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The Hogwarts weapons ban was practically impossible to enforce on the Alethi students. It's one thing to take away a sword- it's another thing entirely when the person the sword belongs to can get it just about anywhere they go. They tried to enforce it at first by getting the Alethi to surrender the Shardblades and break the Nahel bond for the course of the school year, but their parents complained.


There were also allegations of academic misconduct as the Alethi students demanded to have a female student scribe for them, read their textbooks, and in general perform all their academic requirements. The faculty reluctantly allowed it on the grounds of religious freedom, though their prejudice towards people with darker eyes and lighter hair had to be severely handled. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Pureblood supremacists students- in particular Slytherins -got along quite well with them.

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Of course, the first Alethi to develop actual wizardry had the uneasy distinction of being both a mudblood and a lighteyes - on the third dahn. He had been a ringleader for the Alethi boys, but was ultimately ostrasized from the group when the elitists stopped talking to him. Having never owned a Shardblade, unable to read, shunned by the Purebloods and lighteyes, mocked by the darkeyes, and honestly pretty terrible at magic, he ran away into the Forbidden Forest and was never seen again.

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Things got rather heated when his parents used a spanreed to harass the headmaster until it became apparent that the application forms covered this sort of thing and they didn't have a leg to stand on. This is Hogwarts after all- danger and potential loss of life is as assured as the fact that the Defence against the Dark Arts professor will be replaced yearly due to being evil, incompetent, abusive, or shunned by the parents.


By this point, the Scadrian exchange students had fairly neatly begun to assimilate themselves into the student body- skaa Allomancers sided with the mudbloods and halfbloods, noble Allomancers divided between the persecuted students and the elitists depending on their upbringing, and the Feruchemists generally all became Gryfindors or Ravenclaws, with small numbers among the Hufflepuffs. Compounders fit in where they could.


Instead of resorting to dubious love potions or ineffective charms, students took to harassing Soothers and Rioters to attain the affections of the individual who had caught their attention. This quickly became an issue as ethical questions came up, but the most skilled among the Soothers and Rioters generally avoided any and all disciplinary action after a period of time, having developed their skills to the point where they possessed a remarkably subtle and controlled touch. The Weasly twins, of course, immediately capitalized on this.


And then things really got... interesting, when the Elantrian exchange students arrived.

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Warning, this post contains spoilers for the Harry Potter books, as well as multiple Cosmere series, including (but not limited to) Mistborn, Warbreaker, The Stormlight Archive (including WoR), and anything on Sel (so, pretty much anything and everything, even if some are quite minor)

Hogwarts, serving as a focus for all the magic systems from Sel, became quite an interesting place. Madam Pomfrey took right to the Elantrians, and many became first class healers under her guidance. The forgers were soon notorious for being bad students, many taking to forging their homework to be done and major awards to be received by them. Sure the forgings never lasted on the awards, but they lasted long enough to allow the students to take pictures with them. The rosharian students were quick to capitalize on this, bribing the forgers to 'do' their homework for them. Sebrial Jr. collaborated with the Weasly twins to create the greatest in joke supplies empires, including such things as false shardblades (Surprise your friends! "Accidentally" swing it through them and laugh!), joke metalminds (switch out your friends' and watch the chaos!), bad alloy get out of class tickets (burn it and you're guaranteed to miss at least one class period), allomantic annoyance machines, and other such things.


Adolin (the Gryfindor pure-blood) went on a dating spree, dating all the girls in school, somehow managing to get them all mad at him. He quickly became the champion of the dueling club, ascending to school-wide fame.


Kaladin (the Gryfindor Muggle-born), however, had some serious issues with wizard muggle relationships, and angsted all the time about how horrible the purebloods were, (to be fair, they did summon the Whitespinealisk from the chamber of secrets and petrified most of his friends, then put him in detention after breaking Dueling Club rules.) only to end up saving Mr. Weasley from Nagini after bursting from the door of the Department of Mysteries, against all the Ministry's orders.


Shallan (The Ravenclaw Pure-blood) faked being a Muggle Exchange Student, to steal Hermine's wand, after the wand her family had broke. It turns out Shallan was a wizard all along, though, and everything was forgiven.


Dalinar (The chaperone) heavily pressured Dumbledore to remove the whole "House" thing, and have one united student body, but eventually agreed it was unfeasible after the dual Slytherin~Gryfindor Quidditch team horribly backfired.


Vin (The Gryfindor Half-blood), also muggle-born, fell in with Kaladin and Kelsier, before falling in love with a pureblood, much to the disapproval of Kaladin and Kelsier. She proceeded to unite the Gryfindor house, removing all barriers between the muggle born, the half-bloods, and the pure bloods. The multi-class prefect thing had a bit of a rocky start, but worked out OK in the end.


Sarene ended up being the exchange student from Beauxbatons instead of Vivenna, but Vivenna followed anyway, and the two somehow avoided meeting until the end of term, but reunited and all was well.


Vasher stayed at Hogsmead, but meddled with school politics by creating the Sorcerer's Stone, driving off Dementors, and many other small things.


Hoid taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, and actually managed to keep the job due to being awesome, but wasn't able to help directly because he had other responsibilities, but taught the students all he could.


They all teamed up to defeat the Whitespinealisk previously mentioned, a terrifying creature created by hatching the egg of a whitespine under a Chasmfiend. With all the best qualities of the Whitespine, Chasmfiend, and Basilisk, it was terrifying...right until Adolin stabbed it through its heart with his shardblade.


All was not well in Cosmere Hogwarts, though, Voldemort teamed up with TLR, Hrathen, Sadeas, and the Pahn-Kahl (Totally botched that spelling, they were his plants in the school) to mount an assault on the school. Kaladin, forced to his third ideal over protecting some pure-bloods absolutely wrecked the Pahn-Kahl, Adolin teamed up with Raoden (I think that was his name, it's been a while since I've paid attention to Elantris) to take down Hrathen, Vin found the Ravenclaw's Diadem, took its lerasium bead, and fed it to Elend. The two of them combined forces with Vivienna and Sarene to depose TLR, and Dalinar, Vasher, and Dumbledore took down Voldemort in an exciting fight to the finish.

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I've been rethinking my orginal thoughts on Voldemort, that



 Voldemort really Adonalsium, and each Horcrux is a Shard?  :o

In a similar vein to TheArcanist*, I think Voldemort is a master Hermallurgist. He "kills people to create horcruxes", but he's actually killing Allomancers, giving himself gold and pewter compounding to extend his life. Much like the 'horcruxes', you destroy his spikes and he's dead. The more "horcruxes he makes" ie metalborn he kills, the more spikes and Investiture he gains access to, making him increasingly harder to kill.


Which, I believe, firmly establishes the Death Eaters as Inquisitors, firmly loyal to him, yet completely reliant and manipulatable.**


*Promise I thought of it completely separately. Great minds think alike, right?


**Yes I'm pretty sure I just made that word up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Hogwarts weapons ban was practically impossible to enforce on the Alethi students. It's one thing to take away a sword- it's another thing entirely when the person the sword belongs to can get it just about anywhere they go. They tried to enforce it at first by getting the Alethi to surrender the Shardblades and break the Nahel bond for the course of the school year, but their parents complained.


You can't summon a shardblade in Hogwarts! Haven't you ever read Hogwarts a History ??

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Not as much as Ellend and Hermione. Can anyone else totally see them working great together?

Elend, Sazed, Hermione, Shallan, Jasnah. Maybe Tindwyl.  Best study group ever.


(note, I specifically didn't say Harmony). 



Edit: On second thoughts, I actually see Elend, Hermione and Jasnah massively irritating each other. I think they're too similar.

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Before the arrival of the Elantrian students, Hogwarts underwent massive renovations to become a focus for AonDor and other Selian magic systems. When they finally did arrive, students from all parts of Sel had come to attend. The Elantrians were, of course, the most spectacular of these. The nature of AonDor made them exceptional in academic areas, the art focusing on study and complex magical equations. When it became apparent to Ministry researchers that their earthling wizards could tap into the Dor due to similarities between the two systems of magic, the Ravenclaws quickly became practitioners to the best of their ability.


Professor McGonagall quickly became fascinated with the possibility of studying Forgery as an offset of Transfiguration, but the Ministry made it very clear that only certain types of Forgery would be accepted. Soul-Forging was strictly forbidden, and Forgery outside the classroom and the watchful eye of a professor was considered academic misconduct, though people did try to cheat on tests with it, and alter grades after the fact. ChayShan quickly added some well-needed spark to the duelling club, as it finally gave the wizards- Gryfindor especially loved this art -something of a fighting chance against Allomancers, Feruchemists, and Surgebinders; all of whom possessed unconventional abilities that the wizard's magic had little chance of countering. Disarming was pointless, and all three types of magic-user resisted stunning like it hadn't even happened.


Bloodsealing and illegal forms of Forgery became popular among the Death Eaters, who were acquiring quite the arsenal of nasty magic. Already with Hemalurgy and some form of Voidbinding in their arsenal, Dakhor was added to horrific effect. The Imperius curse required the nearly constant attention of a Death Eater, while Hemalurgy allowed emotional Allomancy to be used. Even more horrific effects were brought on by Soul-Forging and Bloodsealing. Voldemort's already horrific Inferni became terrifying monsters through the use of Dakhor, Hemalurgy, and Bloodsealing in concert. Anyone controlled by an Imperius curse didn't stay that way for long- clever Soul-Forging made them willing accomplices. The Death Eaters were quickly becoming something the Aurors couldn't possibly control- refusing to recruit from or learn any system of magic other than their own.


Meanwhile, the Vorin students began to complain up-roarously against divination classes, stubbornly repeating the same mantra, over and over, "Seeing the future is not of Honour." As divination was an elective class in later years, they were not required to take it, and in the years it was a requirement it was substituted... with extra courses in history.

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Professor Quirrell burst into the dining hall one night, started shouting about a Thunderclast in the dungeons, then passed out. The students were all evacuated to their House common rooms. Shallan, unfortunately, had been in the bathroom, and didn't hear about the Thunderclast. Kaladin and Adolin ended up sneaking away from the main group to find her. She was in the bathroom, cowering from the massive stone abomination, trying to Soulcast it. Kaladin ended up Lashing it to the ceiling, which confused it long enough for Adolin to slice its arms off. Shallan then finally got up the concentration to Soulcast the rest of it into air. She would have taken the blame for them not being with their groups, but Syl forced Kaladin to admit that he and Adolin had sneaked away to find her.

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Professor Quirrell burst into the dining hall one night, started shouting about a Thunderclast in the dungeons, then passed out. The students were all evacuated to their House common rooms. Shallan, unfortunately, had been in the bathroom, and didn't hear about the Thunderclast. Kaladin and Adolin ended up sneaking away from the main group to find her. She was in the bathroom, cowering from the massive stone abomination, trying to Soulcast it. Kaladin ended up Lashing it to the ceiling, which confused it long enough for Adolin to slice its arms off. Shallan then finally got up the concentration to Soulcast the rest of it into air. She would have taken the blame for them not being with their groups, but Syl forced Kaladin to admit that he and Adolin had sneaked away to find her.

I love you, in a platonic, worshipping kind of way.

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