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An eye for an eye


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Damaya jumped backwards when Riathor was attacked and bit down on a curse. There it was. And now, that they were attacked, she felt calm. Her fear, her confusion about everything subsided, leaving her calm. This was it. It would end now, somehow it would end today. She grabbed her staff and tried to hit one of the balls, but she missed and hit the wall instead. The impact drove a sharp pain through her arm, too much pain. She looked down and saw one of the monsters hanging from her arm, its teeth deeply in her flesh. Dropping her staff she tried to pry it loose, but the more she pulled, the harder it bit down. With a cry she followed Riathors example and smashed it against the wall, until it finally let loose and dropped to the ground, splattering her dress in gore.

Before she could lean down to pick up her weapon, another one was bitting into her ankle and she held onto the wall to stabilize herself and stomped down on it with her other foot. Looking up she saw Riathor, killing the little balls without any problems and suddenly she was only grateful, that he was here. He was strange and she had no idea, why he was here, but it wasn't important. It was then, that she saw Araha stumble and fall down on the ground. With a scream she rushed forward, her foot catching another of these things and unable to stop her fall she hit the ground. Ignoring the ball hanging at her foot she tried to get up, but had to smash it somewhere along the way, since it got in her way. When she looked over again, she saw her friend, her only friend lying on the floor, monsters ripping out pieces of her flesh. She screamed again took another step forward, but she was too late, Araha vanished in a lump of monsters. Mortified she stared at the floor, barely recognizing, that another ball sank its teeth into her shoulder. She felt numb, empty. This wasn't worth it. It was her price to pay, not Arahas. No more martyrs, these were Araha's words, not her own. The darkness inside her stretched it's claws, ripped at her. It was her mistake, she should have been the one to die. Not Araha, especially not Araha.

Someone bumped into her and she looked up, saw Araha fists raised, face turned towards their enemies. And yet there still were the monsters on the floor, huddling together.
she whispered and touched her arm. It was warm. Araha was warm. She closed her arms around Araha, not caring that there was still one of the balls biting into her shoulder, or that she was bleeding from several wounds.
she sobbed and hugged her stronger.


@Cyanic: you just received a penalty for "sobbing friend" xDD

@Grey Knight



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@Sorana @Silva @Gancho Libre @Grey Knight

Deras stomped out the last of the balls that were swarming from the crates, before cleaning his self of the things. They were stuck to him mostly because they were piled on top of each other, they didn't really have any purchase because of his armor and his shields. The things finally died and he looked over to his other companions, there were still some stragglers, about a dozen, and he killed six in a blinding flurry.

He rushed forward, everything in no-motion, and crushed the few that were trying to gnaw on Damaya, killing them before pulling them off. Araha did the same, smashing their skull-bodies before pulling them off, that was the last of them.


"I'm alright, Damaya," Araha returned the hug, "I'm alright," she had to be more careful next time, not just for herself, but for her friend as well. She pulled away a bit reluctantly, then looked at the non-moving creatures on a pile on the ground. What was that anyway? What the storms just happened? Did she die? She didn't even really feel anything beyond the first bite and her body intending to fall over. She touched her neck. No injuries.

Deras walked over to the pile that was greyed out by the shardblade instead of crushed and started blindingly picking up each ball and crushing them, just in case probably. She walked over to them and kicked the pile out of the way, just to see what was underneath, even if they ate everything, there'd still be some bones as those would be harder to eat and digest.


There was nothing.

When she got to the bottom there was only the room's floor beyond all the dead creatures and self-inflicted gore that the creatures bit into themselves. Storms, there wasn't even any dried blood or bits of flesh that didn't belong to them. That... didn't happen? Like a dream, not even a nightmare, just a dream.

She shook it off, helping crush the remaining in-tact monster corpses, and walked to Damaya, glancing at Deras. She put a hand on her friend's shoulder and squeezed gently in a gesture of comfort, "it's not too late to leave,"

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Damaya observed Araha go to the spot, kick the monster away. She was alright. She wasn't even bleeding. Bleeding. The word rand a chord and she looked down at her hand, still dripping blood everywhere. Then she grabbed a sphere out of her bag and inhaled. The stormlight immediatly started to close her wounds and she felt better, stronger. At least her body did. Her soul still hung somewhere between she's dead, no she isn't. She's dead. SHE ISN'T!

Araha turned around, carefully putting a hand on her shoulder.
"It's not to late to leave."
Damaya shook her head.
she whispered.
"I can't live like that. Knowing that they will follow me, try to kill me."
She grabbed Arahas hand, interwined her fingers hers.
"Go. Please. I can't live when you die here because of me."
she begged.


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"Damaya..." Araha whispered, her hand still on her friend's.

The mouth balls were gathered in a pile of unrecognizable gore to the side, so that it was easy to keep track of. That was likely Deras' doing as he liked putting things in piles apparently.

She glanced around at her companions, she first looked to the man in colorful clothing, she didn't get to observe him or what he could do, because she was too busy... not-dying? but he seemed to be fine, so that means he could likely hold his own. @Gancho Libre She addressed him: "check those crates, make sure they're smashed and empty. I'm feeling like there's a perpendicularity in one of those crates and I'd like--," before she could continue speaking, Deras had smashed all the crates inbetween words.

"No perpendicularity. No stragglers."

She looked to Deras, that was impressive. "Right," she continued, before addressing the colorful man again, "secure the area, I think I saw you use Allomancy earlier, keep burning, check if there's any metal that's moving toward us," she concluded, then turned to Pry. @Silva

"Pry, if you get grabbed, tap all store as much heat as possible, then if the grabber reacts, tap all the heat again." She didn't know how good at combat Pry was, but she was a Firesoul, and while the extent of her knowledge of that specific branch was lacking, she knew the basics, and she wanted to see how far those basics could be pushed.

"Deras," she looked at the man, who she still wasn't sure if she was attraccted to or not (so she decided on not, at least for the moment) clad in magnificent plating, "your mindscan's almost useless here, but maintain those cognitive shields."

"Right." He nodded, taking position a few feet near the hole where they entered, he turned to her, "didn't see what happened," he begun, gesturing at Damaya who still had some tears on her face, "Sorry. Will try better next time," he concluded.

It wasn't really his fault, Araha needed to be faster so that this sort of thing never happens again, especially to one of her current companions, she didn't want to argue for now so she just nodded.

Then she looked beside her, at Damaya, "either we both leave, or we don't. I refuse to abandon you here," though her words were harsh, her tone was soft, firm but comforting. She looked at the monster blood all around. "Damaya," she begun, looking into her friend's eyes, "can you Soulcast this blood?"

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"Practice," Araha replied, a slight smile tugging at the corner of her lips, "turn them into different things, paper, fire, water, whatever you can,"

The more things they had that they could do, the better, and the more versatile the party would become as a whole. Blood was good practice, since from the fundamentals, Soulcasting apparently had an easier time converting blood.

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Practice in a room, we haven't even taken a look around yet?
Well, Damaya won't disagree with Araha ^^

Sry, long post.

Damaya pulled out some spheres and looked at them. They were glowing softly, their cold light painting a strange pattern on her hand. Softly she breathed in, careful reminding herself of what she had done earlier. The spheres turned dull and she put them away. Kneeling down she put her hand into the blood, felt it, slick and still warm around her fingers. It was gross and disgusting, but she felt like it would help her.
She closed her eyes, trusted Araha to warn her, should something come by. Blood, what should she make out of blood. A smile spread on her face as she hand an idea. Her thought followed the blood and then she pushed it in the direction she wanted it. The stormlight rushed out of her and she opened her eyes, looking at the rose petals lying on the floor. That was definitly better. Proud of herself she got up, grinning at Araha.
"I did it!"
she exclaimed and hugged her.

Out of the darkness a clapping sound was heard and then some steps. His eyes met hers. And she froze. Her happiness was blown away, and suddenly she wasn't proud anymore. Something deep inside her started screaming, called at her to turn around and run away. All other emotions seemed worthless, nonexistent next to this overwhelming internal scream. And yet her feet were glued to the ground, her eyes simply stared at him. He smiled and walked in her direction.

she remembered that voice. Again a part of her wanted to flee, but she stayed, unable to do anything than stare at him. Terror clutched to her legs and arm, rendering them useless. Wincing she looked over to Araha. Araha wouldn’t stand here, she would walk forward, she would challenge him. But she wasn’t Araha. She consisted of nothing, but that terror clawing at her mind. And yet, she walked forward, met him somewhere half the way.


Suddenly her figure and the man she walked to blurred, their figures moving faster than it should be possible.



Everything beneath the // happens inside of a speed bubble. And therefore only last a few seconds for you.


// His hand reached into his pocket and he pulled out some spheres. They were glowing softly, illuminated his hand. He walked closer, stopped when he stood in front of her.
“Breathe in.”

he instructed, his voice soft, warm. And yet it froze her insides, turned her gut into stone. There was nothing but his voice, only his voice and the soft glow of the spheres. Her hands shook when she grabbed the spheres, held them in her hand. She could breathe in, use it against him. The thought hung there, strange and uncomfortable.
“Breathe in.”
he repeated himself, and was there a hint of fear in his voice? Another strange thought. There was nothing to fear for someone like him. His hand closed around her arm and she stared at him, looked into his cold, unrelenting eyes. Something gave way and she breathed in, the stormlight flooding her veins.  It was angry, unrelenting, it was strong. A familiar storm in her body.
“Help me. These strangers that you brought here want to kill me and your mother. You have to protect your family.”
he told her. When she didn’t react he repeated:
“Daughter, Damaya. Did I not protect you?”
Damaya stared at him, tried to understand, to think over the terror that held her mind in it’s grip. Help her mother. She had to help her mother. Did she?
“You stupid girl.”
his voice turned angry, and his grip on her arm painful.
“Your powers belong to her. You belong to her. We both belong to her.”
Her powers belonged to the woman? Another thought that felt wrong. Even more than the others.


she whispered.

“Coru belongs to me.”

she claimed, felt a slight buzz on her free arm. Had she ever claimed him before? She didn’t know, was barely able to think. Her mind still screamed RUN with all of its power, her body was cold and rigid. Something had changed the moment he set his eyes on her. And yet, this thought. Her powers belonged to the woman? This was wrong, completely utterly wrong.
she repeated and then a sharp pain raced through her muddied thoughts. He’d broken her arm. She recognized this, as one might recognize a butterfly sitting on a flower. Pain laced her arm and yet, as she looked at it the bone was already knitting itself, the stormlight se’d instinctively inhaled healing her. The pain subsided, leaving nothing behind, but a dark dread.
“Protect me.”
he repeated and she shook her head.
“They’re mine. My powers are a part of me.”
They were hers, she know nothing but this she knew. Everything was muddied, confused. Her thoughts running in circles, her emotions a wild whirlwind. She didn’t want these powers, she hadn't asked for them, but they were hers. He stared at her, anger flaring in his eyes, saying something, but she didn’t listen. She only heard Coru’s voice somewhere close to her ear.
“I accept. That’s a good truth.”

Damaya shrank back, only partially realizing what had happened. It wasn’t supposed to happen. But the man grabbed her arm, thought she wanted to flee, and she cried out in pain, when he closed his fist around the spot that had been broken only a few seconds earlier.
“You won’t run away. You will help your parents. You will be a good child, you will do what we tell you!”

Damaya stared at him, eyes wide in fear, pain and the numbing terror, that had filled her since he had set his eyes on her. Her memories whirled around in her head, threatening to overhelm her. Her powers they were hers. Coru was hers.

“Use your powers and help me!”

He stressed the your and she nodded. Her powers. That felt right. Finally something was right.

Her mother. She had loved her mother. Her blonde hair, the way she smelled. Thinking of her mother brought some order to her thoughts and she felt resolution well up in her. Helping her mother, that sounded great.
“Damaya, no.”
Coru whispered, but she ignored him, instead took a bag full of spheres that the man offered. Breathing in, she felt the stormlight in her.
“No. Damaya, please you have to think.”
her spren repeated and something deep inside herself pushed the doubts he ignited away. Instead it hardened this strange resolve, even reduced the terror, until it subsided into something manageable. //


She turned around, then stepped up, placing herself between him and those that had followed her here.
Coru’s voice turned desperate.
“You swore an oath. This is about your own way, not theirs. They oppose all that you ought to fight for.”
There was nothing but the resolve and a sliver of hope underneath. If she did what they told her, maybe they would stop. It was this hope that had given her the strength to oppose them again and again and again. But now it betrayed her, offered another way out. Do what they want you to do, and it’s over. No more pain, no more fear. Only resolve and peace. This time she thought about a reply and something changed, for a moment the resolve shattered and the terror was back, the pain, the anguish. She almost welcomed them in their strength, but then they were gone again, leaving her with the resolve and that treacherous hope underneath. When she finally did reply, her voice was steady and cold, almost lifeless.
“Sometimes an oath isn’t enough.” 


@Cyanic @Gancho Libre @Grey Knight @Silva

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double POV in one so that it's even better!


Araha saw a man come out of the darkness and then the time bubble, she couldn't see or hear what was going on, but, Deras could see with his enhanced senses, but he still wasn't fast enough to take Araha's friend out of the bubble, he heard what they said and comprehended though. The timebubble expired and Deras kept looking. It wasn't fury this time, just anger. Angerspren started pooling below him. Anger at the man.

While Araha wasn't sure what just happened, or could understand what they were saying, Damaya made it clear from her stance, and body language.

And her eyes.

Araha's depths froze over. For a second time.

"Pry, colorful man" @Silva @Gancho Libre, she addressed without a hint of emotion, "cover our back, I'll deal with this, Deras, you too."

"Can solve problem quickly,"

"No. Watch our back. Make sure nothing interferes. This is my business." She told him, her voice monotone but firm. He only nodded and backed the others up, his angerspren dissipating.

Araha took a stance, Ran enveloping her without a word. Whatever is happening, this was the man's fault, and now that she had good look, she recognized him. He was the man that ruined Damaya's life. The one from her memory that she showed her. Then she felt an intense anger-like emotion from the pits of her heart, all that fire, directed towards the man.

It was a foreign feeling, but she guessed what it could be: Hatred.

Araha muttered something under her breath, if one paid close enough attention, they could hear this:

"I will protect all that I can protect."


"I will protect even those I hate so long as it is right."


"I hate nothing and will protect anything."


"I will protect my enemies, my friends, I will protect everything so long as it is right."

She uttered more and more words, but nothing came. What was she missing? Protect people, save people, kill this man. He was evil, if she could kill him, she'd be protecting her friend and saving her. That was part of the Windrunner's oath, right? Killing people who were evil.

Her step was unsure, eyes focused on her true enemy: The man named 'Vulken.'


So I'm assuming he just came out of the walls from the storage room and the hole they entered through is behind them. Araha commanded Deras and the others to guard their backs, meaning the hole and the door


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Pry turned her focus to the hole. Right now Damaya needed to see things for herself and Araha was the only one who could help her. The least she could do was protect them physically, even if she couldn't physically. Pry kept an ear listening for what was happening behind her, never hurt to be careful, though her eyes stayed glued to the door.

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The man called Vulken looked at the woman stepping towards him and at the pitiful creature he had just called his daughter. If it weren't for her... well it didn't matter right now. There were more important things to focus on. Keeping up on his soothing he simply continued to supress everything that didn't fit the order following human standing before him. She had had so many chances to start following his commands - it didn't matter what would happen to her once his pressure was over. And if she even managed to kill that friend of hers, or at least distract her, that would be great.

Focusing his eyes on the woman approaching them (= Araha) he reached out to another one of his ressources. If the friends wounded themselves, that would be a sight to see. Reaching out for the woman he carefully rioted her hate, her anger and her disgust of him. Hate was a powerful emotion and if he looked at her face, she already had so much in her. She wanted to protect her friend, somehow that was cute. With a delighted grin he continued his rioting, until he felt like it was enough. If he had judged right, she would stop thinking and simply come at him. His hand already held some coins, ready to use if needed..

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Araha felt her hatred surge, then anger, then digust. The man was staring right into her, into her eyes.


he smirked.

She could feel herself shaking in anger, and her breathing quickening, it wasn't like when she was panicking, this time her lungs just had a hard time compensating for her rapidly beating heart. She could hear her own voice growl, she stepped forward, then stepped again, almost breaking into a sprint, then stopped herself. She breathed in, trying to get a semblance of reason back.

This wasn't her, she never felt this much negativity toward someone. Something was wrong... something was--

Allomancy! The man had Allomantically manipulated her emotions, she wasn't sure which one, but judging from his bubble earlier, and now his emotional Allomancy, he was either hemalurgically enhanced or was... mistborn.

She stepped backward, mind still in a frenzy. She needed to find her center again. Find her calm. Move in the eye of the storm as the storm itself moved. While she didn't dare close her eyes, she averted her gaze from the man's own, still keeping him in peripheral vision, and looking at Damaya. Her friend, her friend needed to be saved, she needed to help her and free her from this abomination of a life.

The anger, it wasn't subsiding, but at least she wasn't blindly rushing in, but she still couldn't think straight.

Then she had another idea. She took a long, deep breath, and let the ice in her mind melt.

Then she dove head first into the depths, reaching low and finding the memory she was looking at.

A room just filled with red, her parents... or at least what she knew were her parents, but looked nothing like them. They were covered in it too. In red. Then she saw Damaya, in the same room, coated in the same red. She was suspended in the air by something, and she had a horrific looking blade protruding out of her torso.

And her face, her expression, her glare, she was looking straight at Araha, her eyes silently asking Arah why she couldn't save her. That she trusted her.

And that she ran.

Araha's eyes widened, her world snapping back to reality, her mind almost broken from her dip. She fell to her knees, trying to keep her eyes at Damaya and the man.

She'd made a mistake, and she started hyper-ventilating.




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Vulken started laughing. That woman was as pathetic as Damaya. The two certainly were a good fit. Crying and breathing and thinking too much of their little oaths.

He burned steel and was surprised, that there weren't any blue lines pointing to Damaya's friend. Maybe she wasn't as thumb as Damaya. Increasing his preasure on Damaya's emotions he delightened in the way she trembled, how she stood there, protected him with her own body. Satisfied, that he wouldn't loose control over her emotions he focused again on the woman kneeling on the floor.

He threw a coin in the air and then pushed. Pushed it until it hit Damaya's friend in her chest, now there was some metal at her body he could use. Then he pushed some more, intending to throw her backwards, or at least flip her over. Maybe that would finally convince her to attack him in earnest.

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The physical stimulus put a bit more alert into Araha's mind, slowly pushing her back,

So did Ran's voice. "We have to save her..." the honorspren spoke, "Araha, please... get up," the spren was nowhere to be seen visibly, likely still coating Araha in that aura. What really reached Araha was the desperation in Ran's voice, no maturity, no control. That was the first she'd heard her sister like that and it nudged at her mind.

She got back up, struggling against the thing on her chest. She gritted her teeth, the coin started to bruise her chest.

Araha's mind began to repair itself, the depths freezing over, this time much faster than usual, and with it, the anger, the hatred, and everything else. A lake that was exposed to several centuries of non-stop winter.

Within moments, her mind was empty. A blank slate with a single component: Focus.

She stood up, leaning forward trying to push against the metal that was pushing against her. Her mind needed to work faster, and faster: a frontal attack wouldn't work, the man was mistborn and he was likely anticipating it, especially if he somehow had Atium, he'd see her coming from a mile away, so she needed to do something unexpected, or at least something that couldn't be interpreted even if it could be seen, in the future.

She realized, that the man had made two mistakes.

The first one was using the coin.

She put both hands on the coin pushing against her and struggled to take it out, then she looked at the man, brows furrowed with what looked like pleading eyes.Her lungs were compressing as she was pushing forward, so the next part would be more difficult than normal, but the compressed lungs also provided her with a bit of leverage and control. It was painful. She started slowly breathing in, stormlight flowed slowly into her, then with a forceful inhale, she summoned a huge bout of stormlight and surged everything into the coin, lashing it some fifty times forward right toward the man. The amount of force he was exerting into the coin would send him flying.

His second mistake was not taking the opening that she left with her own fault.

She intended not to make the same mistake he did.

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Riathor's eyes widened. What was happening?

He confronted the newcomer, putting himself between this guy and the others. He flared steel and iron.

For some reason, he was willing to risk his life to save theirs.


yall can do whatever you want with the info in this post.


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Vulken observed the woman getting up, then he focused on the man that stepped between them. Finally someone to be taken seriously.

Her attack hit him by surprise, suddenly he was flying backwards, and instinctively flared steel. Pushing against a candleholder set into a wall to his right, he crushed it with his weight, but managed to throw himself out of the way of the coin. It hit the wall behind him with a crunching sound, and sprayed chips of stone everywhere. He threw some coins in the air, flared steel again and pushed them towards the woman and the man opposing him. Time to see how good they were


Damaya saw Araha stumble and fall to her knees. She tried to form a coherent thought, tried to move past the stoney resolve that told her to protect the man behind her. She looked again at Araha at what she saw in the eyes of her friend, ignited something. She knew this pain of suppressed memories. And yet the recognition didn't spark anything. Nothing. Resolve. He had told her to protect him. Protect him. She wasn't one to protect. She was bad at this. Really bad. The pressure increased and then it lessend. Suddenly everything rushed back in a wave, crushing over her, made her stumble to the ground. She cried out, fell to her knees. Pain shot through her legs, pain and fear, resolve and terror. Turning her head she saw the man evade an attack, obviously concentrating on something else.

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@Gancho Libre


we're gonna control Riathor for a bit in the fight

Araha lashed herself to the side and out of the way of the coins, as Riathor stopped some of them in mid-air, burning his steel. Araha saw Damaya fall to the ground, and a slight worry shook her mind, but it remained focused.

"Ran, distract him." Araha said, then immediately dropped prone without waiting for a response. Simultaneously, two things happened:

1) Araha lashed herself toward Damaya on the floor, and under the barrage of coins. While most of the crates were smashed earlier, there was still a few bits of thick wood that could serve as cover. As she slid and fell, she grabbed a thick piece of wood and applied Adhesion to its edge, sticking it into the ground next to where Damaya was, to serve as cover

2) Ran, in her woman form, mimicked dashing forward toward the man, applying adhesion on the ground as she stepped, and pulled back to telegraph a punch at him.

As Araha slid, she tumbled into Damaya before cancelling her lashings. They were both on the ground behind the piece of cover, Araha partially covering Damaya. "Stay down," she told her friend, but neither in a concerned way or in a scolding way. Her voice was firm, but without emotion. If her depths weren't frozen over, and it was another situation,, she might've blushed at the prospect of having her face so close to another person's.

As Ran distracted the Vulken thing, Araha got up and ran toward Riathor. As she arrived, and with her hand outstretched, she whispered: "Chromium," then she touched his arm and lashed him five times in the direction of the enemy.

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Vulken tried to keep track of those attacking him. Suddenly the woman split and he focused on the one storming towards him. Pushing himself of another candle lighter he evaded her attack and, pulling an obsidian dagger out of his sheath, he slashed at her. When he hit nothing he cursed and then laned again on the ground. That stupid woman had tricked him.

He whirled around, only now remembering Damaya, realized that he had lost his grip on her and cursed again. This wasn't going as planed. The man dashed towards him and Vulken burned Bendalloy, buying himself a bit of time to evade the attack. But the man was fast, faster than he had thought and still managed to get a grip on him.


Damaya saw Araha dash away and then closed her eyes and took a deep calming breath. Whatever had pressed on her finally vanished completely and she when she exhaled again she felt better, calmer. Whatever had happened it was over. She stood up, slowly getting to her feet and inhaled some stormlight. Looking over at the man who called herself her father she felt nothing, but this time it was a good kind of nothing. More a I don't freeze up in panic type of nothing, than a I can't feel anything at all. And with that she looked at him, at Riathor and Araha attacking him and finally grabbed her staff from the ground. She would help them, if it was still neccessary after this attack.


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As soon as Araha launched Riathor, she dashed forward herself, inhaling a bit more stormlight that she had on her, but not all of it, not yet. Just in case.

As Riathor sailed through the air and into the time bubble, he managed to grab hold of the man as he burned cadmium and burned his opponent's remaining metal reserves away. Which means that he couldn't use Allomancy anymore. He pushed himself against the already smashed candelabra which, while destroyed, was still metal, and slowed his decent, landing on the wall, the stormlight evaporated and gravity for him returned to normal, and with a flip he landed decently on the actual ground.

As Araha saw the man's reserves burnt away as evidenced by the time bubble fizzling out, she dashed forward, half-lashing herself upward so that she was lighter and she jumped, avoiding Ran's adhesion zones. Ran was still attacking the man, her swipes not doing much, but the Vulken thing's attacks not connecting either. As he was distracted, she managed to hammer a blow at the man's side, and then she jumped backward with her decreased weight, avoiding a counterattack.

"Ran!" As Araha called out, Ran went back and formed herself around her sister again. Araha took a stance, staring straight toward the man, her eyes showing no hint of emotion, reflecting her mind which was still completely empty besides focus and logic.

She tapped her foot twice on the ground behind her, making a noise, and with her left hand, she challenged the man, beckoning him to come forward, and if he wasn't careful, right onto the Adhesion zones that Ran had laid out.

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Vulken looked around and cursed again. The man loomed behind him, this woman in front of him. He was checkmated. Searching for an option to get our of here alive his eyes fell on Damaya and he smiled again.
he adressed her, his voice soft, caring.
"Could you please tell you friends to let me go? I never wanted to hurt you, I only did, what she told me to do. You know she's crazy."

Damaya stared at him, took a moment to understand his words and then shook her head in disbelieve. He was asking for help. He was asking her for help. Her. For. Help. She walked closer, avoided the zone of glowing Stormlight and stopped in front of him.
"You did what you wanted to."
she replied her voice still calm, but underneath this calm was something else. Something dangerous. She had been holding herself together thoughout the attacks on the Waystop, had managed to stay sane these last years, and something within herself was straining to keep all of it contained anymore.
"You beat me senseless. You broke my arm, the last time no five minutes ago. You played with my mind."
She started, her voice getting louder and louder.
"You hurt me. You tried to use me. Gave me stormlight to heal myself and hurt me again."
And somewhere along these lines she lost it. Grabbing her staff with both hands she slammed it down on him, send him toppling to the ground. And when he was lying there, she stared at him, raised her staff and hit him again, and again. He said something, but she didn't register the words and when he tried to reach for a vial she stomped on his hand, shattering his fingers. She heard the sound of breaking bones, saw his blood coloring her staff, her skirt and yet she continued, until he was lying there not moving at all. Breathing hard she realized only then, that she had started crying sometimes and used her hand to brush the tears away. She didn't feel better. She only felt worse. But sometimes you had to feel worse to become better. Or maybe not.
"That was one."
she announced.
"Now, where is the woman calling her self my mother? I know you are here. You never leave the house!"
acid coloured her voice as she called into the darkness.

@Grey Knight

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Araha looked on as Damaya started beating the man with her staff. She'd never seen her friend this angry before, maybe not even in general, she could be scared, sad, or even determined, but never angry.

Her eyes showed now emotion, but she was worried for Damaya's sake, what would this effect have on her? She had just killed, and not even just some faceless evil person, someone she knew. Maybe someone she hated, but still, she'd killed. An idea sparked in Araha's mind and she reached out, but it was too late, the man was dead, his face bloody and his skull caved in. He could have been interrogated maybe, he was dead now though. she sighed, then the Adhesion zones started fading, one by one.

Araha stepped forward, and looked at the corpse. "Deras," she called out without turning to him, "may I borrow your shardblade?" The sword was tossed underhanded toward her and she caught it without looking. She ran the sword in a line over the corpse's neck, severing its head. He was definitely dead. Even if he was still alive somehow, she doubted she could interrogate him and he'd likely only come back as an abomination or something anyway.

She dropped the shardblade, the weapon condensing into mist (with Deras resummoning it by his side), then she stepped forward again and pulled her friend into an embrace, Ran separating from her. The frozen over depths thawed which allowed her a bit of emotion, "you did what was necessary, Mai," she whispered, hugging tighter before letting go.

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Riathor stepped onto the ground. What? One minute, he had been... falling through the air at an amazing speed, and the next, he was... upright?

Riathor shook his head. storming Radiants. Always thinking they're better than everyone just because it's a universal truth.

He walked over to the dead Vulken dude. "So, huh. That's that, then?"

Edited by Gancho Libre
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Just now, Gancho Libre said:

Uh, hey guys?" he called. Was that... the Vulken dud? With his head chopped off? "I'm stuck to a wall after I fell at the speed of a bullet into some Mistborn or whatnot. I've also broken several bones. Can I get some help?"

2 hours ago, Cyanic said:

As Riathor sailed through the air and into the time bubble, he managed to grab hold of the man as he burned cadmium and burned his opponent's remaining metal reserves away. Which means that he couldn't use Allomancy anymore. He pushed himself against the already smashed candelabra which, while destroyed, was still metal, and slowed his decent, landing on the wall, the stormlight evaporated and gravity for him returned to normal, and with a flip he landed decently on the actual ground.


he shouldn't be injured though since I made it so that he landed alright


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Pry looked away. Her stomach wasn't weak, but it felt wrong to watch the dead. 

Not on your conscience, Prism, she told herself. You haven't done anything but protect. Protecter, not killer, remember?

The tension level was high in the room, so she kept her mouth shut. But she didn't take her eyes away from the door. There still was danger if what Damaya had said was correct and her 'mother' was still in the house. It would do them good to have someone keep looking out. 

After all, Pry thought, If you always expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed.


All this is happening when in relation to the Ghostblood Ball? 

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