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*Spoliers* Dalinar's Blade


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Whose Blade did Dalinar bond in WoR? I think it is unlikely that he did in fact bond Talenel'Elin's Honorblade as we were led to believe. We know that at the end of TWoK Hoid shows up to meet Talenel'Elin. I think it's likely that at this point Hoid swapped the Honorblade for a regular Shardblade. The only reason I say this is because when Dalinar bonds with The Stormfather he has to get rid of his blade and after summoning it hears the screams. If it really were Talenel'Elin's blade then there would be no Spren involved and no screaming.


I guess my question really is, what happened to Talenel'Elin's Honorblade and why was it taken? Did Hoid take it? If so, then why?



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There have been some talking about it. Most agree with you. Hoid almost certainly swapped the blades.


As to exactely when and where, likely while talenel was transported to the Shattered plains. Why? Its hoid, it might be anything from Hoid wanting to keep it safe, to it having a part of investiture that Hoid wants for his collection :/

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Yup, what I've read from similar topics is that the blades are described differently, so we know they are not the same (in addition to spren screaming).


Also, someone mentioned that Hoid accompained Talenel on his trip partway, so if Hoid didn't take it, he's seriously slacking.


As for why? Either for the power, or for safeguarding.

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According to WoB, you can't bond an honorblade, though it can be given away. Taln never left his behind, and he's too out of it to give his away, so I think he still has it - either dematerialized for now or is lying around elsewhere, unbond-able but easily recoverable if Taln ever gains enough wits to resummon it.

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Didn't Szeth say his people have the Honourblades?  Was it just some of them or all of them?


I remember them saying that his people had 7 left. So Taln still had his, Szeth lost his when Kaladin took it, which means there is one missing I guess?

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I would agree that Hoid took the Honorblade. From the sound of it, no one else knew the innate difference between an Honorblade and regular Shardblade save for Kal/Syl, another Herald, or that annoying sharp faced man. Makes no sense if the Kholinar force exchanged the madman's blade for another one.

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Didn't Szeth say his people have the Honourblades?  Was it just some of them or all of them?

The Shin have the Honorblades that were left after the last desolation.

One Herald came back and retrieved their blade.

That means that up until Szeth's being branded Truthless they had 8 of the blades.

Taln would have kept posession of his while he was tortured...

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General consensus is that Hoid took it. Why? That's the big question.


General cosmere spoilers ahead.

Why did he take the Lerasium and Atium beads? Why did he take the Moon Sceptre? Why does he have 200 Breath?


We'll just have to RAFO.

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I got this WoB from near the end of the audio of the San Francisco signing.


Q:  At the very end of WoR, Dalinar touches a Shardblade and it screams at him.  Should that particular Blade have been safe??

A:  No it should not have.  It's a clue that something has happened.  There are other clues that something is wrong with what the story you've been told is.


Q:  Did Hoid switch out the blades?

A:  Hoid did not switch out the blades, but good question.





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No kidding!  Did someone else switch out the Blades?  Did Amaram do a double fake out on Dalinar and he has it?  Did Dalinar lie about bonding the blade that was with Taln?  Where did the one that Dalinar had come from?  Does Taln still have it?  Can it even be taken from him?


So many questions!

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Amaram seems to recognize the blade Dalinar has, and his PoV doesn't indicate any trickery on his side, so I don't think Amaram could have been involved. What we hear from Dalinar from Taln's PoV doesn't seem to indicate anything special there, either, and Dalinar at that point couldn't have known what an Honorblade is.


It seems like the one Dalinar has was in fact delivered with Taln by Bordin. I'm somewhat skeptical about Taln just unsummoning his blade; he appears to be unconscious at the end of TWoK and his blade is clearly just lying next to him. There's two guards with Hoid too, who can recognize the shape of the blade (the Honorblade and Dalinar's shardblade look quite different if I interpret their description correctly).


We don't know if Bordin was accompanied by anyone besides Hoid during his trip (though if not, that's pretty ballsy, transporting a crazy person and a shardblade basically by yourself). Regardless, it seems like the swap/replacement would have had to happened either extremely early, or Bordin is somehow involved. In order for the latter, Bordin needs to be able to recognize an Honorblade.

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Someone needs to ask Brandon: "Is the blade that Dalinar recently had the same that Taln dropped at the end of Way of Kings?"


I'm not sure how it could be, though. The appearance is completely different, and neither dead Shardblades or Honorblades appear to have the capability to transform (exception: it looks like attaching the binding gem causes the hilt of a dead Shardblade to morph somewhat). At least, it looks like Szeth doesn't expect an Honorblade to transform given his strong reaction to Syl becoming a Shardspear.


The only thing that seems to make sense is that Bordin is somehow involved. He's obviously not a Ghostblood or Son of Honor, but might be part of another organization? All we know about him so far as far as I can tell is that he's thought to be a sort-of spy for Dalinar.

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Why do we assume it is a different blade just because of description? Maybe his honorblade was downgraded to normal shardblade during the trip? Not saying that is likely but if something about the story is wrong I'm just trying to figure out what.

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The best way to find out for sure about Dalinar's blade would be to go back and find out if it's described as having a gem in it. If so, then we can be reasonably certain that it's not Taln's honorblade. Sadly, the ending of TWoK doesn't mention whether or not the blade has a gem.


We are pretty certain that it isn't Taln's blade. When Dalinar summons it at the end of WoR he hears screaming and cuts his bond from it. When Kaladin takes Szeth's honorblade he doesn't hear screaming from it. If Dalinar really had Taln's blade then it wouldn't have screamed at him. 

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Unless we've been assuming too much about Honorblades. Maybe the difference is that the other Honorblades (Szeth's included) were from Heralds that broke the Oathpact. Maybe the fact that Taln didn't break has a different impact on his blade and how others react to it.

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I do believe we are assuming too much about Honorblades, it can´t be that they only give you the equivalent (if more consuming) power of a KR, granted, that would be an incredible power. BUT! i really don´t think that a Honorblade has only THAT ability.


Having that in mind i believe that Taln´s blade or any Honorblade can actually be picked up by anyone and get the ability of a KR BUT! as it is not unbound as the other Honorblades Taln could summon it at will and make full use of it if he chose to, but ofcourse he cant because well...torture HEEELLOOO! xD well that´s what i believe.

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Didn't Szeth say his people have the Honourblades?  Was it just some of them or all of them?


At the start of WoK, the Heralds all leave their blades behind. These are the ones the Shin have. Taln, still being a Herald after the others abandoned him, still had his.

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At the start of WoK, the Heralds all leave their blades behind. These are the ones the Shin have. Taln, still being a Herald after the others abandoned him, still had his.


Also one Herald went back for his blade.  So 10 - Taln - unknown Herald = 8. - Szeth = 7 in the hands of the Stone Shamans :)

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