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[OB] Hope That Shardblade Was Insured


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So it's a trope in anime that their massive swords break at least once. Tetsusaiga breaks in Inuyasha, Guts' sword breaks in Berserk in the battle of Doldry. So what if a Shardblade broke either in half or was shattered worse than the plains? 

How could this happen? My best guess would either be Nightblood, Odium or a Fused. 

Would an Honorblade break differently from a Shardblade?

What if Syl was broken in blade form? Or Maya, what would happen to them?

Edited by Gami
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For a living Shardblade, I would imagine that it would be pretty devastating. When Wyndle and Nale's Honorblade clash in Edgedancer his comment indicates perceived pain. Which means a shattering or breaking of a living Shardblade would be very painful to the Spren, possibly killing them like a broken oath would. That would likely take a LOT of Investiture though, as Spren are Splinters of a full Shard.

For dead Sharblades, it's probably going to be similar, but on a smaller scale. There's not nearly as much cognitive presence, so the perceived pain would be less and the damage would probably be pretty minimal. And with Honorblades not being made from Spren, the outcome for those would definitely be different.

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I just upboated for the Berserk reference, chapter 352 hype!!!

But to answer your question, we're definitely going to have a shardblade break at some point, the only question is when.

Personally, my vote is on Adolin's blade, maybe it has to break before Adolin revives it, somehow.  I have no idea how a broken deadblade would work, so I'm just throwing ideas against the wall.


Edit: thought I was on OB spoiler board, made post less spoilery

Edited by Patrick Star
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  • Mestiv changed the title to [OB] Hope That Shardblade Was Insured

True. If anything would pose a threat to a Shardblade, it would be Nightblood. Originally my thoughts were that it would be to do with the the Oaths being broken or subverted (a la Norgami), but we've seen that the Nahel bond being damaged doesn't damage the Spren, only the connection to Spren has to the Radiant. 

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