and the land where Belhalla used to be. (If Saias dies it remains part of Granvale.) Isaac becomes an independent state, but now includes land from ... the north Kingdom who’s name I can’t remember? Silesia, maybe? Both the North kingdom and the forest one remain part of Granvale. Ares’ lands are nominally a part of the Empire as well, although it’s more independent. Several members of gen 3 set up a small colony in Archaneia.

Leif is killed near the beginning of gen 3. Seliph and Shannan can be killed during the storyline. (So can Ares and Oifey, actually.) If they survive it, Seliph dies shortly after the story (and in the ‘cannon’ ending, the Empire doesn’t split until he does.) Shannan reigns after the split, but eventually gives the crown to his heir and retires. Julia is killed when Belhalla is destroyed. Ares hands the crown to his daughter and spends the rest of his life roaming, which he arguably prefers. Azel, if he survives, goes to the new continent. Oifey returns to Chalfey where he remains for the rest of his life.

Which reminds me, the whole third gen came about when I was imagining how a remake would work. One thought was that Oifey has an older sister Aife (can be male, if the player chooses) who plays the role of tactician during Gen 1. Mostly because Sigurd trusting a FOURTEEN year old as his tactician never made much sense and because it annoys me that Oifey was named for a mythological girl (Aife) but is male.

S/he could marry, but is not present in Gen 2. And her son defaults to a Knight, which is the most useless class in the game. (Canonically I’d have her marry the Knight, as he isn’t paired with anyone.) If played male, you get replacement kids. They’d have the same stats as though they were Aife and partner’s child, but would not inherit the minor Baldur blood. Also, Aife is expendable and can be killed at any point.

Thracia would be a full game, not just a DLC. It’s more that it would be able to connect directly to Geneology without having two totally different play styles in one game. And the special edition with both would cost 120$, because it would be two full games. Just one menu screen. The title screen would say Jugdral with two options under it. The first option would be Geneology and the second would be Thracia 776. Thracia would be greyed out until you bought it and have separate save slots. Both games would have their own menus and DLCs. So two games, accessed from the same menu. 

If they ever remake 1&3 again, I think they should do it that way too.


For Geneology DLCs, I’d want the Crusaders’ story. And maybe a more lighthearted mission involving Sigurd, Quan, and Eldigen. No ideas for Thracia DLCs.

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7 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

But I felt the ending Kaga planned was too feel-good for so dark a story, and it didn’t fit in with the FE world, which does tend toward (or used to) more realistic happy endings. I mean, look what happened in 3.

I wholeheartedly disagree with this sentiment. Fire Emblem may have been dark, but it never ended in a dark place. Marth always defeats Medeus and the dark dragons. Alm wins and unites the kingdom. Seliph's story isn't different. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn both end with the hope that things will get better. Fire Emblem always has hope, and has always ended in "the world was a better place." 


7 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Knowing the mythology helps too. It was Sigmund, father of Sigurd, who fathered a son (Fitela) with his sister Signy.

I've read the Volsung Saga a couple of times. Signy has to manipulate Sigmund into sleeping with her - not unlike how Galahad was conceived in later Arthurian lore - and their son dies anyways. The Volsung Saga isn't a happy tale, but that doesn't mean that a Jugdral remake has to end on a bitter note either.

(This is also why I'd prefer a remake to be called The Judgral Saga instead of "Shadows of Judgral" or some such name.)


7 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

And yes, it happens. It’s actually more likely to happen now due to sperm donation.

The Westermarck Effect, right? Yeah, there are still problems with it, and more likely doesn't mean "actually likely." Besides, places like Iceland also have apps that specifically make sure that people who date aren't siblings. But even if it's more common in reality that doesn't mean the story needs more of it. 


8 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

If Seliph and Julia had gotten together as originally planned, they wouldn’t have found out until after they had kid. Which is where I’d want the players, but not the characters, to know. And it would never be the default marriage. But it should be an option.

My opinion stems mostly from liking Julia and Seliph’s support convos best.

I understand liking a certain ship and the annoyance of not having that ship be canon. But Seliph and Julia getting together doesn't work with the story as it's being told. It actively works against it. Forcing those sorts of romances is how we get stuck with things like the failed Hulk/Black Widow romance in the MCU, or Kylo Ren/Rey weirdness in The Rise of Skywalker. This is the story of a generation that failed and a generation that succeeded due to learning from the failures. The romance Deirdre had with both Arvis and SIgurd are a part of that failure.


8 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

If Seliph and Julia had gotten together as originally planned, they wouldn’t have found out until after they had kid. Which is where I’d want the players, but not the characters, to know. And it would never be the default marriage. But it should be an option.

Again, that negates the entire point of the rejection of the romance.



7 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Arvis married Deirdre without knowing two important things: she was married to Sigurd and she was his sister. He confirms the former at Belhalla, and confirms the latter around the time the twins are born - possibly after. So it was more ‘I found out we were half-siblings after we had/were about to have kids.

It depends on the iteration. The Oosawa manga explicitly states that Arvis realized that Deidre was most likely Sigurd's wife before Belhalla, and realized they were related then as well. But yes, I see your point and they'll probably keep it in-line with the original game's interpretation. 


13 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

So my basic story is: second gen goes to war with itself after third gen seemingly messes up. 3rd gen reprises notes of 1st gen, but, advised by the remaining members of gen 1, avoid the pitfalls, figure out the plot, prevent the destruction of the continent twice over...

Yeah...that may be realistic, but I still don't think it'd make for a good addition to Genealogy. 


13 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

After he’s defeated, most of 3rd gen decides to return, but some decide to stay in this new land. A land they’ve decided to name Archaneia. 

This is probably my favorite part, TBH. 


13 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Leif is killed near the beginning of gen 3. Seliph and Shannan can be killed during the storyline. (So can Ares and Oifey, actually.) If they survive it, Seliph dies shortly after the story (and in the ‘cannon’ ending, the Empire doesn’t split until he does.) Shannan reigns after the split, but eventually gives the crown to his heir and retires. Julia is killed when Belhalla is destroyed. Ares hands the crown to his daughter and spends the rest of his life roaming, which he arguably prefers. Azel, if he survives, goes to the new continent. Oifey returns to Chalfey where he remains for the rest of his life.

...this would be a hard sell for casual fans and non-hardcore fans. Losing most of your units once is hard enough. Losing them again and making them give up the kingdoms they fought so hard to regain all in the name of deconstructing an already deconstructed story pushes things into apathy territory. Fire Emblem isn't grimdark. 



13 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Which reminds me, the whole third gen came about when I was imagining how a remake would work. One thought was that Oifey has an older sister Aife (can be male, if the player chooses) who plays the role of tactician during Gen 1. Mostly because Sigurd trusting a FOURTEEN year old as his tactician never made much sense and because it annoys me that Oifey was named for a mythological girl (Aife) but is male.

S/he could marry, but is not present in Gen 2. And her son defaults to a Knight, which is the most useless class in the game. (Canonically I’d have her marry the Knight, as he isn’t paired with anyone.) If played male, you get replacement kids. They’d have the same stats as though they were Aife and partner’s child, but would not inherit the minor Baldur blood. Also, Aife is expendable and can be killed at any point.

I like the idea, but honestly, I'd rather they just make Oifey the Avatar instead if they're going to have an Avatar character; and have the option to make Oifey female. That way we don't have to worry about children units with Oifey (or killing the Avatar and controling the child), introducing a new character, or any other things. Oifey's role in Part 2 stays the same regardless of the version chosen, and now we have a meta-reason for the genius of the character. (Oifey is now the player, and the player knows how Fire Emblem works.) Yes, F!Oifey would lose the mustache, but that's fine. 



We're probably not going to agree on anything in terms of Genealogy or how it'd go forward. But I've enjoyed talking about this with you, and I do look forward to seeing how IntSys would work a potential remake. 

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54 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

I wholeheartedly disagree with this sentiment. Fire Emblem may have been dark, but it never ended in a dark place. Marth always defeats Medeus and the dark dragons. Alm wins and unites the kingdom. Seliph's story isn't different. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn both end with the hope that things will get better. Fire Emblem always has hope, and has always ended in "the world was a better place." 


I've read the Volsung Saga a couple of times. Signy has to manipulate Sigmund into sleeping with her - not unlike how Galahad was conceived in later Arthurian lore - and their son dies anyways. The Volsung Saga isn't a happy tale, but that doesn't mean that a Jugdral remake has to end on a bitter note either.

(This is also why I'd prefer a remake to be called The Judgral Saga instead of "Shadows of Judgral" or some such name.)


The Westermarck Effect, right? Yeah, there are still problems with it, and more likely doesn't mean "actually likely." Besides, places like Iceland also have apps that specifically make sure that people who date aren't siblings. But even if it's more common in reality that doesn't mean the story needs more of it. 


I understand liking a certain ship and the annoyance of not having that ship be canon. But Seliph and Julia getting together doesn't work with the story as it's being told. It actively works against it. Forcing those sorts of romances is how we get stuck with things like the failed Hulk/Black Widow romance in the MCU, or Kylo Ren/Rey weirdness in The Rise of Skywalker. This is the story of a generation that failed and a generation that succeeded due to learning from the failures. The romance Deirdre had with both Arvis and SIgurd are a part of that failure.


Again, that negates the entire point of the rejection of the romance.



It depends on the iteration. The Oosawa manga explicitly states that Arvis realized that Deidre was most likely Sigurd's wife before Belhalla, and realized they were related then as well. But yes, I see your point and they'll probably keep it in-line with the original game's interpretation. 


Yeah...that may be realistic, but I still don't think it'd make for a good addition to Genealogy. 


This is probably my favorite part, TBH. 


...this would be a hard sell for casual fans and non-hardcore fans. Losing most of your units once is hard enough. Losing them again and making them give up the kingdoms they fought so hard to regain all in the name of deconstructing an already deconstructed story pushes things into apathy territory. Fire Emblem isn't grimdark. 



I like the idea, but honestly, I'd rather they just make Oifey the Avatar instead if they're going to have an Avatar character; and have the option to make Oifey female. That way we don't have to worry about children units with Oifey (or killing the Avatar and controling the child), introducing a new character, or any other things. Oifey's role in Part 2 stays the same regardless of the version chosen, and now we have a meta-reason for the genius of the character. (Oifey is now the player, and the player knows how Fire Emblem works.) Yes, F!Oifey would lose the mustache, but that's fine. 



We're probably not going to agree on anything in terms of Genealogy or how it'd go forward. But I've enjoyed talking about this with you, and I do look forward to seeing how IntSys would work a potential remake. 

So my idea isn’t exactly a deconstruction. It’s is deconstructing gen 2, but it’s also reconstructing Gen1. (Ie. Gen 3 is a successful Gen 1.) 

I agree FE isn’t grimdark. And only two gen 2 characters actually die during the canon of my story: Leif and Julia. Other characters can die, but that’s par for the course in FE. I mean, most of Gen 1 can die before Belhalla. Most of Gen 2 can die before you reach Loptyr.

Nor does anyone lose their kingdoms, although some land does get swapped around. Isaac and Thracia both end up larger than they were. Granvale ends up larger than it was in Part 1, but smaller than Part 2. And Granvale gets an Archanian colony.

I like Oifey too much to touch him.

Agree to disagree on Julia. Though if they create better supports for the other girls I’d likely feel otherwise. Only Larcei’s and Julia’s had any depth, unfortunately. And Larcei is better with Shannan.

I think Lachesis should be able to S support with Finn and Beowolf if you fulfill certain conditions. (A support both first; S support Finn in the castle before Silesia, then S support Beowolf after Finn leaves.) This way both Diarmuid and Nanna can get their canon fathers. 

If I’m recalling right, my timeline is based on an interview with Kaga. Arvis suspected before Belhalla, but only knew after. And he didn’t find out about the sibling thing until later.


I found Gen 2’s storyline to not be as fleshed out as Gen 1. This isn’t just my complaint, btw. Gen 1 was so good, and so compelling while Gen 2 was a very standard hero story, with nothing to really make it special the way Gen 1was. Which is where I felt that it really could have used a Gen 3 to deconstruct Gen 2 while reconstructing Gen 1, bringing the story full circle. The characters and supports also weren’t as good, which is where a remake could really help. Oh, and Altena’s boyfriend should be playable.

I was also disappointed at the cheap way they dealt with the Fire Emblem. (So at the very end I discover it’s the symbol of house Velthomer. Never see it, although they clearly have it. At least we know why it’s called the FIRE Emblem, right?) I also wanted more connections with Archaneia; it would have been nice to see the land of dragons once...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

At long, LONG last, I have completed Claude and Edelgard's support chain!

Accompanying songs are "Listening With a Million Ears" by Ramin Djawadi and/or "Gion-Cho" by Band-Maiko (a spin-off of sorts of Band-Maid)



*Edelgard and Hubert are playing a game.*

*Claude walks by*

Claude: What is that...?

Edelgard: Checkmate.

Hubert: As peerless as always, My Lady. 

Edelgard: Thank you Hubert, but peerless isn't perfect. What were my errors?

*Claude walks between Edelgard and Hubert*

Claude: What game is that? I haven't seen it before.

Hubert: A game one so carefree as you does not need to concern yourself with. 

Edelgard: You'll have to excuse Hubert this time. It's an old Imperial game. I'm sure you've seen the modern iteration. 

Claude: The modern...oh! You mean...yeah, I've seen it before. Can't say I don't like it. What's the difference between the two?

Edelgard: The older version has fewer pieces, but far more of them. Victory requires far more sacrifice in this version than the newer ones.

Claude: I see. So you're saying that the experience comes down to intelligence? How is that different from the newer versions? 

Hubert: Her Magisty does not have time to waste teaching you the rules of something you have no real skill in. 

Edelgard: Hubert, it's alright. I can explain a few things. 

Edelgard: The key differences, Claude, are the victory conditions. You'll see that the modern iterations are focused around one goal - to take down the King. In the older versions, there's more than one way to victory. See this piece here? The King usually sits on a throne, but is free to move off of it if the situation requires such tactics. If you take the throne. You can win by taking the throne as easily as you can by taking the King. 

Claude: I see. And which way do you prefer to win, Your Highness? By taking the throne, or by taking the King? 

Edelgard: Why don't you play me and find out?

Claude: Heh, I accept the offer. But it will probably have to wait for another time. I think your shadow is going to cast me into a different realm if I stay here too long. 

Hubert: I have done worse for less. 

Claude: I don't doubt it. In that case, I look forward with playing that game with you, your majesty. 

*Claude leaves*

Hubert: ...should I follow him?

Edelgard: No, Claude may have his secrets, but he's not one we need fear. Besides, I believe you have a report for me. Peerless isn't perfect. 

Hubert: Of course, My Lady. 




*Claude is talking to Dimitri*

*Claude is talking to Lorenz*

*Claude is talking to Petra*

*Claude is talking to Hanneman*

*Claude is talking to Ferdinand von Aegir*

*Claude is talking to Seteth*

Claude: I think that about covers it. 

Edelgard: Claude? 

Claude: Edelgard! Just the person I wanted to see. 

Edelgard: Oh?

Claude: You see, I've been doing some digging. 

Edelgard: Oh?

Claude: Not on you...well, not yet anyways. 

Edelgard: Yet you say...that's quite forward of you.

Claude: I believe that if you're going to betray an ally, you should do the honor of letting them know. 

Edelgard: How polite. And foolish. 

Claude: What can I say, I'm a gentleman. 

Edelgard: If that's what you choose to believe. What did you intend to talk to me about?

Claude: I found a copy of that game you were playing and - after teaching a few people myself - wanted to know if you have time to take me up on that offer from before.

Edelgard: Huh...and here I thought I'd have to teach you everything. 

Claude: What can I say? I like games like these. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to teach you a thing or two. 

Edelgard: You can try. Very well. Maybe not today, but I'll be ready soon. Until then, sharpen your skills. 

Claude: Likewise. 


B+ Support: Is only available after Chapter 7: The Battle of the Eagle and Lion


Edelgard: ...and that's checkmate. 

Claude: Again? I thought I had you beaten this time. 

Edelgard: You forgot about the reinforcement rule. 

Claude: Wait, what? We're playing the the Akag-Era rules, aren't we? That technique wasn't invented until...wait a minute...you're tricking me, aren't you!

Edelgard: And you nearly fell for it too. ..consider it payback for that little trick during the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion. 

Claude: Heh...look at you, playing a prank. Keep this up and we'll make a rebel out of you yet!

Edelgard: There's a lot you don't know about me. 

Claude: Too true. We both have our secrets. 

Edelgard: And here you are, trying to tease mine out in a game. 

Claude: ...that obvious, am I?

Edelgard: People tend to play like they've been trained to, especially when they're too used to one thing. You play as if cornered at all occasions, yet you always leave yourself an out. You sacrifice pieces easily, but then reach for them, as if you forgot that you gave them up. 

Claude: And what does that say about me? 

Edelgard: You don't trust anyone. You make allies for the sake of making them, but are capable of throwing them away quite easily if it suits your goals. Am I right?

Claude: ...not bad, Your Highness. Not bad at all. There's one small problem, though.

Edelgard: Oh?

Claude: I was mimicking your playstyle. 

Edelgard: What? That's impossible...I was sure that...

Claude: Well, mimicking may be an exaggeration. I based my style off of what you did, mimicking where I could, and playing how I usually play when I couldn't. 

Claude: You see, when I was practicing and playing with other people, I noticed the same thing you did. So I decided to test it out on you. See if I could unravel some of those secrets you're hiding. 

Edelgard: And by asking me what I found about you, I was tricked into talking about myself. 

Claude: That's correct. 

Edelgard: ....hehehe...heheheh...

Claude: Uh...Your Highness...?

Edelgard: Ah, please, forgive the outburst. It has just be quite some time since I've been bested like that in such a carefree way. 

Claude: Glad I could help. But I do have one question. 

Edelgard: Ask away. 

Claude: I was reading a book about the game, and I found this weird analogy. It compared this game to romance, saying "to go for the King is to go for the body, but to go for the Throne is to go for the heart." I didn't understand at first, but after playing against other people I think I understood what that book was trying to say.

Claude: Yet when playing you, I couldn't tell which you prefer. You seemed to attack both the king and the throne with equal ferocity. So which do you prefer Edelgard, the body or the heart?

Edelgard: ...I'm not well-verses in such matters, but I think there is room to conquer both the body and the heart. Those who believe otherwise have not tried hard enough. 

Claude: In the game or in our lives?

Edelgard: Heh. Why don't we play another game and find out?




*Edelgard is in a cell*

*Claude enters*

Edelgard: ...come to gloat?

Claude: You know, even in prison, you're still quite the catch. 

Edelgard: *blushing* YOU!

Claude: I came to play a game.

Edelgard: Forgive me if my loss doesn't put me in the mood to play your games, Claude. 

Claude: So harsh! Well, this is a new version of the game we used to play. 

Edelgard: ...

Claude: I think you'll find that it may fit both of our needs. 

*Soldier enters*

Soldier: Sir Claude, I have the things you require!

Claude: Great, set them up.

Edelgard: Claude...this board...it's massive. 

Claude: Your pieces are over there. My side is over here.

Edelgard: And that third side?

Claude: We'll get to it in a moment. Here are the rules...

*Scene fades out and back in*

Claude: And that's checkmate. ...heh, this is the first time I've beaten you at any version of this game...

Edelgard: ...

Claude: ...and that brings our third foe into play, and revives the defeated enemy's King as my ally. 

Edelgard: What? 

Claude: Oh, did I forget to explain that rule?

Edelgard: It's one you conveniently left out, yes. 

Claude: Well, I'm explaining it now: Our true goal of this game was to defeat that third army. But the only way to do that is for one of the other two armies to lose first. 

Edelgard: So each side needs to keep their pieces, and preserve their opponent's pieces while trying to win against their first opponent in preparation for their second one...not bad. 

Claude: Thank you. I'm thinking of calling this the Khalid-Era version. 

Edelgard: Khalid-era...heh

Edelgard: So, what role do I play in this?

Claude: We both know the answer to that. Edelgard, please, help me. I want - no I NEED to conquer both the heart and the body. To capture hearts and minds. You taught me that it was possible. But I need allies to do that. I need friends. ...I need you. 

Edelgard: Very well. 

Claude: Really?

Edelgard: After all, you seem to have conquered the throne. Let us see if you shall do with the rest. 




Claude and his mysterious prisoner vanished after defeating Nemesis, returning to Claude's homeland of Almyra, where the former Alliance leader accepted his rightful place as king. Not long after, Almyra's government culture were revolutionized, and the walls between Almyra and Fodlan were torn down. When those from Claude's class at the academy went to visit, they claimed that the new Almyran queen reminded them of someone, but they could not place who. The two were said to play games with and against each other late into the night. 


Author's Notes:


I've had the idea that Edelgard and Claude would bond over a board game in my head for a long time. It was probably the first idea of the Silver Routes that I came up with. It was always meant to show a more...introspective side to Claude. But it also would allow for Edelgard to show of her tactical mind as well. As I wrote it, the idea expanded into a metaphor for the history of the Fire Emblem franchise in a way, so I had fun playing with that. 

From the B Support on there was also a little flirting between the two, with the talk of the "heart" and the "body." The question was basically asking if Edelgard prefers casual flings or meaningful relationships. Edelgard's response is actually her answering that she believes that both physicality and emotion are needed in a relationship...even if she herself doesn't know that yet. 

Claude is also lying when talking about the "letting the allies know," or at least he's not telling the whole truth. I threw this in to keep things consistent - Claude likes knowing secrets and discovering things, but he's almost always respectful about it. His supports with Flayn involve him pestering her about her and Seteth's Crests and doing some research, but he never really bullies or forces Flayn to tell him. The same is true for his relationship with Marianne. 

The A Support is pretty plain to see. I wish it was more overtly romantic, but I didn't think it'd fit either character very well at this point. Claude may flirt, but he isn't going to profess his love for someone he barely trusts. Meanwhile, Edelgard may have feelings for Claude (her line about him conquering "the throne" was both literal and metaphorically about her heart), she really doesn't like her new position in life. 


Now, as a bonus support, I'll even give y'all my terrible Bernadetta x Ignatz support. Accompanying song is "No Judgement" by Niall Horan OR "Final Fantasy XIII-2 Theme" or "Serah's Theme - Memories" by Masashi Hamauzu (with Frances Maya providing vocals on the latter). 




Ignatz: No...no...ah here!

*Ignatz approaches a door*

Ignatz: I hope whoever is here doesn't mind... 

*Ignatz sets up easel and starts painting*

*Time passes*

Ignatz: ...and there!

*Bernadetta opens the door*

Bernadetta: Another day...

Ignatz: Oh, Bernadetta! I'm sorry, I - 


Ignatz: Ahhhh!

Bernadetta: I knew someone was after me! Stay away!

Ignatz: I'm sorry! I'm not after you! I was just - 

Bernadetta: Waiting to kill me? No way! I'm onto you!

*Bernadetta closes the door*

Ignatz: Oh no...I should make it up to her somehow...


C+ Support:


*Ignatz knocks on the door*

Ignatz: Bernadetta? This is Ignatz. I'm really sorry about the other day.

Bernadetta: Go away!

Ignatz: I promise I'll find a new place to paint. But if it's okay, may I have one last morning here? 

Bernadetta: ...I'm not coming out.

Ignatz: Ah...okay. 

*Time passes*

*Bernadetta is stiching something*

*Something slides under the door*

Bernadetta: What's that? Oh I bet it's a wanted poster! Don't look Bernie, don't look! ...maybe a peek won't hurt...

Bernadetta: What? This is a painting! It's beautiful...is this what Ignatz was doing? And a letter? "Dear Bernadetta, I'm sorry for frightening you. As an apology, please keep the painting from that time." Oh, silly Bernie! 




*Ignatz looks around*

Ignatz: ...here's a nice spot for today. 

*Ignatz sets up an easel and paints*

*Bernadetta appears*

Bernadetta: ...excuse me.

Ignatz: Ah!

Bernadetta: AAAHHH!

Ignatz: Oh, Bernadetta! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. 

Bernadetta: (to herself) Breathe Bernie, breathe!

Bernadetta: I'm sorry. A-a-about the other day. Here's your painting back!

Ignatz: No, I'm sorry. I should have asked for your permission before painting outside your door at sunrise. 

Ignatz: Please, keep the painting. It's an apology. 

Bernadetta: I-I can't take something this beautiful as an apology!

Ignatz: Then please accept it as a "thank you." Besides, I'm not sure where I would put it otherwise!

Bernadetta: Oh...okay. ...what are you painting today?

Ignatz: I thought I'd try the forest at dawn. I've done paintings like this before, but every forest has a different atmosphere.

Bernadetta: Really? They all have the same, scary atmosphere to me. 

Ignatz: I can see that, but I'm not sure I agree. The paths people take, the types of animals that live nearby, the proximity to civilization, the way the light hits the trees at a certain angle, the places where birds make their nests...all of these things give each forest a different feeling. It's like each one is a different person, so painting a new one is like meeting a new person and getting the chance to paint them. 

Ignatz: Oh! I'm sorry, I was rambling! 

Bernadetta: N-no, I liked it. Your paints, are they hand-mixed?

Ignatz: Some of them are. Do you like to paint? 

Bernadetta: ...a little. 

Ignatz: Oh! I'd love to paint with you some time! 

Ignatz: *Blushing* I know how embarrassing it can be to show another person your artwork, but painting together may be fun! 

Bernadetta: I-I guess I can give it a try.


B+ Support:


*Bernadetta and Ignatz paint in silence*

Time passes

*Bernadetta and Ignatz are still painting in silence*

More time passes

Bernadetta: And there! Painting outside AND around another person? You did great today Bernie! Are you ready to go Ignatz?

Ignatz: ...

Bernadetta: Ignatz...?

Ignatz: ...

Bernadetta: IGNATZ!?

Ignatz: OH! I'm sorry! I was just reviewing the painting! You were saying?

Bernadetta: Are you ready to go?

Ignatz: Just about. 

Bernadetta: H-Hey Ignatz? 

Ignatz: Hm?

Bernadetta: Why do you paint?

Ignatz: ...I guess it's always just been a hobby of mine. I'm here to become a knight, but...

Bernadetta: Painting's what you love.

Ignatz: *Blushing* I'm not sure I've admitted that to anyone out loud yet.

Ignatz: What about you?

Bernadetta: Oh! It's...one of the things I could do without raising my father's ire...

Ignatz: Oh..I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories... 

Bernadetta: ...it's not your fault...but hey! Look at what Bernie did today! I went outside and I painted! With. Another. Person. 

Ignatz: Good job!

Bernadetta: Say, Ignatz...can we do this agian some time? Paint together, I mean!

Ignatz: I'd love to.


A Support:


Igntaz stares at an easel. 

Bernadetta: Hey Ignatz!

Ignatz: Oh, Bernadetta! It's rare to see you about. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Bernadetta: I'm heading to the kitchens to find some food. Even I get hungry at times!

Ignatz: I could go for a meal too. Do you mind if I join you?

Bernadetta: ...in most cases I'd say yes...

Ignatz: O-oh...

Bernadetta: ...but today I don't think I mind. 

Bernadetta: What were you painting?

Ignatz: Nothing yet. I was just thinking about what I'd like to paint next.

Bernadetta: Do you have any ideas?

Ignatz: ...I think I'd like to do a tribute. To the soldiers and to this war. But, I'm not sure how. Not yet, anyways. 

Bernadetta: ...when you do paint it. I'm sure you'll do a great job. 

Ignatz: Thanks Bernadetta.  


A+ Support:


Bernadetta: Ignatz, the battle is over. We can go back now!

Bernadetta: I can't wait to get back to my room!

Ignatz: ...you go ahead. I'll meet you back at the camp.

Bernadetta: Ignatz, you're not going to paint out here are you?

Ignatz: This war, it's brought so much suffering to us...that painting I was wondering about...I think I know what to do. 

Bernadetta: ...

*time passes*

Ignatz: And there...done!

Bernadetta: Oh, can I see it?

Ignatz: Ahhh!

Bernadetta: AAAHHH!

Ignatz: Bernadetta? I thought you went back. Don't tell me you waited here?

Bernadetta: Well...yeah. Besides, even if the battle's over, it's not safe out here alone. 

Ignatz: True. 

Bernadetta: So what were you painting? Can I see?

Ignatz: *blushing* Go ahead.

Bernadetta: This painting...there's so much pain in it. ...s-so much sorrow. But, there's...hope? I feel inspired from this...

Ignatz: ...

Bernadetta: And the outline...it's a girl? No, it's...ME?!

Ignatz: This war...it's so tragic for everyone. I wanted to capture that. But every soldier exhibits so much strength, so much hope. 

Ignatz: *blushing* It reminds me of you. I wanted to paint your strength and your spirit in the context of the war. 

Ignatz: I'm sorry it's not a conventional painting. 

Bernadetta: ...

Ignatz: Bernadetta...?

Bernadetta: It's beautiful...Ignatz...that's how you see me...?

Ignatz: ...it is.

Bernadetta: ...I don't think I'm as strong as you think I am, but thank you.

Ignatz: Oh! It's starting to rain. We should head back before the Professor worries. 

*Scene fades out*

*Scene fades back in, with Bernadetta and Ignatz running*

*Thunder crashes*

Bernadetta: My room is the closest, come on!

*Scene fades out*

*Scene fades back in, inside of Bernadetta's room*

Bernadetta: We made it!

Ignatz: And the painting is safe too...

*Thunder crashes again*

Ignatz: Ah!

*Ignatz trips*

Bernadetta: Ah!

*Bernadetta trips*

*Scene fades it, with Ignatz on top of Bernadetta*

Ignatz: I'm so sorry! 

*Ignatz and Bernadetta stand up*

Ignatz: I'll head back once I find my glasses. 

Bernadetta: ...stay. 

Ignatz: *blushing* hm?

Bernadetta: *blushing* Stay. At least until the storm is over...p-please? I know you see me as strong, but can I be weak with you right now, just for a little bit?


Author's Notes


I started planning this one because of the last scene. I really liked the idea of the two most innocent characters having an adult romantic evening. I even wanted a "morning after" scene, but decided that would be pushing it. It's better to end it classy, after all! There's no epilogue because I honestly don't know what to do for an epilogue. Besides, I ship Ignatz with Ingrid (I think their non-AM path ending is cute, and I like the "artsy boy and tomgirl" combo) and Bernadetta with Raphael (it's one of his good supports, and Bernadetta actively progresses through some of her trauma because of it). 

The problem with this support is that it's all about painting, like 99% of Ignatz's supports. But hopefully this is a slightly unique take on it. Here Ignatz doesn't have to deal with the desire to paint versus his obligation to become a knight. Here, he just paints. In that case, I guess the epilogue would involve him becoming a knight for House Varley and ultimately end up marrying Bernadetta. 


And for one, final surprise. You see, when talking about the Silver Routes, I always thought that there should be a path where Edelgard and Rhea team up to face down TWSITD. (Claude would serve as the Big Bad for this route, sadly.) And to that end, I wrote the support for Edelgard and Rhea. It's not complete, as there was some extra, non-support dialogue that needed to be added, and it's not polished enough for me to consider posting here, but it has been written. Right now it's sitting at at four conversations - a C, B, B+, and A. I'd like to write an A+ support before I finish, but I need to figure out how I want the epilogue to go before I do that. (I could very well end it with the A-Support, but I want the A+ Support to wrap things up.) So yeah, hopefully soon-ish, I'll give y'all what I consider the final Silver Route support. 

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21 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

At long, LONG last, I have completed Claude and Edelgard's support chain!

Accompanying songs are "Listening With a Million Ears" by Ramin Djawadi and/or "Gion-Cho" by Band-Maiko (a spin-off of sorts of Band-Maid)


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*Edelgard and Hubert are playing a game.*

*Claude walks by*

Claude: What is that...?

Edelgard: Checkmate.

Hubert: As peerless as always, My Lady. 

Edelgard: Thank you Hubert, but peerless isn't perfect. What were my errors?

*Claude walks between Edelgard and Hubert*

Claude: What game is that? I haven't seen it before.

Hubert: A game one so carefree as you does not need to concern yourself with. 

Edelgard: You'll have to excuse Hubert this time. It's an old Imperial game. I'm sure you've seen the modern iteration. 

Claude: The modern...oh! You mean...yeah, I've seen it before. Can't say I don't like it. What's the difference between the two?

Edelgard: The older version has fewer pieces, but far more of them. Victory requires far more sacrifice in this version than the newer ones.

Claude: I see. So you're saying that the experience comes down to intelligence? How is that different from the newer versions? 

Hubert: Her Magisty does not have time to waste teaching you the rules of something you have no real skill in. 

Edelgard: Hubert, it's alright. I can explain a few things. 

Edelgard: The key differences, Claude, are the victory conditions. You'll see that the modern iterations are focused around one goal - to take down the King. In the older versions, there's more than one way to victory. See this piece here? The King usually sits on a throne, but is free to move off of it if the situation requires such tactics. If you take the throne. You can win by taking the throne as easily as you can by taking the King. 

Claude: I see. And which way do you prefer to win, Your Highness? By taking the throne, or by taking the King? 

Edelgard: Why don't you play me and find out?

Claude: Heh, I accept the offer. But it will probably have to wait for another time. I think your shadow is going to cast me into a different realm if I stay here too long. 

Hubert: I have done worse for less. 

Claude: I don't doubt it. In that case, I look forward with playing that game with you, your majesty. 

*Claude leaves*

Hubert: ...should I follow him?

Edelgard: No, Claude may have his secrets, but he's not one we need fear. Besides, I believe you have a report for me. Peerless isn't perfect. 

Hubert: Of course, My Lady. 



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*Claude is talking to Dimitri*

*Claude is talking to Lorenz*

*Claude is talking to Petra*

*Claude is talking to Hanneman*

*Claude is talking to Ferdinand von Aegir*

*Claude is talking to Seteth*

Claude: I think that about covers it. 

Edelgard: Claude? 

Claude: Edelgard! Just the person I wanted to see. 

Edelgard: Oh?

Claude: You see, I've been doing some digging. 

Edelgard: Oh?

Claude: Not on you...well, not yet anyways. 

Edelgard: Yet you say...that's quite forward of you.

Claude: I believe that if you're going to betray an ally, you should do the honor of letting them know. 

Edelgard: How polite. And foolish. 

Claude: What can I say, I'm a gentleman. 

Edelgard: If that's what you choose to believe. What did you intend to talk to me about?

Claude: I found a copy of that game you were playing and - after teaching a few people myself - wanted to know if you have time to take me up on that offer from before.

Edelgard: Huh...and here I thought I'd have to teach you everything. 

Claude: What can I say? I like games like these. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to teach you a thing or two. 

Edelgard: You can try. Very well. Maybe not today, but I'll be ready soon. Until then, sharpen your skills. 

Claude: Likewise. 


B+ Support: Is only available after Chapter 7: The Battle of the Eagle and Lion

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Edelgard: ...and that's checkmate. 

Claude: Again? I thought I had you beaten this time. 

Edelgard: You forgot about the reinforcement rule. 

Claude: Wait, what? We're playing the the Akag-Era rules, aren't we? That technique wasn't invented until...wait a minute...you're tricking me, aren't you!

Edelgard: And you nearly fell for it too. ..consider it payback for that little trick during the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion. 

Claude: Heh...look at you, playing a prank. Keep this up and we'll make a rebel out of you yet!

Edelgard: There's a lot you don't know about me. 

Claude: Too true. We both have our secrets. 

Edelgard: And here you are, trying to tease mine out in a game. 

Claude: ...that obvious, am I?

Edelgard: People tend to play like they've been trained to, especially when they're too used to one thing. You play as if cornered at all occasions, yet you always leave yourself an out. You sacrifice pieces easily, but then reach for them, as if you forgot that you gave them up. 

Claude: And what does that say about me? 

Edelgard: You don't trust anyone. You make allies for the sake of making them, but are capable of throwing them away quite easily if it suits your goals. Am I right?

Claude: ...not bad, Your Highness. Not bad at all. There's one small problem, though.

Edelgard: Oh?

Claude: I was mimicking your playstyle. 

Edelgard: What? That's impossible...I was sure that...

Claude: Well, mimicking may be an exaggeration. I based my style off of what you did, mimicking where I could, and playing how I usually play when I couldn't. 

Claude: You see, when I was practicing and playing with other people, I noticed the same thing you did. So I decided to test it out on you. See if I could unravel some of those secrets you're hiding. 

Edelgard: And by asking me what I found about you, I was tricked into talking about myself. 

Claude: That's correct. 

Edelgard: ....hehehe...heheheh...

Claude: Uh...Your Highness...?

Edelgard: Ah, please, forgive the outburst. It has just be quite some time since I've been bested like that in such a carefree way. 

Claude: Glad I could help. But I do have one question. 

Edelgard: Ask away. 

Claude: I was reading a book about the game, and I found this weird analogy. It compared this game to romance, saying "to go for the King is to go for the body, but to go for the Throne is to go for the heart." I didn't understand at first, but after playing against other people I think I understood what that book was trying to say.

Claude: Yet when playing you, I couldn't tell which you prefer. You seemed to attack both the king and the throne with equal ferocity. So which do you prefer Edelgard, the body or the heart?

Edelgard: ...I'm not well-verses in such matters, but I think there is room to conquer both the body and the heart. Those who believe otherwise have not tried hard enough. 

Claude: In the game or in our lives?

Edelgard: Heh. Why don't we play another game and find out?



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*Edelgard is in a cell*

*Claude enters*

Edelgard: ...come to gloat?

Claude: You know, even in prison, you're still quite the catch. 

Edelgard: *blushing* YOU!

Claude: I came to play a game.

Edelgard: Forgive me if my loss doesn't put me in the mood to play your games, Claude. 

Claude: So harsh! Well, this is a new version of the game we used to play. 

Edelgard: ...

Claude: I think you'll find that it may fit both of our needs. 

*Soldier enters*

Soldier: Sir Claude, I have the things you require!

Claude: Great, set them up.

Edelgard: Claude...this board...it's massive. 

Claude: Your pieces are over there. My side is over here.

Edelgard: And that third side?

Claude: We'll get to it in a moment. Here are the rules...

*Scene fades out and back in*

Claude: And that's checkmate. ...heh, this is the first time I've beaten you at any version of this game...

Edelgard: ...

Claude: ...and that brings our third foe into play, and revives the defeated enemy's King as my ally. 

Edelgard: What? 

Claude: Oh, did I forget to explain that rule?

Edelgard: It's one you conveniently left out, yes. 

Claude: Well, I'm explaining it now: Our true goal of this game was to defeat that third army. But the only way to do that is for one of the other two armies to lose first. 

Edelgard: So each side needs to keep their pieces, and preserve their opponent's pieces while trying to win against their first opponent in preparation for their second one...not bad. 

Claude: Thank you. I'm thinking of calling this the Khalid-Era version. 

Edelgard: Khalid-era...heh

Edelgard: So, what role do I play in this?

Claude: We both know the answer to that. Edelgard, please, help me. I want - no I NEED to conquer both the heart and the body. To capture hearts and minds. You taught me that it was possible. But I need allies to do that. I need friends. ...I need you. 

Edelgard: Very well. 

Claude: Really?

Edelgard: After all, you seem to have conquered the throne. Let us see if you shall do with the rest. 



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Claude and his mysterious prisoner vanished after defeating Nemesis, returning to Claude's homeland of Almyra, where the former Alliance leader accepted his rightful place as king. Not long after, Almyra's government culture were revolutionized, and the walls between Almyra and Fodlan were torn down. When those from Claude's class at the academy went to visit, they claimed that the new Almyran queen reminded them of someone, but they could not place who. The two were said to play games with and against each other late into the night. 


Author's Notes:

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I've had the idea that Edelgard and Claude would bond over a board game in my head for a long time. It was probably the first idea of the Silver Routes that I came up with. It was always meant to show a more...introspective side to Claude. But it also would allow for Edelgard to show of her tactical mind as well. As I wrote it, the idea expanded into a metaphor for the history of the Fire Emblem franchise in a way, so I had fun playing with that. 

From the B Support on there was also a little flirting between the two, with the talk of the "heart" and the "body." The question was basically asking if Edelgard prefers casual flings or meaningful relationships. Edelgard's response is actually her answering that she believes that both physicality and emotion are needed in a relationship...even if she herself doesn't know that yet. 

Claude is also lying when talking about the "letting the allies know," or at least he's not telling the whole truth. I threw this in to keep things consistent - Claude likes knowing secrets and discovering things, but he's almost always respectful about it. His supports with Flayn involve him pestering her about her and Seteth's Crests and doing some research, but he never really bullies or forces Flayn to tell him. The same is true for his relationship with Marianne. 

The A Support is pretty plain to see. I wish it was more overtly romantic, but I didn't think it'd fit either character very well at this point. Claude may flirt, but he isn't going to profess his love for someone he barely trusts. Meanwhile, Edelgard may have feelings for Claude (her line about him conquering "the throne" was both literal and metaphorically about her heart), she really doesn't like her new position in life. 


Now, as a bonus support, I'll even give y'all my terrible Bernadetta x Ignatz support. Accompanying song is "No Judgement" by Niall Horan OR "Final Fantasy XIII-2 Theme" or "Serah's Theme - Memories" by Masashi Hamauzu (with Frances Maya providing vocals on the latter). 



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Ignatz: No...no...ah here!

*Ignatz approaches a door*

Ignatz: I hope whoever is here doesn't mind... 

*Ignatz sets up easel and starts painting*

*Time passes*

Ignatz: ...and there!

*Bernadetta opens the door*

Bernadetta: Another day...

Ignatz: Oh, Bernadetta! I'm sorry, I - 


Ignatz: Ahhhh!

Bernadetta: I knew someone was after me! Stay away!

Ignatz: I'm sorry! I'm not after you! I was just - 

Bernadetta: Waiting to kill me? No way! I'm onto you!

*Bernadetta closes the door*

Ignatz: Oh no...I should make it up to her somehow...


C+ Support:

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*Ignatz knocks on the door*

Ignatz: Bernadetta? This is Ignatz. I'm really sorry about the other day.

Bernadetta: Go away!

Ignatz: I promise I'll find a new place to paint. But if it's okay, may I have one last morning here? 

Bernadetta: ...I'm not coming out.

Ignatz: Ah...okay. 

*Time passes*

*Bernadetta is stiching something*

*Something slides under the door*

Bernadetta: What's that? Oh I bet it's a wanted poster! Don't look Bernie, don't look! ...maybe a peek won't hurt...

Bernadetta: What? This is a painting! It's beautiful...is this what Ignatz was doing? And a letter? "Dear Bernadetta, I'm sorry for frightening you. As an apology, please keep the painting from that time." Oh, silly Bernie! 



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*Ignatz looks around*

Ignatz: ...here's a nice spot for today. 

*Ignatz sets up an easel and paints*

*Bernadetta appears*

Bernadetta: ...excuse me.

Ignatz: Ah!

Bernadetta: AAAHHH!

Ignatz: Oh, Bernadetta! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. 

Bernadetta: (to herself) Breathe Bernie, breathe!

Bernadetta: I'm sorry. A-a-about the other day. Here's your painting back!

Ignatz: No, I'm sorry. I should have asked for your permission before painting outside your door at sunrise. 

Ignatz: Please, keep the painting. It's an apology. 

Bernadetta: I-I can't take something this beautiful as an apology!

Ignatz: Then please accept it as a "thank you." Besides, I'm not sure where I would put it otherwise!

Bernadetta: Oh...okay. ...what are you painting today?

Ignatz: I thought I'd try the forest at dawn. I've done paintings like this before, but every forest has a different atmosphere.

Bernadetta: Really? They all have the same, scary atmosphere to me. 

Ignatz: I can see that, but I'm not sure I agree. The paths people take, the types of animals that live nearby, the proximity to civilization, the way the light hits the trees at a certain angle, the places where birds make their nests...all of these things give each forest a different feeling. It's like each one is a different person, so painting a new one is like meeting a new person and getting the chance to paint them. 

Ignatz: Oh! I'm sorry, I was rambling! 

Bernadetta: N-no, I liked it. Your paints, are they hand-mixed?

Ignatz: Some of them are. Do you like to paint? 

Bernadetta: ...a little. 

Ignatz: Oh! I'd love to paint with you some time! 

Ignatz: *Blushing* I know how embarrassing it can be to show another person your artwork, but painting together may be fun! 

Bernadetta: I-I guess I can give it a try.


B+ Support:

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*Bernadetta and Ignatz paint in silence*

Time passes

*Bernadetta and Ignatz are still painting in silence*

More time passes

Bernadetta: And there! Painting outside AND around another person? You did great today Bernie! Are you ready to go Ignatz?

Ignatz: ...

Bernadetta: Ignatz...?

Ignatz: ...

Bernadetta: IGNATZ!?

Ignatz: OH! I'm sorry! I was just reviewing the painting! You were saying?

Bernadetta: Are you ready to go?

Ignatz: Just about. 

Bernadetta: H-Hey Ignatz? 

Ignatz: Hm?

Bernadetta: Why do you paint?

Ignatz: ...I guess it's always just been a hobby of mine. I'm here to become a knight, but...

Bernadetta: Painting's what you love.

Ignatz: *Blushing* I'm not sure I've admitted that to anyone out loud yet.

Ignatz: What about you?

Bernadetta: Oh! It's...one of the things I could do without raising my father's ire...

Ignatz: Oh..I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories... 

Bernadetta: ...it's not your fault...but hey! Look at what Bernie did today! I went outside and I painted! With. Another. Person. 

Ignatz: Good job!

Bernadetta: Say, Ignatz...can we do this agian some time? Paint together, I mean!

Ignatz: I'd love to.


A Support:

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Igntaz stares at an easel. 

Bernadetta: Hey Ignatz!

Ignatz: Oh, Bernadetta! It's rare to see you about. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Bernadetta: I'm heading to the kitchens to find some food. Even I get hungry at times!

Ignatz: I could go for a meal too. Do you mind if I join you?

Bernadetta: ...in most cases I'd say yes...

Ignatz: O-oh...

Bernadetta: ...but today I don't think I mind. 

Bernadetta: What were you painting?

Ignatz: Nothing yet. I was just thinking about what I'd like to paint next.

Bernadetta: Do you have any ideas?

Ignatz: ...I think I'd like to do a tribute. To the soldiers and to this war. But, I'm not sure how. Not yet, anyways. 

Bernadetta: ...when you do paint it. I'm sure you'll do a great job. 

Ignatz: Thanks Bernadetta.  


A+ Support:

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Bernadetta: Ignatz, the battle is over. We can go back now!

Bernadetta: I can't wait to get back to my room!

Ignatz: ...you go ahead. I'll meet you back at the camp.

Bernadetta: Ignatz, you're not going to paint out here are you?

Ignatz: This war, it's brought so much suffering to us...that painting I was wondering about...I think I know what to do. 

Bernadetta: ...

*time passes*

Ignatz: And there...done!

Bernadetta: Oh, can I see it?

Ignatz: Ahhh!

Bernadetta: AAAHHH!

Ignatz: Bernadetta? I thought you went back. Don't tell me you waited here?

Bernadetta: Well...yeah. Besides, even if the battle's over, it's not safe out here alone. 

Ignatz: True. 

Bernadetta: So what were you painting? Can I see?

Ignatz: *blushing* Go ahead.

Bernadetta: This painting...there's so much pain in it. ...s-so much sorrow. But, there's...hope? I feel inspired from this...

Ignatz: ...

Bernadetta: And the outline...it's a girl? No, it's...ME?!

Ignatz: This war...it's so tragic for everyone. I wanted to capture that. But every soldier exhibits so much strength, so much hope. 

Ignatz: *blushing* It reminds me of you. I wanted to paint your strength and your spirit in the context of the war. 

Ignatz: I'm sorry it's not a conventional painting. 

Bernadetta: ...

Ignatz: Bernadetta...?

Bernadetta: It's beautiful...Ignatz...that's how you see me...?

Ignatz: ...it is.

Bernadetta: ...I don't think I'm as strong as you think I am, but thank you.

Ignatz: Oh! It's starting to rain. We should head back before the Professor worries. 

*Scene fades out*

*Scene fades back in, with Bernadetta and Ignatz running*

*Thunder crashes*

Bernadetta: My room is the closest, come on!

*Scene fades out*

*Scene fades back in, inside of Bernadetta's room*

Bernadetta: We made it!

Ignatz: And the painting is safe too...

*Thunder crashes again*

Ignatz: Ah!

*Ignatz trips*

Bernadetta: Ah!

*Bernadetta trips*

*Scene fades it, with Ignatz on top of Bernadetta*

Ignatz: I'm so sorry! 

*Ignatz and Bernadetta stand up*

Ignatz: I'll head back once I find my glasses. 

Bernadetta: ...stay. 

Ignatz: *blushing* hm?

Bernadetta: *blushing* Stay. At least until the storm is over...p-please? I know you see me as strong, but can I be weak with you right now, just for a little bit?


Author's Notes

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I started planning this one because of the last scene. I really liked the idea of the two most innocent characters having an adult romantic evening. I even wanted a "morning after" scene, but decided that would be pushing it. It's better to end it classy, after all! There's no epilogue because I honestly don't know what to do for an epilogue. Besides, I ship Ignatz with Ingrid (I think their non-AM path ending is cute, and I like the "artsy boy and tomgirl" combo) and Bernadetta with Raphael (it's one of his good supports, and Bernadetta actively progresses through some of her trauma because of it). 

The problem with this support is that it's all about painting, like 99% of Ignatz's supports. But hopefully this is a slightly unique take on it. Here Ignatz doesn't have to deal with the desire to paint versus his obligation to become a knight. Here, he just paints. In that case, I guess the epilogue would involve him becoming a knight for House Varley and ultimately end up marrying Bernadetta. 


And for one, final surprise. You see, when talking about the Silver Routes, I always thought that there should be a path where Edelgard and Rhea team up to face down TWSITD. (Claude would serve as the Big Bad for this route, sadly.) And to that end, I wrote the support for Edelgard and Rhea. It's not complete, as there was some extra, non-support dialogue that needed to be added, and it's not polished enough for me to consider posting here, but it has been written. Right now it's sitting at at four conversations - a C, B, B+, and A. I'd like to write an A+ support before I finish, but I need to figure out how I want the epilogue to go before I do that. (I could very well end it with the A-Support, but I want the A+ Support to wrap things up.) So yeah, hopefully soon-ish, I'll give y'all what I consider the final Silver Route support. 

*Heavy applause*

I loved all of it. Well... mostly all of it, but that's just because I'm wary around adult romance in general. It's a personal nitpick thing. I think you captured those characters' essences perfectly, though!

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