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Who did you expect to be Odium's champion?


Who did you expect to be Odium's champion?  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Who did you expect?

    • Amaram
    • Dalinar
    • Moash
    • Nale
    • Szeth
    • Venli
    • Other

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When rereading Oathbringer, I got the feeling that the identity of the champion was supposed to be a mystery, at least for a time. But I never felt this way my first time through the book. It was always, obviously Dalinar to me. I'm not even sure why. I guess because Dalinar is always wearing Shardplate and killing everyone.

So I'm curious if this feels like more of a mystery to people who don't jump to conclusions like I did.

Edited by Morsk
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When Part One came out, I was firmly in the #AdolinForOdiumsChampion camp. 

Partly because of spite, partly because I really enjoyed fall-from-grace stories.

Once we actually got our hands on the book though, I definitely switched to Dalinar pretty quick.

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How did people immediately guess Dalinar would be Odium's Champion? What clues were there at the beginning of the story? That was a shocker for me.


Anywhos I had no clue who the Champion would be. I expected a new character so as to avoid predictability.

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8 hours ago, Nymeros said:

How did people immediately guess Dalinar would be Odium's Champion?

It looks like only 1/3 of people did, but for me it was just because of the Shardplate in the initial vision, and then never rethinking it. If a few parts of the story had a character stop and ask "Who will the Champion be; how can we stop this?" I probably would have changed to Moash or Venli, but it didn't happen.

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16 hours ago, Nymeros said:

How did people immediately guess Dalinar would be Odium's Champion? What clues were there at the beginning of the story? That was a shocker for me.


Anywhos I had no clue who the Champion would be. I expected a new character so as to avoid predictability.

The very first chapter of Oathbringer, when Dalinar noclips into the skybox of one of his visions:


Dalinar stared deep into those eyes, and felt a chill wash through him. Though the destruction raged around him, vaporizing rocks, those eyes frightened him more. He saw something terribly familiar in them.

 The "terribly familiar" put people into one of three camps,

  1. Someone close to Dalinar
  2. Someone also succumbing to the Thrill
  3. Dalinar himself


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I think that it will be Shallan. Sanderson has set her up as a person who does not take responsibility for her actions and as time goes on, cares less and less about people. Also. it would be a perfect way for Odium to strike at the core of the new radiants. 

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23 hours ago, Nymeros said:

How did people immediately guess Dalinar would be Odium's Champion? What clues were there at the beginning of the story? That was a shocker for me.

Honestly, for me it was pretty much just because of how fitting it would be; Dalinar was kind of similar to Kevin Landwaster from the Thomas Covenant series, who ultimately gave in to his despair after the Despiser subjected him to tragedy after tragedy until he broke and ultimately became his unwitting puppet. The only difference is that Dalinar was able to overcome the despair and grow from it with Cultivation’s help, whereas Kevin had no one.

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It's strange, but that plotline just didn't particularly interest me, so I spent barely any time considering the matter.  I think it's mainly because I didn't (and still don't) understand the full implications of a contest of champions, what the rules governing it are, who exactly stands to gain what, etc.  Even throughout Oathbringer Dalinar seems to have little comprehension of the details of the contest and seems to blindly propose it merely because Honor thought it was a good idea.

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There was nobody else who would fit the role of Odium's Champion than Dalinar. Nobody else would have had an impact fitting that title. "Terribly familiar eyes" and all that convinced me that there weren't any alternatives really.

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I'm surprised that Kaladin isn't included in the list of who Odium's champion could be. Odium said he wanted someone who could dominate a battlefield. Currently we are only looking at:

- Dalinar

- Kaladin

- Szeth

- Adolin

- a Herald

Non combat-skill oriented KR don't count as they won't dominate a battlefield - because as soon as they come up against a combat-skill KR, they are likely to lose, as they can't invest the combat-skilled KR.

Heralds aside, of all the characters we've seen, only Dalinar and Kaladin have shown they can dominate a battlefield with little to no Plate/Surgebinding help (Bridge 4 rescuing Dalinar's army, where Kaladin only had access to small amounts of stormlight, and no abilities). But Dalinar has shown he is not going to be turned.

And on the list above, Szeth too has shown he's not going to be turned. Kaladin & Adolin are both contenders. Of Adolin & Kaladin, it is Kaladin who appears to have the most wriggle room for Odium to come in and take over. It is Kaladin who has the most doubts. It is Kaladin who appears to have the most potential darkness in him. Of the two, it is Kaladin who appears would more dominate the battlefield.

The clues are there for Kaladin to become the Champion of the Dark.

Not saying that I want to see him become that champion, just that it really wouldn't surprise me if he did.


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While reading OB I thought Dalinar would be the champion and I still think he would make the most frightening champion of all the people who might be the champion. I never considered Shallan, but I would not mind if she went that dark. I considered her uncaring until the Kholinar section in OB. She cared about the people who were starving and I no longer think she will follow a dark path.

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I really thought it was going to be Adolin, in part because of the whole rage killing Sadeas.   After him I was leaning towards Eshonai or Venli.

Dalinar was a complete surprise for me (though the hindsight 2nd read always makes it seem obvious), though a very delightful/stressful one, especially with Odium being all, "Well of course it's you, btw this will hurt."

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