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Angerspren vs Angerspren


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Brandon gives us plenty of spren descriptions, but the description of Angerspren seem to differ from place to place in the books.
Humans get pools of bubbling blood.  (that makes my blood boil)

Vamah was watching them stand there, and his expression was as thunderous as a highstorm, angerspren boiling up from the ground around him like small pools of bubbling blood.

“You going to fight me or not?” Angerspren began to appear in small pools at his feet, bright red.

Angerspren boiled up around [Moash], like pools of blood in the sand.

Adolin stood up behind his father, face red, angerspren bubbling at his feet like pools of blood.

He looked up, and then noticed that angerspren were pooling underneath Balat’s feet.

Parshendi get red lightning storms.

[Eshonai] spoke to Reprimand to the mateforms, her words so passionate that she actually attracted angerspren. She saw them coming from a ways off, drawn by her emotion, moving with an incredible speed – like lightning dancing toward her across the distant stone. The lightning pooled at her feet, turning the stones red.

That put the fear of the gods into the mateforms, and they ran off to report to the Hall of Art.

The spren escaped from its prison and spun around her, giving off a strange red light. Splinters of lightning sprang from it. Angerspren?

It seems like there are two different types of spren called angerspren; angerspren and stormspren.  Eshonai is not surprised in the first quote by the form of the spren, only that they appeared at her reprimand.  


Pattern confirms that stormspren are a type of voidspren.


The stormspren seem to be hanging around the Listeners, just waiting to bond for stormform.  



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Maybe it's a matter of perception? Tying in to the idea that spren which are measured are defined, if one culture records information about spren taking certain forms then perhaps they're locked into those forms for all members of that culture.

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I read the angerspren's appearance in the Eshonai interlude as a quirk of how the Parshendi can perceive "inactive" spren. So the angerspren race across the ground to get to her, but visually manifest as the creepy red pools we all know and love.


I seriously doubt that the stormspren are a form of angerspren. They're explicitly Odious in nature, and notable for their newness.

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I read the angerspren's appearance in the Eshonai interlude as a quirk of how the Parshendi can perceive "inactive" spren. So the angerspren race across the ground to get to her, but visually manifest as the creepy red pools we all know and love.


I seriously doubt that the stormspren are a form of angerspren. They're explicitly Odious in nature, and notable for their newness.

It could be similar to the situation with Honorspren and Windspren, however. Just take an angerspren, add some more Odium, and wallah, Stormspren.
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But in the second case there's a rather prominent question mark, followed by "This was wrong."


I really doubt she'd mistake them from so up close. Spren are a daily part of everyone's lives. The question mark is because she didn't expect the bonding spren to be an angerspren– she didn't think she was going to bond something malevolent and angry. And so she says "This was wrong", because she realizes that the bonding is going bad, that what will happen next will be awful. It's not because she's correcting herself on her assessment.

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Slightly off topic.. but when I saw the topic, I first read "Avengerspen".


Anyways, I'll go with Porridge's and Aldurnamiyan.. (wow, now that's a name) comments.  I don't think there's a difference in perception.


What I would like to know, though, is, what exactly "new" means to Syl, considering how old she could potentially be.



They're notable for their newness to humans & Honor/Cultivation spren (Syl and Pattern comment about it).


 In both cases Eshonai refers to them as angerspren.  

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Logicspren/(Yasnah's Spren?)



Just an idea.

Lifespren/Truthwatcherspren, too. Lifespren are called "living lights" by Kaladin, and the Truthwatcher's spren is a... living light. Plus, lifespren is very Cultivation-y, and fits perfectly with both of the order's Surges.
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I read it the same way Kurk did: listeners can see more of Shadesmar than humans can, so they see more of the spren's cognitive nature and they see them coming from farther away. 

When Shallan views Shadesmar after the shipwreck she is astonished at how big and ominous the exhaustionspren appear on that side. And Pattern appears in his symbolhead version there, in contrast to his representation in the physical realm.


That's not to say that angerspren and stormspren couldn't share characteristics, perhaps explaining why Eshonai associated them in her mind. (I don't think the windspren:honorspren analogy holds, though.)

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Lifespren/Truthwatcherspren, too. Lifespren are called "living lights" by Kaladin, and the Truthwatcher's spren is a... living light. Plus, lifespren is very Cultivation-y, and fits perfectly with both of the order's Surges.


I don't know about this (or the post you quoted for that matter)... I might need to find quotes to support this, but I always imagined lifespren as small green spheres*, while Ym's spren made me think of a plant made of light. Not exactly, but similar. Some indeterminate shape that leaves tendrils and roots of lights when it moves. 


Yea, I am going to need quotes...


 * It's really frustrating that I have a clear picture of them in my head, I see a bunch of wild plants with those green spheres winking in and out of existence, but I can't remember where I've seen this picture so I can Google it and give you a link...

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@Argent - there are 7 references in WoR.  They all talk about green specks or green motes.  Ym's spren is referred to as a shimmer of light.


I can't think of any other examples of spren that jump out as being different between the Listeners and the humans. 

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Thank you.


I guess this is a decent depiction of how I imagine lifespren (only as spheres - or motes, or specks - instead of butterflies). For Ym's spren, I guess I was thinking of this part:


"It moved across the surface of the workbench, slinking closer. When it stopped, light crept upward from it, like small plants growing or climbing from their burrows. When it moved again, those withdrew."


It's much more... visual. It has more special effects. 

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