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Gancho Libre

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Lets do this.

Would you rather be a muggle or a squib?

Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?

Who is the best actor alive right now?

Why do you want to work for this company?

And finally, can you spot the tree frog?




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$1387653145934526 in pennies.

by using one of those harry potter spells. you know it already works cuz last books.

under the sea.

nice and slow.


obviously. particularly is they eat cheese. This is because I have a lot of leftover cheese and I don't know what to do with it. If they don't, however, they are second only to the ghanderflaffle.

Edited by Gancho Libre
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What is your position on the ethical controversy of utilizing luminescent vegetation in the place of streetlights?

If you had to broker peace between two warring nations of mole-people, how would you satisfy both the Deep-downer's wish for more caving rights and the Upperer-Cruster's desire for lucrative mineral access?

As a follow-up question, how would you bridge the cultural gap between yourself and the mole-people in order to ensure they will actually listen to your advice?

In the event you needed to get a jar of pickles, but you were unable to leave the house and could only communicate in broken, backwards Spanish, how would you acquire said jar of pickles?

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I side with the vegetables. I feel that hanging them on streetlamps is inhumane. They deserve only the best treatment, and shouldn't be important just because of their outer glow. my and my followers value them for their personality on the inside.

Well, I would issue a compromise where the Deep-downers would get caving rights in both lands, where the Upperer-Crusters would get 'so and so percentage' profit from minerals inside their lands. Then I would exploit this and rob their stores, then sell the items back to them for twice the price to gain a 100% profit.

I would cover my being in an illusion of a well-trusted oracle mole-person, and give a fake prophecy where a savior-human comes and settles their quarrels. Then, the oracle would flee and the human would appear a day later to save them.

Well, I would take a paper towel roll, decorate it to the point that it looks like a pickle jar, write 'pickle jar' in broken, backward Spanish on the exterior of the roll, and concentrate really hard. If I really, truly believe, it will morph into a pickle jar. However, it will be sadly devoid of pickles.

I hope this helps!

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as a matter of fact, ghanderflaffle-spawn (worst insult ever, sorry about that), I do.

However, your puny attempts to make me bleed will do nothing of the sort but will only make me experience mild tickles, such as the tickles one feels when licked by an ant.

Then I'll sic Geoff on you and we'll see who bleeds.


Edit: how dare you quote Batman v Superman in front of me :)

Edited by Gancho Libre
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