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[OB] Worldhophotel.com/Roshar


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* * * 3/5 star


ancient stories of nights, heralds, and surges infect this land and all who visit are awed by the grate beasts that wander this world, it's a great place to visit or even live! The high storms are a site to see and the many cultures of the different nations are fascinating.  Wether or not you're a member of the 17th shard or a fee-lance worldhopper roshar is the place to be.

Plese leave your review of Roshar!

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Worldhophotel.com/Roshar

0/5 stars.

I just have so many issues.

It's so wet and rainy, the ground is too hard. You can't travel for very long without having to shelter in fear from one of those Shadows-cursed storms.

And fire reacts weirdly??? Like, I get that there's more oxygen and stuff, but really this has gone too far. After I get used to the luxury that is open fire, you go and make it too big and hot and there's all these stupid spren flying around it? No thanks.

And I know I mentioned the storms already, but they're just the worst. Loud, keep-you-up-at-night, boulder-crashing storms that leave the ground sticky afterward. Why would that be appealing??

And the highspren just aren't very friendly! They think every human who comes along is going to kill them somehow. I mean, I dislike Cognitive beings as much as the next guy, but honestly I don't see what the big deal with spren fishing is! I just thought that Anticipationspren looked a little tasty, and next thing you know they've locked me up! And on top of that I lost my coat.

Please don't send me back here.

-Nazh, probably.

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Thaylen people are relatively nice, the Alethi could use a bit less combat and you really need to get the Listeners to stop killing people. 4/5

P.S. Storms! I mean it this time Khriss. I want my fabrials back. All of them, and that means the ones from Felt as well.

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(NalthisGrrl): Roshar (3 of 5 stars) - Many reasons to visit, but not to eat

The weather is famously turbulent, and the food is lousy. Colors, will you miss the food back home! Pack some sandwiches if you come here, because unless you can afford pork (expensive), you're mostly going to be eating bugs of some size or preparation. Even the vegetables have names like "rockbuds". Not kidding!

There's also this artifabrially produced thing called "flangria" that feels and tastes like mud, but is served up as meat almost EVERYWHERE. Ugh. I finally made it palatable by giving a melange of spices from T'Telir to this Herdazian woman cooking for me. I told her it was called "Flangria Helper". I might start a small business with this, so, no stealing my idea!

On the plus side, Investiture more or less literally falls from the sky. So if you're feeling short of Breath, if you know what I mean, this place can be like a spa to which you'll want to Return again and again.

Edited by robardin
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3.5/5 stars.

Harmony knows I've stayed in worse places, but with those rusting high storms coming so often, meat on this planet never gets to age properly. 

The one consolation is that a certain High princess caught the common cold and passed on in time for me to truly "enjoy" high society. Take it from me, the gossip is nowhere near as juicy as the gossipers themselves.

If you come to Roshar you "May" see me around, but that's up to Harmony I guess.

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3 minutes ago, NoBrandonBookIsTooLong said:


Too many spam accounts posting threads that are links to advertising websites. (We've recently put in a plugin that stops almost all of them, but old habits die hard.)

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