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Edmonton’s Recipe for Epic Maple Pug Treats


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Real name: Nymphodora Remi, who likes to be known by her surname only.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'8 girl with light brown skin tone and 

Personality: More paranoid than arrogant. Still panics and is NOT one of those people that just care about their appearance. She’d rather be seen as a maple, and so tries to be one. She will always fight for what she thinks is right.

History: Living in Spruce Grove, Remi and her fool of a mother lived very unhappily. While Remi found it more fun to just skip school and go out on an adventure, or do something stupid with her now-dead friends.

Calamity rose. Then epics started destroying her hometown, the epic by the name of catastrophe. He was a fire epic and he also was very destructive on his ‘quest’ to rid the evil out of humanity. Don’t ask. He basically destroyed Remi’s life and forced remi to go and wander around alberta.

Kay so now she goes to Edmonton to find a place where she can live.



Age: 30

Real name: Katelyn Ezori

Appearance: 5'11 woman with deep brown eyes. her skin tone is dark peach. her hair is black, and typically tied in a bun. as for what she's wearing, I don't really care or know, but she really likes the colour green.

Gender: female

Personality: tactical and always tries to make controllable situations. diplomatic.

Primary: Supplied Growth. can grow plants extra fast. takes 30 seconds for a shrub plant to grow full size. For trees it takes a minute Sundew does need seeds, and she can overgrow them to 7x their original size, 2x for trees, although it takes 7x/2x the time to grow them that big. It is faster when she is closer and when she touches it, it takes 10 seconds to grow full size for shrubs, 20 seconds for trees. Min requirement 5m-0.5m, depending on plant. Using this ability she can evolve plants faster, and has made some ‘hybrid’ plants that she supplies.

Secondary: Leafspeak; Can try to control Plants within 17m and speak with them. Can do this in masses. It is like convincing a plant to do something basically.

Tertiary: Herbs; will heal near instantly when there are live plants around 1.5m, and the injury will damage the plants. Automatic. If the plant is dead, it will no longer function as an absorber. Typically, the area would be inflicted with said injury ‘struck by lightning would make the plants around her look like they got struck by lightning’ whereas ‘cut by a blade would make the plants look cut by a blade.’ This is nearly instant, taking 10 milliseconds to do. immune to all poisons that come from plants, or any harm that comes from plants. This does not mean a tree that falls on them will not kill them, since that is gravity, but they are neutral to all plants, so they will not attempt to harm her. She is immune to all plant made poisons.

Quaternary: Can suppress one condition for a plant to grow (soil, water, sunlight, O2) permanently for the duration it stays alive. Also in addition, her plants can survive in to warm/too cold environments. (all her plants can survive 17Co-27Co). typically, if she needs to supress a requirement, it will be oxygen, so her plants don’t instantly die to an air epic.

Weakness: Deforestation. seeing this IN PERSON makes her powers go away for however long it lasts.

History: as being a gardener that was in huge debt, she became an epic fairly quickly and started turning the land around her to a jungle. Her greenhouse can be found.

The first challenge was Aquatis, who was this water manipulating nightmare. only problem was that he could only control salt water. at this time, her jungle only covered a fraction of the territory she holds now, and she had not figured out how to evolve plants. she mainly didn't have any followers. Aquatis caused many tragities to her territory, but she managed to strangle him with a vine.

The Second was an epic named Poorsight, and as the name suggested, he had the ability to make people blind. Although he could blind the plant Epic, he still died, because it turned out that sundew didn't really need sight to strangle him.

The third and the second most challenging was Harmonic. she could create blasts of music out of the palm of her hand. she actually ended up joining sundews faction, despite ripping up a sixth of the jungle, which was half the current size. Sundew also had more carnivourous plants then, and one accidentally ate the sound Epic.

The next epic to join was named Skystorm, and she had the ability to manipulate fire that was midair. Fire Epics were nearly complete carnage to the jungle, but eventually, the fire Epic joined Sundew, farther protecting the jungle that was nearly full size. 

Fifth, was a group of multiple epics by the name of Team N2, which was just a horrible name altogether and consisted of five minor epics. one of them was killed before they could retreat out of her territory after the their failed assassination attempt.

The last and most recent challenge was Catastrophe, an Epic that had been causing cataclysm to many places, and had some fear related incremental powers. after huge battles and conversations about what matters most in the world, he finally joined the jungle faction, and is in charge while Sundew is gone at the time in this RP.

Her faction hold many epics, the ones above were the most destructive at the time. most notibly an epic who could make plants fire proof.

Her Faction: Sundew owns land to the west, right at the edge of the rockies, and has made that area a complete jungle. Often, she will try to make deals with neighbouring factions, mainly supplying food for territory. She is coming to Edmonton to seek expanded territory.

Fighting style: she fights offensively, often trapping her opponent before strangling/killing them. Often, she does not get into situations like this, but she will fight, as she is an epic.

Corruption: Sundew often doesn’t think of other people’s opinions, especially when it comes to taking territory. when people refuse her request for territory, she may still function the food exchange despite attacking the faction.




Name: Kaia Turner 

Epic name: Kaia 

Gender: female

Age: 18

Primary: Siphoning speed: This works in two ways:

1. Siphon Aura: Kaia automatically siphons half of nearby speed (15m diameter) and adds it to her own speed. while she gains speed, she will gain increased balance and coordination. The sum of the speed is always the same. This effect can be lowered. she can also use this speed for a longer duration, but she will be slower.

2. Siphon Sight: Kaia can choose to siphon speed from a moving object or person upon looking at them. she can choose how much speed and when this is being used, she gains increased balance and coordination. she can also use this speed for a longer duration, but she will be slower.

She can transfer this speed through touch (works with epics and an unlimited amount of people) and it will last for 15 seconds before the effect wears off. The amount is controlled by Kaia and she cannot take it back, nor can she change it after she has gifted it. When gifted, the person will gain increased coordination and balance, enough to control their footwork.  

Secondary: Self-Gravity: Can walk up walls but she has to be touching them with her feet (works with shoes).



Leadership: she cannot siphon the speed of anyone she rules.


  • Fast, even without her powers
  • Ambidextrous 
  • Intelligent
  • Has ADHD: She often cannot focus on one thing. "uh what was it again? oh and I think Deathless means death because deathless has 9 letters and so does cutthroat."
  • Missing some logic: she can often  not think of reasonable answers. "Eating watermelon and destroying death stars?"
  • Likes to compound to very contrast thoughts (such as "I like camel and car keys rusting sounds terrible") in speech.
  • But she can focus on something that is important to her, just not all the time.

Corruption: "I feel like murdering someone" *murders a vanilla* 

PAPEL: Well, who would not like to read upside down. Plus, Kaia is never late. 

Backstory: Kaia Turner was a special needs kid in Vancover (astoria). She was smart, but couldn't apply the intelligence to anything. She was very lonely in school and everyone hated her for two reasons: she was weird, and she had been in charge once and two people drowned in that time. She left her family after they all became epics and headed towards Edmonton. 

Her family was made up of her sister, who became a summoner (maybe I might make them a character), her dad, and her mom (both dead).

Appearance: wears pre-calamity trends. has blond hair, and blue eyes. She has light skin tone.


Ally (Deceased)


Name: Ally 

Age: 13

Appearence: 5'3 girl with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and wears Maple clothes

Primary: Prismatic spears:

Ally can summon forcefields with these exact qualities:

  • alternate between rainbow hue
  • are always in 'lance' form
  • are 0.2m long
  • always appear in front of Ally
  • dissapate after going forwards 2m
  • always go away from ally's location
  • have a 0.02 cooldown after they are made
  • are not affected by the laws of physics 
  • can go through solid obsticles 

Secondary: color filters

Ally can summon alternative forcefields with different colors that do not change. ally can also summon grey scale varents that work in the same way as the color versions.

these forcefields have a range of a square meter and are 1cm thick. 3 can be up at a time. lasts for 6 seconds. these forcefields will prevent the things of same color they are from getting past them. (a tomato can't go through a red forcefield but a blueberry can.) the forcefields are stationary and cannot be moved. cooldown of 2 sec and range is 2m line of skin and live beings do not need to have the right colors (i.e. a peach forcefield would not block a human)

Teteirary: color swappp

Ally can swap the colors of two things. rules of mass and size apply (a golf ball would make a spot on a wall). range: 5m

Teterary: color pereception:

Ally can upon touch make peoples color perception change for 30 sec. (red is green, green is purple, blue is black, so on)

passive: Color glow

around her, vibrant colors glow and colors are more noticable: range: 25m


  • has the average education of a 9 year old 
  • has dyslexia; cannot read or write. understanding and saying large words is impossible, and she ends up guessing the meaning or spelling it out to say it.
  • has a color obsession; always likes rainbow order better than any other color combo

backstory: in 3 grade when calamity came around, and had a pretty normal life until then. gained powers 1 year after calamity and left her family. grew up in Edmonton pre calamity. stayed in edmonton, but hid. 
PaPel is always likes rainbow order. anything else is disgusting.

Corruptiion:  gets violent and angry occasionally.

weakness: the dark: cannot use powers in complete darkness. afraid of the dark.



Name: Darryl Sylatis
Gender: male
Age: 17
Personality: much like cy, but less arrogent. so smart, annoying at times, reckless a bit, and smart. agile and impulsive. a little funny at times. Frendly.
Primary: Magnetitic light points:
Can make a point where light is attracted to. this point can be moved at a speed of 1 meter per second, and generally attracts most light, but not all. there is a maximum, which is really the fact that they can't make the world all dark or anything really large. multiple points of these concertation can be placed, but the more that are placed, these magnets are invisable at condense light to about 0.01mm

  • A: the less light is provided per each one
  • B: They become slower by x0.9
  • C: they get harder to control. with one, Pyro can  control it and create plans for it to execute. with 3, Pyro can only set it to go do something without any requirements. with 5, Pyro can only guide them. at 9, pyro can no longer mass control them and he has to control them individually, and can only move one at a time. at 15, they are just flying orbs that follow him. 
  • maximum: 23

note that the more light there is, the more powerful they are. these points can be connected, effectively forming a laser wall. typically, Pyro has 3-4 out at a time. they will NOT automatically follow Pyro if they get out of range. 

range: they can be blindly controlled within 35 meters of pyro, and after that, they require sight to guide. max range is 65m, at which, the magnetic points cannot be guided out of. these points are definitely really hot and can set things on fire, and cut through most materials with some resistance. note that the points can be moved at anytime, unless they have more than 15 out at a time even if they are connected. if they are connected, they move 10x slower and the connection will only last a minute. touching them would be like a superficial burn. he can darken rooms with this ability, but not take away all light. 

magnets will not auto-follow, but if they get out of range, they will move back to pyro and no light will be attracted during this time
note that the heat is provided by the light.

Summon time: instant +5 seconds per magnet.

they look like if you were looking at a flashlight, so blinding, because it holds in some of the light.

Secondary: Return of the light:

they can turn into a light magnet for a limited amount of time, which depends on how much light is available, until a max 10 seconds. this is not incorporeal, but more mere travel. this ability allows for people to be tricked into thinking Pyro has teleportation. magnet thingy moves at 25kmph. also all light magnets will be dismissed, but gifted power will not. this light is not capable of killing or harming or setting anything on fire. in fact, it really is turning into a flying thing that you can control.

cooldown: 65 seconds

Passive: Resistance:

cannot be harmed by heat or light radiation. this includes fire. also can't be blinded by light and his rentina will not get damaged by light

Gifter: can gift anyone a magnet that the person can control, and is not affected by the capping mechanism of the magnets. max amount of people they can gift is 9. Gifted people (as in epic power) can control their singular magnet, and connect it as in lasers with other ones, except they can't affect the ones Pyro has, unless it is to their own. they will also gain the ability to look at bright light without damaging their rentina.



oh yeah, he can't see blue colors. he has tritanopia, or that he can't see blue colors. anyone who knows this can't recive gifted power, and commenting on it will negate his powers for 5 minutes.

Corruption: really no viable corruption, besides the fact that they might make a bad descision once in a while much like Cy

Cy's younger brother, has been a epic for 9 years now. before that, had a pretty normal life without any epic interactions



Name: Aaron 

Epic name: Collapse

Age: 27

Gender: male

Primary: Microkenesis

I probably have like some other power listed here so I’ll point out what CAN be done:

Weakening the molecule bonds (without the whole, you know, blowing up radioactivity things) allows for materials such as stone or air to be cut through easier, almost like stonewards’ soft axial connection surge, and therefore allows for:

-          Less resistance when cutting things. (although things still have resistance)

-          Faster speed (less air resistance)

-          Longer jumps

As for the other side, Reinforcing Molecule bonds (without the radioactivity that I’m sure will happen)

-          Slowing movement speeds

-          Gliding ability

Limitations on this ability is as follows:

-          Cannot completely destroy molecules

-          Does not work on living cells

-          Cannot solidify things (so no air walking)

-          Ability will always be indicated by Magenta glow where the Microkensis is happening

-          Ability is conscious

-          Works on multiple molecular bonds at once (enough to make a significant differance)

-          Effect gets reversed after a few seconds

I probably have extended microkensis a bit but please don’t say ‘you’re not supposed to be able to that’ Microkensis is used in the ways above, even if it isn’t really microkenisis Range: arms length 

Secondary: Invisibility

Pretty self explanatory

Weakness: This weird golden yellow colour. Has to be within +5 or -5 of hue, brightness and saturation Powers do not work on things that are The color listed

Personality: not describable

History: Aaron was around 16 when calamity rose. When some certain epics, named Harmony (musical powers) and Crevasse (earth manipulation) came around and declared that they were in charge of everything, Everyone didn’t really have a choice. All those who rebeled where dead on Harmony’s musical notes and those who stayed where basically dead. So Aaron waited it out. Over the next three years, the gangs within the small area started to bully and raid nearby houses and places. Aaron escaped most of these raids, but one time, the gang called the Carnage Collective, lead by a epic named Cinder, who could annilate anything that could be destroyed, cornered Aaron. Right as he was about to be annilated, he turned invisible. While invisible, Aaron escaped the Carnage collective.

Ever since then, Aaron was hiding in his hometown, which is now gone. In fact, no one really knows where the town that Aaron grew up in is.

When Harmony left to go kill sundew 6 years later, Aaron personally assassinated Crevasse. Harmony never returned, and Aaron never had any intent to rule or destroy his unnamed hometown, so he went to Edmonton, and is now here.



Edited by Exotwo
added Eidolon (removed), Duality (removed and Revamp), Cy (deceased), Pyro, Sundew, Remi and Ally (Deceased)
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Zyth Avkmai


Zyth Avkmai
Not an Epic... or is he?

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Persona: Arrogant, smart, annoying. He's the type to stand up against an Epic (but wait, he's an Epic).


Zyth lived in Senlac, Saskatchewan with his adopted parents. His father was a weapons dealer and taught Zyth how to shoot. Zyth's mother was a herbalist. 

About three years after Calamity rose, two Epics came to Senlac and tried to take over. A few days after the two epics arrived, a more powerful Epic came and killed the Epics before leaving, likely to find a bigger city to rule.

So why is Zyth walking for 5 days to Edmonton? Because he wants to work for an Epic. And then kill that Epic and rule in their place. :)

Zyth Epic Abilities (Unknown currently)


Primary: Assumer.
When Zyth personally kills an Epic, he will absorb a part of their powers. Zyth cannot assume prime invincibilities.
Can also only assume one Epic at a time.

Currently has not assumed any powers.

Secondary: Prime Invincibility.
Zyth can set a recall point that he will be teleported to and revived when he dies. His current bind point is somewhere in the government area of Edmonton, which Zyth did subconsciously because he felt safe there.

Weakness: Tin foil.

Zyth Epicfied with Ally Abilities

Gained from Epic:


Secondary: color filters

Ally can summon alternative forcefields with different colors that do not change. ally can also summon grey scale varents that work in the same way as the color versions.

these forcefields have a range of a square meter and are 1cm thick. 3 can be up at a time. lasts for 6 seconds. these forcefields will prevent the things of same color they are from getting past them. (a tomato can't go through a red forcefield but a blueberry can.) the forcefields are stationary and cannot be moved. cooldown of 2 sec and range is 2m line of skin and live beings do not need to have the right colors (i.e. a peach forcefield would not block a human)

Difference from OG Epic (What is looks like when he uses it):

Color filters: Zyth can summon a singular forcefield at a time that can be either red, blue, or orange. Lasts for 6 seconds and prevents things of the same colour they are from getting through them. Does not work on living things. Forcefields are stationary and have a cooldown of 2 seconds. They can appear in any shape, maximum 2 meters diameter.




A very epic Epic

Real name: Caeryn Nammin

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Personality: Smart, calm 

Primary: FULL Air manipulation.

A few notes:
- After the air has been "used" and released, it will attracted there.
- She can't fly using air manipulation but she can walk in air.
- Solidifiying air takes lots of concentration, meaning she would have trouble healing and solidifiying air. Once solid, it takes less concentration to hold. Solidifying by increasing air pressure and temperature. Solidifying air also require her to "duplicate" the air first to avoid vacuums.
- Radius is 5km for something semi-conscious
- Radius is 30m for anything that require concentration
- Always is warping the air around her to form a shield that deflects high-moving objects. .

Secondary: Healing. It's conscious, meaning she has to think about it. Can heal others but must be touching them.

Tertiary: Flight. She can fly and can control 1 other person's flight without touch, as long as they weigh about the same or less than her. Only works on living creatures.

Black licorice.


Caeryn had always been interested in physics. Her mother taught high school physics and her father taught university-level sciences. One of her twin brothers had a degree in engineering and the other a degree in physics. In her first year of high school, she was taking grade 11 physics already.

Hearing problems ran in her family. Caeryn has had hearing aids since a young age and one of her twin brothers were projected to go deaf by the age of 25.

When Calamity rose, she was in Astoria for special education and managed to stay in school until she got her Epic abilities. When she managed to fly back home, she arrived to the destruction of her hometown and the death of her parents and the younger twin brother. The older twin had disappeared and was presumed dead.

Skytaker has come to Edmonton with the AHE (Association of High Epics).

Cataclysm - Originally Shared Epic with @Exotwo


Your evil (ish) Epic.

Real Name: Leo Storgher

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Personality: Arrogant, sarcastic

Primary: Cataclysmic visions.

- Can sense fear

When you come within 15 meters of Cataclysm, you enter his Cataclysm Aura. Will also work if Cataclysm looks at you. He can also touch you and put visions of his choosing into your mind, otherwise it's what you imagine the world ending looks like. Cataclysm can turn off and on this Aura as he chooses and can have certain people of his choosing not become affected.
- People within Cataclysm's Aura will start seeing visions of the world ending. This worsens over time. They also start to feel uneasy and afraid. To progress to the next stages, the person must fear the illusions or Cataclysm. 

- Only you can see your visions. Other people will see different things.

- If you don't fear him or the illusions, the illusions will fade within half a minute. You can continually stay in the Aura and not become affected but if you leave and come back then the visions will start again. 

Stage 1 - Entering Aura-5 Minutes: The visions start. You see small bits of fire and things crumbling in the corner of your vision. If you leave the Aura the visions will disappear.

Stage 2 - 6 Minutes-20 minutes: Visions of things crumbling and breaking, noticeable fire. If you leave the Aura the visions will disappear.

Stage 3 - 21 Minutes-30 Minutes: You lose perception of reality vs illusion. If you leave the Aura the visions will disappear after a few minutes. At this point, you're not likely to leave his Aura.

Stage 4 - 31 Minutes-1 Hour: Visions of crevasses/sinkholes and geysers of lava, explosions, more fire. By this point, you could leave his Aura and this visions will stay with you until you leave his semi-conscious range of 7.5 km.

Stage 5 - 1 hour+: This is when you enter a delusional state. Chances are, you're probably going to accidently kill yourself.

Secondary: Blowing up the universe
Apocalypsic destruction.

If Cataclysm touches any objects with molecules, then he can superheat the molecules to the point of a small explosion. Living creatures feel like their body temperature suddenly went up several degrees. Cataclysm can charge anything to different points. It takes a few seconds to superheat an object, depending on the size. When an object is superheated, it will explode upon hard impact with another object.
Cataclysm can also specify an amount of time before it explodes. That time can be anywhere from instant to ~40 seconds. For example, he could superheat a rock to explode after ~20 seconds. It also depends on the object's size; a pebble will not be able to hold its charge for 40 seconds and can only hold a charge up to ~20 seconds. A normal-sized chair would be able to hold a charge up to ~30 seconds.

Tertiary: Minor fire manipulation.
Can't create fire, only manipulate existing flame. He cannot make the fire bigger or smaller.

Passive: Shields, so then he doesn't get blown up.
A full-body shield that only blocks explosions.

Weakness: Sacrifices. If someone sacrificed their life to keep you alive, you can kill Cataclysm. When you enter his Aura, it will collapse and everyone affected will immediately stop having the visions. This includes the delusional people. Cataclysm loses all abilities until you are 30 meters away. Then he'll kill you... :P

Backstory: Leo grew up with six siblings. He was the third child and was often ignored. Their father abused them to the point where Leo's other siblings left with the youngest, leaving Leo to deal with his two other younger siblings. Their mother died a year after giving birth to the youngest, Alexander.

When Calamity rose, both Alexander and Leo became Epics. Unfortunately, Alexander was with Leo's older siblings so Cataclysm couldn't kill Alexander. But at least he finally got revenge on his father!

PAPEL: Killing innocent people. Normal Epic behavior.



Name: Alex [last name unknown]

Epic Name: Warlock

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Hard to explain.

Primary: Increments.

Warlock can increment up to 250 increments. Usually has about 80.
Gains one increment every 3 minutes. In 1 hour, that's 20 increments generated.

Warlock can do/make the following:
Create Warlock Orbs.
- Takes 10 increments to form one Warlock Orb
- Warlock Orbs obey simple commands, i.e "attack, defend". They do not think for themselves.
- If not ordered, the Warlock Orbs return to Warlock and hover around him. They auto-follow and auto-defend.
- Warlock Orbs are incorporeal
- Orbs glow slightly
- Orbs need 10 new increments after being created for 60 minutes.

There are 5 kinds of Warlock Orbs:
1) Melee Offensive:
Orb can create corporeal blades across the orb's surface that are 2 inches long. Spins rapidly.
Since the blades are corporeal, orb cannot go through walls unless the orb retracts the blades. To retract/show its blades, Warlock needs to give the orb a verbal command (relating to the orb retracting/showing its blades) and be looking at the orb.

2) Ranged Offensive:
Orb shoots icicle-like sharp projectiles that move at a relatively fast pace. Projectiles are 2 inches long. Projectiles are corporeal.

3) Wall - Defensive
Orb can transform into a 2-by-2 meter 2D forcefield that is see-through tinted black and cannot move. To move the field, the orb will have to transform back into a orb (which appears at the center of the field).

4) Restraints - Defensive
Orb can shoot towards an area and turn into a corporeal chain or net. You cannot cut through the orb/chain/net. Eats 1 increment AFTER 20 seconds. Eats 1 increment when the Orb goes back to Orb form.

5) Healer
Orb must stay within its sight/sense of Warlock. If not, the Orb will stop following all commands, will not heal, and try to follow. Is always corporeal.

Turn incorporeal.
Can turn incorporeal.
- Cuts half of his current increments rounding down upon usage
- Takes 10 increments every 10 seconds
- Will warn him if he doesn't have enough increments for the next count

Increase Physical Attributes
Can consume increments to increase:
Endurance (running distance).

- Can consume up to 3 increments
1 Increment: x1.1
2 Increments: x1.15
3 Increments: x1.2
4 Increments: x 1.25
5 Increments: x1.3

Increments need to be consumed again every 10 minutes.

Eating mushrooms.


Alex's father and eldest brother had been in the military since they was eligible, and Alex was expected to also join them. He was a quiet and smart kid, but others knew to not pick on him because he had gotten suspended the last time someone had tried for punching them in the face. Alex also had a talent for debating and loved English class, where he could write and talk about anything he wanted. His father didn't like that and told him to focus on the skills he would need to join the military so Alex was pushed into sports and training. They even visited his grandfather - a retired war veteran - who taught Alex how to shoot.

After Calamity rose. Alex tried to stay in school. Until he accidently summoned a floating Orb and killed half of his friends. Now, Warlock has a thing against killing other people. He has come to Edmonton with the AHE and their leader Duality, whom Warlock is second-in-command to. He believes Duality has impervious skin, which is the reason he hasn't challenged her yet. 

Eidolon - Originally @Exotwo's


Name: Travis Kingsford

Epic name: Eidolon

Age: 22

Gender: male

Appearance: orange t-shirt underneath a grey blazer. Wears black track pants.

Ability without weakness:


Primary: spirit realm: upon concentrating on a person within 2m, looking at an object or touch. Please understand please

Eidolon can create a realm where everything is the same, except sentient beings will not be able to interact with the real world. In this realm, eidolon has telekinesis (15m) and sentient beings have flight and to go incorporeal.

Sound, sight and smell, but not the ability to feel or taste. Upon entering, certain physical conditions will be kept (i.e. on fire, ADHD, dyslexia, missing right leg) but others will not (i.e. hypothermia, covid19). While in the spirit world, mind control, corruption and illusions will not take affect, but invisibility will. The things taken are what the skin is touching when moving in or out of the spirit realm.

There is not a need for food or water, warmth, or oxygen in the spirit realm so it is like a bio-suspension. 

Eidolon can send people to or from nearly instantly or himself instantly without a cooldown. Only sight is required Return without eidolon’s assistance is possible through self reflection

People in the spirit world are visible in the normal world, required one is thinking about that sentient being. They will appear in an alternating pale green-lavender pulse, and will seem solid, (the person that s thinking of them will feel them as solid) they can still fly and be incorporeal.

Secondary:  Spirit copy: eidolon can create three incorporeal clones of himself that is alternating in a orange-purple pulse. Eidolon can only focus on one clone at a time, and the rest will continue doing the task eidolon told them to do last. His main body is not this way though, it just seems unconscious.

Tertiary: can communicate with ancestors. This ability has an enhanced mind.

Passive: will automatically go to the spirit world upon being in danger.

Ability with weakness:

Primary: spirit realm: upon looking at an object or touch. Please understand please

Eidolon can create a realm where everything is the same, except sentient beings will not be able to interact with the real world. In this realm, eidolon has telekinesis (5m) and sentient beings have flight and to go incorporeal.

Sound, sight and smell, but not the ability to feel or taste. Upon entering, certain physical conditions will be kept (i.e. on fire, ADHD, dyslexia, missing right leg) but others will not (i.e. hypothermia, covid19). While in the spirit world, mind control, corruption and illusions will not take affect, but invisibility will.

There is not a need for food or water, warmth, or oxygen in the spirit realm so it is like a bio-suspension. 

Eidolon can send people to or from nearly instantly or himself instantly without a cooldown and touch is not required. Return without eidolon’s assistance is possible through self reflection

People in the spirit world are visible in the normal world, required one is thinking about that sentient being. They will appear in an alternating pale green-lavender pulse, and will seem solid, (the person that s thinking of them will feel them as solid) they can still fly and be incorporeal.

Secondary:  Spirit copy: eidolon can create an incorporeal clone of himself that is alternating in a orange-purple pulse. Eidolon can only focus on the clone or himself at a time, and the clone when in the main body is being controlled will continue doing the task eidolon told them to do last. His main body is not this way though, it just seems unconscious. This ability has a 5km range, meaning that the clone will dissipate upon reaching the border.

Tertiary: This ability has an enhanced mind.




Crowds. When around other people, his abilities are weakened according to above and when there are more than 500 people thinking about him or looking at him, his powers are completely gone.


Eidolon lived in Edmonton believed in ghosts and loved them, but was teased for it at school. He dropped out, and began living alone and apart in Portland.  Other than that, he has never really communicated with the outside world, and headed to Edmonton to avenge his ancestors yet again.

Corruption: eidolon likes helping people out, despite his weakness, although anyone who disturbs his alone time will find themselves lonely in the spirit realm.

PAPEL: always uses his powers to go through walls and such

Duality - Originally @Exotwo's


Name: Duality

Real name: Natalia Mercades

Age: 24

Gender: female

Appearance: like a normal maple, with blue eyes and black hair tied in a bun

Primary: Zathloaic and Klandicaric forcefields

They have a sight limit. If they are not within Duality's sight, they fade away after a few seconds. They are basically constructs


Like glass, do not move, and can be placed partly through objects with enough concentration. they break, and they can form shapes.(edited)

On the other hand, the Klandicaric forcefields are now like bubbles, and will stack and combine to create a mega bubble. they burst after the third bullet or so, and are generally harder to shape.

- Both can not be moved, and do not move, even when acted upon another force. 

- The color and pressure still apply like normal

MO: likes to hunt down people for payment

PAPEL: literally uses their powers for every day things, like retrieving coffee


The number two was very evident within Natalia's life. for one, she had two siblings. She also killed two epics with her powers. The first epic was named Vertex, and they had telekinesis on a huge scale. they died to a Zathloic bullet. The second epic was named StoneHeart. they could turn to stone and thought that they were just as powerful as Steelheart. They died to a collapsed building. 
Now Duality's next target is unknown, but in Edmonton.


Being called mental or insane negates their powers for 1 hour.

Plainherder (background character)


Name: Jacob

Epic Name: Plainherder

Age: ~16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Grey hoodie, black cargo pants, military-styled boots. He has brown eyes and hair.

Abilities: The ability to summon goats. Limit: 50 goats at once. Range: 5 miles until the goats disappear. He can desummon them at will, but is unable to directly control the goats. He can influence the goats slightly.

Weakness: Work in progress

Backstory: Jacob grew up in Senlac with Zyth. He was assumed dead after two Epics came to Senlac and tried to take over.  A few days after the two epics arrived, a more powerful Epic came and killed the Epics before leaving, and Plainherder went with them. The powerful Epic was from the AHE, and after Plainherder proved himself to be capable, he was invited to join the AHE and journey with them to Edmonton.

Any characters with another person tagged next to their name gives them the ability to god-mod that SPECIFIC character to a limited extent. (e.g No killing without permission)

Edited by Not an Ookla
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Epic Name: Breakneck

Real Name: Eliza Thorne

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Harsh and gruff, but thoroughly compassionate

Primary Ability: Powerful and precisely controlled regeneration. In addition to rapidly healing from wounds, Breakneck can grow and expel bone from her body to serve as crude armor and weapons. This regeneration, however, won't prevent her from dying from something like beheading or impalement.

Secondary Abilities: Enhanced strength and speed, extremely powerful sense of smell

Weakness: Eating raisins

Backstory: Before Calamity, Eliza was a student and judo practicioner, competing multiple times at the national level. Since then, she's been staying low and trying to keep others safe, up until her transformation a few days ago. Still getting used to her powers, she's headed to Edmonton, determined to take down as many other Epics as she can before the corruption overtakes her.



Name: Clara Su

Gender: Female

Age: 18*

Physical Description: Short woman with black hair and green eyes. Dressed in an assortment of brown and gray clothing, and a pair of rectangular wire-rimmed glasses with the lenses removed.

Personality: Highly intelligent, cripplingly shy and neurotic

Primary Power: Time Dilation - Stopwatch can manipulate her perception of time, causing her to experience time as moving more slowly or quickly, up to a factor of 10 times in either direction. She maintains relative speed while her perception is shifted, such that she moves 10 times faster at .1x speed, and vice versa for 10x speed.

Secondary Powers: Highly enhanced reflexes and senses
Tertiary Power: Agelessness - Stopwatch stopped aging entirely upon becoming an Epic.



Although not an Epic weakness, Stopwatch is extremely agoraphobic, and finds it hard to deal with even small crowds of people. Her Epic weakness is asphyxiation. Her powers (excepting agelessness) cease functioning when she can't breathe, and she always carries an inhaler with her for this reason.

Backstory: A social outcast from her first days of kindergarten, Clara's status as an easy target for bullies only got worse when Calamity struck, and she was left alone to fend for herself for seven years, until her transformation. Now, working under Blockade, she serves as eyes, ears, and occasionally a knife, in exchange for protection and something resembling a trustworthy community.


Edited by Fallapede
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Alias: Alias 

Name: Benton, but his last name is unknown. 

Primary Power: He can change his physical features to that of another person's, but he needs direct contact. He can selectively shapeshift, but it has two restrictions. The first is that he needs direct contact with the body part he's trying to shift to. The second is that he can't change skin color without touching someone of the correct skin color. So if he were to take a African person's nose shape he would also get their skin color only on the nose. This can cause him to have a black nose on a white face.

Secondary Power: He has some healing ability, allowing him to heal most minor wounds in a few minutes, but major wounds still take a few weeks.

Weakness: His weakness is pretty obvious and easy to find out. If someone discovers who he is his powers stop working. If someone discovers he isn't who he says he is he can't shapeshift.

Backstory: Benton was always a troublemaker. Even from a young age, he was stealing and hiding things and playing pranks. As he got older, his tricky ways got harsher and dangerous. At times getting to the point of vandalism. His father, seeking to channel his destructive nature, enrolled him in various sports and other activities, few of them stuck as he was a bit of a bully. When sports failed, his father tried the last thing he new, and the only thing he himself could teach him: hunting. At first, it worked channeling his rage at animals and targets, but eventually another person became the subject of his ire. He used his skills with a gun to murder the man. He was then on the run from the law until Calamity rose, giving him the powers to further hide. 

Personality: Hate-and-spiteful with a tendency towards violence. He has no morals and will do anything to get what he wants.


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