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Pallas eyed the basket, then came over. He tried to stride impressively, like the big, strong, manly person that he was, but he just looked like he was doing a bad job showing off - which he was. He took a hotcake, and bit into it.

"Der goo" He mumbled around a mouthful.


Yzabet watched Ioc walk around in circles for about a minute and a half. Welp, that one was a lost cause. She'd deal with him later. Yzabet turned and - another one? No, the new tenant. 

"Sorry, but it is kind of a bad time. I'll get around to you soon, I promise. Check out the library if you are bored." Next person was..... Ah, the man who wanted business dealings. And then the one on the floor, and then the one who looked like an Alethi lighteyes from the Roughs [Clay].

"How may I help you?" 

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"Oh alright, sorry, sorry!" Araha mumbled as she stepped backward and went back to her room.

As soon as she arrived, Ran turned back into her humanoid form. "That went badly." Araha said.

"What? No, she was merely busy, that's all." Ran replied

"Yeah, okay, but let's just wait for her here." Araha said as she sat on the bed and bounced for a bit, before lying down.

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"Ah yes. Hello. My name Is Mr. Amber and I have a business proposition for you." He gestured around and the many people. "Now you are doing quite well and have many customers, but you also seem kind of....frazzled, trying to deal with this many people at once. I am a chocolate maker and I would be interested in setting up a.....partnership if you will, with you. The more variety your Waystop can offer, the more people will come, and the more people that come, the more money you make. The second part of the deal is that you no longer would have to deal with every customer yourself, as I would be able to help with that. And thirdly, my niece, Ski, would be willing to help out as long as she isn't busy with her other interests."

With this, Ski looked up, startled. I was not informed I would be helping this lady out. Hmph, I better get paid.

Mr. Amber set a small package on the counter. "This has some of the varieties of chocolate I make. I do not expect your answer immediately, as it is a big decision, and I have some business elsewhere at the moment. Is it alright with you if I check in later this evening?"

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"I..... Thank you, Mr. Amber." Yzabet tried to think of some big words she could use to sound more businesslike. "This is a very interesting proposition. I will, of course, have to consider it, but it is a very tempting offer. You're situational awareness is commendable." Yzabet took the box of chocolates - chocolate was worth it's weight in emerald spheres Roshar - and smiled.

"Feel free to examine the premises. I can provide you with a free room for the night, and maybe longer if these dealings do come to a head." 

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"Thank you, but I must be going. I will return later." With that Mr. Amber walked out of the Waystop with Ski following. 

"Where are we going now?" Tired of walking, and businessing. Ski wanted to train.

"Somewhere for you to continue training." Ski started, sometimes it felt like her uncle could read her mind. They returned to the pool and walked through. 

Walking out into the Alleyverse again, Mr. Amber paused. "Alright, where is this training ground I've heard about?"

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Dayne got closer to the counter looking very weak, and feeling that way" I do need help, I was... Scammed, and found myself lost un this... Place, I don't have money, or food, ir anything un fact" he said trying to make her pity on him, and maybe get a free meal, which he actually needed

Edited by wiritos
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Clay stepped forward. "Hi, ma'am! My name's Clay!" he announced. He stuck out his hand to shake. "I've decided to stay here for a bit, so I'd like a room. Preferably one next to that man with the chocolate's. Do you know if he gives out free samples? I could really go for some chocolate right now." 

Clay's attention wandered as he thought about that rich, gooey substance...

When he started paying attention to the conversation again, he realized that the lady had been talking while he'd been daydreaming. Hopefully whatever she just said wasn't important. He nodded politely and pretended he'd been listening. As he did, he rummaged around in his bag to find some crysts to pay her with.

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"Well, Mr. Amber isn't going to be staying here. However, I think that- THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE NUCLEAR BOMBS ARE CONVERGING ON THIS POINT PLEASE SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIA- but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. What room do you want to stay in?"

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Clay continued nodding, oblivious to the warning. "Thanks. I'll take 211-A, if it's available. It's my favourtie number." He handed her a fistful of money, second guessed himself, then handed her another fistful. Pulling out a pen, he then scribbled his signature on the ledger. He took his time doing so so he could read the names of the other guests. He didn't recognize any of them, but he committed the information to memory anyway. When he was bored, he could watch the rooms to put names to faces. That would be fun. 


Clay is easily amused. 


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13 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

Was this intentional?


That was pure serendipity. I just chose a room off the map that looked like it would be easy to escape from if things went south. There was no hidden message intended. But that's really cool that it turned out to have another meaning. Thanks for pointing that out, that just made my day!


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Damaya grinned at Pallas then turned towards the oven. She liked him. Especially his "I want to seem older and more confident and I am the man in house" behaviour. Right now it was more cute than impressing, but give him one or two more years and he would grow into it.
"Do you think that will be enough?"
she asked him,
"I made more dough because so many guests arrived, but my experience with cooking for so many is limited."

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"Back to whence you came, beast of the shadows!" Yzabet yelled, pushing the man back inside and closing the little door. Yzabet paused as Clay handed her a lot of money. And then even more. Ooookaaaaay, he obviously had no perception of monetary value.

"Would you like change for this?" She asked, bewildered.


"Yeah." Pallas said through the mouthful. "I think so. You're doing a good job." He started chopping vegetables for one of the fillings.

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"Thank you." she answered and reached again for the dough. Damaya continued to knead it until it felt ready, until it was a smooth ball lying in front of her. At the corner of her eye she discovered Coru sitting on a shelf, watching her. He had fallen silent as soon as Pallas had walked over to them. For a moment she nearly felt sad for him. He had stayed by her side for so many years, had been there when she needed help, had soothed her when she'd cried late at night. Disquietingly she held out her left arm.
"You can come over."
she told him, ignoring Pallas irriated gaze. He knew she had a spren with her, and he could guess that she didn't want him to sit on her arm. Coru hesitated, then curled himself into something resembling a snake made out of letters and folded himself around her arm, like a long bracelet. Regretting her softhearted moment she stared at the black band curling around her arm, vanishing under her sleeve. Resisting the urge to scratch at him, to throw him away. It had to be this place, the way Pallas looked at his mother, the quiet comfort of the kitchen. Forcefully she looked away and shook her head. She wouldn't tell him to go away, but this was the first and the last time.

Taking a knife she started to help Pallas chop the vegetables.

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Araha awoke with a start, one of those falling feelings. "Did I fall asleep?" She asked, Ran sitting by her side, human size.

"Seemed so."

"How long?"

"Just a few minutes, fifteen if I were to estimate." Ran shrugged.

"Alright good, day's still early. I wanna explore the place." Araha said as she got up. Ran nodded and shrunk once again into the now-familiar hair clip. "Is that inconvenient for you? You don't have to be a clip all the time."

"I'm alright. Changing forms doesn't require much and being this small feels no different from being your size." Ran's voice came from the hair clip.

"Oh ok, tha's good."


Araha wandered the halls, she remembered that the owner of the place said there was a library somewhere, she hadn't read a lot of books in the past. She looked around, seeing some doors but wasn't sure exactly where the library was. She guessed and entered a random door.

It was the kitchen Well, definitely not the library. She thought. She saw two other people inside preparing some food, another woman who seemed only a few years older than her and a boy who was definitely younger than she was. They noticed her. "Ah, sorry sorry, wrong room!" She said, closing the door.

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"Hello to you too."

Damaya called and grinned at Pallas, happy for everything that pulled her thoughts away from Coru on her arm.

"You do have strange guests, today."

She started to fill the dough with the vegetables and put the next batch of hot cakes in the oven.

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Ioc smiled, glad to have sorted things out, then broke its cycle... its circle...

'Hey, that's pretty cool!' said Association Cortex. 'The cycle circle! How do we get a trademark?'

'I'm ignoring you for now,' said Subconscious, 'But I'll get back to you. Right not I need some snazzy new clothes,'

"Excuse me," said Ioc as it walked up to the one called Yzabet. "Where exactly can I get some snazzy new clothes?"

'Smooooth,' said Prefrontal Cortex. 'Now everyone's gonna think you're crazy,'

'About that,' said Subconscious, 'I'm pretty sure we just spent the last two hours walking around in circles,'

'We won't be able to get respect if your actions are deemed as 'Socially Unacceptable', so I suggest we change our approach,'  replied Prefrontal Cortex.

Somatosensory Cortex proceeded to beat the brains out of Prefrontal Cortex. However, this involved moving Ioc's arms, putting them into fists, then punching Ioc's face over and over, which may have been deemed 'Socially Unacceptable'.

'OW!!!!!' said Somatosensory Cortex, then punched again. 'OW!!!!'

'Stop it, you idiot! You're not actually hitting me! You're the only one who can feel pain!' said Prefrontal Cortex.

'OW!!!!!' said Somatosensory Cortex.

'I'm not sure this is helping...' said Amygdala.

'Now you wanna stop?' said Association Cortex. 'Show some consistency, man!'

'I'm sorry. I was all for it before 'it' involved punching myself!' said Amygdala.

'Technically,' said Thalamus, 'Somatosensory is punching us, we're not punching ourselves,'

'Guy's,' said Hippocampus, 'Aren't we in the middle of a conversation or something?'

'OW!!!!!' said Somatosensory Cortex. Wham. Another hit. 'OW!!!!!!'

Subconscious sighed, then pressed mute on all of them.

"Can you help us?" asked Ioc.

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