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Kobold King

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Like my last post on this board, this isn't really an original post so much as it is a request for clarification.

A couple of times on the forum I have seen the term "Fullborn" used to denote... something. This name is either used for a Full Feruchemist or a person with both Mistborn and Full Feruchemist abilities.

While I like the term, I am a bit hazy about what exactly it means, and how it originated. Is "Fullborn" an official word, or is simply a piece of fanon that has gained prominence? I would appreciate it if someone could give me a dictionary definition.

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A piece of fanon meaning someone who is both a Mistborn and a Full Feruchemist, so far as I know. Though "Twinawesome" is actually the better word. :P

Edited by Kurkistan
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I've also seen Metalborn as a name for the same thing.


No metalborn refers to anyone with allomantic or feruchemical ability.  I.e. mistings/ferrings/twinborn/mistborn/full feruchemists are all types of metalborn.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Only just now realizing how much of a BAMF the Lord Ruler was.... :mellow:


Remember he was also a more powerful Mistborn than most since he got his powers direct from the source like Elend rather than dwindled through the generations. Probably a more powerful Feruchemist in the same way.

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Remember he was also a more powerful Mistborn than most since he got his powers direct from the source like Elend rather than dwindled through the generations. Probably a more powerful Feruchemist in the same way.

He was just an ordinary Feruchemist. He was Terris, remember?

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He was just an ordinary Feruchemist. He was Terris, remember?


Yeah, but Feruchemical powers have dwindled over time just like Allomantic powers. That's why both Mistborns and full Feruchemists are extinct in the modern era. So if Mistborns got less powerful between the time when the original nobles ate Lerasium and Vin's era then it follows that Feruchemists may also have become less powerful.


It's not just that those who ate Lerasium were more powerful than natural Mistborns, because Vin was a throwback who was more powerful than the other Mistborns of her time even when she wasn't drawing on the mists.

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Actually the reason for Feruchemy "splitting" and the emergence of Ferrings is because of the genes for Feruchemy mixing with those for Allomancy.  In the trilogy Rashek has been trying to breed Feruchemy out of the Terris population for a thousand years (while also keeping the Terris genepool separate) and there are still only full Feruchemists, no Ferrings.  We have no indication that Feruchemists got weaker as time went on, that I can recall.

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Note that it never says outright that there are no more feruchemists - just that you can have only one Allomantic and one Feruchemical power at a time.


It's a strange thing, to be certain--I know for a fact that even one Feruchemical ability is considered a rare privilege. A Twinborn such as Wax is considered "truly exceptional". With this attitude towards individual powers, it feels as if occasional instances of Full Feruchemists would have been more noteworthy within the book's text. Yet as far as I remember, no references are made--although Mistborn are considered nigh-mythological.

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There's also the question of what strength in feruchemy even means. Feruchemy automatically has perfect storage, and it automatically can be tapped to any degree you want. Where's the room for individual variation there? (The question applies to how Hemalurgic Decay works with feruchemy, too.)

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I think the main difference in strength relates to how quickly you can store - a weak Ferring would only be able to fill a metalmind at such and such speed, while a strong one could fill it much faster.


So a ridiculously strong Feruchemist could store almost all the way to absolute zero of their trait? That would be pretty cool, actually. I can imagine TLR floating in the sky with his near-zero mass, or freezing everything at a touch with near-zero temperature (while tapping lots of health to stay alive). Storing all his youth for instant suicide, or storing 100% of his memories so he doesn't remember how to tap them again :P.

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Actually the reason for Feruchemy "splitting" and the emergence of Ferrings is because of the genes for Feruchemy mixing with those for Allomancy.  In the trilogy Rashek has been trying to breed Feruchemy out of the Terris population for a thousand years (while also keeping the Terris genepool separate) and there are still only full Feruchemists, no Ferrings.  We have no indication that Feruchemists got weaker as time went on, that I can recall.


But remember that while that was the Lord Ruler's goal the Feruchemists were actually taking advantage of the breeding programme to ensure that Feruchemy remained strong. The female Feruchemist Sazed was in love with, she was a mother what.. seventeen times over? And she was considered a hero for her part in keeping Feruchemy alive.

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But remember that while that was the Lord Ruler's goal the Feruchemists were actually taking advantage of the breeding programme to ensure that Feruchemy remained strong. The female Feruchemist Sazed was in love with, she was a mother what.. seventeen times over? And she was considered a hero for her part in keeping Feruchemy alive.


Tindwyl's situation is the exception though, not the rule.  Which is why the Synod was so excited for her to be a mother, because it was a very rare opportunity, they aren't putting in Feruchemists left and right.  In reality they have no control over that, Tindwyl being chosen was pretty much a fluke on the part of the Ministry. Overall the breeding program was heavily detrimental for Feruchemy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tindwyl's situation is the exception though, not the rule.  Which is why the Synod was so excited for her to be a mother, because it was a very rare opportunity, they aren't putting in Feruchemists left and right.  In reality they have no control over that, Tindwyl being chosen was pretty much a fluke on the part of the Ministry. Overall the breeding program was heavily detrimental for Feruchemy.


Are we sure about that? The Terris certainly seemed to think so, but I got the impression that TLR was playing a massive long con on them. Remember, the Inquisitors needed Keepers around to get spikes, and they couldn't get them from Ferrings (because there weren't any) like they could from Mistings for allomantic traits. I bet TLR let the Terris think they were oh-so-smart for tricking him and managing to keep the Keepers alive, while in reality he totally knew what was going on and was selectively "catching" them whenever he needed a spike.

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