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When did Brandon obliterate you?


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I in no way expected the "I am Unity" thing. Also, when Saed became Harmony. Though both are more because I didn't know it was possible, they were also great plot twists. I expected another "big bad guy dies" for MB, and for SA I expected it to just be a stereotypical fight the army until they leave scene.

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The start of the Church of the Survivor. It was my first Sanderson book, and I hadn't had anything spoiled about it. Kelsier's death surprised me enough, but then the fact it was all part of a plan to give the Skaa something to fight for blew me away. 

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When Kaladin saves Dalinar from Szeth in all of his Radiant awesomeness. Like I totally thought the Alethi army was about to get smashed by that and the loss of all their generals and whatnot, then boom the hero arrived literally glowing white.

Also when Roaden restores AonDor, that was pretty epic.

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Dalinar opened his eyes, and knew what the parshwoman saw in him. Swirling clouds, glowing light, thunder and lightning. “I am Unity.” He slammed both hands together. And combined three realms into one.
Secret history 
“You want to see something … spectacular?” Kelsier whispered. “Help me live. I’ll show you … spectacular.”

There are many more, but those two were the first to come to mind.

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Sazed becoming harmony, Dalinar becoming a bondmith, Kelsier’s death, Lightsong’s sacrifice, Kal almost killing Syl, or



Dalinar being Odium’s champion and him swearing the second ideal.


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Hmm, this is really two answers... 

The scene that hit me the hardest [Elantris]:


"When you remember this man, think not of an enemy. Think of a man who longed to protect Arelon and its people. Think of the man he became, the hero who saved your king. My husband and I would have been killed by that monster of Dakhor, had Hrathen not arrived to protect us. Most important, remember Hrathen as the one who gave that vital warning that saved Teod's fleets. If the armada had fallen, then be assured that Teod wouldn't have been the only country to suffer. Wyrn's armies would have fallen on Arelon, Elantris or no Elantris, and you would all be fighting for survival at this moment - if, that is, you were even still alive. No, when you speak of this man, let it be said that he died in our defense. Let it be said that after all else, Hrathen, gyorn of Shu-Dereth, was not our enemy. He was our saviour."

The biggest "Dafuq!?" scene [Oathbringer]:


Seriously!? Eshonai drowned!? Really!?"

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Kelsier's death hit me like a truck... It was my first Sanderson book and I knew nothing about it before hand. I fell in love with the characters and snuggled cozily in the bubble of "main characters can't die yet since this is a trilogy". Boy was a wrong.

The other big "oh please no, no!" moment for me was when


Wayne was crying when Wax died. I also loved that scene a lot.


My heart also broke a little when I read Kaladin's first squad in The Way of Kings getting murdered. When I was reading Words of Radiance I was so afraid of Dalinar dying. I was constantly readying myself for that and when Szeth sent him up flying I thought "nooooo not Dalinar;_;" and when Kaladin saved him I think I laughed out loud in relief.

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When Kaladin decides to save one of the bridgemen from another crew in WoK. That's the closest I've ever come to crying while reading a book/watching a movie (I'm just not much of a crier). 


"If we care for the wounded of other bridge crews," Drehy said, shaking a blond head, "we'll have to feed them, tend them..." 

"I will find a way," Kaladin said. 

"I---" Rock began.

"Storm you!" Kaladin said, standing and sweeping his hand over the plateau. The bodies of bridgemen lay scattered, ignored. "Look at that! Who cares for them? Not Sadeas. Not their fellow bridgemen. I doubt even the Heralds themselves spare a thought for these. I won't stand there and watch while men die behind me. We have to be better than that! We can't look away like the lighteyes, pretending we don't see. This man is one of us. Just like Dunny was. The lighteyes talk about honor. They spout empty claims about their nobility. Well, I've only known one man in my life who was a true man of honor. He was a surgeon who would help, anyone, even those who hated him. Especially those who hated him. Well we're going to show Gaz, and Sadeas, Hashal, and any other sodden fool who cares to watch, what he taught me. Now go to work and stop complaining!

Still gives me chills every time I re-read it. Kal is a very flawed and narrow-minded character at times, but he just cares so damnation much that it's impossible not to root for him. 

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Elantris: Hrathen's Redemption. This one just left me so bittersweet, crying tears of sadness and joy at once. 

Mistborn:TFE: Kelsier's death. It was just so sudden, even though I should have expected the mentor character to die 

WoA: Sazed and Tyndwl. Literally all the feels and all the tears at this one. Their romance was so sweet, and then my heart was torn out and stomped upon by Brandon freaking Sanderson. Again. 

HoA: The entirety of the ending. 'Nuff said.

TWoK: Tien's death. Character death hits me hard most of the time, but this one more than most. Kaladin and I have quite a few similarities, in that we are both elder brothers looking out for our younger brothers. I put myself in Kal's shoes in that scene, and there went my hold on tears. 

WoR: "The Knights Radiant have returned". So Storming Awesome! 

OB: Dalinar's Flashbacks, The Girl Who Stood Up, Jasnah's Love, Kaladin and the surrogate Bridge 4's, Elhokar, and Venli's redemption. I'm just a very emotional person, and Oathbringer utterly wrecked me emotionally. 

Warbreaker: Lightsong. just Lightsong 


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The end of the Reckoners series (spoilers, obviously). It ended without giving the readers a good long look at Prof in his normal healthy state. Instead of fan servicing his fans, Brandon fan serviced his main character, who got to go hang out with his dad while we fans were longing to see what the whole last book was fighting toward: Prof as himself again. At least that's how it seemed to me. Yes, I know, he saved David. But we get like a sentence out of him there. Afterward, we only see the back of his head. 

I was ridiculously upset after the end. 

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Whew. I feel like every Sanderson book has it's wow moment. Prof crushing allies. The birth of Harmony. Larimar's confession to Lightsong still makes me tear up, years after reading it the first time.

The obliterating moment though? Wax and Lessie on the roof. I denied it, right up to her last words, and couldn't read a thing for a week afterwords.

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It has to be that conversation of Shallan and Hoid on the chapter 'The Girl Who Stood Up'. I swear, the moment Shallan saw the difference between the two illusions i.e she forgave herself on the other, and Hoid saying it's okay to live on. It hit home. Almost didn't finish the storming book because of that chapter.

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The death of King Elkohar hit me the hardest. A bum for most of the series actually starting to take responsibility for his decisions, finally acting in accordance with his station, holding his son in one hand and Shallan's image of nobility in the other, straining for the Oaths that would be his salvation, suddenly and ruthlessly cut down while Kaladin watches in a stupor. Then Moash looks dead at him and mockingly throws up a Bridge 4 salute. Just knowing that scene is coming up gives me heartburn on re-reads.

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Kelsier's death, the end of Well of Ascension, Wax killing Lessie for the second time, the reveal about Vashers past, Szeth killing the king of Jah Keved, Odium trying to pick Dalinar as his champion, Nightbloods cheery "Would you like to destroy some evil today?" at the end of Way of Radiance, Raoden fixing Elantris, Kelsier's ressurrection in Secret History and Bands of Mourning and Jasnah "We enslaved them"


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