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I'd prefer if they'd had the bolters, not the armor, since bolters can still be somewhat dealt with, while the armor makes them basically invulnerable against anything that isn't a shardblade, bolter or other high tier sci-fi weapons.


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Hair pulled back with crochet hooks and eyes still puffy red, Pry would have laughed at how pathetic she probably looked if it weren't for the context. She wore no armor, just a whole lot of practical filled brass and faux black leather which would do the same without being as loud or clunky. A strand of hair fell out of her bun and into her face. Pry didn't react. Instead she picked up her cane and rapped on the door three times. 

The others were waiting a little distance away, she'd claimed it was to make it all work out better, but really she was hoping to just keep Freedom out of trouble.

Then she realized that one of them, the other teenager was standing next to her. "Can you stop sneaking up on me?"

"I don't sneak. People just don't notice me," he told her. 

"Well you definitely will be noticed when they open the door," she said. "You don't seem like someone who would looking for trouble of that sort."

"I'm most certainly not," he said. "Trouble usually is the one who finds me." Gonev winked and went to stand right next to the door with his back to the wall, out of sight of anyone who would open it.

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Thanks for changing that.

Also, the Acute's wouldn't know where Crow and the small ones are.

Crow's eyes had an evil glint. The child had taken to the killing quickly. He looked at the floor, littered with lizards, mice, rats, cremlings, a gopher. Blood, multiple shades and colors, stained the carpet. Another step now. A small monkey, maybe twice the size of a big rat. He took it, and gladly. Cookie crumbs, frosting, sprinkles, and chocolate smears surrounded his mouth and decorated his face, and a few spots of blood. Not his. Crow watched as he cut it open, causing it extra pain. Perfect, this was going well. The child would never be the same, never be pleasant, or nice. The child, if released now, would be the school bully, the one thrown in jail at an early age for manslaughter or straight up murder. Yes, it was going exactly as he wanted it to.


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14 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Also, the Acute's wouldn't know where Crow and the small ones are.

Got it.

It's amazing how different their perspectives are.

Warmer felt disgusted. How could a person be so cruel? He kept up the act, hoping someone somehow would save him from this. He was revolted by the whole ordeal. The stench of blood nauseated him, but he couldn't halt suddenly for fear of suspicion. Warmer swallowed. Even the sugar wasn't helping. The cookies were too sweet. Sickly so. If this kept up he had a feeling he'd wind up barfing. On Crow.

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Warmer's simply been brainwashed with priorities since he was born. Killing is bad. Family is most important. Eyes are windows. Do what others want, but you always come first. And a few more. Also, children with older siblings are known to be smarter. Add to that that these are the Acutes and reality always is suspended and all makes sense.

Xino - they're there, but a little farther away from Pry.



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That is a bit far, I agree with the brainwashing bit, but the way he thought was too advanced. Also, he will still have slight brain damage from repeated murder.

Moving on to the next one!

Crow turned to the littlest one. He had a small leash on the toddler, to make sure it didn't run. But this one... he couldn't walk, talk, anything. He couldn't get it to kill. So he had a better solution. Films. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Jurassic Park, It, it ranged from terrible horror movies, to videos from actual war, to clips of the torture chambers in the Den of Thieves. Death, pain, blood. He strapped the baby into the VR. And clicked play.

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A Chaos Marine lumbered through the door, a beer bottle in hand. Then he saw them. "'ey. Waddaya doin' 'ere?" He shifted, and came towards Lena. "You're not supposed to be 'ere." He jumped, attempting to tackle her, his space marine enhancements propelling him forward, his sheer bulk, even armor-less, enough to crush her.


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Sorry to take a while...

Think it of my way of being OP. Rather than abilities or weaponry, it's brainprocess.

And Ark, this plan just failed miserably. Thanks for giving me an excuse to do some research on infant development, I wanted to have a mostly authentic baby here - even if he's a little above average. 

Object permanence develops between 4-7 months, so it makes sense for Eon to not have it yet. As shown here

What's on the screen also doesn't connect in his brain to the real world yet. He doesn't recognize that it's battle. As talked about here

Not that Crow would know any of that because he has no experience with children.

Eon, however, was still crying. He was still hungry. He was still cold. And he was still tired. One of those he could address though. Loud noises kept him from falling completely asleep, but he kept his eyes closed. It helped and eventually he drifted off only to be awoken to bright lights. Still tired, his eyelids drooped shut again. The lights were gone. Eon was shocked. Where had they gone? He didn't know and didn't really care. They were annoying. So, due to the fact he was an infant, Eon didn't watch the movies. He only listened. But the noises reminded him of a place with big blue people they'd once visited. Compile had been there. He liked Compile. Eon smiled happily.



Gonev pulled her out of the way just in time. He watched Pry slip inside and wink at him. He smiled what he hoped was reassuring before turning his attention back to the Marine.

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Chaos Marine jumped at Lena. Doorway is open.

Who, me? It definitely was only because you commented by Warmer.

Not specified, but pretty young. Pry did call him newborn to Araha. But since he's still alive, we can stretch and say 3-4 months.


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