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Worldsingers and other things

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Hello everyone! We are a nerd podcast about the deeper meanings, messages, and intricacies hidden within nerd culture. 

We talk about Brandon/ Cosmere stuff about once a month! 

My question is do you think the correct term is Worldsingers or worldbringers? Are they the same? What’s the difference? And also, how old would you place Hoid as being? 

Also, if you want, we’re on YouTube and SoundCloud, so give us a listen! WE WOULD LOVE TO KNOW WHAT IN THE COSMERE / BRANDERSON UNIVERSE YOU WOULD LIKE US TO DELVE DEEPER INTO!  

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4 hours ago, prayingforsuperpowers said:

And also, how old would you place Hoid as being? 

He's the second oldest currently living being, with only Frost being older.

4 hours ago, prayingforsuperpowers said:

My question is do you think the correct term is Worldsingers or worldbringers? Are they the same? What’s the difference?

I believe both are correct and it's just a matter of Scadrial vs Roshar, plus the Worldbringers having Feruchemy would be a necessary distinction.

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4 hours ago, prayingforsuperpowers said:

We talk about Brandon/ Cosmere stuff about once a month!

*chuckles* We talk about Brandon/ Cosmere stuff an uncountable amount a day!

Questions might find better answers in the Cosmere Q&A section or plain old Cosmere Discussion.

And two warnings:

1. It's Ookla Season, so you'll be seeing loads of Ooklas

2. Don't accept any cookies if they aren't certified to be Hemalurgy-free since they may be spiked. (And no one start on the "you'll trust someone who says not to accept cookies?" - saying not to accept all cookies isn't considered heresy quite yet far as I know)

So welcome to the forums and here's a cookie courtesy of TUBA. Enjoy!


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23 hours ago, prayingforsuperpowers said:

My question is do you think the correct term is Worldsingers or worldbringers? Are they the same? What’s the difference? And also, how old would you place Hoid as being?

Worldsingers are a group on Roshar, while Worldbringers were a sect of Terris on ancient Scadrial.  Both have the same general mission statement of collecting and spreading culture where ever they went. While the worldsingers were supposedly founded by the Heralds, the similarities between the names combined with the fact that Hoid is one is a strong indication that there's a lot more worldhopping connections involved with the two.

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On 12/3/2018 at 5:22 AM, Ookla the [your choice] said:

Providers of safe and spike-free cookies aboveground since April.

It should also be noted that they taste terrible and have 0 chance of giving you superpowers. I mean really, why do people still even think this is a competition?

Yeah as mentioned the Worldsingers and Worldbringers are two separate but related groups.




Worldbringers and Worldsingers have very similar names, is there a reason for this?

Brandon Sanderson





Worldbringers and Worldsingers, similar mission?

Brandon Sanderson

The similarity of the names is intentional.


Similar origin?

Brandon Sanderson



Did Hoid start them?

Brandon Sanderson

That's a RAFO. That's a RAFO, but definitely they have a similar origin.


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55 minutes ago, Ookla the Lurker said:

It should also be noted that they taste terrible and have 0 chance of giving you superpowers. I mean really, why do people still even think this is a competition?

Airstarved highlander. No taste in cookies.

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