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Everything Brandon has Written Implodes (EBWI)


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I'm new here, and all the roleplays look really intimidating. Mainly because they have a lot of pages and a lot to keep track of. So I'm starting my own. Follow all the usual rules, keep it clean, you know the drill. Anyone can join this, though no one has to. (If I do anything wrong, please tell me.) As soon as you post a character, if you are accepted, you will be added to the PM. 

However, to keep it interesting, characters cannot be magic. To clarify, they can have magical companions or items, but cannot use Awakening, Allomancy, AonDor, Feruchemy, Forgery, Hemalurgy, Surgebinding, Rithmatics, Smedry Talents, Oculation, Voidbinding, Epic Magic, and probably other stuff I'm forgetting. They can, however, be a Shardbearer, own an Aviar, use fabrials, use Epic-derived technology, et cetera. Be creative.

This takes place in the Cosmere, but someone just found a portal...that leads into the Reckonerverse and other versions of Earth. Hilarity ensues. Everything is current except for Oathbringer - for example, the events of Words of Radiance have occurred, but nothing past that because spoilers. All other books Brandon has written are up to date.

The character I will be using is from Roshar - Azir, to be specific. Her name is Mydrys, though some call her Yd (pronounced Yid). She has a Shardblade, but no Plate. Unlike most Blades, hers is the size of a normal sword. She is very good at swordsmanship. She was born in Azir, but her mother is Alethi. She has Alethi skin, brown hair, and dark blue eyes. She is fifteen in our years - not positive how that translates into Rosharan years. When a portal to Nalhalla appears in her living room, she decides to go through...

RP: I never expected to find a magical portal to another world in my living room. Not that anyone really does, but thanks to my father, at least I knew places besides Roshar existed. He never told me much about his job moving goods between various Shardworlds, but I treasured every little tidbit. Peering through, I dropped the book I was holding and tried to figure out where this was. All I could see was what looked like translucent glass.



Edited by AonEne
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{This has potential. I'd like to join. (And 15 in Rosharian years is 16 in Earth years. To figure it out, if you have the Rosharian age, there is an extra year for every ten. Kaladin, who is 20, would be 22 in Earth years. Shallan, who is 17, would be 18. Jasnah, who is 36(?), would be 39). Talen will be a resident of Nalhalla. (I've only read the first three Alcatraz books, so no spoilers, please)!}

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*Contains screams of joy* Why thank you! Both for joining and for telling me about the year system, that's helpful. Makes sense too. 

We'll wait until more people join (if more people join) to start anything. In the meantime, how old is Talen? Could you also perhaps say if he/she is a Smedry, an Oculator, etc. ?

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Alright, I’ll do a character, I guess.

Name: Kralvkiss Torvkl

Natonality: Rosharan, Thaylen

What’s his thing?: He has a Shardblade, a fabrial that augments pain, and another one that augments his resistance. He also has gauntlets each with one half of different Amethysts, then, in his belt, he has two throwing knives with the other halves of the gemstone, so, whenever he hits someone with the knives, he can push them backwards with his gauntlets. He has two hand axes on his belt too. He is basically like a Viking Berserker. But cooler, and with Fabrials.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Dark Green

Age: 29(Rosharan)

Height: 6’ 4”

Distinguishing Features: His long beard.

Personality: He is very funny and friendly, often making jokes, but whenever he is feeling the thrill of a battle, he is extremely brutal, and his sanity almost disappears. He is a sadist and a masochist, that’s why he uses a fabrial to augment his pain.

How does he fight?: He prefers using his two hand axes, as he likes to feel the blows he lands on his enemies. He is unstoppable in a fight, as he has increased resistance, and whatever pain is inflected on him is regarded with joy.

Cosmere Awareness: Low. He has no idea what the Realms are, or the different worlds, though if he found out, he wouldn't care enough to make a big deal out of it.

Hope he isn’t too OP. I think this is enough info for my character, tell me if you need more details.

Edited by Sallin Zeras
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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Nei'an

Investiture: Twinborn of Electrum, Aviar that shows death

Weapons: Mini-traps, package-shaped, containing deadly materials from Patji. Can be thrown like a bomb. Also has a spiked truncheon.

Weakness: Not what you would call the physical type, also has a genetic low pain register (maybe could be an advantage?)

Physical: About 5'6'', somewhat scrawny, hat with a secret electrum compartment, covered in scars and burns, limp in the left leg

Relatives: Looking for them.

Homeland: Scadrial, Western Dominance

History: encountered a Worldhopper who owned an Aviar, one the Worldhopper died in a battle, Nei'an took care of the bird. The Worldhopper (who was from First of the Sun) also had an assortment of mini-traps that are described above. Somehow using the Aviar to guide him, Nei'an accidentally Worldhopped, and from then one followed in his Aviar's carrier's footsteps. Intrigued by the various worlds, Nei'an wondered if his relatives had traveled as well, and began a search for them.


One day, Nei'an woke up and couldn't compound electrum.

What? He thought. What's going on?

He walked over to his Aviar, Klaw, and saw his death near his backpack.

You're working fine... He thought.

Inside his pack, he still found the various 'Patji bombs' as he called them, still functional.

Where is my electrum?

It wasn't as if it was gone, (he still had a lot inside his hat) but he couldn't burn it.



I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to join as well! (I had to do this whole bit because my RP character can use investiture, as you said isn't allowed. I love this idea!)


Edited by Gancho Libre
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Interesting idea. I'll give it a shot.

Name: Alex Feraltin 

Abilities: Alex is possibly the most well travelled worldhopper of all time. Aside from Shards and Hoid. And Vasher. He is good with weapons, and a freaking awesome engineer. Like, a prodigy at engineering. He has some cool equipment too.

Rosharan Equipment: Shardplate, Spanreeds, Grandbow-but he souped it up so that it can shoot rapid fire, or multifire before needing reload 

Nalthian Equipment: Awakened Sword(Sprenless Shardblade)

Scadrian Equipment: Not really any

Selish Equipment: None 

Reckonerian Equipment: Epic Technology called the Refurbisher, when contact between human and object occurs, human can will object to instantly be restored to its original state-there are limitations to this, it is in the form of an exoskeleton.

Rithmatistian: none

Alcatrazian: A silimatic spaceship called the Piercer

That's it for equipment.... for now. 

Age: 25 Earth Years

Nationality: American

Hair: He keeps it short, it is dirty blond

Eyes: Imagine the greenest grass in the world. That's his eye color.

Height: 5'8"

Home world: Alcatrazian Earth, after all, it is the closest to our Earth

Relatives: Was adopted a lot, so unknown. Currently, none.

Fighting Style: Mainly with the Shardblade, and Grandbow, but always wears Shardplate in combat, very direct in attacks

History: Figured out silimatics at a young age, then stole the Sparrow, a silimaic ship, and renamed it the Piercer. Traveled to the Reckonerian world, where he hunted several Epics in order to get some motivators, and eventually the Refurbisher. He then went to Roshar, where he fought some battles and got a set of Plate, spanreeds, and a Grandbow. He went to Nalthis and got his Shardblade, continuing on back to Alcatraz Earth. He met up with AonEne's character (if that's okay) and teamed up with her

Personality: Analytical, Adventurous, Logical, and Observant. Somewhat arrogant but kind and trusting.


If this character is too O.P, let me know 

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Uhhh... five parshendi siblings with you. At least three with surgebinding. At least two with Hemalurgy... it's  getting kinda cramped. Maybe. @Teshhas to let you in first, and that probably won't be for a few weeks (when we move on to part three)

Edit/update: two of the others would let you in. Just wait a bit and all 5 of us will come in together.

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I may have forgotten this existed. Sorry for the delay, all. 

@BitBitio, fine with me. Are you with Yd currently? 

@Tesh, @Mraize, if you two do end up joining I'll need characters. As soon as those are submitted I'll add you to the PM. 

@Sallin Zeras, where is your character located right now? @Gancho Libre, same for you. Also, once I make the PM, I recommend moving what you've written to there. 

@Quell, yes, you can use a Parshendi. Above rules for Surgebinding still apply, but you can change forms. 

Gonna make a PM for this. As soon as someone puts a character here, they will be added. 

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Lol. Use my alleyverse character. I'll post here with a minor adjustment.

Edit: Character in spoiler.


Name: Rhazien Voylderyrin

Investiture: Transformation and Transportation (Elsecaller-3rd) ~190 Breaths. 3 spikes, one is copper giving him Allomantic Brass, another gives him Allomantic Zinc and his last spike gives him the surge of Gravitation.

  • Oaths

    1st Ideal: Life Before Death, Strength Before Weakness, Journey Before Destination

    2nd Ideal: I will acquire acumen from those who have gone before me.

    3rd Ideal: I will use my knowledge for a wise purpose.

Weakness: Rhazien as no clue how to use Transformation. Anytime he attempts he accidentally turns it into completely different than he intended to. Mainly opposites. Open to Shardic influence, communication, etc.

Weapons: Two shortswords on sheaths worn around the waist, A broadsword worn on his back, a dozen kunai, and a spear.

Appearance: A cloak and hood colored black dark blue and maroon. The only armor he wears are vambraces, paldrons and gauntlets and red and white decorated mask. His cape is very similar to a mistcloak. Where he can tear strips off and use them for awakening. This cloak has been bade out of the colors grown in the Tears of Edgli. 

Physical characteristics: Oval face, fark brown hair, thick eyebrows, and hazel eyes. He is 6' 2". He is about 27

Relatives: None that are important. 

Home planet: Roshar. Specifically western Roshar. 

History: Rhazien grew up in a home  on Roshar and was taught that kindness is the attribute you could emulate. He bonded his Spren, Asha, at the early age of 10. Two years later his was caught in a high storm and accidentally transported himself to shadesmar. Luckily for Rhazien, sailors were passing and saved him from drowning. The sailors were taking a group of people to Nalthis. These world hoppers took Rhazien with them and dropped him off at the Court of the Gods where he was taken in by the god of Kindness. This is where he learns about his 3rd oath and began his collection of Breaths. During a war that ensued, Rhazien found himself caught in the middle. During this dark time, he discovered how to get off Nalthis and took the opportunity to journey back to Roshar. He does not like to talk about his time on Nalthis. 



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Thanks! (And did you draw that, because it is freaking awesome.) However, Surgebinding cannot be used in this RP. Just a reminder. You can still have this character, but he will not be able to use his Surges or see/communicate with his spren, and the spikes will not do anything. Not anything magical, at least. They'll still be painful. 

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5 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Thanks! (And did you draw that, because it is freaking awesome.) However, Surgebinding cannot be used in this RP. Just a reminder. You can still have this character, but he will not be able to use his Surges or see/communicate with his spren, and the spikes will not do anything. Not anything magical, at least. They'll still be painful. 

That is fine. Keep everything, the character was just copied and pasted. The spikes have a backstory to them. As for the picture, no I did not sadly, I will be using it as a reference for a future drawing or a character concept if you are interested in that. 

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I thought that following a weird man with extraordinary powers would be a good idea. What I didn't think of, was that my idea would lead me into a whole different world.

I had been hired by a merchant to protect him on his way to Thaylen City, when we were attacked by a large group of mercenaries. They all seemed like normal people, until one of them suddenly started turning people's limbs into ribbons. No, that wasn't a metaphor, he literally did that. I played dead for about a day, since they decided to set up camp right besides my "body". I must say, it was storming hard, my nose was itching.

In nighttime, I stealthily killed everyone but the ribbon man. When he woke up, he acted as if the sudden death of all of his comrades was as normal as the wind blowing, and left the camp. I followed him through the woods for a long time, until we reached a tall building. Inside, I saw doors labeled with strange names and painted with strange colors. I barely remember any of them, but the one I remember was painted with a steel looking color, and, the name "Newcago" was written in the top.

So, while I tailed the weird guy, I broke a crystal vase(which was, of course, on purpose) and he turned towards me. I didn't want my arm to become a ribbon, so I threw him a repelling throwing knife and raised my gauntlet to push him away. Once the man was pushed away, I entered one of the doors and lost consciousness.


I'm going to make some changes to the character sheet, more specifically, Torvkl's personality


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