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Scadrial QnA


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I probs wont be able to see Brandon Sanderson in a signing so here we go! I would seriously want to know if people know the answers or can speculate for some of them.

Questions marked with an Asterisk "*" means probably RAFO)

If a coinshot/lurcher used the primer cube (ettmetal allomatic grenade) does the pushing power depend on the weight of the cube, the allomancer, or both?

Do flaring/duralumin/nicrobursting one's metals affect the primer cube's output?

If a cadmium compounder/gasper were to be a surgebinder, could he/she infinitely store stormlight seeing how they don't have to breathe it out?

Does hemalurgy/lerasium alter sDna?

      If yes: Would it be possible to inherit allomatic/feruchemical powers from a parent if they were spiked?

* In the Ars Arcanum of BoM, Khriss (I think its Khriss) explains how there are more allomatic metals, for alloys of each god metal, this means there are 32-48 (depending on if ettmetal/harmonium is a god metal or if it can be alloyed at all) do mistings of these metals already exist? like malatium Mistings? and will we see these metals in the Lost Metal or the next trilogy?

How do worldhoppers get to scadrial as both the pits of Hathsin and the Well of Ascension stopped existing? is there a Harmony perpendicularity? (My theory on this is it's in southern scadrial, and, similar to how ruin's perpendicularity generates atium and preservation's generates Lerasium, I assume that ettmetal is generated around Harmony's perpendicularity, that would explain why the basin doesn't have any ettmetal.

Phew! that's all for now! I might be back later for more!

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The answer to 3 is no; Stormlight just leaks faster when breathing.

4 is yes, but in very different ways. 4.5 is yes for Lerasium, sort of for Hemalurgy.

5: Harmonium is a godmetal, So has alloys. Everyone on Scadrial, possibly everyone period, is a lerasium/lerasium alloy Misting. There were never supposed to be Atium or Atium Alloy Mistings. Harmonium is currently too explosive to burn, making it a moot point.

6: Harmony has a Perpendicularity. It may have been referenced in one of the newspapers. The Perpendicularities do not generate Metal. Lerasium was near the WoA because TLR put it there. The pits existed because Preservation did something.

7: In theory but only with regard to yourself. Atium shows you what others will do, and also grants mental acuity needed to use it effectively. Atium also allows for glimpses into the Spiritual Realm if burned with sufficient strength. Its alloys do this too. (You probably need Duralumin for that though. Or death.)

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On 21/12/2017 at 2:26 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

5: Harmonium is a godmetal, So has alloys. Everyone on Scadrial, possibly everyone period, is a lerasium/lerasium alloy Misting. There were never supposed to be Atium or Atium Alloy Mistings. Harmonium is currently too explosive to burn, making it a moot point.

Atium mistings DO exist though, so could malatium mistings (the 11th metal which is 65% Atium and 35% Gold) exist?

On 21/12/2017 at 2:26 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

7: In theory but only with regard to yourself. Atium shows you what others will do, and also grants mental acuity needed to use it effectively. Atium also allows for glimpses into the Spiritual Realm if burned with sufficient strength. Its alloys do this too. (You probably need Duralumin for that though. Or death.)

I remember in a WoB that he said you could predict the near future with electrum if you say a shadow get shot or something, but it doesn't provide the mental speed, I thought zinc would compensate for this.

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Atium/malatium mistings only existed because Preservation switched things around. Sazed fixed Allomancy, but I’m not certain whether we’ve got confirmation that such mistings no longer exist.

Atium gives reflexes too, not just faster perception time. Zinc helps, but I think Atium still beats it in combat utility (at least until aluminum becomes super cheap.)

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