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Long Game 45: The House War


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40 minutes ago, Mraize said:

I believe that is all the Mistborns. Do correct me if I am wrong.

I have no evidence to suggest you are wrong, however, I also have no evidence to suggest you are right. It seems like a legitimate amount of Mistborns. Could you show your reasoning for believing there are two though?

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[Writeup to be edited in later.]

Arinian was an Orator in House Elariel.

Arinian (7): Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous , Anonymous, Anonymous

Elandera (1): Anonymous 

I think I am here (5): Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous 

The Day will end on May 16, at 5:00 PM EST.


List of Players:

1. MacThorstenson (Malcolm MacClaimen)
2. ElephantEarwax (Rend)
3. Araris Valerian (Hadrian Penrod)
4. RippleGylf (Claire Lepinceau)
5. Mraize (Rhazien)
6. Elandera (Dera Renault)
7. Eternum (Aiden Ostlin)
8. Steeldancer (Steel)
9. Frozen Mint (Mint) Lekal Shy/Lurcher

10. I think I am here (Itiah)
11. Bort (Jynx)
12. Shqueeves (???)
13. Arinian (Faron Elverein) Elariel Orator
14. Dalinar Kholin (Kadgar)
15. Mark IV (Mark)
16. Snipexe (Snip Exeutor) Hasting Underground Contacts/Soother

17. Kidpen (Amati) Lekal Gossip/Mistborn

18. Walin (Torden)
19. Amanuensis (Jeda Renaud) Tekiel Romantic/Mistborn
20. Cadmium Compounder (Seamin)
21. The Young Pyromancer (Limerick) Venture Informant
22. Fifth Scholar (Duilin) Tekiel Informant/Smoker

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1 hour ago, Steeldancer said:

Am I the only one who has boring nights? Honestly my PMs are always dead. How does so much happen? 

Perhaps you'd like to accompany Lord Mark tonight to the ball. I assure you, he'd be a delight. :P

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I may as well get the ball rolling today, so Araris. For House Urbain. I seem to recall, several years ago, a similar faction based game (might have been MR6, but I don't recall for sure), where a few players took it upon themselves to completely overturn the rules of the game by creating their own faction - House Urbain. So, since Araris claimed House Urbain, and since I'd rather not see the experienced players trying to screw over the game again, my vote is for him.

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering about Araris' Urbain claim, it happened to his Romantic partner, who is also a member of my House (not me).

So, either Araris lied to conceal his House identity (and lying to a lover is pretty bad), or is trying to reestablish House Urbain in a game that once again does not have that House as part of it (so circumventing the rules). Either is cause for lynching, if you ask me.

Edited by Bort
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20 minutes ago, ElephantEarwax said:

So he's creating the Mafia. In a game with no Mafia.

Maybe. I'll admit, I'm not entirely sure. I just know it happened before, with the same name, and I am pretty sure Araris was involved that time too.

Edited by Bort
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I will also vote Araris, because the Urbain lie reached people in my house as well. However, as soon as it was revealed that the last house was Elariel, We were informed that the information regarding Urbain had started at Araris. Then Araris said this (in responding to how many houses there were):

16 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

There are at least 6 I guess.

Now that could just be a coincidence, but I find it unlikely, because Araris seems like a guy who would know the rules pretty well, and in the rules, it says that there are 5 factions in the game. I don't think any of us want someone who would be so deceptive still alive later on in the game. 

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I'll be withholding my vote for now. It seems rather odd that Araris would do that; it's odd that anyone would do that. However, the evidence does seem to point to it. 

I'll let things unfold a little more. But, I'll definitely be voting by the end of the day. Perhaps, I think I'd like to hear what Araris has to say. 

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I have no obligations to anyone in this thread to be honest about my House. I think the fact that so many people know of my claim to be in Urbain is a great justification for the claim. Why give other people information about who I'm working with? It just so happened that Elariel was the last House to lose a player, so the ploy didn't accomplish anything.

House Urbain is one of the Great Houses of Luthadel, not something I pulled out of this forum, and I definitely had no intention of ruining the game by working toward a separate win condition. It was just a way to conceal information, and I'm seriously surprised that nobody else tried the same thing.

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