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A new Shardworld forms


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I have an idea for a new Shardworld with it's own Shards, magic and everything. Tell me what you think.

The world is actually a binary planet pair in a binary system with a large star and a black hole. The two planets are called Morgia and Calik and are spiritually identical. They have a similar enough spiritual DNA to Scadrial to hold allomancy, feruchemy, and hemalurgy unchanged and for it's magic to be unchanged on Scadrial. It's Shards are Imitation and Perseverance. The magic that is produced from the two Shards is called Particulation. How it works is the user converts a material into particles of solidified Investiture that the user has a telekinetic control over. The particles retain the spiritual DNA of the material they originally were so when the user stops concentrating or the Particles leave the users range they convert back. The material keeps the shape it had as Particles. The Particles can also be absorbed to increase the user's Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual fortitude and endurance.

Particles are colored based on the material they are converted from: Brown for earth elements, Green for plant matter, Gray for metals, Blue for water and ice, White for most clear gasses, Red for flesh, and Yellow for most forms of energy. Users are limited to two colors: a major and a minor. Users also have a limited range where they can manipulate Particles and a limited amount of material they can convert (the major is always 16 times the range and amount of the minor at the same power level).


This system is the same black hole system in this.

Edited by InvertShard
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