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[Words of Radiance Tour] Chicago Signing, Mar 22


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*** EDIT ***

See this post for the transcript of the actual questions and answers.

*** EDIT ***


I've been meaning to create a thread about this for a few days now, and I always get distracted by something. I need to get this done though - there has been far too much new content lately, and I am still rereading Words of Radiance, so I'll need another brain or two to pick for questions ideas.


So let's talk questions. I want to try to get one non-heavily cosmeric during the general Q&A, at least another 4-5 during the personalization, and as many as I can (10+?) after the event if Brandon sticks around. I was able to do this last time, but we'll have to see how his schedule works this time...


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  • When Drabs die, do they cease to exist completely, realmatically speaking?

Roshar / Greater Roshar

  • Some clarification on how the Alethi glyphs are created? (I will explain briefly how far we've gone in our own efforts)
  • Can the forms of power the listeners / Parshendi embrace when bonded with a voidspren be treated as counterparts to the Orders of the Knights Radiant?
  • Is the person who arrived at the gates of Kholinar in the epilogue of The Way of Kings the same person as the one Bordin and Wit delivered the warcamps?
  • Is / was one of the Heralds staying in Kholinar in recent years? (I suspect either Jezrien or Chana, maaaybe Ishar)
  • How many worldhoppers have we seen in Words of Radiance?
  • Can we confirm the real names of the Heralds? Jezrien, Nale, Chana, Vedel, Pali, Ash, Battar, Kalak, Taln / Talenel (nickname?), Ishar? (This is mostly for my own peace of mind)
  • Have we seen an object similar, though perhaps less powerful, than the dark sphere Gavilar gave to Szeth?
  • Did Gavilar see the same visions Dalinar did?
  • Are the people Dalinar "turns into" during his visions related?
  • Do parshmen / Parshendi / listeners give birth to live offspring?
  • Did the ketek The Way of King's book names (Above the Silence, the illuminating storms - dying storms - illuminate the silence above) foreshadow the fact that Dalinar will learn of the Almighty's death during / because of a highstorm? What's the meaning of "Above the Silence" part?
    • Does the Words of Radiance book ketek (Alight, winds approach deadly approaching winds alight) foreshadow the Everstorm in a similar way? Is there more to it?


  • Are there uses of Hemalurgy that require non-Allomantic metals? Could you, for example, fill a wooden stake with Breath and use that as a spike?


  • Regarding Dilaf's flashback: Did the 'spell' that messed his wife up go wrong because of human error? Or was it because Dilaf was, in some way, inadvertently interfering?
  • What is the other oval on the mural supposed to depict? (not the blue lake oval, but the second, white sphere). If it's a Realm, which is it? (I want to rephrase this so it's a little more descriptive)


  • N/A


  • N/A


  • N/A
Edited by Argent
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  • Some clarification on how the Alethi glyphs are created? (I will explain briefly how far we've gone in our own efforts)
  • Does the Words of Radiance book ketek (Alight, winds approach deadly approaching winds alight) foreshadow the Everstorm in a similar way? Is there more to it?


Nitpick for the first one, the glyphs aren't "Alethi", the Alethi just use them.  Like how our writing system isn't called the "english script" or something similar, it is called the latin script, English is just one of the languages that use it.  Same on Roshar other lanuages (namely Veden, which is a different language from Alethi) use the glyphs and the women's script (which also isn't Alethi).


For the second one, the ketek was written by Navani to describe the everstorm and highstorm meeting, I sincerely doubt there is anymore. (source)

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[*]Is the person who arrived at the gates of Kholinar in the epilogue of The Way of Kings the same person as the one Bordin and Wit delivered the warcamps?

Yes, Dalinar bonded with the shard blade that was found on him. I have a feeling that he is going to play a much bigger part in the next 3 books.

Edited by Shardbearer99
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Argent, I'm impressed with the wording on a lot of those questions. Very well thought through. I'm curious what you are trying to get at with the dark sphere question. (And I don't remember the mural from Sel at all--I'll have to go look that up.)

As an alternate or follow-up the the Listener forms question: "Does one of the new Listener rhythms correspond to the Thrill?" i.e. if he answers that the forms don't match up to the orders, then this would be a way to ask if the Unmade-inspired rhythms do instead.


[*]Is the person who arrived at the gates of Kholinar in the epilogue of The Way of Kings the same person as the one Bordin and Wit delivered the warcamps?

Yes, Dalinar bonded with the shard blade that was found on him. I have a feeling that he is going to play a much bigger part in the next 3 books.

As Argent will tell you, there has been some spirited discussion of the topic. There are some indications that all is not as it seems with that person and his blade.

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Good questions, Argent. I think the Heralds staying in Kholinar question may be bait for an Aes Sedai answer since at least Nin and Kalak attended the Parshendi treaty feast, and Shalash destroyed her statue there.
If you're accepting suggestions, I'd really like to know at which point Surgebinders' eye colors change to the color of their order. Kaladin's did after the Third Ideal and the Sylblade, but Shallan's and Jasnah's remained the same even though they're probably at the same stage.
And it'd be nice if you could get what type of spren Wyndle, Glys and Ivory are, for the wiki if nothing else.

Edit: Ooooh, and maybe find out if this is some sort of supernatural geolocation like Shallan's Memory and Kaladin's battle-awesomeness:

WoR Epilogue
[Jasnah] looked him up and down, then drew her lips to a line and nodded. She started walking directly toward the nearest town. She had a good sense of direction, this woman.

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Hmm, I would like to know the types of Wyndle, Glys, and Ivory. Maybe I get squeeze one of them out of Brandon.


I don't know about the unique abilities Shallan and maybe Jasnah seem to exhibit. I am curious, but I am not sure where this question would rank in my priorities. We'll see.

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Are there uses of Hemalurgy that require non-Allomantic metals? Could you, for example, fill a wooden stake with Breath and use that as a spike?


I've been thinking about this question (I really like it, btw) and got to wondering: If you were going to perform Hemalurgy on Roshar, would you use gems rather than metals?

It seems like a logical question to me, but I'm less realmatically versed. What do you think?

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For Scadrial, something that's been bothering me for a long time is what the Investiture-levels of Feruchemists are. I mean, mistings are mistings because they have a lot more Preservation than normal. But then, why are Feruchemists Feruchemists?

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Because they are perfectly balanced, maybe?


Can't be, they have to have an imbalance of Preservation/Ruin, otherwise they wouldn't be sentient.


Anyway, I am firmly of the belief that the "a lot more Preservation than normal" has more to do with the allomancer's strength than actually making them an allomancer?  I.e. mistings are mistings because they have the allomantic gene in their sDNA, same with feruchemists, they are feruchemists because they have that gene.

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Here are a couple of questions that just came to me this morning: 1) Has Kaladin told Sigzil about his meeting with Sigzil's master (i.e. Wit/Hoid)? 2) Would the events of WoR be significantly different if Kaladin actually learned to play Hoid's flute (or at least if he brought it with him to Dalinar's camp)?

Edited by skaa
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I might need to either cut down on my own questions, or find a lot more... Looks like there are going to be a lot of people, and since Brandon has to leave around 5:30 for the Milwaukee signing, there is a good chance he won't be able to stay after the event and chat. There is a chance, however, that he will arrive earlier and I will get a chance to ambush him while he is signing stock :)

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Well here's the list I brought to Philly, minus the ones I got answered:


::::Philly total organized list::::

-Redundancy eliminated
:General Q/A Questions:
Can an allomancer burn Soulcast metal?
What connection is there between the color-draining of Shard-severed limbs and the color-drain of Lifeless/Awakening?
-There's a theory that the color-drain of Awakening is actually the initial Command feeding off energy released when and object's Spiritual connections are broken/an object is Spiritually damaged.
Is there any difference between the healing that Feruchemical gold and held-Stormlight can accomplish? Can use of Regrowth accomplish more than Feruchemical gold, such as healing chronic conditions like poor eyesight?
What exactly was Shai's Soulforging of Ashraven comparing itself to in order to see how well it sticks? His Spiritual aspect? Cognitive aspect? The totality of other people's conceptions of him?
Is there any meaningful difference between the metalminds of a Feruchemists who stores 10% weight for 10 hours in the first metalmind, and then 100% for 1 hour in a second metalmind?
What's the significance of "Zahel's" instructions to Adolin on how to command his Blade when he throws it and the way that Awakening works? Is this some Cosmere-fundamental, or just a quirk of Vasher's particular expertise?
<RAFO Bait (I want that card!)>
Nightblood eats Investiture: So what would happen if you threw him into a highstorm, or into the mists on Scadrial?
What is Lerasium's Feruchemical effect?
Does being the donor of a Hemalurgic spike have any implications for your afterlife? Are there a bunch of Scadrian souls wandering the afterlife with holes their personalities/memories/identities?
Could Miles heal back his Allomancy if it was spiked out of him?
You've said that Drabs on Nalthis don't have Innate Investiture: How are they still sentient, then?
Is the "jostling" projectiles suffer as they leave speed bubbles mathematically modelable, or entirely arbitrary?
Can a Feruchemist manipulate Identity in such a way that he can make metalminds that anyone else—even a muggle—can tap?
Can a Feruchemist on Nalthis manipulate his Identity such that he can say "Breath return" and steal Breath from someone else's Awakened item?
How long does it take before a newly-made chair starts thinking of itself as a singular object, rather than as just individual components?
If a bunch of pieces of wood in the depths of space (without anyone watching) happened to drift into and stick to each other to form a chair, would that object think of itself as a "chair", or even as a singular object?
Is normal Awakening/BioChroma end-neutral?
Can iron/steel effect metal on the otherside of a bendalloy/cadmium bubble, similarly can emotional allomancy effect people on the other side?
A Kandra needs to ingest a set of bones in order to mimic a person. Obviously, they need it in the physical sense- to provide structure and shape for their muscles to attach to, but is there a Cognitive and/or Spiritual side to this as well? Do the bones perhaps act as a "key" to unlocking the ability to mimic their previous owner, much like the metals act as keys to accessing allomantic powers?
-If two Kandra of equal skill were given a set of bones—one the orginal set and the other a plaster-molded copy of the original set—would they both be equally successful at mimicking the person?
Are there such things as "Feruchemical savants"? Was Miles one, a "savant" in Feruchemical gold?
Do Surgebinders have gemhearts?
-[in the sense of having them exist within their bodies naturally, rather than asking if they happen to carry around the gemheart from another creature's body.]
How, exactly, does Hemalurgic decay work for Feruchemy? Do Inquisitors have a cap on how much they can store at a time, or do they "waste" Health when they store (so they'd be lying around at 80% health but only storing 10%, for instance), or do they draw it out less efficiently than real Feruchemists?
Why does Feruchemical Gold sometimes leave scars and sometimes not?
You've said that hemalurgic spikes can theoretically be burned in-place by Inquisitors: if that's the case, why don't they "show up" as reserves? Why didn't Marsh lose his steel eyespikes when he burned Duralumin and Steel in HoA?
-Also, do normal piercings follow the same burn rules as spikes, whatever they may be?
So what's up with frame of reference for time bubbles?
-Who's decides what "still is"? The bubbler? The bubble? The object the bubble is "anchored" to? The objects in the bubble?
Are Feruchemical attributes stored in the Physical metal of metalminds, or in their Spiritual aspects?
Could you please explain how Feruchemical brass goes about being a "Cognitive" metal? I know you had to retcon it in, and had originally intended it to be a physical metal, but how does it work Realmatically as Cognitive?
Did some "ideal" of what it is to be human act upon TLR such that he still aged, despite the possibility  that he ought to have been able to get away with a Cognitive view as immortal and unaging?
:Are "ideals" in the Spiritual Realm responsible for why symbols on Sel have magical meaning, like how it's "known" by the Dor that AonAon represents Arelon?
:Are "ideals" in the Spiritual Realm the reason why "instinctive Awakening" works, or why specific Command phrases are "discovered" rather than Awakeners being capable of formulating new ones out of whole cloth?
Do Soulcasters draw upon some kind of "ideals" in the Spiritual Realm when they transform a material, such as an "ideal" (or "Essence", in this case) of blood when soulcasting something into blood?
Why did Syl turn into a hammer during Kaladin's fight with Szeth? A hammer might be better against Plate, perhaps, but not against squishy flesh.
Does metal have to be in an allomancer's for a leecher to effect it? Or just inside a human? Or just inside a living thing? If Inquisitors could theoretically burn their spikes does that mean a leecher could also effect them?
Could Ruin puppeteer any lifeless that had a single hemalurgic spike implanted?
What would happen to a Kandra with two sets of Blessing spikes (like TenSoon) who was bisected such that one set ended up in each half?
-What about a Kandra with just the two spikes who got one in each half?
Do Cognitive aspects generally include people's clothing to some extent?
-To what extent to do people's Cognitive selves include their clothing?
Why did Jasnah's combat-soulcasting of the alley thugs affect the clothing of some of them but not of others?
Would an embedded Brass metalmind melt at high temperatures? What about one that's completely buried in the skin?
If Dalinar were a Feruchemist, would he be able to tap a metalmind (in either world) while experiencing one of his visions?
Does the Blessing of Presence help a Kandra against takeover by emotional Allomancy, or only against Ruin?

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Here is the (pretty much) final list of questions I want to ask and maybe share with a friend. I might still make some last-minute changes, but I doubt it'll be anything major. My questions are organized in tiers - the lower the tier number, the more interested I am in asking it. We'll see how much time I'll have...


Words of Radiance Chicago Signing Questions

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Here are a couple of questions that just came to me this morning: 1) Has Kaladin told Sigzil about his meeting with Sigzil's master (i.e. Wit/Hoid)? 2) Would the events of WoR be significantly different if Kaladin actually learned to play Hoid's flute (or at least if he brought it with him to Dalinar's camp)?

I can answer your first question. Yes, he did.

The Way of Kings, Chapter 63

“Don’t know,” Rock said. “But we will think.” He nodded to Kaladin and sauntered off toward Sigzil. The Azish man was practicing with the others. Kaladin had tried speaking to him about Hoid, but Sigzil—typically closemouthed—hadn’t wanted to discuss it.

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I'll just put mines here, hopefully someone will pick 'em up since I don't live in the USA.


- When is the first time Wit visited Roshar? (just wondering)

- Will the Everstorm reach the Origin like the normal storm supposedly does?(prob RAFO)

- Is there req to be a squire, or just follow the KR that represent you?and does it take certain time?

- What with lyatil skin grow around her mask , does she connected to the Parshendi?

- Does Rysn saw the eye of santhid in the water?

- Did Gavilar had the exact same visions as Dalinar? Could Gavilar bonded with the Stormfather if he were alive?


Do with the questions as you may  ;)

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